75 Hard/Medium/Easy Challenge: March 3 - May 17



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 03 ~ Day 62 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 68 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 30m & 87 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    :star: Bonus ~ gym rings workout :star:
    Happy Saturday <3
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣3️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk 30m bike
    ✅ Read: The Woman In Me By Brittany Spears
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 6.2g from chocolate almond milk and deli potato salad

    It’ll be interesting to see how food choices go the next two weeks as we finalize this challenge. Skipped getting groceries this week to use up what’s on hand. This means more experimental meals using up odds and ends to not waste anything and will freeze any leftovers before heading out. Then traveling and eating out the following week so may personally extend this challenge after returning until I get 75 successful days in. Even if it takes 100 days! Learning to manage food intake when days aren’t structured or go as planned has been one of my biggest challenges. I enjoy talking about different cuisines and cooking but purposefully don’t talk about “diet” with coworkers or family because then they are watching me like a hawk and feel the need to comment. I just want my food choices to be natural for me and not a topic of conversation for others. There are a few friends I’ll talk diet with but am thankful for MFP to have an outlet to discuss and not feel like my choices are being used against me. For instance I’ve never said I was vegan or vegetarian to anyone in person around me but I do try to pick more veggie centered meals when out and somehow others feel they can assume and tell everyone I don’t eat meat then when I do they try to throw it in my face when I’ve never claimed to be vegan or vegetarian. Why do people feel the need to make my food choices a topic of conversation?! Not sure why this annoys me but this recently happened when I ordered some grilled chicken. Guess this is a test to mentally prepare myself because I’ll be around family when out of town. Getting my game face on now to just ignore it all and not entertain even an inkling. Does this happen to any of you? Also any tips on handling eating when traveling. I’ll prep and pack a few things but try to use the opportunity to really listen to my body cues because timing of meals and types of meals will be “off” but I don’t want to obsess if my diary/calories/macros are also off. I’ve already decided to eat at maintenance and focus on spending time away. As much as I like structure and routine this will be a nice little break to just relax and enjoy. Hope you’re all have an amazing weekend🤗🌸🦋
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    May 4 - Day 63/75

    ❌ Food - not terrible, but over
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅❌ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. nice long walk and exercise bike. not doing too well on strength workouts this week
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - It was a very quiet day.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 04 ~ Day 63 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 99 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 54m & 87 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    Happy Sunday <3
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    @NouveauRee I totally understand the comments about food bother you. I have no idea why people do that and want to get involved all the time. I can't really give you much advice since I don't have friends to go out with. I am personally 95% vegan and 5% vegetarian, my mom and dad are mostly veg and my brother and his family recently went vegan. I guess it helps when everyone is on the same page! My mom lost weight as well, though she was never as heavy as me. She will sometimes comment on my food even though she doesn't have a clue about the nutritional value of the thing I am eating. She sometimes just assumes it is bad.
    Ignoring them is an option, but if it happens so often, maybe it is better to just directly say you don't appreciate their comments, that you want to enjoy your food and that they should focus on themselves and then refuse to engage further. I hope you will enjoy yourself on vacation! I have a senior cat so I haven't been away in ages, but it looks like you already have a pretty good plan in place. Also keep in mind that a few days of eating more is not going to undo all your hard work. Trying to relax and enjoy yourself sounds like a great idea!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 3 - 60/75

    ✅ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,178 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 90 oz. of water today.
    ✅ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I jogged for 1 hour and 3 min., then did a 55 min. full body strength training, and 20 min. stretch with a total 10,756 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 20 minutes today.
    ❎️ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 6 hours and 8 min.

    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 4 - 61/75

    ✅ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,132 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 101 oz. of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did not do intentional workout today. I went on a tree job with my husband from 9 til 4.I did 12,262 steps today.
    ❎️ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I did not read today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 7 hours and 42 min.

