Downsizers Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Monday: 4,746
    Tuesday: 6,761
    Rings: ✔️
    Walk: 2/3
    Swim: 0/2

    I can’t believe I missed my step goal by 4 steps on Monday. The nausea is back. The new dose of the medication is kicking my butt again. I see one of my specialist this afternoon and I am going to see if he can prescribe an anti nausea. I am spending a small fortune for over the counter one. I am pretty sore today also (my own fault) so I will be taking it easy. Back to exercise tomorrow. I did do mini walks yesterday and I will swim tomorrow.

    NSV: I saw the pain specialist yesterday and he can really see a difference in my walking. He wants me to keep up the m8ni walks. He thinks with the new medication and surgery I will feel much better pain wise. Hearing that was like winning a million dollars.

    Hope your all have had a great week so far. Let’s crush the last few days of the January challenge.
  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 212 Member
    myndieet wrote: »
    Hi everyone 👋 thanks for accepting me to join the group. My name is Edith and I'm 53 years old and I live in The Netherlands, Europe. I've been on MFP for a long, long time but haven't noticed groups like this, unfortunately. I've had weight issues all my life and tried so many diets and other ways to lose it. Didn't succeed until I came across ketogenic diet. Lost a lot of weight in 2017 and 2022 (if you want more details you can read on my profile) but gained lots back again.. So now I need a bit more to keep myself motivated and that's why I joined this group. I saw lots of items on the group page, which I will start reading tomorrow (it's almost 10 pm over here now). I'm curious to see how the group members are doing.. I hope everything I'm doing regarding to reactions or messages and so will end up in the right place, as MFP doesn't show the right pages easily. I have to go through multiple pages, change the language and log in to get to the group page. Still I love MFP and it's members very much though..

    @myndieet Welcome and glad you decided to join us. Thank you for sharing, it is good to “know” a little about you and your background. You will soon discover that you share a lot of common feelings with your team mates. One advantage in taking part in a group like this one (and this is a very good group), is when we share in somebody’s joyful victory or comfort and encourage each other after an inevitable reversal. I know that it has helped me immensely and helps me keep focused on my goal. I hope it does the same for you!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,349 Member
    ] Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! [/b]

    Recap: So... the weekend wasn't as bad as I thought, at least not the tale on the scale. I was not within budget on Sunday and I had wine. I went back to plan on Monday and the scale was kind🙂 This is not a good thought to have...but i think once you get your body in fat burning mode, a day off the rails isn't too bad...but it has to be ONE day and it can't happen to often. The scale this morning was also for the month of January - I lost 8.6 pounds!! Now I can celebrate for a hot half a second....then I need to continue into February!

    - THOUGHTS: Every step is progress, no matter how small.

    Welcome @myndieet

    Welcome @Lessennan ~ My friend🙂


    Congrats!!! Nice job.

    @chickieboom22 ~ I weigh daily and yes, it can absolutely drive you crazy! I like knowing what certain foods or food combinations will do to the scale. Some people use an app called Happy Scale to chart their daily weight and then just focus on the trend. I have a spreadsheet where I log daily and it has a column that shows me my 7 day average (or trend). That tends to help with the fluctuations.

    @lindamtuck2018 ~ I'm so sorry the nausea has returned. I hope you can find something that works and doesn't break the bank!

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate
    1/28 6,327 ST - None
    1/29 8,374 ST - 20 minutes
    1/30 8,864 ST - 35 minutes

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 223.6 (12/29/2023)
    1/5 221.6
    1/12 218.8
    1/17 216.8 (unofficial weigh in - just excited to see this movement)
    1/19 216.8
    1/26 216.4 ~ not thrilled with today...but considering the big picture > down 7.2 for the MONTH! That's HUGE!
    1/31 215.0 (unofficial weigh-in - end of month check off :)
    Total 8.6
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 glad you like my February charity.
    I give to charity, I do sponsored things for charities but I was a bit fed up when the minister announced on Sunday that instead of giving something up for lent this year the church elders have decided it would be nice if we donated 6 different specific items we can donate as gifts to residents in the local old folks homes. I wonder what happens to the astronomical fees charged if elderly folks need to “beg” for small personal items.
    I’m tempted to say I’m giving up charity donations for lent. Nasty I know but sometimes just….
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member

    1st @iLive2Walk - 133,679 steps
    2nd @Hotspur11 93,158 steps
    3rd @prodigal6766 86,203 steps
    4th @itladyee 69,749 steps
    5th @RoblinB 55,172 steps
    As A Group We Walked 641,066 steps

    @lindamtuck2018 3/7
    @aactuallyaash 5/7
    @itladyee 6/7
    @Mama530 0/7
    @Hotspur11 7/7
    @RoblinB 6/7
    @Slimmersixties 7/7
    @iLive2Walk 7/7
    @FindingSamMon 4/7
    @prodigal6766 6/7
    @myhands4God 1/7
    @rainyraee 4/7

  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Sorry to be a pain but will we just transition to February by Sunday? Or do we have to search for it?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Sorry to be a pain but will we just transition to February by Sunday? Or do we have to search for it?

