Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 187.6lb
    Cw 187.0lb

    Pleased that I've been home for 3 weeks with loads of socialising and not gained!
    Back in the van at the coast for 2 weeks, so up the steps and lower the calories!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member

    The February challenge starts on Sunday. Have you set your goals for the month? Please share them with the team.

    I will lose weight in February! I'm visiting my mum in Wales on 9 february and want to be 180lb! That will be 14lb lighter than she's ever seen me!

    Increase my water

    10,000 steps a day when I'm in the rv
    5,000 steps a day when I'm at home
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    Thursday Check-in
    PW: 321
    CW: 321
    Holding steady according to the scale. Improving according to food choices and increased deliberate movement.
  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 334 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Feb 2, 2024)
    PW: 242.2
    CW: 240.9

    Happy to be starting 2024 (and ending January) with a loss.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Lessennan wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 glad you like my February charity.
    I give to charity, I do sponsored things for charities but I was a bit fed up when the minister announced on Sunday that instead of giving something up for lent this year the church elders have decided it would be nice if we donated 6 different specific items we can donate as gifts to residents in the local old folks homes. I wonder what happens to the astronomical fees charged if elderly folks need to “beg” for small personal items.
    I’m tempted to say I’m giving up charity donations for lent. Nasty I know but sometimes just….
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Good morning cold February.
    Come on Nan put on and extra jumper and thick trousers and jacket and get out for that walk

    Did you make it out for your walk? I stuck my head out the patio door and almost changed my mind about swimming. Glad I went as I feel refreshed. It is sad how some of the elderly have to give every cent to the homes and get a small allowance. It is sad.
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Celebrating a NSV this morning 😀. I made it the entire month of January sugar free ( No yummy creamer in my coffee, no candy, and no desserts)! To my surprise, even though I know that the effect is what should happen, I am no longer craving any of it. That’s not to say that it doesn’t look good to me at times, but it does not have the same control over me that it did at the beginning of the month. I am the one in control!!

    That is amazing! I have a hard time doing something like that. I would like to do a month of no junk food but I really enjoy my bag of chips on the weekends. How did you fight the cravings at the start? I hate that food can have such control over us. I am still fighting cravings from giving myself free rein at Christmas time. I will not do that again.

    At the start I had to just get through my coffee in the morning and I started going to bed earlier in the evenings because that is when I always wanted a sweet treat. I started having a serving of fruit when the craving was really bad and it actually did satisfy me most of the time. I took it day by day and sometimes hour by hour or even minute by minute. I kept telling myself that on February 1st I could have something if I wanted it and the day is here and I do not feel the need to do that. I won’t say that I won’t ever, I would just like to be able to be one of those people who can just have a small amount of something very occasionally and be totally fine with that. I think I’m on the right path to achieve that eventually.

    I just started eating more fruit recently. I am right now (when I can eat) enjoying the fruit. I have been dealing with cravings more the last few weeks than I have in along while. Chips, pop, ice cream, etc. i thought about this more after your post. I don’t think it’s just the Christmas overeating. I think the ongoing nausea is partly to blame. It’s like I want to make up for not eating with unhealthy eating. I have some different healthier snacks on my groceries this week to see if that will help tame the cravings.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    edited February 2
    rainyrae wrote: »

    The February challenge starts on Sunday. Have you set your goals for the month? Please share them with the team.

    My goal for February is to meet my step goal at least 4 days/week. I know the object of a step goal is to meet it daily but if I can do it at least 4 days weekly, that would be an improvement from January. Then I’ll work on more once I’ve accomplished that.

    This is a good idea. I am stealing it for one of my goals.
    My February goals are:

    *stay with keto
    *meal prep with my daughter's help
    *workout using my home gym 30 minutes 5x a week
    *drink 140 ounces of water daily (which is an easy one for me since I am a water drinker)
    *get at least 6 hours of sleep (which is still a struggle since my foot is still bothering me)

    I have learned that I have to accept less sleep than before my back/leg issues. Great goals!
    itladyee wrote: »
    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: I got in 80 ounces of water yesterday and on track for the same today. I hit 1800 (my goal) calories and protein and guess what? The scale went up. That's ok...we know weight loss is not linear and I had more water than I've had in a while so my body is probably thinking...there's won't be hang on to this!🙂

    - THOUGHTS: On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want!

