Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @Veta2018 – I love the sticky notes…I need reminders like that. You’ve got me thinking now… On a serious note, my daughter, Hunter, has hypothyroidism and yes, it IS an autoimmune disease. Are you taking levothyroxine? That has really helped her. She gets her blood work done 2 to 3 times a year and the dosage is adjusted as needed. She’s been taking it for about a decade now with no side effects. Nice score on the jeans and shirts! Local thrift stores here in my area think they are fancy boutiques and charge more than what you would at Kohl’s. They are betting the Chicagoans that come around the lake every weekend will spend the money (which they do).
    @morenin – Holy !?#% what is wrong with that doctor?!? What a Jack. Definitely talk to whomever is in charge in the office. I complained once about an orthopedic doctor that dismissed my shoulder pain as bursitis. I told him arthritis runs young in my family, but he said there was no way that was it because I was only 37. Got a second opinion and it was bad arthritis…second doctor removed it and scraped down the bone so the ball and joint could move freely with no impingement.
    @Katmary71 – It will be so fun once they are all old enough to pile on top of me and I can have all of them (including little Miss Brayden when she’s born) in one picture together! What a mess with the allergist. So how long before your teeth cleaning? Hopefully not too long…
    @AmbersWay – Hope the kids all get better fast! Sometimes boring is needed!
    @Cornanda – I’m sure you did already thank me :) You are welcome!
    Last night I indulged a little too much again, but it’s my own fault for making my Tofuna pasta salad the other day. It’s all gone now, so there’s nothing in the house now that is high calorie. I’m starting the Financial Peace University program at my church and last Sunday night was the first class. Can something be depressing and motivating at the same time? I have a LOT of credit card debt and, basically, it seems the only way I can dig myself out is with a second job. But when Syd goes back to work, I already promised her I’d watch Oliver in the evenings. I was a single mom of 3, so I know just how stressful it is and I want to do anything I can to ease her stress. So I’m motivated to get the debt taken care of, but depressed that my income level sucks. I’ve gotta do some serious brainstorming. Sorry for the ramble. I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this right now. Just trying to work things out in my brain. In the meantime, I’m going to drink my tea and get to work.
    2024 Mantra: Yes I can!
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 130 Member

    @Veta2018, those are good Tiny Habits! I started to, but my coach thinks I need to simplify, so I will look at them later and see what I can come up with. I hope you can find relief with your ankle and wrist. My mom has a terrible issue with her hands always falling asleep, mostly at night. I feel bad for her.

    @morenin, I am outraged that you have to deal with that terrible orthopedist. You need to file a complaint and find another ortho to see you. He doesn’t need to be practicing if he treats people like that.

    @Katmary71 That would be frustrating to go all the way to an allergy appointment only to have to come back again. I could so dance to the BeeGees!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 What a beautiful family, and those babies are precious!! I know they are your heart, and you are theirs. :) I hope you learn a lot from the Financial Peace University and can get out of your credit card debt. I once had a lot of credit card debt, and it took a long time to get out from under it. I’m sure you will come up with an idea that will work for you. <3

    Good morning! I got up and put on my workout clothes, and I’m determined to do something. My wrist is much better but not well enough to lift weights. But I can do all kinds of stuff and plan to check out a barre program. If I don’t like that, I can always do my stepper, rebounder, or bodyweight exercises. Or maybe I will dance to the BeeGees! :D Yesterday, Joe and I had a long talk about his dementia and what is down the road for us. We both want him home, but there is a real chance that he could decline so much that I won’t be able to care for him by myself. So, I’m going to start looking at what our options are, and we might tour some memory care facilities. Joe has excellent long-term health insurance, and I can't tell you what a blessing it is, considering the incredibly high cost of memory care! As long as he is able to help me make these tough decisions, I want his help. Life is hard! I'm going to scroll up and look at little Ollipop again and remember there truly is good in this world. :)
    2024 Word: Strive
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 218 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Congrats to those on the leaderboard!

    This is going to be a quick check in. I have a lot to do this week. We have our first camping trip for this yr coming up next week. I am having to get everything ready over the next few days. I hope everyone is having a good week so far and I am keeping up with posts.

