Welcome Introductions



  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hello! I am 28yrs old. Engaged! Originally joined MFP August 2012 and I weighed 144 pounds, then a car accident the following month led to my downward spiral and I gained 10 pounds in 4months.

    It took 5 more pounds before I snapped out of my funk and made the decision to get back in the game!

    I currently weigh 151.4 pounds, losing 3.6 pounds this month alone! It sucks the ticker won't display this as it is originally set for 144pounds so according to that I have lost ZERO POUNDS. bummer,

    I am getting married February 2015 and I want to be healthy, eat well, feel better!

    I may not be able to run as much as I used to last year but I want to slowly start back up again.

    My ultimate goal is to weigh 125 pounds.

    I always reset my ticker when I start again by deleting all past weights that existed before my start over. Congratulations on your weight loss!

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My name is Jennie and I'm 34. I have a husband and two cats. I have 35.3 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I like to treat myself on the weekends. I'm not on any special diets, but I signed up for Weight Watchers with my mom at the end of August. It's nice to meet you all, and anyone, please feel free to add me.

  • pammclean61
    pammclean61 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, My name is Pam and I am 52yrs old really want to lose this extra weight..I am determined to be down a few pounds by the end of the year(no number to set me up). I have joined 4 groups and believe that I will start working out each day slowly but methodically.
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    I'm Terrie, I turned 49 on the 6th and I've lost 54 lbs. so far. I don't have a goal wt. and plan to keep losing until I get to a size I like. After that, I will continue to work on my fitness level. After a lifetime of being a couch potato, the weight is changing faster than the flab. I'm currently doing a "burn 3500 calories a week" challenge and an Ab challenge with some tricep work, for the month of October. For Nov. I'm thinking, I'll only do the burn challenge or another 30 day challenge, but not both.

    I originally joined MFP to use the food database. I'm a type 1 diabetic and wanted to check on the carb counts on some of my foods. On Jan. 7, 2013, I decided it was time to drop a few lbs. After getting started, I changed my mind and decided to lose quite a few lbs. I had quite a few to lose. I'd like to lose 6 lbs. before Christmas, that will put at 60 lbs. down. But I'm really going to try and lose more.

    I eat pretty much whatever I want, as long as it fits my calorie goal and I walk every day and do a little strength training. My strength is slowly increasing and I need to work on my flexibility. I've had frozen shoulder in both shoulders and am getting more range of motion as I workout. There are many things I need to work on, but am planning to move slowly. I am much more successful if I break a large goal into smaller more manageable goals. If I set the goal too big, I get discouraged looking at what I still need to do and forget to see what I've already done.

    We are an awesome group of people, making a difference in our lives, thus making a difference in the lives of those we come into contact with!!!
  • alizab223
    My name is Aliza Bleier, I am almost 26. My goal is to get leaner and tighter and I am dying for a 6 pack! I have been working out since June 2012 and have done lots of different programs! I am almost finished with Body Beast now. I eat very clean but don't diet. I live outside of the US and can't get Shakeology and some of the other amazing foods that you guys are always talking about, I hate that!
  • suuta
    suuta Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Stacy. I turned 30 this summer and was sick and tired of lugging around extra weight. My mom is developing health issues because of her weight and I decided it was time to change. My sister did something similar a few years ago. She quit all processed food and started getting into whole foods. She's amazing. She did it all on her own too. So I have someone to keep me motivated and someone to keep me inspired.

    My goal is to get down to 150 lbs and to re-evaluate when I get there. I'm also working on a C25K program.
  • claudiaxcu
    claudiaxcu Posts: 113 Member
    Hi! i'm Claudia, just turned 27. I'm looking to lose 15 pounds by new year... i started eating cleaner and running with the c25k program. Also starting T25 next week. Love this kind of groups to motivate and keep me motivated since i tend to lose track when i do diets
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    My name is Melissa and have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty. At 13 my doc put me on a diet because I had high blood pressure and I was able to lose 70 pounds over the next two years. When I went to college I gained those 70 back. Then I decided to commit and lose the weight at 22 and managed to keep the weight off for almost ten years when slowly but surely I started to get lazy. Yes I had three jobs and was taking courses but that was no excuse there is always time!!!!! Last year I joined Mfp and lost 22 pounds and was well on my way when I got pregnant.. I was excited about the pregnancy but of course after a few months started to get lazy again! I gained to much weight and couldn't even blame it on my little girl because she was pretty small at birth. She is now 4 months and I am more determined than ever to make positive and permanent changes to become healthier for my family and myself.. Excited to be part of this group!!!
  • peglove1007
    peglove1007 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Peggy and I just turned 33. I've been on my weight loss journey since February 2011 and released 78lbs. My goal is to release 40 more which has been a little harder, but I will make it. It's not difficult for me to work out but I need to get back to eating within range.
    All the best to you all. We can do this.
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Hey All :) My name is Courtney, I just had my 24th birthday recently. I have been a yo-yo for staying fit. I played competitive volleyball growing up and through out high school. I then went off to college where i stuck with a healthy routine for my first year and a half. Then I started to get more relaxed with my workout/diet schedule. TOO RELAXED.

    I gained 30-40 lbs over the span of 2 years. Horrible, I know. I started taking care of myself once I ended the relationship I was in at the time. Lucky for me, about 10 lbs melted off once I wasnt eating like a man. haha. Girls just cant do that, unfortunately. But I still had 20-30 lbs I wanted to drop. I tried to do p90x and at the time wasn't determined enough to stick with it. I failed. Another year went by and I met the guy I am currently dating. He has been a savior. Always encouraging me to push forward and work hard to better myself.