    @Lessernnan ~ I thought about you this morning as I checked my steps prior to work and only had 5,100...
    10,000 steps before doing anything else at home... I love it!! It's supposed to be 50ish today, so I may try to get some extra steps in🙂

    @rainyrae~ Sugar free is awesome!! And having the control is even better!! I had the opposite happen. Since I gave up wine, I started having the cravings for something sweet...

    @lindamtuck2018 ~ great job getting that swim in and cardio too !

    My February goals:
    • Closely monitoring water and get it in
    • Hitting protein Target
    • Fasting (14 hours)
    • Adding in alcohol.
    • Eating earlier (related to Fasting)
    • Slacking on the water
    • Working out 6 days a week > Combo Cardio, ST, Core & Stretching Approximately 60 to 90 minutes each day.
    • Hit my target > 1800 calories > 150g Protein (2 focus items) 100g carbs, 89g fat, 20g fiber (nice to have)
    • Water > up to 64 ounces a day
    • Limited Alcohol
    • Tracking with comments of what's going on
    • Not focusing on just pounds...let the pounds fall where they may :)

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    1/28 6,327 ST - None
    1/29 8,374 ST - 20 minutes
    1/30 8,864 ST - 35 minutes
    1/31 8,675 ST - 15 minutes

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    1/19 216.8
    1/26 216.4 ~ not thrilled with today...but considering the big picture > down 7.2 for the MONTH! That's HUGE!
    1/31 215.0 (unofficial weigh-in - end of month check off :)
    Total 8.6

    I like the way you have broke down your goals. That is an excellent thought. For me it’s not just a healthier body but a healthier mind.
    Lessennan wrote: »
    My goals for February are
    Preplan meals within my allowance
    Walk one hour before breakfast and before dinner 5 days minimum
    Stay away from the cookie jar unless it’s in the plan
    Preplan my day so I have the structure I need.

    These are great goals. I love your day in pictures. Your soup looks amazing. Did you make it? What is in it? You certainly did deserve to put your feet up after your day.

  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 131 Member
    @andreajlnhe Welcome!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 131 Member

    I am so sorry for not posting. My son and daughter in law had a baby this week and that has thrown everything off for me. My weight is 195.5. I have not had a lot of steps in this week as I hurt my back on Monday and then was with family.
    Congratulations on the new grand baby!!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    We have another new member joining our marvelous group .. Please welcome @andreajlnhe :)
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW - 630
    PW - 432.4
    CW - 432.1

    Hey yall... back home after some travel and trying to find my footing and proper rest pattern again. A lot of driving and eating/sleeping at weird hours. I'm sure this had a huge impact on the baby loss for a second week in a row. I am happy it's a loss though (and also appreciate that my weight is 4 3 2 1🤣)

    Hope yall are good.. I should be back on my feet and ready to rock for the Feb feed.

    Much love yall!!!!

    Congrats on the loss! It’s even made better with it being a vacation weight loss. I know like you it takes me a few days to get back to a routine after travelling.
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 187.6lb
    Cw 187.0lb

    Pleased that I've been home for 3 weeks with loads of socialising and not gained!
    Back in the van at the coast for 2 weeks, so up the steps and lower the calories!

    Great job on holding steady. Enjoy your travels.
    Thursday Check-in
    PW: 321
    CW: 321
    Holding steady according to the scale. Improving according to food choices and increased deliberate movement.

    Making those changes is very important. Great job!
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Feb 2, 2024)
    PW: 242.2
    CW: 240.9

    Happy to be starting 2024 (and ending January) with a loss.

    Awesome loss Jim!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Steps: 9,265
    Rings: ✔️
    Walk: 2/3
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 152.4
    CW 151.2

    Happy with that loss. Nausea is worse today. Took an anti nausea which dulled it enough so that I can go to the pool. I have to get one more day of walking. I will see how I feel when I get back and maybe I can get that last walk in.

    February goals: (still thinking about this)
    Get into the 140’s and go on maintenance (for real this time😂)
    Exercise 5times per week
    Reach step goal 6/7 days

    Have a super Friday!

