JMBR start 9/30/13



  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    I am currently in week 11 of the program. I got completely burned out last week, so took it off. Now I have motivation back and I'm ready to finish strong! Just remember to listen to your body along the way. Rest when needed.

    I have lost a total of 4.7 pounds since starting Body Revolution. I know that is not much weight to lose, but my measurements tell the true story. Overall since starting my Upper Chest has gone down -1.75 inches, Bust has gone down -1 inch, Midriff has gone down -1.75 inches, and my Waist down -2.75 inches. A total of 9.25 inches gone from the total body measurements. The best part is that the majority of my inches are going away in my biggest trouble areas.

    Good luck everyone and keep going strong!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I am currently in week 11 of the program. I got completely burned out last week, so took it off. Now I have motivation back and I'm ready to finish strong! Just remember to listen to your body along the way. Rest when needed.

    I have lost a total of 4.7 pounds since starting Body Revolution. I know that is not much weight to lose, but my measurements tell the true story. Overall since starting my Upper Chest has gone down -1.75 inches, Bust has gone down -1 inch, Midriff has gone down -1.75 inches, and my Waist down -2.75 inches. A total of 9.25 inches gone from the total body measurements. The best part is that the majority of my inches are going away in my biggest trouble areas.

    Good luck everyone and keep going strong!

    This is so inspiring and motivating. Thanks for posting it! :)

    Today in workout 4 I did about 15 plank raises before I had to drop to my knees both times. Such a huge improvement! When I started workouts 3 and 4 they felt impossible but even on my third try of them I'm already finding them very doable and starting to want a bit of a challenge. So I guess, mixed in with the dread, I'm actually looking forward to phase 2.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I am currently in week 11 of the program. I got completely burned out last week, so took it off. Now I have motivation back and I'm ready to finish strong! Just remember to listen to your body along the way. Rest when needed.

    I have lost a total of 4.7 pounds since starting Body Revolution. I know that is not much weight to lose, but my measurements tell the true story. Overall since starting my Upper Chest has gone down -1.75 inches, Bust has gone down -1 inch, Midriff has gone down -1.75 inches, and my Waist down -2.75 inches. A total of 9.25 inches gone from the total body measurements. The best part is that the majority of my inches are going away in my biggest trouble areas.

    Good luck everyone and keep going strong!

    That's amazing!!! :happy:

    I'm excited to start Phase 2 on Monday and take my measurements on Sunday. The scale hasn't been very friendly to me, but I know the inches have come off! I bought a pair of jeans last year just after I completed Phase 1--after stopping and then putting the weight back on and plus some I didn't fit into them anymore. I tried them on yesterday and they fit...snug in the tummy area, but they fit! Depending on the brand of pants I wear those jeans are between 2 and 3 sizes smaller than what I'm wearing now!

    Did my final Cardio 1 dvd last night and I hate that dvd lol With my heart issue it really gives me some issues but even though I want to I don't quit! I'm nervous what Cardio 2 has to offer :noway: :wink:
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Just did Workout 3 for the second time - wow, so much better when I already know how to do the exercise! I did not even attempt the plank ups this time, just tried to hold plank for as long as possible. I decided I would wait until I can hold plank for 30 seconds before trying the plankups.

    I am thinking seriously about adding an extra week to Phase 1 - doing Workout 1, 2, Cardio, then Workout 3,4, Cardio for a 5th week. Feeling the need to get stronger before moving on to Phase 2. Will probably do the same thing at the end of Phase 2.

    Also, I am thinking of switching out Cardio 1 with something else, maybe Turbo Jam. I'm going to try it one more time but I have to admit I am not feeling as motivated to do it - sort of dreading the third circuit and thinking I would get a better workout if I mixed it up.
  • DKrisAn
    DKrisAn Posts: 43 Member
    Months ago I did JMBR but then was side tracked for a while because of health reasons.

    Now I am back to normal and can begin again. I doing workouts 3 and 4 right now. I am feeling very sore.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I had to do the plankups on my knees...ahhh so much easier lol Bring on the last workout of this Phase! :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Just did Workout 3 for the second time - wow, so much better when I already know how to do the exercise! I did not even attempt the plank ups this time, just tried to hold plank for as long as possible. I decided I would wait until I can hold plank for 30 seconds before trying the plankups.

