Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    Goal: 6,000
    1/14 - 9,413
    1/15 - 6,948
    1/16 - 6,258
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Slept much better last night. I cut my massive drinking of water off at about 6...that helped, plus I was super tired.
    I'm excited for my Friday weigh-in (who said that???). I have another group that I weigh on Wednesday and I'm pumped!! There's a part of me that wishes I only changed one thing at a time so I could see what the real driver is....but for now...I'll just take the win!

    - THOUGHTS: Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision.

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    1/14 4,856
    1/15 8,642
    1/16 8,278 (hate it when I do this)

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    Total 6.8

  • aactuallyaash
    aactuallyaash Posts: 307 Member

    Cw 240

    It's okay! I'm hella stressed and I'm getting through it! Lights at the end of the tunnel and I'll be nice and balanced : )
  • myhands4God
    myhands4God Posts: 128 Member
    So far so good with my steps. We had Monday off and a 2 hour delay yesterday and today. I have been able to get some really good workouts done. It doesn't look like a lot of steps because of the rowing I guess.
    Monday-Rowing 20 minutes Core 20 minutes steps 6,891
    Tuesday-Walking 20 minutes core 10 minutes steps 10,248
    Wednesday - rower 20 minutes core 20 minutes steps 10,010
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    Thursday check in
    PW: 319
    CW: 319
  • myhands4God
    myhands4God Posts: 128 Member
    NSV success!!!! This morning I got on the scale (unofficial weigh in) to see where I was at. I was down a pound but that is not the great news. Normally I do really good until Wednesday and that is when I slip up and go downhill. I was on target yesterday. I have been battling inflammation in my joints really bad. I know, from history, that is is related to what I am eating. In doing research I found that the way I need to eat is basically clean and paleo to avoid the inflammation. I have known this but really didn't want to give up dairy. I already gave up gluten for this reason. I have been following it this week and I have already felt a difference and I have had very minimal joint inflammation. I went to Burge King this morning for my breakfast. I overslept and didn't make my breakfast ahead of time like I normally do. I love french fries and tater tots. And once I have them I really stumble the rest of the day (week). I ordered sausage and egg. No potatoes. That is huge for me!!!! I was so proud of myself for keeping my food choice within my boundaries.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    I have been like a bump on a log since Thursday. We got dumped on with another foot of snow on Friday followed by bitter cold for the last 4 days. I haven’t been out of the house, haven’t exercised and haven’t logged a complete day of food. The only up side is that I have been conscious of what I am eating and the scale seems to still be going in the right direction. Today it’s finally supposed to be above zero so I’m gonna get out of this house and get back to the gym! How easy it is to fall back into being “lazy”. At least with intentional activity. 😜

    It is so easy to want to hibernate once that cold hits. I honestly can say I did not want to go to the pool with the cold. It has warmed up a bit (-15C with the windchill) and will continue to warm up thankfully.
    iLive2Walk wrote: »
    iLive2Walk wrote: »

    Beautiful pictures. Monty must be enjoying his walk. Do you guys have no snow?

    We had one day of snow, then it rained and washed it all away. A couple of days ago it hit 60 F (15.5 C) and this morning it was only 18 F (-7.7 C). Drastic changes. They are talking a couple inches maye tomorrow.

    You can have some of our snow. I always said I didn’t like the heat but I think I have changed to not liking the cold. It’s -28C (-18.4 F) with the wind chill this morning. I know with the weight loss I get cold easy. This winter is the first time I turned the heat on in my apartment. I used to wear tank tops in winter. I don’t even think I used to own a sweater. Not now. Do you find the cold more with your weight loss?

    Actually it is one of my benefits of losing weight. I used to have such a hard time sleeping - always too hot. Now that I have lost weight, that isn't a problem anymore. I like the chill when I am walking (but we aren't anywhere near as cold as you). When I lived in Canada (a long time ago), I found it too cold, and always windy so the wind chill went right through you - Although it was always pretty!

    The last 20 pounds really has changed my ability to handle the cold. Now my husband complains it’s too warm when I am freezing. Last winter, it was the opposite. I am glad it helps you sleep.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member

    Cw 240

    It's okay! I'm hella stressed and I'm getting through it! Lights at the end of the tunnel and I'll be nice and balanced : )

    Hope the stress eases up, hugs
    Thursday check in
    PW: 319
    CW: 319

    Holding steady
    NSV success!!!! This morning I got on the scale (unofficial weigh in) to see where I was at. I was down a pound but that is not the great news. Normally I do really good until Wednesday and that is when I slip up and go downhill. I was on target yesterday. I have been battling inflammation in my joints really bad. I know, from history, that is is related to what I am eating. In doing research I found that the way I need to eat is basically clean and paleo to avoid the inflammation. I have known this but really didn't want to give up dairy. I already gave up gluten for this reason. I have been following it this week and I have already felt a difference and I have had very minimal joint inflammation. I went to Burge King this morning for my breakfast. I overslept and didn't make my breakfast ahead of time like I normally do. I love french fries and tater tots. And once I have them I really stumble the rest of the day (week). I ordered sausage and egg. No potatoes. That is huge for me!!!! I was so proud of myself for keeping my food choice within my boundaries.

    This is a great NSV. It’s amazing what eating good and weight loss does for our bodies. I think I have mentioned in the group how weight loss has helped manage my rheumatoid arthritis.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Steps: 5,363
    Rings: ✔️
    Walk: 1/3
    Swim: 0/2

    Good morning! Being busy since Saturday has finally caught up to me. I was awake most of the night with pain. Of course, I also have a bad headache which is often triggered by pain. I am listening today and taking it easy. In fact, I am going to try and have a nap once I get my mfp stuff done. If I feel better after I will go to the pool.

