Shape Shifters Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    The daily card:
    There are few better shows than the ones we broadcast in our minds. With your eyes open, take a few minutes to watch what happens in your mind, as if it were a high-definition plasma TV screen. Observing your experience in this way can really help create a sense of space and freedom from the everyday dramas of our lives, as we assume the role of viewer instead of the character in the middle of the story.

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    @izzyred9400 I feel that! I usually have my biggest losses after a rest day. Keep at it, I am sure it will go down. <3
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member

    2/21: 7,799
    2/22: 8,964
    2/23: 8,409
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    2/20 5,537
    2/21 6,973
    2/22 3,059
    2/23 4,218
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    Missing 2 weigh ins this week, please check in asap.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited February 25
    Saturday ~ Feb 24
    Good morning Shape Shifters. Saturday started with a walk again. I tried out the new Xero barefoot shoes this time. This is my 3rd pair of barefoot shoes, all from different brands, and all of them have been comfortable right from the start. I did my regular 77 minutes walk without any issues and I expect the shoes will only fit better after some more use so I am pretty happy with them. After my walk, I went to the 2 different stores for my groceries and I used my gym rings in the afternoon. I am really loving the workout.
    I planned to go out for dinner with my mom and dad around my birthday in March. My mom is coming to sleep over a few days again which is something we do every year around that time. Because my dad metioned going out for dinner with me the last time I saw him, I asked if he wanted to come too. Since my dad is happy to join us, we can go to a nice pizza place that I can never go to with my mom because I don't have a car. I was really looking forward to that. But then yesterday morning my brother texted me that he heard I was celebrating my birthday with a pizza dinner, that they love pizza and he basically invited himself, his girlfriend and their kids to tag along (instead of asking if I was celebrating my birthday). At the risk of sounding dramatic, this makes the dinner a lot less fun. I didn't see this as a birthday party, or I would have of course invited them myself. If I did invite them, I would not have done it for dinner, because imo eating with kids is not fun. It was my mom who told my brother and made it sound like a birthday thing, which makes me look like a butt for not including them. My mom also knows I don't like kids (in general! there is nothing wrong with my brothers children) so I don't understand why she told him like that. I was hoping for a nice, quiet dinner with my parents and instead we will be a group of 7 of which two young children who are going to take up all the attention/conversation because that always happens. It's going to be exhausting. Sorry if I sound like I am whining and overreacting. I eat out around 5-6 times a year so it is special for me. Anyway, one positive thing about this is my reaction to it. In the past or on worse mental health days, I likely would have binged because I am really bad at sitting with negative emotions. This time I guess I was just quietly upset and moved on from the feelings quickly since it doesn't change anything. Hopefully I can still enjoy the dinner anyway.
    :star: walk, good sleep & food, gym rings workout :star:
    :heartbreak: see whining above :heartbreak:
    Happy Sunday everyone <3
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    The daily card:
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Hello all,

    I’m sorry, I’m a day late for my weigh in.

    This week was a very active week for me. The most active I’ve had in a long time. I worked out at the gym 3 times this week, did stationary bike workout at home, did hour and a half walk. I pretty much worked out all week long and had a good nutrition with daily green smoothies and pre-planned meals.

    Yet, this morning I get on the scale and I’m THREE pounds heavier.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s water retention, but why? On Friday night I had one meal (I guess you could call it cheat meal) of thin crust vegetables pizza. And yesterday I drank a lot of water, did more than an hour of cardio, lift weights and drank lots of water. Why am I retaining water still?

    Any ideas anyone?

