VIP LOUNGE! Welcome to the 2025 Winter 5% Challenge!



  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,358 Member
    Good Morning VIP friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Thursday and we are doing an inspection on a home we are thinking of purchasing. I am excited to see the house again. I think I will love looking at it. I wanna get a photo of the pool, I think we have a sauna on the property as well, but then we have a structure that I am not sure what it is and I might get an option to ask the owner what it is for. I hope she will be there.

    @Kurtize - Good luck with Don's surgery. I hope your leg heals. I am so sorry about your son and grandson. Are they ok from the wildfires?
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We decided to move on and have kept looking. So I will keep you posted. as one home we are interested in is in the inspection phase. So we have an inspection today and sometime soon they are doing the septic test and the well water test. So we are waiting to see about those tests. That is nice that your friend is helping you.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,721 Member
    Insight Timer Quote:
    Love does not cause suffering: what causes it is the sense of ownership, which is love’s opposite.—Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    Daily Insight:
    Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.—Napoleon Hill
    I AM:
    I rule over my emotions and keep them in check when needed.
    Action of Happiness:
    Get moving. Do something (ideally outdoors)
    Fitness Quote:
    Laziness fuels more laziness. Activity fuels more activity.
    Fun Fact:
    Across the country on January 9th each year, citizens take the lead to show support on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
    Law Enforcement Officers of every rank and file have chosen a profession that puts their life on the line every day for their communities. They've answered a call to public service that is demanding and often unappreciated.
    From local, state, and federal, their duties command dedication. The jobs are often thankless and take them away from their families for long hours. Rarely do they know what their days have in store for them. Often law enforcement are the only paid emergency resource a community has. More often they work in coordination with other local, state, and federal organizations to make communities safer.
    On National Law Enforcement Day, we have an opportunity to thank them for their service and offer a token of respect.
    There are several ways to show your support. Send a note of thanks to your local, county or state police agency. Wear blue, turn your social media channels blue or shine a blue porch light to show your support. Share your support using #NationalLawEnforcementAppreciationDay to share on social media.
    Several organizations came together to create National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in 2015 to thank officers across the country for all the daily sacrifices they make for their communities. Some of the organizations supporting the observance include:
    Concerns of Police Survivors
    FBI National Academy Associates
    Fraternal Order of Police
    International Association of Chief of Police
    Officer Down Memorial Page
    Law Enforcement United
    National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
    International Conference of Police Chaplains
    National Troopers Coalition
    Since then the inaugural celebration, nationwide many more organizations have joined forces to support National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to spread encouragement and respect to these dedicated men and women.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 5,268 Member
    Good morning
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,384 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, looking for a new home is never a straight shot even if one has no restrictions financially (Which 98% do!). It sure can be a huge stress when we find something we really fall head over heels over in love with, but if it doesn't work out, something eventually will. Awww thanks about my friend, I am extremely fortunate in that I have many friends, some very close to me others not as close, but still close. I learned from my Mom eons ago, married or not ALWAYS keep your friends around you. Life can suddenly change, and when it does (my step father passed) she found herself lonely. She had friends she thought, but those who were married they hung around with, life changes. She taught also ALWAYS have friends of a wide variety of ages. I live as you know in a 55 plus. Its hard to watch those in their late 80s , 90s who no longer have family or friends. They hadn't made friends. We DO keep an eye on them of course, but it's not the same. JUST a little WISDOM DROPPING for those reading this to keep in mind as time goes by.
    @Patti241 is the snow melting? Did you send me any? We keep hoping for some. We saw a few snowflakes today and got excited. HOW SAD IS THAT? LOL
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,784 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain - buying a home can be very stressful.

    Well did snow today, in fact it is still snowing and hasn't stopped since early this morning.
    Weather service says another 3 hours of snow until it stops. Here is some pictures of early this morning

    Tomorrow is Don's surgery, we need to be there at 6:30 am. I asked if we were late if that would be ok because of the weather and notices a lot of stalled cars on the road. Plus not sure how easy it will to get out of here and they said just get here as you can and be safe.

    Well that is all the new here. Kevin has electricity, which they are surprised and they are safe for now and David is safe but no electricity. David's friend lost their home. It is just so sad.
    Well hugs and blessings. Prayers for the people in CA.

