75 Hard/Medium/Easy Challenge: March 3 - May 17



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    @jugar Thanks for the long reply! My problem is that one day completely off track makes it really hard to make the next day perfect again. It is just too disruptive. I am also still at a point in my journey where there are too many things I want to have on that free day so I end up overeating by crazy amounts; just the idea of a free day is triggering. I know it is different for everyone and it can also take a while to figure out what works which can be a bit annoying. Momentum is very important and I love having good day after good day. Sadly this works the same in the wrong direction as well, lol. Small treats planned in daily is the way to go for me I think.
    I agree that being in maintenance for 11 years is crazy impressive. I am kind of convinced that it is harder than losing.
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 5️⃣3️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk
    ✅ Read: Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Henry S Lodge, MD
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 9g from vanilla chamomile coconut yogurt and almond butter granola

    Interesting reading everyone’s approaches to cheat days and treats. I’ve never been able to successfully incorporate a dedicated cheat day. I’ve tried but it always turns into more than a day since I can never reel things back in the next day or week or month🙄 Now I don’t limit foods but instead plan the treats within my day and dip into exercise calories quite a bit. Also trying to eat now the way I plan to in maintenance. This means super slow weight loss but the last few times I dropped considerable weight and was very close to maintenance I wasn’t able to make the transition. I had limited calories for so long that it resulted in serious binging and then gaining quickly. There were some other life events that happened around the same time of gaining the weight back so there was more to it but I’m very interested in hearing how you successfully transitioned or plan to transition to maintenance. Taking notes because I so want to join the elusive maintenance club🤗
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    edited April 25
    April 24 - Day 53/75

    ✅ Food - No perfect, but good.
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. Pilates, some hiking in the woods, exercise bike.
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes!
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - Great discussion about free days and reining things in afterwards. And maintenance! I just treat it almost exactly like I treated losing. Keep within the amounts and kinds of foods you know can keep you there. Keep tracking (at least some of the time!) and make sure to exercise and keep the muscle mass that burns those calories!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: April 24 - 52/75

    ❎️ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day.  1,205 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol)  85 oz of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did 1 hour aerobics and 11,307 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 4 hours today.
    ❎️ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 5 hours 24 min. I was reading my book before bed and kept reading just one more chapter, til I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    April 24 ~ Day 53 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 61 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 16m & 83 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    Happy Thursday <3
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 5️⃣4️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 60m walk, 30m stretches
    ✅ Read: The Year Of Magical Thinking By Joan Didion
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: salty craving kind of day so sugar was in check
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: April 25 - 53/75

    ❎️ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day.  1,075 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol)  95 oz of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did 1 hour jog, 40 min strength and 29 minutes stretch 15,787 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 1/2 hours today.
    ❎️ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 5 hours 45 min.

    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    I'm declaring today a day off - I was in the car for several hours, and then there was not time for anything more than a leisurely walk. My father is nearing his end, and spending time with my stepmother is needed for today. I'll make time for some good exercise tomorrow, and make sure that I eat well and hydrate, etc.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    April 25 ~ Day 54 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 90 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :heartbreak: 7h 18m & 71 sleepscore ~ trouble falling asleep :heartbreak:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    :star: Bonus ~ gym rings workout :star:
    Happy Friday <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    April 26 - Day 55/75

    ✅ Food - Good! especially considering that I'm not at home. Made good decisions, and included reasonable treat.
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. Pilates and strength combo, and a good very vast hilly walk.
    ❌ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Not much time for reading today.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - It has been peaceful, even if not always easy, sitting with my father as he closes in on the end of his life. He is going with grace and dignity, being kept comfortable. I wish more humans such a good life and such a good ending.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    edited April 27
    April 26 ~ Day 55 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :heartbreak: I pretty much woke up with a migraine so I went back to bed after an hour. Felt very weak and dizzy the whole day so besides hitting my step goal, I took it easy. :heartbreak:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 9h 6m & 87 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    Happy Saturday <3
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 5️⃣5️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ❌ Exercise: does topgolf count🙃
    ✅ Read: The Gifts Of Imperfection By Brene Brown
    ❌ Water: 3 quarts
    ❌ Food: good choices all day until last minute decision to go out. Hadn’t planned on eating again or having a drink so that put me over.
    ❌<10g Added Sugar: ?? selected the best entries from the database but they weren’t completely filled out but I’m sure I’m over.

    @jugar so sorry to hear about your father. glad you are able to be by his side during these moments. you are handling the situation with such peace and grace. hugs💕
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: April 26 - 54/75

    ❎ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,339 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 93 oz of water today.
    ✅ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did 1 hour and 1/2 jog, 40 min strength training, 20 minutes stretch, and 15,581 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for a 1/2 hour today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 7 hours 1 min. Yeah!!! I did it!

    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 5️⃣6️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 150m walk
    ✅ Read: The Gifts Of Imperfection By Brene Brown
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise. MFP keeps dropping my calories and won’t save my manual input. I have it set to loose half pound but when I set to maintain the calories are too high for my TDEE. Curious how any of you feel about the calorie goal MFP sets for you. I try to stick between a range and since I’m still trying to lose I try to see how accurate it is at a weekly view but trying not to get obsessive since that led to disordered eating and binging in the past. When MFP changes, it throws my numbers off 🤷‍♀️
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 6g from granola
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    April 27 - Day 56/75

    ✅ Food - Good! Lots of great vegetables :smiley:
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅❌ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. Another fast hilly walk for about an hour, but no strength today.
    ❌ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Not much time for reading today.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - The social aspect following a family member's death is a challenge. But it is going all right today. A long sweaty walk helped!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    April 27 ~ Day 56 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 69 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 9m & 90 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    :star: Bonus ~ gym rings workout :star:
    Happy Sunday <3
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: April 27 - 55/75

    ✅ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,154 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 85 oz of water today.
    ❎ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I walked 7,903 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for an hour today.
    ❎ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 6 hours 16 min.

    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @NouveauRee - I don't use the calorie goal MFP sets for me. I set my own goals and try not to eat back what I burned. I don't feel the goals MFP set is very accurate. That's why, I also track with my fitbit. It changes throughout the day because it shows I'm over calories, till I actually burn them off. I have that set at a pound and a half per week which is eating 750 calories less than what I burn for the day. A half pound would be eating 250 calories less than your TDEE. I also use this fitness calculator. https://tdeecalculator.org/
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks for sharing @veta2018 have to admit I haven’t tapped into Fitbit stats much other than steps and sleep. Does it show somewhere my daily calorie goal or do I just calculate the burn less TDEE in my head? I see calories burned but not a goal. For instance it says yesterday I burned 2889. Since this is over TDEE do I just assume that’s good. Feeling clueless here 🤦‍♀️ I’m so used to tracking calories and seeing MFPs calorie goal so trying to understand Fitbit’s approach. Thanks for your help🫶
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 5️⃣7️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk, 15m elliptical
    ✅ Read: The Gifts Of Imperfection By Brene Brown
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 9g from pineapple mango preserves on homemade guava chiffon pancakes😋
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