Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    lavalily wrote: »
    Well, it's taken me a while to get through all the posts from Saturday and before! I was called off-island for the weekend and just got back, so I feel like I'm 3 weeks behind instead of 3 days!
    All is well here - rainy week ahead, but we need the rain so I don't complain. Makes for great sunsets over the ocean! Getting a Lomilomi massage this afternoon to help ease my back pain. I manage to get a massage every 2 weeks. I get to the gym 3 times a week, too. At my age (almost 90) I need all the physical help I can get!
    Be sure to check out "Daily Challenges" that I manage under Discussions. Every day (almost) I put in some short challenge that is meant to be fun, not a chore!
    E Komo Mai (welcome) to all the new members and to all the returning members. It's exciting to have you here.

    @lavalily Are the "Challenges" just for specific teams? I looked under discussions and didn't see...
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,076 Member
    Good afternoon all, thank you for nice compliments on hair cut. It is another nice day here, I cleaned bathrooms today and washed clothes and sheets. Tomorrow morning I go see the vascular specialist. Hopefully the problem isn't serious. Our son in law came home from hospital yesterday. He has a long way to go. In the past 15 months he has lost 60 lbs and has had constant diarrhea. He has gotten 2 different kinds of bacteria in his system that is destroying all his good bacteria and stopping his body from fighting anything off. We are glad he is home and praying recovery will continue. Other than that nothing new here. Have a great rest of your day. Hugs and blessings.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,447 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Thursday and it is going to be a rough day. I am super tired. I just want to sleep, my back is hurting pretty bad today. I am taking my meds but I am not seeing a lot of relief as far as the pain. I get random pains all the time. That would probably be the Fibromyalgia. It also makes me super tired. I really hate being so tired all the time.

    @Kurtize - So glad your son in law is home. It can really be rough on the body when you have bacteria in your gut causing havoc. I hope you have a good visit with the vascular specialist.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,586 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Why do you stay in prison, when the door is open wide?—Rumi
    I AM: I am allowed to be happy even when my life isn’t going as planned.
    Action for Happiness: Try out a new exercise, activity or dance class.
    Happy National Pinata Day!!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.—Nelson Mandela
    Day 108 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.09 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk at work.
    Work 7AM-1PM then into the gym for Strength and WOD Fran after work then home for Pliability: Minerva and 60 min walk after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,342 Member
    Diane: doing okay with the freggies:
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,579 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Be sure to check out "Daily Challenges" that I manage under Discussions. Every day (almost) I put in some short challenge that is meant to be fun, not a chore!
    E Komo Mai (welcome) to all the new members and to all the returning members. It's exciting to have you here.

    @lavalily Are the "Challenges" just for specific teams? I looked under discussions and didn't see... [/quote]

    @cory17, @Lavalily is on the Tenancious Grters team. I am not sure which team you are on. Each team tends to have many simaliar challenges on their team. Such as I am on Positively Strong 4 Life, we as a team pick a trail to walk as a team. Many teams have a "challenge" such as a step challenge etc. Happy to answer any questions. These in general are located per team under the Discussion feeds and vary by name per team.

    @Tabatha_Cain , I too HATE fibro!! It plays so many nasty tricks on us!! For the pain do you do gentle stretching? On youtube and more you can find stretches specifically for fibro. You can go onto youtube and type in Stretches for Fibromyalgia here's one that's gentle and ahhhhh! I also use biofreeze A LOT!! It's my GO TO! For others ben gay or icy hot etc etc. I also sleep with a heating pad it sets me up for a better next day. Its the brain fog that gets me the most, but I also had a brain aneursym that they found THANKFULLY before it burst. They put a stent in behind my left eye the brain HATES to be played with. Hope these help.
    @Patti241, LOL As you remember from being on the same team I AM SO NOT A FREGGIE PERSON!! YET for the week so far I have eaten 21 of them for the 42 points!! OH MY!!

    SORRY I hadn't replied yesterday. As you all know I am recoving from surgery. The scar is looking AMAZING though!! Now for my levels to adjust and they will!! WOOHOO on the 30th I leave for a FAST TRIP to NY!! It's a 600 mile drive there, we are doing a tour we've been looking forward to on Weds, and turning around and coming home on Thurs!! YO!!! My body needs to get itself TOGETHER In only 12 days!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,447 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and I am so happy for the weekend. It is going to be great. I know it will be. I am going to do as much as I can today to get some memberships. I think that will be good. I am really trying to get them. I have a co worker out on PTO today and possibly one calling in. We will see how that goes. She likes to randomly call in on Fridays and when she is expected to do actual work she likes to pretend to be sick and go home early.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I have a heated mattress pad that I turn on every night. It does help so very much. I am supposed to do some stretches I just was not sure when I would find the time to do them. Oh the brain fog is horrible. It is so so bad sometimes. Also for me the fatigue is rough. Every couple of days I feel like I need a nap mid day. Just take time and let your body heal so that you can be all ready to go for your trip at the end of the month. You can do it.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,586 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: I don’t like myself, I’m crazy about myself.—Mae West
    I AM: I take care of my body and exercise every day.
    Action for Happiness: Spend less time sitting today. Get up and move more often.
    Happy National Bicycle Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.—Colin Powell
    Day 109 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.28 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk at work.
    Work 8AM-2PM so getting into the gym this afternoon for 20 min EMOM + Core and Murph Prep: Recover run 30 min walk, then home for dinner and Pliability: Ankles + Wrists and 60 min walk.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,342 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,579 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , I hope you got the memberships you were hoping for today. Hmmm an employee who THINKS they are so SMART in "cheating the system" is not a valuable one. EVER!! They are way more stress than anything else. If it bites her in the end, perhaps she'll learn from it. perhaps. ENJOY the weekend!!! On the exercises, they do not have to all be done in one sitting, and well, let's be frank here, if we do not do them, we are only adding to our own pain. If they can help, and they do, we are going to give ourselves a relief we really want. As I strengthened my core, it did NOT "cure" the fibro by any means, but it sure did lessen the pain. If they help the knots to be lesser, Ahhhh the FREEDOM OF THAT too!!! Sure it takes time, sure they are PAIN IN THE RUMP, but in the end, they do help. It took me forever to realize by how much! So as one fibro to another, DO THEM GF and seek that relief. Will those take away the brain fog? NOPE!! But, there are small things we can to help our brains in that, repetive games help to retrain that so I do them often. I also play cribbage online, but WE KNEW THAT!! Between the games and friends, life, I do pretty well, and I'm great (I THINK??? LOLOL don't we all? ) at hiding it. MAYBE????
    @Patti241 as we head into the weekend, ENJOY!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,076 Member
    Hello all. It has been a busy 2 days. Yesterday saw the vascular specialist. Next Wednesday will fix the bad veins in my left leg. After the dr appt we went to Lowes and got more stuff for yard. Don has made planter boxes and then we got whiskey barrels also. So busy in yard. Then I decided to take the AARP safe drivers course, its helps with our insurance. So started that and finished it today. We went to Lowes today also, got more dirt. Other than that not much new. Douglas had to go back into hospital. Waiting to hear from David how he is doing.