    @NouveauRee - I feel the same way you do about others comments on what I should or shouldn't eat. My tips for eating while traveling would be to remember to drink lots of water. I would also keep the majority of my food to lean meats and veggies. Eating the right portion sizes is very important too. I like to at least have a bite of those not so health foods once in a while. Just try to listen to your bodies cues.
    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣4️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk, 45m bike, 15m elliptical, 20m resistance training
    ✅ Read: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life by Dana K White
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped in to exercise
    ❌<10g Added Sugar: 11g from sprouted bread with the mini Easter jar of Nutella I found hiding in the pantry. Forgot I got it when getting Easter basket treats. It wasn’t even a tablespoon worth and to think of all the sugar and then remembering the days when I use to eat big spoons full. Yikes😱

    @pupowl @veta2018 thanks for your understanding, tips and advice. I don’t eat out with coworkers often so I really don’t want to draw more attention to my food choices. I’m a bit anxious about next week though. With immediate family it’s no longer an issue since I’ve been on this journey for a while now but extended family always feels the need to comment about food and weight. But I must remember this is how they are and they comment on everyone so I’ll try not to take it so personal or worry about it now. It definitely helps when those around you have similar eating preferences and goals. It’s been awhile since we’ve been away with extended family. The last vacation was just hubs and I and looking back I managed okay so I’ll have to try and do the same and not stress about something that hasn’t happened. I just think the situation the other night got me on edge. I do have a mini grocery list ready with healthy options so won’t be eating out all the time. Even if we ate out once a day I’ll look at the day more holistically to balance things out and will do my best to continue with the gallon of water. Thanks again for “listening” and for your advice💕 Have a fabulous week🤗
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    edited May 8
    May 5 - Day 64/75

    ❌ Food - not terrible, but over
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. a good Pilates workout and exercise bike
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - The spring vegetables are starting to appear in the grocery store - this makes me very happy! My little seedlings are coming along well and will go out when it gets warm.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 05 ~ Day 64 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 41 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 9h 7m & 87 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    :star: Bonus ~ gym rings workout :star:
    Happy Monday <3
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣5️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 60m walk, 30m bike
    ✅ Read: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life by Dana K White
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped into exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 2g from sprouted bread
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 06 ~ Day 65 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 110 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 4.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 39m & 83 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    Happy Tuesday <3
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣6️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk 30m bike
    ✅ Read: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life by Dana K White
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped in to exercise
    ❌<10g Added Sugar: 13g from sprouted bread, mango pineapple preserves, deli potato salad and chocolate almond milk

    Random eats today to finish stuff up without having to cook but probably should have just cooked and froze any leftovers🤷‍♀️

    @Pupowl thanks for sharing your nature walk pics! So stunning! You may have mentioned but where in the world do you live? Everything is so picturesque, beautiful and and peaceful💕
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    Yikes! I missed posting yesterday :hushed:

    May 6 - Day 65/75

    ✅ Food - pretty good today!
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. horse lunging and Pilates
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - We're getting down to the last 10 days :astonished:

    May 7 - Day 66/75

    ✅ Food - holding the line better!
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅❌ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. Had a good horse workout, but he saw some aliens or something and had a moment of panic and I ended up on the ground. Nothing worse than bruises and a cut finger, but I think I'll have a very slow exercise bike session tonight!
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - Weirdly enough, having a non-serious accident feels kind of good for the body. A shake-up, some soreness and bruises to heal - all is well, and it is great to know what an amazing system we live in.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 07 ~ Day 66 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 119 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 5.5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 11m & 77 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    :star: Bonus ~ gym rings workout :star:
    Happy Wednesday <3

    @NouveauRee No problem, I am glad you enjoy them. :smile: I live in the Netherlands in a pretty small village. I am very close to a national park called Dwingelderveld, so there is a lot of nature around me. It is pretty awesome!
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣7️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ✅ Exercise: 90m walk 30m bike
    ✅ Read: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life by Dana K White
    ✅ Water: gallon
    ✅ Food: dipped in to exercise
    ✅<10g Added Sugar: 2g from sprouted bread

    @Pupowl so beautiful 😍 and your cat😻
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    May 8 - Day 67/75

