WaistAways Team Chat - MARCH 2024



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    It must be that Green holiday! We pulled our average up quite well since last week.

    Two more weigh-ins to put in the pot, and we might be heading for the end of the rainbow tomorrow -


  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Happy St Patrick's Day, Team!

    Here's my weigh-in:

    PW - 187.9
    CW - 187.4

    It's only half a pound, but it's half a pound OFF, so I'll celebrate it!

    I have watched and logged every single morsel that I consumed this past week and I am still swerving the alcohol. Ben and I had our first board meeting in the pub last night and I had a lime and lemonade (admittedly, not diet lemonade because that stuff is vile!), and we discussed business strategy. It was good.

    I'm looking forward to getting back to my workouts next week, and trying a new walking routine.

    It's also our first full week of working in a business in which Ben and I are equally invested and both passionate about what we're doing.

    As usual, I will be back with my step and workout (only Yoga this week) stats.


  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 621 Member
    Sunday: 20,976 + 7.5 mile hike @ 3mph + 45 min yoga
    Monday: 12,116 + 60 min body pump class + 45 min walk @ 3.5 mph
    Tuesday: 11,215 + 45 min yoga + 45 min walk @ 3.7mph
    Wednesday: 10,065 + 60 min body pump class + 45 min walk @ 3.5mph
    Thursday: 6,179 + 45 min walk @ 3.5mph
    Friday: 10,070 + 45 min jog @ 4.7mph + 45 min yoga
    Saturday: 10,797 + 60 min body pump class + 45 min walk @ 3.5mph

    Now to change and get my jog/walk in for today!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Step and Exercise stats for the last 7 days:

    Sunday 10th March - 2128
    Monday 11th - 1796
    Tuesday 12th - 3693
    Wednesday 13th - 3729
    Thursday 14th - 4125 / 70mind Yoga
    Friday 15th - 2787
    Saturday 16th - 4570

  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,328 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Well done on pulling up our socks! Going from 33.33% to 61.9% of the team marking even small losses is a good sign. Anything around 50% is good if you ask me - and it won't always be the same people.

    And of course congratulations to our loss leaders @Kali225 @bowens1973 and @Gidgitgoescrzy :heart:

    I'm bunking out on riding today because I thought it was going to be pouring out all day. Now the sun is out and it's too late to make the trek to the barn, so I'm heading out for a walk.

    Remaining Sunday weigh-in:
    @lindamartin27 Hope you're still with us! We've missed seeing you lately. I hope I did not miss a message about you being away for a while :grimace:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Ok my little veggie fiends - let's get this week going! Monday people, line up -


  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    I'm going to continue the morning reflection from last week's group challenge - I enjoyed giving some thought to the day ahead, and found the statements useful. Feel free to do the same if you like!

    The statements to complete are:
    • What's my mood right now? (come back to this in the evening to see what changed)
    • Today, I need to address
    • I do not want
    • I absolutely will
    • I refuse to
    • My one piece of advice for myself is
    • My one tip for others is

    Mine for today:
    • What's my mood right now? thoughtful, not as antsy as usual
    • Today, I need to address movement - making sure to vary and enjoy more of it.
    • I do not want to get stuck.
    • I absolutely will practice flute and ride Jasper.
    • I refuse to eat nuts or flour
    • My one piece of advice for myself is to keep exploring.
    • My one tip for others is to keep exploring.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 737 Member
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 173.8
    CW (Current Weight): 173.2

    Sunday 3/10 12,816 (20 min yoga)
    Monday 3/11 15,524 (20 min Yoga)
    Tuesday 3/12 6,749 (20 min Dance)
    Wednesday 3/13 8,543 (55 min PiYo)
    Thursday 3/14 11,771 (10 min HIIT, 10 min strength,)
    Friday 3/15 12,183
    Saturday 3/16 12,726 ( 20 min Dance)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    I'm on track today to reach my step goal. I went to spin class this morning and took my morning break walk. Also, I have bowling later. Also, we are finally completely out of the old house!! ... except, we have to move everything in the shed and do some yard work. But, so close to being 100% in the new house.