    Today's affirmation :smile: It is of the small joys and little pleasures that the greatest of our days are built. - Mary Anne Radmacher
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,384 Member
    @Kurtize, Sure hope tomorrow is going to go smoothly. JEALOUS--SNOW!!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,358 Member
    Good Morning VIP friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and I have so much to do. The house passed inspection. We were told we need home insurance effective 2/7/25. So it looks like it is a go on the house. We are still waiting on the well water test, the termite inspection, and the appraisal. Other than that everything is good. I cannot wait.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I do need to make sure to keep my friends. I am hoping the neighbors I have now will stay my friends.
    @Kurtize - Wow that is some decent snow. Definitely prayers for CA. Most of the time surgery places will allow you to be 15 minutes late before they call to make sure you are coming.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 5,268 Member
    Diane: I wish I could send you a lot of the snow I got.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,721 Member
    Insight Timer Quote:
    In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.—Sir Francis Bacon
    Daily Insight:
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.—Albert Einstein
    I AM:
    I am grateful for the positive energy in my life.
    Action for Happiness:
    Thank someone you’re grateful to and tell them why.
    Fitness Quote:
    I workout because I love my body—not because I hate it
    Fun Fact:
    National Cut Your Energy Costs Day encourages consumers to explore their options and keep up with scheduled maintenance. Each year, on January 10th, the observance provides information designed to help homeowners and businesses to reduce energy costs and improve efficiency. Did you know that tuning up your heating system can save you up to three to ten percent?
    It is often in the little things that you do that can save you big money on your energy bill, such as:
    Weatherproof your home
    Replace old windows with new energy-efficient windows
    Replace old furnace with new energy-efficient furnace
    Properly maintain furnace
    Use solar heat if possible
    Turn down thermostats
    Turning off lights when leaving a room
    Use energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs
    Run dishwasher and washing machine only when fully loaded
    Lower water heater temperature
    Take shorter showers
    Unplug unused appliances
    Carpool whenever possible
    The above list is just a few of the many ways to conserve energy. Use these tips, along with others you may already have in practice, many available online and you will be able to create energy and financial savings the entire year.
    Taking part in National Cut Your Energy Costs Day starts with a plan. Make a list of the things you can change right away. Then working on making improvements to your home to help lower your energy costs. With each improvement, you'll be one step closer to an energy-efficient home all year long. Where will you start making changes?
    As you start, share your favorite energy-saving tips and practices. Keep track of your changes as you go and involve the whole family, too. Show them how the improvements reduced expenses and improved efficiency. By involving your family, they will take that knowledge with them into the future.
    Use #CutYourEnergyCostsDay on social media.

  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,760 Member
    @Kurtize - Yes, prayers for all in CA wildfires path. Prayers for your husband's surgery.

    @Patti241 - Good morning!

    Excited for the challenge start. The HH focus fresh and new. I even made a journal, lol. Not very crafty in that way, folded some fancy paper in half and tied yarn for the binder. Made 2 and Papashop started using his already!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,384 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , OH COOL!!! Here's hoping!! Will it be in time so your house will still sell as scheduled? Tabatha, I learned so much from my Mom, a very wise woman!! Especially the part of people of various ages as friends. I do well with having older friends, (one is almost 90! I am in my mid 60s) she's a HOOT and than some!! She can get us laughing quite hard, yet she's a very dignified lady, which we all benefit from. I'd say "a true southern bell" but she's not from the south, but the rest of it describes her very well. A classy lady.
    @Patti241 tomorrow we MIGHT get a dusting to perhaps 2"s, but that's literally NOTHING though anything is nice. If my body can handle it I'm planning on going out to walk in it to the grocery store and back.
    @Gouldsgranite would you like to share what your HH focus will be for the 8 weeks? Remember members Pick only 1 to do for the 8 weeks and read what it is written. Its important to never "Guess" what a Health Habit is about. In the past the points and what to count could be the same from challenge to challenge, but not any more. This I agree Janey is VERY exciting!! I'll be working on a low sodium diet, I'll not pin it as being hard, but as progress -- not putting "be in sodium range daily" that would only discourage me so much. This is the hardest HH I can work on, but very important at this time to both my heart and kidneys.