    Have a GREAT Tuesday!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,908 Member
    Good Morning MS ... You have a new member joining your wonderful team ...Please welcome @ninyagwa :)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,085 Member
    @Katmary71 - I'll be away and without a scale over the weekend, so I will post my weight on Thursday.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 520 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 09 of 52

    PW: 137.2
    CW: 137.0

    Yay I did it for another week. I've been so busy I finally got those Christmas decorations put away. Sleep has been an issue for me lately, I wake every 2 hours for no good reason. Last night I slept until 5am this morning. I put some pain gel on my back then went to the market. On Sunday I sprayed weed killer all around the yard. Our yard is mostly dirt, so we have a lot of weeds to keep down. I have to fill up my battery-operated sprayer 3 times to do the entire yard, but I go so tired that I stopped at 2. I'm keeping an eye on the section I didn't get done. If we don't keep the weeds down the city will hire somebody to do it, then bill us. I don't want strangers in our yard.

    It was hard to stay on track last week, hopefully it will be easier this week.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    edited February 28

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    I'm afraid I totally went off the rails yesterday. My level of energy definitely plays a role in my eating. I have an appointment with my NP tomorrow so hopefully we can adjust things a bit. I slept a bit better last night, I did track today, didn't eat the best but I didn't go horribly over. But I did check in here:)! Hope everyone has a great day
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 812 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I had an amazing 90 minute walk with an old friend tonight while our kids were in gymnastics class. It was a beautiful evening and so nice to catch up. My ankles are really sore tonight, but I imagine they’re just protesting the work. I saw my doctor last week and he said I likely
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome, @ninyagwa!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    @AmbersWay Hugs hopefully things will settle down this week. It IS common to go up after a flight if you just flew.

    @865jessica I'm so glad you're feeling better! I almost always feel better after a round of steroids, I'm so glad it's helped you. Great job on the resistance bands, are you doing a program? I just got back to using mine too, they're awesome for good stretching as well.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You are going to have the CUTEST pictures with all the kids, what are you planning for Easter? Bunny costumes for everyone? I know it's not really and bunnies but picturing them all with bunny ears would be the cutest. I can't imagine one more with these three, they're going to have a lot of fun growing up together. I got the teeth cleaning today, I took the 4 antibiotic pills an hour before. So I can go to the allergist tomorrow but skip my morning BP med. Hugs yes you can be motivated and depressed, maybe you can do something from home while watching Oliver? Rambling is totally fine, I tell all of you more than I tell most local friends!

    @TeresaW2024 DO dance to the BeeGees! I'm so glad Joe was able to discuss and understand why you may not be able to care for him alone at some point. Thank goodness he's able to understand and help you plan for it. Little Ollipop's photos were larger when I scrolled by today, he's even cuter close up!

    @txcritter69 Fun I hope your trip is wonderful! Share some photos from it when you get back, I'd love to see what it's like where you camp.

    @ninyagwa Welcome to Mission Slimpossibles, we're so happy to have you join us! We do member intros at the start of each month but you're welcome to jump in any time.

    @micaroo4 Great thank you I'll look for it.

    @FushiaKat I'm not super handy and have never heard of a battery-operated sprayer, how cool! I use the ones you pump which was real hard before surgery. Oh no I wouldn't want strangers spraying and billing, I'm sure they'll be there when you get time to deal with the last spot. It's so nice being able to be outside again I'm frustrated by the rain coming in soon. I hope this week is easier too, you're doing awesome!

    @laurelfit57 I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well and you get better sleep tonight. Sleep an energy make everything a challenge when they're off, I hope the NP has some ideas for you.

    @megnolia82 I think we're missing some of your post what did the doctor say? The walk sounds lovely I'm glad you had the chance to catch up with your friend.

    Hi team! Teeth cleaning went well. I scrapped my plans today to get the charity president out as she's going through a real hard time and needs support, we picked up her mom and went to the grand opening of a Greek restaurant. Things weren't as bad as I'd thought with the vice president and I've worked through all the article stuff, I didn't say it to the president when we were talking but I think so many things in her life are out-of-control that it came out controlling in other areas. I'm learning to calm down before reacting. Funny thing, one of the holistic practitioners started hosting singing in the park, she sends out 4 songs to a group and they go to a park and sing. I told her how I'm an awful singer and she said that's what she wants, it's to help people get out of their comfort zones and build confidence. I honestly hate even singing Happy Birthday but would like to feel more confident speaking in front of others so I'm considering it to help me grow (if I don't die of embarrassment haha). Have a great Wednesday!

