WaistAways Team Chat - September 2024



  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 437 Member
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 891 Member
    Weigh In Day: SATURDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 169.6
    CW (Current Weight): 171.0
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    edited September 8
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @strong_fit_ells thinking about you! It's hard when kids are growing up and moving out, even if it's to University!

    Next week is going to be a partner step challenge again...you want to partner up again, Ellie?

    @MaddawgMadsen I love the name Henry! He is so adorable!

    I saw a few people post goals for the end of the year. Does anyone else have a goal? I would love to be 195! I can start tracking this and reporting out weekly if anyone is interested?

    I am having a relaxing day today. I did a 3.88 mile walk/jog this morning and then have been relaxing. I have the Panthers game on now...although they aren't doing so well. Tomorrow is our anniversary and we may go out to chick fil a for dinner. We are going to celebrate our anniversary fully when we go to Myrtle Beach in a couple weeks. 🙂
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Sunday: 13,263 + 45 mins walk/jog @ 4.1mph
    Monday: 7,636 + 60 minute body pump class
    Tuesday: 11,602 + 50 mins walk/jog @ 4.3 mph
    Wednesday: 10,054 + 60 min body pump class
    Thursday: 9,429 + 25 minute HIIT class
    Friday: 11,140
    Saturday: 14,251 + 30 min weight lifting

    Busy week with exercise and movement. It is so nice that the weather cooled down and I have been able to walk (stroll) on lunch to get more steps. I sweat very easily so I don't want to smell in the afternoon when it is warmer out 😂
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    @fourathomej Yes we like it at Pine Lake, the major advantage being that it's close to our house... after a long week at work it's nice to be able to get out to our spot fairly quickly!

    @MaddawgMadsen OMG your puppy is SO cute.. enjoy getting to know the little gaffer! Adorable. And we are Buffalo Bills fans here

    @Kali225 Like Jolene I am in awe of anyone who does laps for exercise because it's nothing I've ever done. Congrats on reaching your weight milestone... the 240s are in sight my friend. Let us know how the concert was!

    We had the celebration of life for our friend yesterday and it was a very beautiful gathering. Today we have been getting things done around the house which I need to get back to. It's HOT here, still over +30... I walked a bit but it's pretty stifling!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,281 Member
    Week 1 steps
    Sep 1 - 8053 steps
    Sep 2 - 6139 steps + 32 minutes Peloton
    Sep 3 - 15474 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
    Sep 4 - 11310 steps
    Sep 5 - 9329 steps
    Sep 6 - 6029 steps
    Sep 7 - 3434 steps
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Great job this week @Gidgitgoescrzy @strong_fit_ells @AnnaBananza15!!

    Plus we almost had 50% of our team in the green 🎉🎉

    What is your plan for meeting your goal this week?

    I have been tracking everything and meeting my step goal. I am going to continue that this week!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    The concert last night was great! I just wish the main set had been longer. She played (almost) every song I wanted to hear. I had pretty good seats too.

    Did some good meal prep today, and snuck in a 10 min low impact cardio workout before halftime of the night game, during which I took a nice bath. I have a new plan for movement this week - the usual laps in the morning hopefully, dance cardio tuesday, strength thursday -- but I'm going to add some beginner level strength on monday & wednesday as well. Ambitious but I am not holding myself to more than 20 min for Mon/Wed. See how it goes.

    Tired now. Might not finish this game. I am finally going to set up my new firestick on the TV in my bedroom, which I haven't used since moving it in there. I think getting into bed and being able to do my skincare and planner updates for the week will help me wind down, even if the TV is on.

    let's do this week, team!

    @lauren_989 I'm not opposed to some end-of-year-goal-tracking!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    @heathere244 0.5 pounds down is an awesome week!!

    @jugar I love hearing about your workouts with Jasper. I can just see him stretching for that carrot! I can't wait to hear @EvMakesChanges news!
    Hi and happy September! Today is my birthday so, much of my self control on serving sizes was non-existant, therefore, I need this week off from weighing in and will start back on 9/19.
    My big news is that we found a house to buy and our offer was accepted 3 days after we saw it! It’s a home in a mobile home park with a lot of forested land nearby. We’re going to be getting rid of lots of things before moving, since there’s no attic or basement to indulge our packrat tendencies!
    We’ll finally be able to save some money, once we pass papers on my condo (9/26).
    I also auditioned for a mixed chorus and was accepted. This makes me so excited and looking forward to a busy, musical fall.
    I’ll try to get here more often this month. I’ll also aim to increasing my daily walking & decreasing my serving sizes.
    Have a great week two!

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    Happy Monday, I had a good weekend, went on a nice hike saturday morning, all up hill of course, I honestly think we need to move somewhere with less hills. I also learned that when the trail is red dots on the all trails map, it means it's STEEEP downhill, luckily we were able to find a round about that wasn't so steep. Anyway, we found some cool rocks, one was quite large, but we took it anyway. :smiley:

    After that we went to the Guinness Brewery, had a beer and a pretzel, then went and visited my daughter where we had more drinks, so that meant Sunday was a wash, I really regretted it also, but it's over.

    We are starting back our work walks today, at least I hope we are, she isn't in yet.

    I feel good this week, so I am hoping I can keep the momentum up.

    Have a great day !

