Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Sunday 6/30
    SW: 215.0
    PW: 201.6
    CW: 201.8
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Congrats to everyone that made the Leaderboard!

    @trooworld – Fitting in walking is a double edged sword. I get so busy at work and then it’s already lunchtime and I didn’t have my morning walk. I’m setting a LOT of reminders on my phone now. I’m so sorry you’re struggling at the conference. I get it. I have a yearly work conference and I always try to get a peripheral seat. Sending you a big virtual hug.
    @TeresaW2024 – That puzzle is AMAZING! And I think the missing piece is adorable.
    @19shmoo69 – Oh that puppy is gonna melt your heart!
    @laurelfit57 – Your haul from the farmers market sounds perfect!
    @FoxyMoxie04 – Welcome! You are absolutely right – I need that reminder often that everyone’s journey is different.
    @NanaB1835 – Welcome!
    @txcritter69 – So glad Diesel started eating. And Woot Woot that your face is healed and you can get back outside in the wee early morning hours :)

    I met up with an old friend for dinner on Saturday and she’s been able to maintain her weight loss for over a decade. She’s a slow eater and I noticed that I was pacing her. I ate half my meal and realized right away that I was full, so I set the other half aside to have later. I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too many things this month, but I will also try to eat a little slower.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 857 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Canada day :) it’s also my anniversary. 18 years! Holy moly.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,970 Member
    edited July 1

    s5suwbso2gdz.jpg For last week of June you placed #1
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,970 Member
    @Littlebabekitty @AyaTheTyga @rjv230 @AmbersWay @bark2j5 @AustinRuadhain
    Reminder to weigh in tomorrow to @Teresa2024 and @FushiaKat
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »

    s5suwbso2gdz.jpg For last week of June you placed #1

    Thanks, that did not show up on my feed. I've looked a few times.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited July 2
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 210.5
    CW: 213.5

    Ack. I'm sorry. I can only promise to do better this month. It was food. I didn't wildly overeat, but I ate sweets, and I cannot do that. I am so glad to be turning over a new page today.

    I am sorry to have been quiet! I had decided I would go do all the health checks and then had a (for me) Scary Result. Much stress and activity around that. I'd like to not get a call back on a mammogram again anytime soon. As a lucky winner, I got to have a much more rigorous session and some more checks, and we seem now to have determined that I am fine. And I am also done being sore. Geez. So, yeah, ate a bit of my stress.

    On the plus side, I have been overall getting in more movement.

    My plan for this week:
    - Track my food on MFP (I like the food racking here better than LoseIt; I did create an account there so I can avoid losing track of some folks I'm find of that aren't in this group)
    - Actually do wind down 30 minutes before bed (books allowed)
    - Garmin "Rise & Grind" badge: I am playing to earn a badge for getting in exercise before 7 AM each morning this week. I did it today!
    - Step Goal for the week: 70,000
    - Bicycling Goal for the week: 25 miles
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 563 Member
    @trooworld So glad yesterday was better, hoping today was the same! It is hard when you're eating out at something like a convention, good for you tracking everything! Last week I did not eat well, and I did not track

    @TeresaW2024 poor Maggie! Have you thought of using a baby onesie on her? That's what I did with Vannie when she had her surgery and it was much better for her than the cone.

    @Vegan4lyfe212 wow! Look at you and those beautiful grandbabies!! Eating slow, I know it works, but I always seem to be in such a hurry. If you can do it I should be able to do it!

    @19shmoo69 huge congratulations to you!!

    Well… I finally made it to the gym today and did an hour of weight/strength training, it felt really good! I am signed up for a spin class tomorrow morning, I have no idea about this instructor but I really need to get back to spinning and commit to it twice a week. Slowly but surely my pulse keeps going up, blood pressure is fine but I know exercise really helps to keep me in order, so no more mucking about.
    My eating was on track and I went out to the farm to visit with my cousin, it was a beautiful day 😊
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,817 Member

    🎉CONGRATULATIONS🎉 to @19shmoo69 @lislisa123 @annachangesagain
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 314 Member
    WI Monday

    PW 216.4
    CW 216.4

    No change. That’s ok. I have been sick. I have been medicated and in bed for a week. So hoping to jump back in. Praying to get back on track. Too many excuses and jumping off the wagon has gone on.

    July intro

    I am an expat mom of 3 from the midwest. Currently in Istanbul. As most know I really enjoy it here. There’s an amazing expat community, beautiful locals and a ton of historical places. Weather is great and the food is well great for low carb, if you skip the Turkish breads.

    I adore this group and sad that I haven’t been keeping up. It shows in my gains. Ugh! So you new members, do your check ins, they help tremendously. The support here is great.

    Working on my 10k steps daily, trying to get my carbs back down this week (withdrawals) and maybe push to get a work out in.

    Praying there’s a loss next week. I need motivation.

    Congrats to the board makers, welcome to the new members and hi to all the rest.

    I hope to do accountability check ins daily. So they may be just only that. I will read up though.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,073 Member

    @19shmoo69 - OMG Mr Darcy! Too cute

    @TeresaW2024 - Maggie is being a diva about her cone too. Her poor leg.

    @txcritter69 - glad Diesel ate and hope he's ready to start learning now!

    @laurelfit57 - How are Ty and Vannie?

    @Katmary71 - Yes, he's going to be 2 in a few more days. I can't believe it either. He's finally settling down and starting to act like a gentleman.

    @trooworld - Say hi to Violet and Daisy from Gus

    Have a nice Tuesday!