    No Zero Days
    Ate healthy food under calories
    Workout was strong
    Awesome time with friends that reminded me as hard as it's been to re-enter society it's really been worth it to let people in again and try new things.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    This is our start of the week question:

    Katmary71 wrote: »

    Better time management, I feel like I'm always falling behind and need to work on less social media plus putting in some time for reading and relaxing things especially with gardening season picking up.
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 91 Member
    So, with the really bad feelings from the supposed doctor, I pretty much crashed off the wagon Tuesday. Ate allllll the sugar, fat, and salt. Climbing back up to do better!

    I'm reluctant to find another orthopedist, because the other one I went to reamed me out about my weight too. Plus, it's $35 a copay every time I see a specialist, and I just wasted that money on the last guy. I'm going to just wait and see if I can work around the pain, and I'm wearing a knee brace as needed.

    What would give my life more meaning this next month?

    Ohhh, that's a hard one. I think I need to get my behind back to church. I'm going to mask, and I don't have anything nice to wear, but they'll have to live with it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,965 Member
    Congrats to those that have had a loss this week! Keep doing what you are doing! Hugs to those that have showed a gain.

    @morenin Awesome NSV!!! That orthopedist sounds like a total jerk. Can you find a different one that is supportive? I'm glad you are filing a complaint. That's awful.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you. I have had a rough few days but I'm finally feeling better.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Awww, little Oliver is way too cute! :D All the babies are. Welcome to the family, little Ollipop! <3 Oh my dear, I feel you with the debt. I am in debt, too, with CCs and student loans. I get so overwhelmed and feel there is no way out. One thing that is helping me is a free website called undebt.it : https://undebt.it/ It also has a paid version that is even better but the free version is great and very useful. It helps prioritize your debt and tells you what to pay and when and shows how long it will take to get out of debt doing it their way. Check it out. It may be of use. Huge HUGS.

    @Veta2018 Thanks, it was a stomach bug of some sort. I am feeling better now. I love that you are doing the Howard Dean shout! LOL I love all of the things you are doing. I admire you are always willing to try new things! Sorry the doctor is less than helpful.

    @Katmary71 Thank you. I tried it for an hour last night. I didn't feel a difference but I think it takes time and consistency. Sorry about yoru frustrating day. Hugs. That's good you are learning to calm down before reacting, that's a good skill to have. I hate singing, too. I'm glad you are getting out of your comfort zone! LOL

    @TeresaW2024 I'm glad your wrist is better. I hope you can get back to weights soon. I know it's sad to think about memory care facilities, but I think it's smart for you to look into them. You can only do so much, you are one person. I'm glad he has good insurance. HUGS.

    @ninyagwa Welcome to the team yay! I can't wait to get to know you. :D

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What would give my life more meaning this next month? I've got so much going on, it's hard to add new things but I think making sure I do some artwork on the weekends will bring more meaning to my life. It makes me happy, is a stress reliever, and gives my life purpose. I'm still working on the dung beetle painting: unfortunately, I ruined it by putting the wrong kind of gold leaf on it and it made a mess. I am going to start over with it this weekend.

    Hi all. I am back. I am feeling a bit better. Not 100% but better. My husband made lemon bars for me to take to work: they are my director's favorite and he is retiring on Friday so I wanted to give him one last taste of the best lemon bars on planet Earth. Have a great day!

    No Zero Days: Stuck to meal plan.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    My name is Nicole, and I joined this group because I did a similar group years ago, which is now defunct, but I found that it really helped to keep me on track towards my goals.

    I am 40 years old, I have an almost 12 y.o. daughter and an almost 6 y.o. daughter, and a 47 y.o. husband. We live in New Hampshire and I work as a Realtor and a team manager for a real estate team in which I wear many hats.

    At my highest weight I was 388lbs, I’ve always been a big girl, and food has been my silent coping mechanism for a long time, I got to my highest weight in the wake of my grandmother, who I was really close to, passing. I did get the motivation to get more fit and healthy after I acknowledged my depression was contributing to my eating issues and started meds, and that helped me get back into a good enough mind set to work out. I also have hypothyroidism and have for many years, which I am medicated for. I lost over 100lbs, and then got pregnant, and was unable to get back into steadily working out and eating right for a long time. Managing being the parent of one child, to the parent of two was a hard transition for me, only took me about 6 years to figure it out.