  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 148 Member
    Happy Monday Waistaways 🥰

    @lauren_989 Yes, please to the step challenge 😁 I really enjoyed it last time. Next week will be quieter for me at work so it will really motivate me to get out 🥰
    Also I'm in for end of year challenge. I would love to lose 25lbs, fingerss crossed 🥰

    @MaddawgMadsen I love your puppy! 😍 Henry is beautiful 😍

    @EvMakesChanges Happy birthday to you 🥰🎉🥰

    Today I'm having bad day 😥 my youngest son was crying this morning because his brothers are away. I feel really sad and fed up. Have to pick my boy from school soon so have to get myself together 😥 Good thing is that I don't feel hungry, so I'm treating today as intermittent fasting day.

    Have a lovely day everyone 🥰
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Ok it sounds like there is some interest for the end of the year goals! Please let me know if you would like to join and what your goal is. So far I have a couple weight goals, but this can be anything. Pool laps, miles or km biked, walked, etc.

    I have:
    @strong_fit_ells - 25 pounds down
    @Kali225 - need goal
    Myself - 15 pounds down

    @strong_fit_ells I hope things settle down and your family gets used to new routines.

    @EvMakesChanges happy birthday! And congrats on getting a new place! Is it still in Vermont?
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 52 Member
    Current Weight: 162.8 lbs

    Finally broke down and bought myself smaller pants. Bought them online and wasn't sure they'd fit, but the do! <3
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    @lauren_989 let's make my goal 245 lbs by end of the year. I think that would count as "safely" into the next decade (but we all know you're never really safe from gaining some back.... :/ )

    Having a good Monday. I did get up for laps and the pool was pretty chilly! So that was an extra challenge to get myself in. I asked the front desk if we could turn the heat up today so hopefully it is a bit better tomorrow. More meal prep happened after work, but I could not bring myself to try a workout - I am so tired. Watching the game now but probably going to read my book until I fall asleep now.

    @strong_fit_ells sorry you are having a tough week! hugs to your boys

    @EvMakesChanges Happy Birthday!! and congrats on the offer being accepted!
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi all I'm Joann, I live in Alberta and work as a public health nurse. I'm married and have a 10 year old daughter 2 year old German shepherd. On top of that I'm taking an online MPA degree.

    I am part of this group to lose some weight but mostly to stay accountable for my healthy habits and would like to see some movement on the scale. August was a tough month as I had a condensed class the last week weeks of August but have to say I'm proud of myself for not letting everything go out the window. I just got back from Saskatoon on a week long residency for my program and such a enjoyable experience. It's funny how you get such a different perspective when you get away.

    This month I want to maintain my weight. With school and work I don't want more pressure because i know that is when all things collapse.

    PW 164.6
    CW 165.8
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    @EvMakesChanges - Happy birthday and congrats on the new house! How exciting!

    @strong_fit_ells - sorry all the changes in your family with sons going away to university and all the feels that come with that are weighing so heavily on you and your family. I know you'll all get through it, but it is hard right now. I love that you are being kind to yourself by turning your day of less hunger into your intermittent fasting day and just overall listening to your body. Keep it up!

    @Kali225 - I'm glad you had a good time at the concert and are able to swim the laps that seem impossible to me!

    @lauren_989 - I would love to do an end of the year challenge. I said low to mid 170s (6-10 lbs lost), but honestly, I want to be in the 160s before the end of the year. So, that would be about 12+ lbs to lose. I plan to do this by remembering to track my food, making it to my exercise classes instead of sleeping in, and no alcohol.

    Thank you to everyone who commented on Henry. He has become a sharknado. He gets the zoomies and will pause only briefly to bite my feet. It's kind of cute so I can't get too mad.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Let me know how this looks, if anything needs to be adjusted, or if anyone wants to be added :)

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    I probably should have updated my weight on the end of the year chart for my weight today...207.2. I had another good week of tracking and getting steps. I power-washed half the driveway today (hubby did the other half a few days ago) so got some sun and exercise :) We got a notification from the HOA saying that our driveway was dirty and that it is part of outdoor maintenance and we have 1 month or they will send someone to do it at our cost :angry:

    @MaddawgMadsen do you know about how old Henry is?

    @cleaneater80 I'm glad you enjoyed your week at the residency program! Was it far away from where you live?

    @Lyss983 Wonderful NSV...getting smaller pants!! :)
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    @lauren_989 - we think Henry is about eight or nine weeks old. All I know is he has very sharp teeth! ... Nice work on getting the movement in and losing 1.2 lbs!
  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 23 Member
    I apologize my weigh in should be Sunday. I did weigh on Sunday but haven’t posted yet.

    PW 174.1
    CW 177.4
    Last week was not a good week for me food choice wise. Monday was a family get together and then two days last week were work anniversaries for coworkers celebrating with cake and ice cream. I have been outside working a lot this week. I hope that shows n the scale. I binged watched My 600 lb Life over the weekend and realized how I need to do better with my food choices. So that is my goal this week. I also realize I need to be more interactive with the group, I usually just pop on to post my weight and not much else. The point of joining to to get involved with something. Good luck to everyone this week!
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    Good morning, I was doing pretty well, but yesterday I just had a bad day and ate way more than I should.

    Today is a new day, and it will be a good one.

    I would like to join the year end challenge, I would like to get to 135lbs, so that is around 9lbs.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,395 Member
    @cleaneater80 I am an Albertan as well :D WELCOME!!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,395 Member
    PW: 160.4
    CW: 159.6
This discussion has been closed.