    Weight this morning: 192.4 🤷‍♀️
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Fri 2/23: 10,657
    Sat 2/24: 19,320

    9 mile hike yesterday; I'm beat!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    The February Week 4 Group Challenge is open and active, running through Saturday, Mar 2nd. Please join us for some pampering with a Self-Care Bingo. Here's your link:

    Hope to see you there!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,312 Member
    Wk 3 - Sun, Feb 25
    PW: 170.6
    CW: 169.6
    Gain/Loss: - 1.0 :) I hope that I don't bounce back up again next week! ;)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    nancyinmo wrote: »
    @Pupowl and @frankwbrown
    Thank you both, and thank you, Frank, for sharing your story. Much appreciated. I have some thinking to do. I am worried about gaining again, so my ridiculous thinking was, “well, if I could lose another 5 or 10, I’d have some wriggle room in case I gain.” Foolish thinking, I know. I’m never going to be where I was at 30 years old, and psychologically I have to come to terms with that. And at 62, a weight of 125 is hella-good, I know. Maybe it’s that the journey of losing weight has ended, and the journey of maintaining is beginning. It’s almost like I’m sad the first journey is ending. I’ve been on that journey for so long, it’s weird that that part of it is over. Kind of like letting go of the pain of a bad breakup lol.
    And that Bruce Lee quote is fabulous. I will remember that!!

    Congratulations BTW on achieving that goal! Having attained a goal can affect your mindset, since you are no longer pursuing that goal. So the trick I think is finding a way to apply the same dedication and discipline toward maintaining your new weight. That's what I need to do: reinstate the mindset I had when I was on a mission to lose 100 pounds, and realize that just because I reached my goal doesn't mean I can stop pursuing it! It boils down to being able to make a permanent change in behavior rather than just a temporary one until the goal is reached.

    That quote is one of six inspirational quotes I posted on my fridge early on (some with humorous overtones but still an element of truth; again, I got these off the internet, so I don't know whether they're properly attributed). Here they are:

    "He is able who thinks he is able."

    "No, try not! Do or do not. There is no try."
    ~Yoda~ (definitely properly attributed!) 😂

    "A goal is not always meant to be reached;
    it often serves simply as something to aim at."
    ~Bruce Lee~

    "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars."
    ~Les Brown~

    "The great danger for most of us lies
    not in setting our aim too high and falling short;
    but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

    "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become."
    ~John Ruskin~

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    Hi Y'all...Happy Sunday!

    Got up early this morning...walked 3.1 miles in 1 hr and 32 minutes...not my best time, but I'm recovering from a very hectic and stress-filled week. Wanted to do something good for myself and I finished a badge with Garmin. Had almost given up the thought of doing the walk this weekend. Friday night had to work late and Wed/Thu/Fri were all non-stop and crazy busy. Then, Saturday, had to get up early and take my car to the dealership to get the annual inspection done and also have a part installed on the driver's seat. Ordered the part a month ago, set up the appointment and when I get there, they're short on technicians, couldn't find the part and think it might be in the lady's office who ordered it for me and she wasn't working this weekend. Now I have to set up another appointment to get it installed and will likely have to take off work to get it done. UGH, why are people so painful?! Anywho, spent much of the time either reading on my phone, playing a game or walking around the dealership, so that blew out home and rested some, fell asleep in the afternoon and took a nice nap. So, it was either get my booty out of bed early on Sunday to walk it or miss out. I GOT UP! Felt good to accomplish something!

    Spent the rest of today doing some cleaning, some laundry and getting a few things done around the house.

    Back to work is supposed to be warmer this coming week...looking forward to that. Hope everyone has a great week coming up! Can you believe we're leaving February already?! Time flies!

  • nancyinmo
    nancyinmo Posts: 156 Member
    @frankwbrown Yes, yes, yes!!! Thank you!!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
    and a new addition to the results post...

    Percentage of Members in the Green!


    This will now start being reported on a weekly basis in addition to a monthly basis.
    As a reminder, being "in the green" indicates a loss of any size from one week to the next; the percentage is how much of the team saw a loss in any given week.
    In Week Three, it looks like the Downsizers really dug in and went for it! Also a huge congrats to the Mission Slimpossibles and Waistaways for jumping up over 10% from week two to week three!

    Where will YOUR team be next week?
This discussion has been closed.