    I am now half way through my second month of insanity and consistantly using MFP. This is my first round of it and I am SOO happy with the results of the program and tracking my diet. I also used shakeology, which is an excellent source of nutrients. I highly recommend it with any work out program you do, if you have access to it.

    Hope everyone is having an amazing journey through the "fit" life style! Good luck with everything you go after :)
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Lora and have struggled with weight issues for most of my 49 years. I finally got a handle on it and lost 100 lbs when I was in my 30's and kept it off successfully until I was diagnosed with cancer at 38. Everything was put on hold as I battled and successfully won but I had to have a full hysterectomy in the process and many months of radiation. With my metabolism shot I did the worst thing and ate under 1000 calories for years to keep weight off. I finally realized that this is no way to live so with my doctor's 100% "go girl go" I am learning to eat healthy & exercise. I am now doing Turbo Fire & Shakeology and LOVE it!
    My goal is to lose 30 lbs & feel healthy & strong as I head into my rocking 50's! I'm so excited to be part of this group & part of helping everyone reach their goals!
    Please feel free to friend me!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi! I'm Renee. Like a lot of people I've always struggled with my weight. About 4 years ago I lost over 100 pounds. Life (divorce, job stuff, etc) happened. I turned to food again. My goal is to be healthy and fit. I've learned over the years that the number in the scale is just a number. What I want to get back to are theses things: playing with soccer with my granddaughter without losing my breath, climbing stairs without a problem, back to using the weights I used to use (and more). Most importantly being happy with myself and being a positive role model for my daughters and granddaughters. Friends are always welcome! Support is critical, online or in person.
  • angeljohnson165
    angeljohnson165 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Angel I am 23 year old program leader for the YMCA . My main goal is to weigh 135lbs by my 24th birthday in July 2014 which is another 140lbs to go. I ran my first 5k this past April which inspired some mini fitness goals to aim for along with the weight loss I would like to run the 5k Foam fest (an obstacle mud/foam run) in May and do a 10k in fall 2014. Im really motivated not just for me but for the kids I work with everyday at work I have to promote healthy living to them but I don't want it to just be words I want them to see that I live it in my own life!
  • healthyJodi
    healthyJodi Posts: 31 Member
    Hey all! I am LJ, aka healthy Jodi or not so?... Basically I sit on my butt all day, I'm a day trader for a gas company. I am from Canada. I have about 3o pounds to lose. My thyroid went kaploey about a year ago and my doctor is useless hence the weight gain. Really want to get back to working out daily. Bring it Jayman ...... I am ready to kick this bad *kitten* weight! I am a second timer here haven't signed in for a year but here I am so lets get this party started!
  • tamievice155
    tamievice155 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi guys I'm Tamiesha I'm a wife and mom of 2 ages 6 & 2 my goal was to run a 5k which i did last sat my next goal is foam fest or warrior dash but i still have 65lbs to lose I'm will to fight with blood sweat and tears I've lost weight b4 so i know what it tAkeds i just need an extra push i take corrective criticism and put it to good use I'm also. currently doing zumba running walking and hip hop abs I'm a clean eater that's ready for a challenge and a BIG PUSH!!!!
  • faultypistol
    Hi my name is Jessica :) My goal is to be 120 pounds, my weight has fluctuated a lot over the years and right now i'm at my heaviest; I want to dump the junk food that only makes me happy for a minute and develop a new love with healthy food and myself .
    I look forward to progressing together!
  • Shelley8266
    Shelley8266 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I'm Shelley. I'm 31 and so far I have lost 21lbs. I want to lose about another 30. I have 2 kids, 9 and 4 and a dog. I use this site everyday and have found it a huge help. I log everything I eat and so far the weight is coming off. Fingers crossed it keeps working.
  • jayeisenough
    Hi...I'm Jaye. I just turned 34 and have Stage IV Breast Cancer. For me weight loss is about healthy living AND staying alive. If I gain any weight I have to go back on chemo...that's some great motivation :). So far, I've lost about 10 pounds using the food diary. I'm excited to continue the journey and enjoy everyday I have.
  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    Hi I'm Danielle. I will be 29 in December. I've been heavy my whole life, and finally the first week of August I started to get a handle on my weight. I'm not dieting, just controlling portions, and making better snack choices. I started with walking 3-5 miles a day, an have added in strength training. I began at 249 pounds. I lost some weight before joining MFP, and I'm currently 14 pounds away from being out of the 200s! My weigh ins are on Mondays so I'm excited to see how close I am then. My first goal was 165, but I may reevaluate once I get there. Who knows!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    My name is Amanda, I'm 28 and have a six year old daughter. I'm a newlywed and trying to get pregnant.

    I was obese forever - literally my whole life until a few years ago when my daughter was a baby. Since then I went from 289 (or more...) to 185 to 197 and now I'm at 192. I've been hitting it hard the past few weeks and lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks. I want to be in the 150s I believe - I'm 5'10" with a medium frame so we'll see how it goes.

    I push and I push hard. I'm a dedicated runner and am trying to qualify for Boston as soon as I can push out a baby. I love running halves and am hoping next year (depending on pregnancy) to train harder to get me into a competitive racing category. Right now I can be competitive in local races, but nothing major. less runners = less competition = slower field.

    When I'm not running for exercise I love kick *kitten* trainers like Jillian Michael's. I'm on my way to being super fit - no slowing down. I want to beat the boys at everything :)

    I'm also in school to complete my degree to be a Registered Dietitian!