  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 249 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 1
    Weigh in day:Tuesday
    SW (1.1.24) : 252.0
    PW: 244.8
    CW: 246.4
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 249 Member
    edited July 2
    Happy Canada Day!! :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Those babies!!! <3 I’m glad you are back on track and feeling motivated. Just remember that motivation is a feeling, and those often change, as we well know. Commit yourself to do everything right for this week. Then, commit for next week. Rinse and repeat. I’m a very fast eater and feel like I’m always trying to slow down. :)

    @AustinRuadhain I had the same issue with sweets! I am so glad that everything came back OK with your health scare. <3

    @laurelfit57 I ordered a one-leg sleeve that ties around her body, and so far, so good! She is very aware that her leg hurts, so she hasn’t wanted to do anything with it. Let’s hope that continues until next Monday’s staple removal day. :)

    @AmbersWay I’m glad you are having a positive experience living in Istanbul. I would love to see all those historical sites and eat their food. Just check in when you can. :)

    Good morning! Well, my weight isn’t going in the right direction again! :# I know it’s because of the ice cream in the evenings. We ate the last of it last night and have already told my people not to expect anymore! Today, I need to run to work and then to Aldi. I’ll go when Maggie is high on her meds and can stay in her crate with Joe watching her. Have a good day! :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 What a great picture of grandma and the babies! I'm glad you are taking your breaks at work. I am guilty of working through mine as well. I know what you mean about the getting busy and then it's lunch. It happens to me. Setting reminders is a great idea! I think I will do that. Thank you! <3 I need to slow down eating as well. I eat like it's a race lol.

    @megnolia82 I hope you had a good Canada Day and anniversary!

    @AustinRuadhain I hope the mammogram came out okay. I had a call back on a mammogram once, they had to do a biopsy and it scared the heck out of me but everything turned out okay. Okay, I just read the rest of that paragraph and you are okay, right? It is stressful. Hugs. Good job with more movement! Great goals.

    @laurelfit57 Yesterday was even better, thanks! I didn't do well eating at the convention but yes, I did track. Way to make it to the gym! I hope you make it to spin class this week.

    @AmbersWay I hope you feel better soon.

    @Cornanda Say hi to Gus from my girls! Here's the latest photo of my girls below...

    @TeresaW2024 Ice cream is hard to resist but you know what is helping me? I got fruit popsicles (zero sugar) and I am eating those and it's helping. How's Maggie?

    Hi all. Yesterday at the convention was much better. I got all aisle seats and was able to walk without pain. AND I saw a pug at the convention! The owner was sneaking him into a booth she was working at. He was adorable and it made my day. I didn't eat the salad I had planned: I was afraid it would make me have to use the bathroom and I didn't want to be THAT PERSON at the convention lol. I had a sandwich and fries instead. I am going to a meditation garden today with my friend who lives in Washington State. It will be good to see her. Have a great day! Here is the latest pic of my pugs for your enjoyment lol.

    No Zero Days: Tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Is it too late to be an active member for July? If not, I think my weigh-days were Fridays and my SW would be 266.2

    Thank you for good wishes, my surgery went fine and I've healed up well. I'm back to both jobs which makes my bank account happy. I'm not completely released for lifting heavy stuff or swimming but that should change in a couple weeks. I'm very happy to be up and moving again though. It feels good.

    My Dr was able to prescribe wegovy to me and I was actually able to fill it. I'd been on saxenda but it's super hard to find; I could never find it for more than a month or two and I'd have to stop. I'm only on my first week but I'm looking forward to the food noise going away. I think outside of losing weight, that's the best part. No food noise.
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 285 Member
    Good morning,

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I love the picture of you and them babies. When we go out to eat I ask for a Togo box at the beginning of my meal, half everything on my plate box and it up to take it home. It really helps with not over eating.

    @megnolia82 🎉Happy Anniversary!🎉 Congrats on 18 yrs.

    @AustinRuadhain I am glad that you had a great outcome from all the tests done. It is crazy how they mess with your mind over the mammograms. I have gone through it twice. Your stomach stays in knots the whole time. Your plan for this week sounds solid. You got this.

    @laurelfit57 Sounds like you had a great day yesterday and I hope spin class goes well today.

    @AmbersWay I am glad to see that you are ready to tackle this new month.

    @Cornanda I hope Diesel is not being hardheaded about learning he's new norm. I am so ready for him to be back home.

    @TeresaW2024 Smart choice on the Ice cream. I have been doing the same here. If it is not in the house I cannot crave it.

    @trooworld So glad the convention went better after the first day. Have a great day with your friend at the meditation garden today. Hello Violet and Daisy.

    Diesel started place and E collar conditioning yesterday. So we will see how well he does over the next few days.

    Me I am not doing so well mentally, I did not realize until last night just how much him being away was affecting me. I am having a real hard time with this. I was up until 1230 this morning having a meltdown. So for today my goal is to move as much as possible to get my steps in. I am trying to talk myself into doing a workout DVD. We will see.

    Have a blessed day!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 539 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 26 of 52

    PW: 137.8
    CW: 137.2

    Happy Independance day everybody! I hope you get to see some amazing fireworks. We usually sit on our balcony with binoculars and watch the firework show that Canyon Lakes puts on, they put a barge in the lake and shoot the fireworks from there. It's nice to be able to stay at home and miss the crowds.
    Congratulations to the team member on the Leaderboard, well done.
    It's hot here, I'm staying cool in the house doing stuff. My weight is holding study I cut back on the number of cherries I was eating. Yesterday I went to Sams Club to get a roasted chicken and they had cherries again. I got 2lbs.
    Try to stay cool and remember to stay hydrated, it's easy to forget this time of year for some odd reason.
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