    New update from Conqueror Challenge West Coast Trail- here is link
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,579 Member
    @Kurtize, LOVE the idea of the whiskey barrels!! Can we please see pictures of it as you do them? Hope next Weds goes well. I sure hope Douglas will be okay. WOOHOO I just updated my steps with Worldwalking. Its' not much, I got thrown for a LOOP on Weds, ended up in the ER, but today is much better! FINALLY feeling like myself again.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,447 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday and it is going to be a great day. I have an eye doctor appointment this morning to get some contacts. I like contacts they are just a lot of work. So I will only wear them on occasion, but definitely when we are on the motorcycle. I am also going to be working Door Dash today. That should be interesting.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes, I am starting the stretching and strength training this morning. I am going to do both every day. We do hide it a lot. Most people don't even know we are in pain. That is the way I like it though. I am not a whiny person. My hips and back seem to get the brunt of my fibro pain as well as my wrists. I am definitely going to do some stretching today.
    @Kurtize - Joe and I are going to be working in the yard as well. I think it is important to get your yard looking good.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,342 Member
    Diane: I will try to enjoy the weekend
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,586 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.—Joseph Campbell
    I AM: I purposefully align my actions with my thoughts.
    Action for Happiness: Focus on ‘eating a rainbow’ of multi-colored vegetables today.
    Happy National Volunteer Recognition Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.—Mark Twain
    Day 110 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.89 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk before breakfast.
    Work 11AM-5PM so getting in my Pliability routine: Spine + Glutes before work and 60 min walk this afternoon before church.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,076 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 glad your are feeling like self again. I will post pictures of the barrels want to wait until we get flowers in them. Chilly and cloudy here today. Very crazy weather here. Douglas will be put on an very aggressive multi-level antibiotics. Hopefully this will help him get better. Other than that not much new here. Have a great rest of the day.

    Inspirational quote: You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.
    - Paulo Coelho
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,579 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , How did the dashing go? My Uber driver on Weds said he only does 3 hours 5 days a week, and it supports him and his family. I am NOT SURE HOW! But, WOW!! He was super nice and his rating was 4.8. I did wear contacts, but they kept BREAKING IN MY EYE!! How did the exercises go? I was a cashier and learned the extreme value of doing hand exercises! On youtube you can look up hand exercises for computers etc. They are very specific. Now that I know them all so well when my hands start to hurt in under 90 seconds I bring them back to NOT hurting. Hope this helps.
    @Patti241 any plans today?
    @Kurtize, THANKS!! Did quite a bit today. LOL I AM SURE If Cat and I talk tonight she'll HOLLAR!! But, it was a very good day. I DID take 3 naps which no doubt is why I could do as much as I did. We'll look forward to seeing your pictures!! YOu are so talented, we have NO DOUBT they'll be very pretty!!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,342 Member
    Diane: I had lunch with my sister. Was a good time.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,586 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Remember that failure is an event, not a person.—Zig Ziglar
    I AM: I know how to appreciate beauty, and am thankful to nature for creating it.
    Action for Happiness: Regularly pause to stretch and breathe during the day.
    Happy National Creativity and Innovation Day!!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.—Serena Williams
    Day 111 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.52 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk at work.
    Work 9AM-3PM so will get my Pliability: Big Movers and 60 min walk in after dinner.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,447 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Sunday and Joe and I have church. Then we are supposed to be going and working on the yard and getting grocery shopping done and getting the house cleaned. I have so much to do to day. If I can I also need to door dash some more. Not totally necessary but I would like to try and earn a bit more money. It would be nice if I could.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Doordashing went well yesterday. I made a decent amount of money. I don't think I could support myself on Door Dash just because I have to take my own taxes out of what I make. So it usually knocks my own taxes out of what I make. So it usually knocks some income down a bit. I went for my eye exam and I am so mad. They literally charged me $100. After they told me that it would only be my deductible which is $10 for my eye exams. They said there was a contact exam fee. Well I feel like they should tell people that since they charge it for every person. They knew I wanted a contact exam. I told them when I scheduled the appt. I am going to have to start doing the hand exercises again. I know that is something I need to do. I had a ligament repair on my right wrist several years ago and I never regained full range of motion. So now I think I have scar tissue built up causing pain.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.
