Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,308 Member
    Good morning
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,724 Member
    good morning, everyone! it is a cool and windy day here today. my daughter says hi to all. she is working at her part time job today. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! with the help of one of my friends yesterday, we got some stuff done at my fiance's place. unless i hear differently later on today, we have to get out all of his clothes, furniture and other things by this wednesday at the latest. later on this afteroon i am going to see the bob marley movie in the rec room in my building. there will be pizza, a drink and some snacks provided, as well as a chance to win a gift card. i dd my strength training workout earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i will be going for a walk after lunch. my friend is coming with me to my fiance's place to do some more things in there, like give away the furniture he has that we are not keeping, go through more of the stuff he has there still, like pictures, other things. i miss him so much. i am finding out even now just how much of an impact he had in the building he lived in and in the community overall. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,024 Member
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,429 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and it is going to be a great day. It is the last day of the month. I have struggled to get my memberships. I think I am at 4 for the month and I need 12. I am going to find a way to make up the numbers so that by the end of the year I am in an amazing spot there. That is my goal. I am going to get it.

    @cormierannie - I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to get your fiance's stuff out by the time you need to. It is nice of your friend to go with you. Enjoy the movie and I hope you win the gift card.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,561 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that.—Ramana Maharshi
    I AM: I enjoy learning new things.
    Action for Happiness: Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today.
    Happy National Oatmeal Cookie Day!!!!
    Happy International Jazz Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The most important thing in life is to believe in yourself.—Michael Jordan
    Day 120 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.64 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk before breakfast.
    Work 11AM-5PM so getting in my At Home Resistance Band: Shoulders/Arm in before work then 60 min walk this afternoon and Pliability: Full Body after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,308 Member
    Good morning
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,024 Member
    Good afternoon all, hope your day is going well. I have been tired today and I don't know why. Need to push myself to get anything done. It is a beautiful day out. On my West Trail walk for Conqueror virtual walk, I am to 80% mark and planted another tree. That's all that is new with me. Have a great rest of the day, Can't believe April is over. Time is flying.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,429 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and it is going to be a great day. I am excited for today, but also very exhausted right now. I cannot believe how tired. I want to just go back to sleep. My FMLA was approved by my work yesterday. I can take 4 days off a month for my Fibromyalgia right now. I see my doctor on the 10th to go over my new meds and see how they are doing. So we will see how it goes.

    @Kurtize - You are doing amazing. I am sorry you are tired. That does happen sometimes. I recommend listening to your body. If you need to rest definitely rest.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,561 Member
    Rabbit, Rabbit wishing luck to all who read this for May.
    Insight Timer Quote: The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.—Jon Kabat-Zinn
    I AM: I remain kind to myself as I move on from past mistakes.
    Action for Happiness: Do something kind for someone you really care about.
    Happy National School Bus Driver Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.—Zig Ziglar
    Day 121 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.53 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day at work with a 45 min walk.
    Work 7AM-1PM so getting into the gym for a Legs Day and Core then home for Pliability: Quads + Hams and 60 min walk after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,308 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,024 Member
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,561 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: It takes guts and humility to admit mistakes. Admitting we’re wrong is courage, not weakness.—Roy T. Bennett
    I AM: I am able to find a way to get through anything and everything.
    Action for Happiness: Focus on what you can rather than what you can’t do.
    Happy National Baby Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.—Andy Murray
    Day 122 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.76 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day at work with a 45 min walk tracked on Strava app.
    Work 8AM-2PM so coming home and getting in Resistance Bands: Chest + Triceps, Pliability Warrior Routine: Kenobi and 60 min walk after dinner.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,308 Member
    Good morning everyone.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,024 Member
    edited May 2
    Good afternoon 😊. Have a fantastic day.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,561 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.—George Bernard Shaw
    I AM: I am constantly growing and evolving from my mistakes.
    Action for Happiness: Take a step towards an important goal, however small.
    Happy National Space Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.—Wayne Gretzky
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk before breakfast.
    Day 123 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.53 miles yesterday.
    Off today so getting into the gym after breakfast for Back/Arms + Core finisher then later Pliability: Back Side and 60 min walk.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,308 Member
    Good morning everyone
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,024 Member
    Happy Friday and weekend, here is today's affirmation:

    Self-respect is not a function of size, age, or wealth. Breathe deep, sing loud and sweet, "I am me, I am unique, I am magnificent." - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    edited May 4
    @Tabatha_Cain , I had a GREAT TIME!! THANKS!! Coming home of course with a little bit of 95 closed, trucks were "saving" time (HAHAHAHA) by hitting the other interstates. We traveled as we had planned on I-84 through CT and into MA onto 90 than 95 for the ME/NH borders. LOL We ALWAYS cheer when we cross the bridge from NH into ME!! LOL ALWAYS!!! It was a FANTASTIC time!! A very quick trip, but with the 4 of us, lots of laughs. COOL you were granted 4 days of time off for the pain. I'm not sure if your insurance will cover Acupuncture? Mine will ONLY if it's being done by an MD. Mine who does it, charges it to my insurance as an office visit. I just over the needles (15$ each visit so no biggie). It has helped me through the years!! I hope you are able to reach your sales goal!
    @Cormierannie, Hon, so sorry!! So hard to clean out someone we love place. As we do so memories flood back, it can hurt, but it can also help. I'm glad his neighbors are telling you much about him and no doubt how much he meant to others. I live in a 55 plus and know when we lose someone we really care about, it hurts. Funny how living in a building or complex etc of others, it becomes a family of sorts. Here I know we do watch out for each other. I try to do so without being nosey though. I'm well liked and it shows, no doubt from the sounds of it, he was to. WHat an honor for you to know him, and enjoy his love.
    @Patti241, how did the week go?
    @Kurtize, TY TY TY For the inspirational quotes Joyce!! How's the leg?
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,561 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Recognize that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life.—Deborah Day
    I AM: I free my thoughts and allow myself to experience greater gratitude.
    Action for Happiness: Send your friend a photo from a time you enjoyed together.
    Happy National Star Wars Day!!! May the 4th be with you.
    Happy International Firefighter’s Day!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.—Derek Jeter
    Day 124 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.72 miles yesterday.
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk before breakfast.
    Work 11AM-5PM so getting in my Pliability: Wrists + Ankles after breakfast and 60 min walk at work this afternoon.
  • Schnootie
    Schnootie Posts: 170 Member
    While I wait for the Summer challenge to start, I figure I'll hang out at the VIP lounge. Hubby is bringing an egg hut sandwich from his night shift. I already tracked it. I really like the way the food tracker is set up here. I did WW for the past 1.5 years but never got used to not seeing micronutrients, fiber, cholesterol etc. Those are the values I monitor most. Today will work on my step goal 6000, getting my fiber, water and try out some pelvic floor exercises.

    To all a great day!