    We will have a new chat for February soon
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Good morning cold February.
    Come on Nan put on and extra jumper and thick trousers and jacket and get out for that walk
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 278 Member
    edited February 1
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Good morning cold February.
    Come on Nan put on and extra jumper and thick trousers and jacket and get out for that walk

    @Lessennan Good morning! (well, over here anyway...) Did Nan find that extra jumper and make her daily contribution to the charity of choice?
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Hi, I’m Nan (69), single, retired,Scottish female who must have read all the diet plans that have been around and tried lots of them. I have lost weight in the past but it keeps finding me.
    My February plan is
    Walk 10000 intentional steps per day as I have done in the past for sponsorship for charities. February’s charity is MAKE NAN FITTER (intention is to get up, have breakfast then walk 10000 steps before doing anything else at home, just like walking to work in years gone by)
    Log every B.L.T and stay within 1200 calories plus 25% of the walking calorie burn)
    Treats are for the three days I spend with my friend

    Welcome! I love your February charity! It’s a worthwhile one for sure!😜. I hope you enjoy this group as much as I have. I am 58, live in the US ( Iowa ), and I just joined the group January 1. It’s been a great support and is really appreciated!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @rainyrae well done on a fantastic January.
    I’m hoping to follow your lead in February. I’ve had lots of issues in 2023 but think I’m turning the corner
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Lessennan wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 glad you like my February charity.
    I give to charity, I do sponsored things for charities but I was a bit fed up when the minister announced on Sunday that instead of giving something up for lent this year the church elders have decided it would be nice if we donated 6 different specific items we can donate as gifts to residents in the local old folks homes. I wonder what happens to the astronomical fees charged if elderly folks need to “beg” for small personal items.
    I’m tempted to say I’m giving up charity donations for lent. Nasty I know but sometimes just….
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Good morning cold February.
    Come on Nan put on and extra jumper and thick trousers and jacket and get out for that walk

    Did you make it out for your walk? I stuck my head out the patio door and almost changed my mind about swimming. Glad I went as I feel refreshed. It is sad how some of the elderly have to give every cent to the homes and get a small allowance. It is sad.
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Celebrating a NSV this morning 😀. I made it the entire month of January sugar free ( No yummy creamer in my coffee, no candy, and no desserts)! To my surprise, even though I know that the effect is what should happen, I am no longer craving any of it. That’s not to say that it doesn’t look good to me at times, but it does not have the same control over me that it did at the beginning of the month. I am the one in control!!

    That is amazing! I have a hard time doing something like that. I would like to do a month of no junk food but I really enjoy my bag of chips on the weekends. How did you fight the cravings at the start? I hate that food can have such control over us. I am still fighting cravings from giving myself free rein at Christmas time. I will not do that again.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Steps: 1,610
    Rings: ❌
    Walk: 2/3
    Swim: 1/2

    I went for my swim early so I didn’t put it off. Pain is a lot better than yesterday. I spent most of the day in my chair and my husband had to have takeout for supper. Even the nausea is a little tiny bit less intense. I swam laps today and used my water weights. I did cardio between my arm exercises to keep my heart rate up. Tomorrow’s focus will be legs. I might try a couple of walks today.

    I hope your day is going well!

    I messed up my Mondays steps. I forgot to add my swim in. I swear I would forget my head it wasn’t attached.

    Monday: 9,786
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member

    The February challenge starts on Sunday. Have you set your goals for the month? Please share them with the team.
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 820 Member
    edited February 1
    Step Goal: 6,000
    1/28 - 2,917
    1/29 - 6,243
    1/30 - 6,035
    1/31 - 8,595
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    Lessennan wrote: »
    @rainyrae well done on a fantastic January.
    I’m hoping to follow your lead in February. I’ve had lots of issues in 2023 but think I’m turning the corner

    You can do it!!
  • rainyrae
    rainyrae Posts: 130 Member
    Lessennan wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 glad you like my February charity.
    I give to charity, I do sponsored things for charities but I was a bit fed up when the minister announced on Sunday that instead of giving something up for lent this year the church elders have decided it would be nice if we donated 6 different specific items we can donate as gifts to residents in the local old folks homes. I wonder what happens to the astronomical fees charged if elderly folks need to “beg” for small personal items.
    I’m tempted to say I’m giving up charity donations for lent. Nasty I know but sometimes just….
    Lessennan wrote: »
    Good morning cold February.
    Come on Nan put on and extra jumper and thick trousers and jacket and get out for that walk

    Did you make it out for your walk? I stuck my head out the patio door and almost changed my mind about swimming. Glad I went as I feel refreshed. It is sad how some of the elderly have to give every cent to the homes and get a small allowance. It is sad.
    rainyrae wrote: »
    Celebrating a NSV this morning 😀. I made it the entire month of January sugar free ( No yummy creamer in my coffee, no candy, and no desserts)! To my surprise, even though I know that the effect is what should happen, I am no longer craving any of it. That’s not to say that it doesn’t look good to me at times, but it does not have the same control over me that it did at the beginning of the month. I am the one in control!!

    That is amazing! I have a hard time doing something like that. I would like to do a month of no junk food but I really enjoy my bag of chips on the weekends. How did you fight the cravings at the start? I hate that food can have such control over us. I am still fighting cravings from giving myself free rein at Christmas time. I will not do that again.

    At the start I had to just get through my coffee in the morning and I started going to bed earlier in the evenings because that is when I always wanted a sweet treat. I started having a serving of fruit when the craving was really bad and it actually did satisfy me most of the time. I took it day by day and sometimes hour by hour or even minute by minute. I kept telling myself that on February 1st I could have something if I wanted it and the day is here and I do not feel the need to do that. I won’t say that I won’t ever, I would just like to be able to be one of those people who can just have a small amount of something very occasionally and be totally fine with that. I think I’m on the right path to achieve that eventually.
This discussion has been closed.