Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I scored new shoes a model newer than the ones I bought online in January. They didn't have wide sizes, so I bought a half size up. I think they will be good. With the $10 gift card I won at my last 10k, I only paid $30! Original price $130!

    No running last weekend, but I did log over 55 miles on the bike in 2 days of riding!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    Backed off on my running a little due to a bunch of hot days. I have a shepherd mix dog. She has long fur and is about 10 years old, so I try to be careful with her. She's small though, only about 36 (overweight) lbs, so she's nowhere near the size of a full shepherd. I've been taking her on my long walk/runs last couple weeks. I'm doing an abbreviated form of c25k for my dog, basically advancing one week every time I go running with her. She keeps up with me for most of it, but the last 2-3 intervals she starts to lag behind me. Sometimes she limps as well, but when I took her to the vet they took xrays and couldn't find anything wrong with her leg. It will take about 5 weeks for my dog (and I) to reach the same level that I was running before. It's been nice to slow down a little and try to adjust to the heat.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My dog usually wants to run around my block, but with the heat, he's dragging! Good idea to slow down for your dog! I still need to get out and try the new shoes. Maybe tomorrow, as I'm riding with the girls tonight.
  • eyethree
    eyethree Posts: 29 Member
    Graduated C25K on Sunday. Started B210K this morning. Had my best time yet, still slow though.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @Autumnfilly2005 good on you for running with your dog, just be careful about advancing too fast. Dogs will run themselves into the ground trying to stay with their owner. Definitely was a good idea to skip the heat.
    Hope you have a good ride @Just_Ceci :)
    Welcome to the madness @eyethree ! Don't worry about speed, we're all slow compared to someone. Keep kicking along with the program and you'll find some speed, once you finish B210K you can do some speed work if you want to get faster.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Welcome to the madness @eyethree ! Don't worry about speed, we're all slow compared to someone. Keep kicking along with the program and you'll find some speed, once you finish B210K you can do some speed work if you want to get faster.

    So true, most here are slow compared to taeliesyn. But at least we have a rabbit to chase :p

    Just remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy your runs, there will be great ones and less great ones. Keep a diary to see if there is any particular pattern to the less good runs and then decide whether you want to change them. You will find when looking back over your diary how far you have progressed and how much you have conveniently forgotten. Have fun

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Been away from the forums for a while (still tracking my meals etc). Hubs started C25K this week and I have been running with him at his pace then a run at my own pace after. Between a total of 3-4 miles usually every other day. Signed up for another 5k race the end of July and my first 10k race for end of August. We've had tons of rain and flooding here (over 12 inches in the month of June) so figuring out when to run is tricky. Glad to be back.

    Diana in Indiana
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Welcome, @eyethree! I will echo the others- don't worry about speed now. Speed will come with more miles. Have fun!

    Despite having to change 2 flats (not on my bike), my ride was good last night- 20 miles. I will try out my new shoes today, even if it's in the gym (have I mentioned how hot it is?) :p
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Nice to see new and old faces.

    3 days of gentle easy runs just getting the legs turning over post Sunday. Another tomorrow and a rest on Friday ahead of a 5k pb attempt on Saturday. Also the heat has got to my brain, it is completely addled. I just signed up for "The Wall" a 69 mile run(?) along Hadrians Wall in June 2016. And this nutter hasn't finished a full marathon yet. Have already planned the next 12 months of training out including a long rest break after the full in September. Now desperately trying to find an ultra in Feb/ March next year in the 50-70km region as a training (!) run. It is only the next mad adventure that keeps me going
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Instead of running last night, I went to the auto dealer and test drove new cars! :p

    I did get up this morning and run though- 3.12 mi in 30:10. I think it was the highest humidity I've ever run in!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @ftrobbie You are crazy! :wink:
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Easy run Thursday, deliberately chose to skip Fridays run. Saturday had an attempt on a 5k pb at Rushcliffe parkrun. Overnight heavy thunderstorm leaving the ground wet, hence Rushcliffe rather than the faster and flatter Long Eaton course. Long Eaton gets waterlogged too easily. Cool and overcast at 0845, sun breaking through at the start at 0900. By 0912, half way though on a pb time humidity had climbed to 100%, we all suffered. I was in so much trouble at the end, clinging on, that I missed the fact that one of my friends was timekeeping. I saw one but not the other. Lots of grovelling later in the day. Missed a pb by 55 secs. How bad was the second half!!

