Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Ugh, forgot to ask a question to everyone. I wonder how warming up is included in your programmes? When the task is to run for instance 7K, is the warm-up included or not?

    i don't count warm-up/cool-down as part of the run distance.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Ugh, forgot to ask a question to everyone. I wonder how warming up is included in your programmes? When the task is to run for instance 7K, is the warm-up included or not?

    The stats I post each time are just for the running portion and don't include the warm up and cool down. Yesterday, when I ran 5.07 miles, the total distance was 6.37 miles. I do log the entire distance in MapMyWalk, because I use their Gear Tracker feature to keep track of how many miles I've put on my shoes.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Ugh, forgot to ask a question to everyone. I wonder how warming up is included in your programmes? When the task is to run for instance 7K, is the warm-up included or not?

    I record my C25K (Tyre drag edition) warm ups. (I'm not reporting distance on them ;) ) In my normal (self made) programs, the warmup is usually included as part of the distance and the run. So I'll just do the first km or two at easy pace (Well that's the idea.. doesn't always happen) and pick it up as the session progresses (again doesn't always happen!)
    Interval sessions are the only ones where I make a true concious effort to warm up.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just came back from my walking for cross-training, and it was a good walk. 30 minutes is a decent time to get the heart working, but it isn't that much effort wise. I haven't yet decided what to do about tomorrow's strength training that should follow the 3.2 km run, though.

    @maggiekat my problem when starting to run was that I doubted myself heavily and didn't completely trust the programme. The only thing I can say in terms of advice is that it might help to consider the programme of your choice as a certain kind of personal trainer, who knows running better than you do.
    If it's been developed by professionals, and you're in acceptable health, there's no reason why you will fail, provided you're at the starting point they have outlined for W1D1. I recall the much dreaded W5D3 of C25K as a turning point for me, when I just had to succumb, accept the programme. Not stop questioning per se, but easing into trust, having faith in the "system", and realising that a lot of internal struggles have more to do with mind than body. Often the body can keep performing even when we think it can't, which is why I've focussed on the mental aspect in this reply :)
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    @Just_Ceci, what do you think of Zombies, Run! - do you recommend it?

    @AglaeaC, it is definitely a mind game but I'm wholly stubborn and push past my insecurities to the distance required each week. It helps me to know I've only got one more long run to do before the final run! :smile:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    @Just_Ceci, what do you think of Zombies, Run! - do you recommend it?

    I think it's a good distraction. Unfortunately, I discovered today after Episode 5, you have to wait days to unlock the next episode, or buy the premium prescription. :(
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran this morning at my national park. I only took a couple of short walking breaks during my 5k run and finished in 37:16, which is way slower than my last 5k, but I'm happy that I was able to run that far.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Nice Ceci! I did the 3.2 km, 4.1 km total with walking before and after. Feels good to have some kimd of plan to stick with again. Makes the internal debate less tedious.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    Decided to torture myself with an easy 8 km run around the neighbourhood in the full sun during the hottest time of the day. :o:s:p ! It wasn't too bad, as I was able to cool off somewhat in the shady trails for about 1/3 of the distance. That's what I get for being too lazy to get up early and run. Sleeping in until 7 am was worth it - today.

    I've been trying out some new strategies for hill running and have learned shorter strides works better. There is one KILLER hill I have yet to beat on my long run days. 24% grade = not my friend. I prefer to run alongside the ocean, where it's nice and flat.

    Just a short 4.8 km run left before my 19.31 km adventure on Saturday. Next week is a trio of easy runs before "the big day". I'm getting excited!

    @Just_Ceci - I think I'll try Zombies next week. It's a shame they've attached a subscription, bummer!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Had a hard drive crash on Monday evening, so missed posting on Tuesday, so I have two updates.

    On Tuesday, I did a 5K to 10K Week 3 run. I ended up walking on more than one of the steeper sections, but still posted a really good time (for me). My stats for Tuesday: 5.57 miles in 70:38 for a pace of 12:40. Again, a faster pace than my last run! The last time I did the same run, back on July 24, my pace was 13:19.