    I am thinking seriously about adding an extra week to Phase 1 - doing Workout 1, 2, Cardio, then Workout 3,4, Cardio for a 5th week. Feeling the need to get stronger before moving on to Phase 2. Will probably do the same thing at the end of Phase 2.

    Also, I am thinking of switching out Cardio 1 with something else, maybe Turbo Jam. I'm going to try it one more time but I have to admit I am not feeling as motivated to do it - sort of dreading the third circuit and thinking I would get a better workout if I mixed it up.

    Plankups are hard! I've done that too--just trying to hold plank for as long as I could, I switch it off...but yesterday I did the plankups on my knees, with my legs bent up so I was just balancing and it was easier, good modification. My knees have been bothering me and I don't have bad knees. I read that this program does a number on them and it only gets worse. May have to start icing them after each workout.

    I only do the program 5 days a week (weekends off) I do Zumba twice a week so I use the other class as my 2nd cardio day. The Cardio dvd is just to hard to do it twice a week (in my opinion) I have seen others switch it and do Turbo Jam, that seems to be popular, might have to look into that!

    The scale finally moved after 2 weeks! Well last week I gained, but I also lost 4lbs the week before so I wasn't expecting a weight loss. Happy to see it a weight loss this week :smile: I have no idea how she wants people to loose "crazy" weight...5lbs a week?! What are these people eatting lol

    Excited to take measurments on Sunday and post them Monday! As I normally only check this site during the week since the community section isn't on the app--hope everyone has a good weekend!!! :happy:
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    So I skipped cardio today. I just couldn't be bothered, but I guess I'll do it tomorrow anyway and then skip my rest day (Tuesday) so I can keep up. On the bright side, tomorrow will be my second last cardio 1 EVER! :)

    I had real trouble with my knees last time I did this program but I'm having no trouble at all this time. I am focussing really hard on form especially with things like lunges which my knees just hate. I am going slower than the cast generally so not doing as many reps but making sure my reps are good. I think half of my knee problems came from rushing through the exercises to keep up which didn't give me time to do them with good knee alignment. This time I'm not worrying about keeping up with them as long as I am doing reps consistently for the entire time and doing them well.

    I think when she goes on about people dropping 5lbs a week etc. she must be talking about 350lbs people because seriously it's just not possible!

    Congrats everyone on your losses, can't wait to see some official phase 1 results! :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    So I skipped cardio today. I just couldn't be bothered, but I guess I'll do it tomorrow anyway and then skip my rest day (Tuesday) so I can keep up. On the bright side, tomorrow will be my second last cardio 1 EVER! :)

    I had real trouble with my knees last time I did this program but I'm having no trouble at all this time. I am focussing really hard on form especially with things like lunges which my knees just hate. I am going slower than the cast generally so not doing as many reps but making sure my reps are good. I think half of my knee problems came from rushing through the exercises to keep up which didn't give me time to do them with good knee alignment. This time I'm not worrying about keeping up with them as long as I am doing reps consistently for the entire time and doing them well.

    I think when she goes on about people dropping 5lbs a week etc. she must be talking about 350lbs people because seriously it's just not possible!

    Congrats everyone on your losses, can't wait to see some official phase 1 results! :)

    Maybe I should try and do fewer reps with good form for Phase 2, I do try and keep up with them and maybe that's what is causing them to hurt, although there is a lot of squats, lunges...and it doesn't help that I do one song in Zumba with squats.

    Yes, I agree with people 350lbs, because it's not possible...or working out more than 30mins a day.

  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    I did something to my left quad and hamstring today during Workout 4. Made the mistake of trying to keep up with the group during side lunges instead of concentrating on form! I did finish the workout and even did 10 minutes of TurboJam Learn and Burn afterwards, but it definitely hurts. Cardio day tomorrow, then workout 3 on Monday. Hopefully it will feel better by then!