    My weigh-ins yesterday and today were not the best. My guess is that I've been consuming too much salt and not enough water. Fingers crossed I get back to where I weighed in last week by Wednesday! I would love to contribute to the green tide this week, but if I don't, I hope everyone else can.

    Out of the old house!! That is fabulous. And so close to being all moved in - you must be feeling great. And tired.

    As to contributions to the green tide - you're on the right approach even if you don't hit green. You had a couple of indications that might have to do with salt and water. Fix that, and see if it is true. If not - no worries! Just try something else - experiment away!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Mine for today:
    • What's my mood right now? thoughtful, not as antsy as usual
    • Today, I need to address movement - making sure to vary and enjoy more of it.
    • I do not want to get stuck.
    • I absolutely will practice flute and ride Jasper.
    • I refuse to eat nuts or flour
    • My one piece of advice for myself is to keep exploring.
    • My one tip for others is to keep exploring.

    Well - today wasn't perfect. I did get sucked into eating a bunch of nuts with chopped dates. I still managed to skip any flour, but the nut mix still has the meanest siren song to beat these days. I'm not really sure why, but I'll keep working on it. Otherwise, I had a good day! Jasper and I had a good sweaty training sesh, I practiced and found out I need to do some extra work on high register articulations (ugh), and it was all OK.

    Glad to hear about your win at breakfast this morning @ashleycarole86 ! You set it up and you did it :smiley: I gotta take a page from your book and have fruit for snacks. Undried fruit.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 225 Member
    What's my mood right now? Anxious, I paid a federal tax one day late, so I will get a penalty on it. I had to tell my boss about the mistake, and I really dislike making those types of mistakes, so even though his response was no biggie they should abate it, it makes me anxious, because I am my own worst critic.
    Today, I need to address exercise, I just can't keep a schedule.
    I do not want to criticize myself like I do.
    I absolutely will exercise this evening; I need that to get rid of this anxiety.
    I refuse to let this linger on my mind.
    My one piece of advice for myself is treat yourself fairly, everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect.
    My one tip for others is don't let slip ups linger and affect your ability to get right back on track.

    I had a good weekend, went to the houseplant extravaganza at a local nursery, it was fun, but I spent way too much money. Went to the diner for breakfast, and after that we went on a hike, and walked up a giant hill where thought I was gonna die. Then we went to the nature center, they have lots of live animals.
    It was a fun day.
    Sunday we just cleaned the house, made lasagna for the freezer, I made it in little 2 serving trays, so it was a lot of work making so many, but freezer is stocked.

    I skipped work yesterday because I opened all the windows on Sunday, and didn't think it was allergy season yet. I looked like a puffer fish when I woke up yesterday, so I took some benadryl, and started my allergy meds, and slept most of the day.

    All back to normal now though.

    Have a great day !

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Tuesday. Snow!! Everything is white again.
    • What's my mood right now? antsy but determined. I kind of want to scream, but in a good way, if you know what I mean.
    • Today, I need to address clutter. There is just too much of it.
    • I do not want to eat something that is difficult to stop eating or will cause distress.
    • I absolutely will fill one big garbage bag with stuff I don't want or need anymore.
    • I refuse to actually scream. I'll do a good workout instead. Or take a long walk in the snow.
    • My one piece of advice for myself is practice those danged high notes with fast articulations. Figure out why they are feeling so hard right now. Keep asking why.
    • My one tip for others is to do something that takes some determination today. Even something little.

    Have a good one! I'm loving your lists - feel free to change the questions or skip some or fool around with this.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy ARRRRHHHHHH! You are bringing back memories. I worked under one boss who was amazing but quite scary. He was the master of the two word email that struck anxiety into the heart of anyone receiving it. Usually it was "what's this?" OMG. When he discovered a mistake instead of one of my team or me myself, it was a moment. But at least he was reasonable about fixing things, brainstorming ideas if needed, and moving on afterwards.

    As you so wisely point out we need to do! Take a deep breath, and move right along, fixing what can be fixed, accepting responsibility for the rest. Phew!

    Your weekend, though. Now THAT is an example of a powerful weekend. Exercise (even to the point of near-death!!), animals, plants, food, windows open. Sadly it gave you a Monday off :grimace: but it might have been worth it.
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