    ❌ Food - no sugar or stupid stuff, but over the limit
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ❌ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. very sore from myfall and resting a lot today
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - Taking time to rest, get a grant application submitted, cleaning up files and stuff - productive if not physically active.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,911 Member
    May 08 ~ Day 67 of 75 medium
    [ Naturewalk ] :star: 77 minutes :star:
    [ 3+ liters water & tea ] :star: 5 liters :star:
    [ Reading ] :star: Read during the day :star:
    [ Sleep 8+ hours ] :star: 8h 46m & 81 sleepscore :star:
    [ Under 1450 cal ] :star: Done! :star:
    [ Eat in 6 hour window ] :star: Done! :star:
    Happy Thursday <3
    @jugar Glad you weren't seriously injured from your fall. It's good to take it easy while all those muscles recover!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 5 - 62/75

    ✅ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,132 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 101 oz. of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did not do intentional workout today. I went on a tree job with my husband from 9 til 4. I did 21,998 steps today.
    ❎️ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I did not read today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 7 hours and 42 min.

    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 6 - 63/75

    ❎️ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,240 calories today. I was over my goal but under my calories burned. So not a huge fail.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 104 oz. of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did not do intentional workout today. I did more tree work with my husband from 9 til 3. I did 17,114 steps today. Funny thing, my fitbit says that when I was pulling the yard cart, and pushing the lawn mower, I was mountain biking. When I was raking I was swimming. When I'm loading the truck, I was doing aerobics. And when I do my bible study, I'm sleeping...lol.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 30 min. today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 8 hours and 1 min.

    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 7 - 64/75

    ❎️ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,301 calories today. I was over my goal again today but still under my calories burned. Probably has more to do with the choices of foods I'm eating. I had pizza yesterday and had leftover pizza today. And I made a kale and fruit smoothy for my husband, but he didn't like it so that was another unexpected calories I drank.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 85 oz. of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I ran 3.8 miles today. I ran it in 56 min. 12 sec. That's an improvement from my last run of 1hour 3min. 51sec. I did more tree work with my husband from 9 til 3. I did 15,609 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 1 hour today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 8 hours and 1 min.

    My Version 75 Hard Challenge: May 8 - 65/75

    ✅ Diet - Calorie counting. Staying at or under 1200 calories per day. 1,165 calories today.
    ✅ Water - 70 oz of water per day (no alcohol) 96 oz. of water today.
    ❎️ Exercise - 30 minutes cardio workout, 30 min strength training and 20 min yoga/palates stretch, 10k+ steps per day (inside/outside) I did more tree work with my husband from 9 til 3. I bowled 3 games with my family. I did 15,680 steps today.
    ✅ Reading - 10 minutes each day of anything. I read for 10 min. today.
    ✅ Sleep- Get 7 hours of sleep every night. I slept 7 hours and 28 min. The good thing about my husband working on his tree services is we get to sleep later because we don't start till 9.

    I enjoy your pictures @Pupowl.
    @jugar- Scary, glad you're ok. Many of my seedlings are sprouting and should be ready to put in the ground by Memorial day.

    💪F2F - Mission Slimpossible!💪
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    @veta2018 WOW! You are having some great exercise and outdoor time. And doing great in general!

    May 9 - Day 66/75

    ✅ Food - OK! Some wonderful rapini in my dinner - nice and bitter :smiley:
    ✅ No alcohol - no problem
    ✅ Exercise - Two workouts: 1strength-1 cardio. A good ride with no crazy moments! I rode together with a friend and her mare, so Jasper was more relaxed with some company. And there was some Pilates and exercise bike.
    ✅ Reading - something helpful at least 10 minutes per day. Yes.
    ✅ Water - OK
    ✅ Thoughts - My back and neck are still a little sore when I lie on my back, but movement is not restricted and it's feeling pretty good. Glad I could have a nice ride in the wind and short showers today! Back to the garden work tomorrow.
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Day 6️⃣8️⃣ of 7️⃣5️⃣
    ❌ Exercise:30m walk got home from work after 7 so did a quick walk then several hours of scrambling around to get everything ready to head out of town
    ✅ Read: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life by Dana K White
    ❌Water: 3 quarts
    ✅ Food: well below calorie goal
    ❌<10g Added Sugar: rushing this morning and meetings first thing so grabbed a chocolate chip muffin from the breakroom without even thinking. Felt an icky sugar rush headache after. Must remember this feeling the next time I just grab something especially anything from the breakroom because it’s all junk.

    @jugar sorry about your fall hoping you have a speedy recovery🌻
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