    Today, I did 5K to 10K Week 4 Day 1. Again, I walked on the steep sections but still had a good pace (which actually makes sense, since I can walk up those steep sections as fast, or faster, than I can run them). I did try to make up for it a little by running during half of the prescribed walk interval. Stats for today: 5.67 miles in 71:37 for a pace of 12:38.

    I have a question about something that's been happening lately. After I've been running for a while, my fingers start tingling (today I noticed it a little before halfway, so about 2.5 miles into the run - I was running downhill at the time). It isn't bad, but I'm guessing it means I'm a little short on oxygen or something. Is there anything I should do about it and should I worry at all?
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    edited August 2016
    Ran 19.3 km this morning. The first 12 k went as expected and then the sun kicked in around 15 k making the last 4 km grueling and my pace dropped by a minute / km. It was already 20C when I left so those rays were causing me physical damage. ;) Man, did I dig deep to finish. So glad I did.

    I made it further up "the hill of doom" this time. I might try the whole thing next weekend!

    @NancyN795 I get tingling fingers when I've been working at my desk too long. For me, I think it's related to tight shoulders. I haven't had the experience while running (except in my feet that one time I tied my shoes too tight), but thought it could be a possibility you're tight in your neck and shoulders when running. Well done on your run, by the way!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    This weekend has been all about the bike, so no running to report. I completed my 4th ADA Tour deCure yesterday, riding just over 65 miles. I raised almost $1,300!

    Today, I went for a hike at my national park. The weather was too perfect to stay inside!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    5K to 10K W4D2. My willpower was somewhat lacking today. I took multiple short walk breaks. However, I did run during most of the walk break I was supposed to take. It was already warming up this morning, but I can't actually say that it was hot enough to blame the temperature for all those breaks.

    Stats: 5.67 miles in 71:46 for a pace of 12:39. So, actually just a tiny bit slower than the last time.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    This weekend has been all about the bike, so no running to report. I completed my 4th ADA Tour deCure yesterday, riding just over 65 miles. I raised almost $1,300!

    Amazing! Well done!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'd planned for a comfortable 16k solo, before my social run last night. Headed out and knocked that over nicely at low 5min/km pace, then tagged in with a friend for a few bonus km's at a slower pace. Then the group run, where I was running mostly comfortably chatting with friends, had one or two faster km's in there too which actually didn't feel too bad, especially with the 20k+ already in the legs for the night.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I was slow today. I don't know why and it doesn't really matter, since I'm still amazed that I can run at all, much less this far on our hills. I'm still walking occasionally, on the steeper parts, but I think I walked less today than on my last run.

    Today's stats: 5K to 10K W4D3: 5.67 miles in 74:29 for a pace of 13:08.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I tried to do W5D1 today, but my heart just wasn't in it, so I walked a lot. I did do the entire distance, but I'm not counting it. I'll try again Monday or Tuesday.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    I achieved my 21 km goal this morning. It was deadly hot, and the last 9 km were tackled one painful km at a time. At about 12 km in I wanted to quit. I'd finished all my water and my route was taking me through patches of scorching pavement. Somehow I kept going, and didn't stop until the end.

    I'm feeling rather miserable at the moment. Too much hard work on too hot a day, I guess. Happily, beneath my dazed and exhausted exterior I'm absolutely beside myself with what I accomplished.

    @taeliesyn - I don't know how you do it, man. Just - WOW.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran this afternoon- 3.5 miles in 44:00. Long way to go.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @NancyN795 - Good idea on the re-try, sometimes it happens. You still did the distance though :)

    @maggiekat7 Great work and well done on pushing through to the end! Yeah it would be the effort that has left you wrecked, but you'll recover and be fine!
    Training!! lots of training for me, and finding people to run with :)

    @Just_Ceci WHOOO!!! Glad to see you running again!

    After a rather hard parkrun yesterday, pushing a friend to a course PB for her 50th parkrun, we actually headed out for a nice recovery long run this morning. It was a little cold at the start, then a bit of drizzle and then it fined up. Beautiful morning for a run, pushed my week out to just over 70K.
    It finally feels like I'm on the right side of my injury/niggle woes. Although the ankle isn't perfect yet, it's getting there.