    I have been strength training and doing the Stairmaster, and now the occasional kickboxing class, but my food has not been great, so my immediate goal right now is to track all my food so I can begin being more accountable to myself and my health.

    My CW is 332.4, and the goal for this first month is to lose 5lbs. Really it’s my 2024 goal to lose at least 5lbs a month, which would be 50lbs total by the end of 2024. I’ve lost weight faster, but I’m trying to acknowledge that I’m older and that I need to give myself space for grace.

    I really like the NO ZERO DAYS, and towards that end, I finally filled my pill organizers so that I’ll take ALL of my vitamins and supplements that support my health, not just the prescribed pills.
    I’m excited to be a new member!
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 218 Member
    What would give my life more meaning this next month?
    1) spending some time in nature.
    2) finishing a few projects that I started before the holiday. I still need to finish painting my kitchen and staining the breakfast table.
    3) the one thing I really want most of all is to get back into walking again. I stopped when my mom and Sansa passed. My neighborhood just holds too many memories of Sansa and it hurts to walk it. So, this next month I am venturing out with Diesel to other parts of our town and surrounding area.
    4) finding my old habits of being healthy. I want to be below 170 before the end of March.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 596 Member
    @morenin - That is a great weight loss! It angers me to hear how inconsiderate your doctor was. I share that same frustration with doctors at the moment. I reported mine too. Not sure if it made much of a difference, but it made me feel a little better. This will be my third time switching doctors in a year. Maybe that is why my symptoms still haven't been resolved.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Yes, I have been on levothyroxine for about 10 years. Except during COVID, I didn't go in for my blood work and my doctor would not refill my prescription. So, I didn't take it for a while and that is when my hands started falling asleep.

    @TeresaW2024 - Thank you. I had to revise mine too. I reduced my squats from 10 to 3 because it was just too many squats for the amount of times I use the bathroom. I drink a lot of water. I'm glad your able to discuss future plans with your husband. It's a tough situation to be dealing with. <Hugs>

    @Katmary71 - I'm an awful singer too. I just turn the music up to drowned myself out...lol. Have fun with it!

    Welcome @ninyagwa ! I think you have great goals for success.

    Yesterdays, Tiny Habits were a fail. I went to a funeral which consumed most of my day, so I didn't complete any of them. I did get in a 40 min workout before the funeral though.

    Last night, I felt like eating a whole package of cookies or two or three but I toughed it out and took a long walk instead. I was so frustrated, angry, sad, and irritable. This 23 year old kid is Rotten. Last year, we helped pay his internet bill. This month he charged my account for it.(by accident) But didn't pay us back. Then, he lost his rent payment and the bank wont refund the check for 90 days, so we payed that. He had his court date yesterday(for DWI) and his lawyer threatened to drop him and he would have to spend time in Jail if he didn't get paid, so we paid over $4,000 to the lawyer. He has a baby on the way and got a loan for a new motorcycle.(priorities) Then, wrecked the bike and sold it. No clue what he did with the money. Now he just got a pit bull pup.(Really with a new baby soon) My husband said he's a good kid cause he's got two jobs. He decided he's going to help get him a union card, there goes another $700. Maybe if he has a better job, he wont need to come to us for money anymore. I'm frustrated because he has no consequences for his actions. I've been working so hard at paying all our debts and now we just went backwards. I thought to myself, if it was one of my boys, I would want to help them, but I don't think my boys would behave like this. I want to treat all three boys equally, but it's hard. Sometime one needs more then the others. I don't like feeling this way. I don't want to have resentment. I feel so selfish too. Done. I keep so much to myself, It felt good to vent. Thank you.

    What would give my life more meaning this next month?
    I'm going to have to take some time to reflect and come back to the question. I have too many emotions I'm feeling to think clearly.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,085 Member
    @ninyagwa - Hey Nicole! I'm from New Hampshire too! Where are you at?

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,085 Member
    What would give my life more meaning this next month?
    My first thought was that if my life had any more meaning, my head would explode. I do have a full life with a lot of purpose; I feel like what I need right now is some down time to just BE. I'd love more time in nature, and the chance to go for a nice long bike ride along the route that I used to ride with my Dad.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    @ninyagwa - Hey Nicole! I'm from New Hampshire too! Where are you at?


    I'm from a town just outside of Manchester, NH @micaroo4 where are you from in NH?
This discussion has been closed.