    How about the rest of you? What will be your HH (Health Habit) Focus for the 8 weeks?
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,784 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Friday. Don's surgery went well. We arrived there at 6:15 and got home at 11:30. They removed the tumor and it skin they had to remove was 2 in x 1.25 inches. The replaced skin is from his thigh. He is feeling good.

    The snow we had yesterday broke records. Longest day of snowing since 2015 (started snowing around 6:30am and didn't stop until around 4 - 4:30PM) and for the most snow, 9.5 inches, last record was 6 inches in 2021.

    Next week we only 1 dr appt. the week after we have 4 the only day free is Wednesday. On the 21st is when we also have to go back to Oklahoma. Hoping that report will say no more surgeries.
    Well that is all I can think of.

    today's affirmation: I Invite Rainbows and Butterflies Out To Play. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,384 Member
    @Kurtize, WOOHOO and YEAH YEAH YEAH!! So happy they got it, and you both get to relax for a bit, After the 21st hopefully, this will behind you both!!! WOW On the SNOW!! Oh man, still we are not getting anything real snow. Tomorrow MAYBE a dusting to 2"s.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 5,358 Member
    Good Morning VIP friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday and it is going to be a busy day. I have to pack and I have to work from 9:30 am to 6 pm. I offered to cover someone's shift today because they needed it off. So I offered to cover for them. We also have to pack and I think I have someone coming over to look at my clothes. I have a whole bunch of clothes that I don't need or want anymore and I will be getting rid of them.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We will hopefully be closing on my house first because I have to use the money to pay closing on the new house. I have distant friends. Non to hang out with. They all live far away. I guess I should work on fixing that.
    @Kurtize - That is good that Don is feeling well. That is a lot of snow. I think we got a ton as well. It would be nice if your report said no more surgeries.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,721 Member
    Insight Timer Quote:
    The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.—John Boynton Priestley
    Daily Insight:
    To be is to do.—Immanuel Kant
    I AM:
    I am proud of the person I see standing before me in the mirror,
    Action for Happiness:
    Switch off all your tech at least an hour before bedtime.
    Fitness Quote:
    Be focused. Be persistent. Never Quit.
    Fun Fact:
    National Vision Board Day on the second Saturday in January encourages us to set our goals in a visual way. Get out the sticky notes, markers, and inspiration and start plotting your goals for the new year!
    Vision board parties began in 2010 between a group of friends as a way for people to get together in a fun environment to set goals, cast a vision and dream out loud in a tangible way. They then mount on their completed vision boards on their walls where they would see them every day. Seeing their hopes and dreams helps set in motion these visions and ideas to become a reality.
    Many actors, musicians, fashion and entertainment-based people have been participating in this since its inception. Vision boards help people remember their goals and concepts on a daily basis.
    Host a vision party for your friends, family or co-workers. Set goals for the coming year and put them where you can see them. They will help motivate you to attain your goals. Do you have a vision board from last year? How well did it work? Share the results and get ready for an outstanding vision board for this year, too!
    Post photos using #VisionBoardDay on social media.
    Kellan Lutz and Ryan Daly submitted National Vision Board Day in June of 2015.
    In July of 2015, the Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed the day to be observed on the second Saturday in January, annually.
    Vision Board FAQ
    Q. Who can make a vision board?
    A. Anyone. A vision board helps us to visualize goals and create a plan to meet them.
    Is National Vision Board Day the only time of year I should commit to making a vision board?
    A. No. The observance creates awareness so that you can choose when and how to make your vision board.
    Q. What kinds of items go on vision boards?
    A. Anything that helps you to reach your goals. Some suggestions include:
    • Lists - This can be to-do lists, shopping or need lists, pros and cons lists, or simply a list of items you'd like to achieve.
    • Inspiration - Think quotes, images, and people who motivate you toward your goal.
    • Timelines - These visual representations of what you'd like to accomplish and when can be both motivating and daunting. Keep them realistic but challenging.
    • Words - Use big, bold letters for the words that have meaning to you. They may serve as motivation, inspiration, or a reminder of something you need to focus on to achieve your goal.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 5,268 Member
    Diane: We got an additional dusting last night.