  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 985 Member
    Friday Weigh-In

    PW: 233.6
    CW: 232.6

    Step Goal: 6,000
    1/28 - 2,917
    1/29 - 6,243
    1/30 - 6,035
    1/31 - 8,595
    2/1 - 12,159
    2/2 -
    2/3 -

    My February goals are to:
    • Have at least one week where I hit my step goal all 7 days. I also want to be so consistent that I'm able to raise the goal.
    • Continue to plan meals and make a shopping list. I've started doing this recently. I used to have a vague idea of what I wanted to eat for the week, but I wouldn't plan and then end up spending more than I needed to.
    • Gym 4 days a week.
    • Be more social.

  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 131 Member
    Steps: 9,265
    Rings: ✔️
    Walk: 2/3
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 152.4
    CW 151.2

    Happy with that loss. Nausea is worse today. Took an anti nausea which dulled it enough so that I can go to the pool. I have to get one more day of walking. I will see how I feel when I get back and maybe I can get that last walk in.

    February goals: (still thinking about this)
    Get into the 140’s and go on maintenance (for real this time😂)
    Exercise 5times per week
    Reach step goal 6/7 days

    Have a super Friday!

    You inspire me by get any activity in at all while nauseated. Nausea is the worst! I don’t feel like doing anything but laying in bed when I am so koodos for you!! 👏
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 5,086 Member

    Pleased that I've been home for 3 weeks with loads of socialising and not gained!

    That's HUGE!! Congrats to you!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 216.4
    CW: 215.8

    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Back down on the scale :), not as much as I'd like but it's still down! Another 80 oz consumed yesterday, hoping to make this a habit. I will stay at 80 for a while to let my body adjust.

    - THOUGHTS: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh

    Welcome @andreajlnhe!

    @myhands4God ~ Congratulations on the birth of your grandson

    @NachDeezy~ Glad to see you back and hopefully you had a wonderful time! It's just setting you up for take off....> Takeoff for February!!🙂

    @lindamtuck2018 ~ you are correct, a healthy mind is very important as well. And I agree with @rainyrae ~ getting exercise while nauseated is amazing. Take your time and don't push too hard.

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    1/28 6,327 ST - None
    1/29 8,374 ST - 20 minutes
    1/30 8,864 ST - 35 minutes
    1/31 8,675 ST - 15 minutes
    2/1 11,035 ST - 38 minutes

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    1/19 216.8
    1/26 216.4 ~ not thrilled with today...but considering the big picture > down 7.2 for the MONTH! That's HUGE!
    1/31 215.0 (unofficial weigh-in - end of month check off🙂
    2/2 215.8
    Total 7.8
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Forgot to mention that it was 4 years yesterday I started my weight loss journey. I have been on them before but never lasted this long. Lots of ups and downs but glad I stuck with it. After my appointment with my family doctor I decided to move into maintenance. She understands the nausea is contributing to the losses and that I may lose more until it stops. So officially my maintenance range will be 147 to 153. So I have lost just over 111 pounds. I seem to learn something new everyday about how to deal with the ups and downs of weight loss. Now I need to learn about navigating maintenance.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Friday Weigh-In

    PW: 233.6
    CW: 232.6

    Step Goal: 6,000
    1/28 - 2,917
    1/29 - 6,243
    1/30 - 6,035
    1/31 - 8,595
    2/1 - 12,159
    2/2 -
    2/3 -

    My February goals are to:
    • Have at least one week where I hit my step goal all 7 days. I also want to be so consistent that I'm able to raise the goal.
    • Continue to plan meals and make a shopping list. I've started doing this recently. I used to have a vague idea of what I wanted to eat for the week, but I wouldn't plan and then end up spending more than I needed to.
    • Gym 4 days a week.
    • Be more social.

    Nice loss! Great goals. I started planning my meals and it made a big difference. It is so easy to make a grocery list. I have been ordering my groceries lately and we seem to spend less money overall. It also keeps us from buying spur of the moment purchases.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member

    rainyrae wrote: »
    Steps: 9,265
    Rings: ✔️
    Walk: 2/3
    Swim: 2/2

    PW 152.4
    CW 151.2

    Happy with that loss. Nausea is worse today. Took an anti nausea which dulled it enough so that I can go to the pool. I have to get one more day of walking. I will see how I feel when I get back and maybe I can get that last walk in.

    February goals: (still thinking about this)
    Get into the 140’s and go on maintenance (for real this time😂)
    Exercise 5times per week
    Reach step goal 6/7 days

    Have a super Friday!