    Nice 9 miler this morning followed by a 2k with the boys at the junior parkrun. Used a Respibelt on the 9 miler. Interesting experience, it was set up on the lowest compressive setting and it felt as though I was running with a mild asthma attack. It was definitely hard to breathe with it on. Will use it for another 3 weeks in this microcycle, then rest for 3 weeks and reuse for another 3 weeks. Hoping this will enable me to go longer at easy paces on the legs whilst stressing the aerobic system. My eldest took another 60 secs out of his 2k pb, for the first time he went off and did his own thing, I linked up with him at the finish 90 secs after he finished as I followed home my youngest. The youngest missed his pb by 10 secs. Looking forward to the first proper week of FM training. Enjoy yourselves
  • eyethree
    eyethree Posts: 29 Member
    I finished the first week of B210K. I was at a 14:15 min mile on Friday, my plan was to be under 14 minutes today. I didn't make it, I was at 14:05 instead. There is always Tuesday. I guess I should be proud that I beat my time and ran 4 miles. I'm still proud I've come this far in nine weeks!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @eyethree As with C25k, as you increase your distance each week in B210K, you might have to slow down some. Speed will come later once you have built up a running base. Have fun!

    No running for me lately. 43 miles on the bike on Friday with a blazing 15.7 mph pace. Too much celebration yesterday! Might convince myself to ride later today, maybe. (It's hot!)
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    @eyethree great job with wk1. I started c25k doing 12 min/mile. In w7 I was averaging 14 mins. I had to slow down as well. I can't wait to see the day I can do 10 min/mile
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    @eyethree which program are you following?
  • eyethree
    eyethree Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks both of you for the encouragement and tips.
    @fit4life_73 I'm using B210K Trainer Syncostyle. I was using Zenlabs C25K prior to this transition.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Welcome back Diana, nice to read your hubby has started C25K. I hope the rains let up so you can get our more often.

    Yep you're nuts Robbie! Glad your runs are going well for the most part and you're listening to your body about when it needs rest. The Respibelt sounds interesting, not sure I'd ever use one myself. Glad your kids are doing well with the running too.

    Definitely need to slow down as you go longer @eyethree once you're through b210k then worry about speed. :)

    You still got out there for a ride Ceci!

    It's been a while since I updated here, so lets see how it goes...
    Monday morning started with a run home from the mechanics after dropping the car off for repairs.. oh gods were my legs like lead! Nothing hurt, just everything was heavy and weak. That was only about 5k, so I headed out again in the afternoon, things felt better that run. Still ended up with walk breaks that run too.
    Tuesday I went out trail exploring, and things are looking good to make a local 50k+ loop on the trails with a friend. Got home to find I was like 3.1km away from clocking 200km for the month, so after some facebook cajoling by friends when I posted up about it, I went and knocked out a quickish 3.7. Good run, but I had my shoes too tight and I'm still dealing with issues on my left foot due to that. Too much pressure on the top of the foot type thing.
    I skipped my friday run to give my foot a rest. parkrun on Saturday was helping a friend run in her 50th run. We didn't PB, but did smash her target of sub 24, coming in around 23:20.
    Sunday started my training sessions to do with the vVO2max study/sessions. After having blood taken and sorting out the HRM (as I forgot my own) we got going, with a slightly over enthusiastic warmup, then it was 60mins of 5:25/km pace for me (I am the slowest in the group) I averaged 5:20/km. After the session we had blood lactate done and then did the cool down back to the Uni. We had more blood taken, were given 3 days food, including the ridiculous amount of I had to eat before getting more bloods done.
    Today was interval hell, which I failed pitifully IMO. Target was 8 reps. 4min on, 2min active recovery. I was meant to be running at 4:10 pace. Although I am sure I hit that pace during the intervals, not a single interval did I hold 4:10. My best were both 4:15, with some dropping to 4:30. I couldn't get my pace alerts to function on my watch, so I was having a hard time to figure out if I should be running harder or not. Oh well I've got 3 weeks until I have another attempt at it.
    Tomorrow is a rest day, then it's a rolling tempo type session on Wednesday.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    2 mile walk then 2 mile run on Saturday (mostly to burn off too much dessert!). 4 miles planned tonight.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I rode almost 16 miles yesterday. This morning I woke up an hour before my alarm, so I went to the National Park for a run- 5 mi in 50:23. It was very nice, not too hot yet.