PrimalRunner's Bulking Log



  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Welcome to the world of having to up your calories - I just upped mine again, for like the 4th time!

    Do you find it difficult to get all of your calories in when you IF? I think the 14/10 works really well for me when I am in a cut, but I don't know if I could do it in a surplus.

    Also, thank for the link, Sarah.

    Ugh, yes, I am finding it hard to get allmy food in when I do 14:10...but if I don't, I tend to be hungry all day and overeat. When I cut I switch to 16:8.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Forgot my log book at home so I can't update my stats...will do that tomorrow.

    But, I have to report that I'm currently feeling fat, bloated, disgusting...etc.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Week 5

    Weight: 127.2 ( up .8 lbs from last week, up 4.4 lbs total)

    Goal intake: 2300
    Actual average intake: 2358

    Goal TDEE: 2100
    Acutal average TDEE: 2247

    Actual total surplus for the week: 777
    Actual average surplus for the week: 111 cals/day

    Pretty close to goal, which is cool. This week I'm going to try to start playing with carb cycling. We'll see how that goes!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    How much cardio are you doing during your bulk? I've stopped for the time being, may take it back up in a couple of weeks, I think it's helping me build muscle, but finding it hard to live without (have some niggles to clear up tho).
    By the way I think we are bulk twins! I am 5'7" 125-126lbs sim measurements I think.
    But Im definitely more greedy than you!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member

    How much cardio are you doing during your bulk? I've stopped for the time being, may take it back up in a couple of weeks, I think it's helping me build muscle, but finding it hard to live without (have some niggles to clear up tho).
    By the way I think we are bulk twins! I am 5'7" 125-126lbs sim measurements I think.
    But Im definitely more greedy than you!

    I do HIIT 1-2x/week (20 min intervals on the treadmill) and do super low lever cardio (reading a book while on the elliptical) to keep my TDEE high so I can eat more :laugh:
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Interested to hear where carb cycling takes you. I've been flirting with the idea! Anyway, great job so far!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    How much cardio are you doing during your bulk? I've stopped for the time being, may take it back up in a couple of weeks, I think it's helping me build muscle, but finding it hard to live without (have some niggles to clear up tho).
    By the way I think we are bulk twins! I am 5'7" 125-126lbs sim measurements I think.
    But Im definitely more greedy than you!

    I do HIIT 1-2x/week (20 min intervals on the treadmill) and do super low lever cardio (reading a book while on the elliptical) to keep my TDEE high so I can eat more :laugh:

    Haha! I know where you're coming from. I actually lost my appetite for the first time in forever today because I felt sick from the stupid morning after pill. And you know what? I still ate over TDEE!
  • ReddHott77
    ReddHott77 Posts: 49 Member
    Bump to follow this after I lose some more fat. At 46%bf right now!!!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I've been a little absent. Just did a deload and am supposed to take a week off from lifting. Will get back into on Saturday (technically will be giving myself 5 days off rather than 7, but I really need to hit the gym again).

    I'm not sure what my current weight is. Weigh-in on Sunday was 129, but I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 126.2. My bf% is up according to my scale and muscle mass % is down. I'm feeling frustrated and just want to cry. My measurements are pretty much all the same with the exception of my waist which seems to be going up. I don't know what to do....
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Don't put too much stock in what the scale says according to your BF%. Those are so unreliable.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    You are right on track. Try not to let this get to you!! My measurements, weight and bf% have been all over the damn place but I can tell from my progress pictures and my lifts accelerating that I am doing something right.

    You seem to have the same kind of body response that I do (up a few lbs, down a few lbs- sometimes within 24 hours, etc.) I vote that you continue to monitor your progress how you have been- but don't let it be the end all be all.

    You can do this!!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I think progressing in your lifts etc are a better indication right now. If you're progressing there than that's good.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Thanks girls, you're right. It's just so damn frustrating. Cutting is so much easier! LOL
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Week 7 (I skipped a week of logging)

    Weight: 128.4 ( up 1.2 lbs from two weeks ago, up 5.6 lbs total)

    Goal intake: 2300
    Actual average intake: Didn't track

    Goal TDEE: 2100
    Acutal average TDEE: Didn't track

    Actual total surplus for the week: No idea
    Actual average surplus for the week: No idea

    I lost my Fitbit charger and that kinda messed me up. I also had my rest week, so back to lifting tonight. I'm really looking forward to it. Additionally, because I've been feeling fat and gross, I'm doing a december run streak challenge. I just have to run a mile a day.

    Period was 9 days late. Just came today. I'm sure that didn't really help matters either.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I hate TOM screwing with things. It's totally annoying.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I hate TOM screwing with things. It's totally annoying.

    Sounds like you are doing well though. I'm sure you will kill it in the gym now after having a week off!
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    OK...this is like the third or fouth blog in a row in which TOM was today/ within the last couple of days. Ya know how they say that women who live or spend a lot of time together can get on the same cycle?? Just sayin'.....

  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    OK...this is like the third or fouth blog in a row in which TOM was today/ within the last couple of days. Ya know how they say that women who live or spend a lot of time together can get on the same cycle?? Just sayin'.....


    I was thinking the same thing!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Sounds like things are going well! Are you feeling good? I'm so glad I did this, it feels healthy. Well done!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I know how TOM can effect your thinking. You're doing well though so keep it up! We all have days where we question this and feel bigger than we are but don't quit.