    You inspire me by get any activity in at all while nauseated. Nausea is the worst! I don’t feel like doing anything but laying in bed when I am so koodos for you!! 👏

    I have to push myself to go. All I want to do is sit in my chair and watch tv. But the worst part is not being able to drink coffee some days. I am not a pleasant person with out coffee.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 216.4
    CW: 215.8

    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Back down on the scale :), not as much as I'd like but it's still down! Another 80 oz consumed yesterday, hoping to make this a habit. I will stay at 80 for a while to let my body adjust.

    - THOUGHTS: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh

    Welcome @andreajlnhe!

    @myhands4God ~ Congratulations on the birth of your grandson

    @NachDeezy~ Glad to see you back and hopefully you had a wonderful time! It's just setting you up for take off....> Takeoff for February!!🙂

    @lindamtuck2018 ~ you are correct, a healthy mind is very important as well. And I agree with @rainyrae ~ getting exercise while nauseated is amazing. Take your time and don't push too hard.

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    1/28 6,327 ST - None
    1/29 8,374 ST - 20 minutes
    1/30 8,864 ST - 35 minutes
    1/31 8,675 ST - 15 minutes
    2/1 11,035 ST - 38 minutes

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    1/19 216.8
    1/26 216.4 ~ not thrilled with today...but considering the big picture > down 7.2 for the MONTH! That's HUGE!
    1/31 215.0 (unofficial weigh-in - end of month check off🙂
    2/2 215.8
    Total 7.8

    You had such an amazing January. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in February. Keep those thoughts coming. I love reading them.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday
    PW: 256.4
    CW: 252.4 (loss 4 lbs)

    Wow! Great week Megan. Is there anything in particular you did which contributed to such a successful week?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday
    PW: 256.4
    CW: 252.4 (loss 4 lbs)

    Wow! Great week Megan. Is there anything in particular you did which contributed to such a successful week?

    Thanks....I wasn't very hungry this week....and I weighed every morsel that went into my mouth
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 362 Member
    edited February 3
    itladyee wrote: »

    @NachDeezy~ Glad to see you back and hopefully you had a wonderful time! It's just setting you up for take off....> Takeoff for February!!🙂
    @itladyee That made me laugh!! Thanks for all the awesome thoughts you share on this board. Yes, blast off, @NachDeezy! Looking forward to an awesome February for you both! :)
    I am not a pleasant person with out coffee.
    @lindamtuck2018 This too! :D Boy, do I get you on this one!! Sorry you are having to cope without!!

  • liketoyak
    liketoyak Posts: 209 Member
    Friday Weigh in
    PW: 292.9
    CW: 293.3

    I had a good week so not sure what happened on the scale. Thinking it was my salty treat I had on Thursday night. Loss coming again next week.

    Looking for some higher protein lunch ideas. I've had a cottage cheese veggie "salad" and greek yogurt with fruit. Any yummy suggestions? Not too worried about carbohydrates at this point. is this the right place to ask?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    The February Team Chat is open! Please continue to weigh in and post exercise stats here through the end of Saturday, and go to the new month for introductions, goal setting, and getting ready for a great Leap Month!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited February 3
    Forgot to mention that it was 4 years yesterday I started my weight loss journey. I have been on them before but never lasted this long. Lots of ups and downs but glad I stuck with it. After my appointment with my family doctor I decided to move into maintenance. She understands the nausea is contributing to the losses and that I may lose more until it stops. So officially my maintenance range will be 147 to 153. So I have lost just over 111 pounds. I seem to learn something new everyday about how to deal with the ups and downs of weight loss. Now I need to learn about navigating maintenance.

    Congratulations! Welcome to a whole new world! You got this!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 131 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday
    PW: 256.4
    CW: 252.4 (loss 4 lbs)

    Amazing loss!!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 it’s hard to balance the feeling yukk with the feeling of being inactive. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and sit.
    Mum used to say she felt tireder just sitting.
    My friend pushes herself to get up and move during the tv adverts.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday
    PW: 256.4
    CW: 252.4 (loss 4 lbs)

    Amazing loss!!

    Thank you :)
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,138 Member
    PW: 162.2
    CW: 160.6
This discussion has been closed.