    The good news: I will be getting surgery. I have to get a new mri and get a ct scan so he can figure out his approach. I would have to wait up to 9 months if I went to the London hospital. I am going to get the mri done at a private clinic. It’s still covered by our provincial issurance but I do have to pay $25 for the results. Once the tests are done, I go back to see him and he will schedule the surgery. I will be looking at 6 to 8 weeks for that. So within 3 months I will have the surgery. I don’t know anything about recovery times until I go back. Anyway, this has been a very long, hard journey.

    In other news, I caught a segment on the radio. It was about breaking your exercise into shorter sessions. They said it is effective breaking them into mini sessions. They had a name for it but for the life of me I can not remember. I guess I should not be ashamed of my mini walks anymore.

    Have a great day all!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    I am thinking of going back to one thing at a time. It has worked for me in the past as I sometimes get overwhelmed when I try to change things all at once. You think after four years of mfp, I would have weight loss and exercise mastered.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Today was one of I have to get up, mornings.... I was awake but very slow moving. My husband decided last night that he was going to work out with me (in the same room) this morning. First thing out of his mouth was...ah..take a break this morning! Urgh.... I said..only on Sundays! and proceeded to get moving. He did come down and road the bike for about 20 minutes then he was gone🙂

    - THOUGHTS: On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want!

    If only you could hear my self talk in the morning while exercising.... it's mostly positive and goes a little like this...
    Ok, only 2 more... you got can do it. It will feel so much better when you're done! Keep going...Ah...Done! :)

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    1/14 4,856
    1/15 8,642
    1/16 8,278 (hate it when I do this)
    1/17 7,883

    @myhands4God ~ Nice work. I think there is a "converted" to convert other activities to steps. Hmmmm...does that also work for strength training??? asking @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @myhands4God ~ another thing you mentioned that I find interesting. I just started consistently having yogurt (Oikios) for additional protein. I noticed this week my ankles feeling sore... not swollen ...but achey...still could be inflammation from the dairy. Never even thought about it. Congrats on your NSV!

    @Lindamtuck2018 ~ great job listening to your body. It's important! Either I missed it or don't recall but what surgery are you looking to get? Glad you don't have a 9 month wait! In another group, we talked about "exercise snacks" for short durations of exercise. There is no mastering weight loss and exercise. ONLY if everything remained constant and it doesn' we have to keep modifying our approach. What works today, may or may not work tomorrow.

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    Total 6.8

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Recap: Today was one of I have to get up, mornings.... I was awake but very slow moving. My husband decided last night that he was going to work out with me (in the same room) this morning. First thing out of his mouth was...ah..take a break this morning! Urgh.... I said..only on Sundays! and proceeded to get moving. He did come down and road the bike for about 20 minutes then he was gone🙂

    - THOUGHTS: On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want!

    If only you could hear my self talk in the morning while exercising.... it's mostly positive and goes a little like this...
    Ok, only 2 more... you got can do it. It will feel so much better when you're done! Keep going...Ah...Done! :)

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    1/14 4,856
    1/15 8,642
    1/16 8,278 (hate it when I do this)
    1/17 7,883

    @myhands4God ~ Nice work. I think there is a "converted" to convert other activities to steps. Hmmmm...does that also work for strength training??? asking @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @myhands4God ~ another thing you mentioned that I find interesting. I just started consistently having yogurt (Oikios) for additional protein. I noticed this week my ankles feeling sore... not swollen ...but achey...still could be inflammation from the dairy. Never even thought about it. Congrats on your NSV!

    @Lindamtuck2018 ~ great job listening to your body. It's important! Either I missed it or don't recall but what surgery are you looking to get? Glad you don't have a 9 month wait! In another group, we talked about "exercise snacks" for short durations of exercise. There is no mastering weight loss and exercise. ONLY if everything remained constant and it doesn' we have to keep modifying our approach. What works today, may or may not work tomorrow.

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    Total 6.8

    I do have a converter chart for most exercise ... you just let me know what type of exercise and how long your workout was

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    @itladyee... I do have a converter chart ..all you do is tell me what kind of exercise and for how long ... and if it was intense or whatever
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    @itladyee... I do have a converter chart ..all you do is tell me what kind of exercise and for how long ... and if it was intense or whatever

  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    @itladyee... I do have a converter chart ..all you do is tell me what kind of exercise and for how long ... and if it was intense or whatever

    Cool.. I will add time for strength training to mine going forward .
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    @itladyee... I do have a converter chart ..all you do is tell me what kind of exercise and for how long ... and if it was intense or whatever

    Cool.. I will add time for strength training to mine going forward .

    Sounds good :)
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Step Challenge - Goal 8500 ST = Moderate
    1/14 4,856
    1/15 8,642 ST 22 min
    1/16 8,278 ST 32 min
    1/17 7,883 ST 20 min
    1/18 TBD ST 32 min
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    rainyrae wrote: »
    I have been like a bump on a log since Thursday. We got dumped on with another foot of snow on Friday followed by bitter cold for the last 4 days. I haven’t been out of the house, haven’t exercised and haven’t logged a complete day of food. The only up side is that I have been conscious of what I am eating and the scale seems to still be going in the right direction. Today it’s finally supposed to be above zero so I’m gonna get out of this house and get back to the gym! How easy it is to fall back into being “lazy”. At least with intentional activity. 😜

    Hey way to stay on top of the things you can control, though 🫶🏽
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    SW - 630
    PW - 433.2
    CW - 432.6

    Arrow is pointing down, so no complaints!
This discussion has been closed.