    Any thoughts on how to help it recover? I did rub it with some "recovery cream" I have and getting ready to take a hot shower.
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member

    I had real trouble with my knees last time I did this program but I'm having no trouble at all this time. I am focussing really hard on form especially with things like lunges which my knees just hate. I am going slower than the cast generally so not doing as many reps but making sure my reps are good. I think half of my knee problems came from rushing through the exercises to keep up which didn't give me time to do them with good knee alignment. This time I'm not worrying about keeping up with them as long as I am doing reps consistently for the entire time and doing them well.

    Just what I should have done with the side lunges. Sigh.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I did something to my left quad and hamstring today during Workout 4. Made the mistake of trying to keep up with the group during side lunges instead of concentrating on form! I did finish the workout and even did 10 minutes of TurboJam Learn and Burn afterwards, but it definitely hurts. Cardio day tomorrow, then workout 3 on Monday. Hopefully it will feel better by then!

    Any thoughts on how to help it recover? I did rub it with some "recovery cream" I have and getting ready to take a hot shower.

    Rest is best. There's a difference between sore and injured. If the pain feels like you've done something really bad you need to rest it. If you're okay to walk on it etc then it's likely okay, just take it easy! Heat and ice are both nice.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I've been so slack this weekend. I've taken two days off and my motivation today is low :( I need to try to do cardio 1 AND workout 3 today so I can catch up but I just don't see that happening. I'll definitely do the cardio at least.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Ok I got cardio 1 done for the second last time ever (WOO!) Now to have a rest after eating and bust out workout 3 for the last time ever :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    HI everyone! Hope your all having a good weekend! Okay, as promised I'm posting my Phase 1 results-

    Weight loss (As of Friday) 5.5lbs (currently is 7)
    Pant size (depending on the brand) 1-2 down
    Neck- .5
    Right Thigh- 2
    Left Thigh- 0
    Waist (Above belly button) 2.5
    Hips- 1
    Right Arm (2in from arm pit) .5
    Left Arm (2in from arm pit) .5
    Bust- 2

    Total 9in off my body!

    Phase 2 starts tomorrow!!
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    KMJ1686- Awesome results! You must be doing extremely well with nutrition as well. Keep up the great work.

  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    HI everyone! Hope your all having a good weekend! Okay, as promised I'm posting my Phase 1 results-

    Weight loss (As of Friday) 5.5lbs (currently is 7)
    Pant size (depending on the brand) 1-2 down
    Neck- .5
    Right Thigh- 2
    Left Thigh- 0
    Waist (Above belly button) 2.5
    Hips- 1
    Right Arm (2in from arm pit) .5
    Left Arm (2in from arm pit) .5
    Bust- 2

    Total 9in off my body!

    Phase 2 starts tomorrow!!

    That is absolutely amazing! Congratulations! I'll be posting mine in a few days. Hopefully there's some change to see. Let's kick phase 2's butt! :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks!! I do pretty good for my calorie goal...I'm between 1200-1400 and I don't eat back my calories. I also do Zumba twice a week. My weekends are my down fall lol But I'm pleased with the results. Makes me really want to start Phase 2!

  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Just did workout 3 for the last time EVER! :D

    I kept up with everything for the entire time. The ONLY thing I modified was doing the plankups on my knees and some of the pushups on my knees (but I got about 5 military ones in each time!!!)

    So excited and proud! Tomorrow is workout 4 for the last time ever and then (most excitingly) cardio 1 FOR THE LAST TIME EVER.

    Wooo! I'm excited to see what my phase one results are! :)

    Keep motivated ladies!!!
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Just did workout 3 for the last time EVER! :D

    I kept up with everything for the entire time. The ONLY thing I modified was doing the plankups on my knees and some of the pushups on my knees (but I got about 5 military ones in each time!!!)

    So excited and proud! Tomorrow is workout 4 for the last time ever and then (most excitingly) cardio 1 FOR THE LAST TIME EVER.

    Wooo! I'm excited to see what my phase one results are! :)

    Keep motivated ladies!!!

    That's great!! :smile:

    I was able to keep up with everything too except for a few things, I started doing the plankups on my knees towards the end, and push ups were always "girly style" Cardio I had to swap out the suicides to run back and forth in my living room as fast as I could, but other than that I thought I did pretty well for Phase 1. Excited and nervous to start Phase 2 today.

    Have a great day ladies!!! :happy: