Starting Nov 1



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen - So sad about the wake. :flowerforyou: One of my co-workers recently died in an avalanche here in Washington and left 2 small kids behind. He was in his late 30's and it seriously just breaks my heart. Life is short... take advantage of all you can. I hope you take a "you" day today, you deserve it. As for my trim, I haven't done anymore work on it. I think it's supposed to be bad weather this weekend, so I might try and get more done. Yay for new couches! We just got one a few months ago, so nice to have grown up furniture :smile:

    Blue - Put down the bag ha ha. I agree with your thinking "somewhere out there has always got it worse". It's hard to think that way, but certainly things like wakes put things into perspective for me.

    I had a full on indulgent night last night. Hubs is gone, so I ordered up a pizza (complete with soda which I NEVER drink) and went to town. I ate half the pizza :blushing: but it was so good. Combined that with some reality TV and my dog and it was the perfect night. Today I will lift at lunch and have a sensible dinner with a girlfriend!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Gosh, Meg, that's awful. I didn't realize you guys GOT avalanches--where's the snow? I did hear all about that landslide--what a tragedy that was.

    Anyway. Old couch disassembled and in the garage. 3A round 3 complete. I think I had my butt high doing those 3A round 1 planks--these days, with proper form, I can barely make 75 seconds before I collapse. They're hard! Everything else went fine, even those 2 BWMs.

    Good for you on the indulgent night, Meg! Have fun tonight!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I finished off the bag last night - it kept calling my name LOL I should be good for awhile now :smile:

    I was so tired when I got up this morning - I put my workout clothes on, fed the cat and went back to bed! I've only ever done that once before. I sleep in on occassion but it's not often I get up and get dressed first :laugh: Hubby is home tonight so we'll likely head out for dinner somewhere. (It'll keep me away from the popcorn!)

    Great work on those planks Jen! I think my butt was high most times too. Those are hard! 2 BWMs = awesome! Tomorrow I will be halfway thru my second round of stage 7 - I'll be done the program by next Friday!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    That's awesome, Sherrie (both the napping and the completion of the program).

    I'm typing this from my very comfortable spot on our new couch. Yay, couch couch couch. It's so tall compared to our crappy Ikea couch, which now lives in the garage.

    Last night I had a craving for sweets but was out of calories; I ate a hermit cookie, anyway, and totally regretted it as I was so full when I ate it, it just made me uncomfortable. Alas. I told my husband I was bulking this week, which explains my excess calorie intake the last couple of days :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sounds like you're enjoying the new couch :smile: I think I'm bulking too this week :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm bulking too for the next 6 months :laugh.

    Jen - we are surrounded by mountains here in Washington, the Cascade range and Olympics run North/South through the state so we get a ton of snow outside the city. The mountain they were on was about 3 hours Northeast of Seattle sort of close to the Canadian border. This year we got a really solid snow pack but it ended up getting unusually warm in May which caused a bunch of avalanche danger (which was annoying bc I really wanted to use my show shoes more!) Very very sad. Yay for your new couch, I love new couches.

    Blue - I'm so jealous you're done. I think I'll need to pick up the pace as I'm realizing if I keep up with the 2 days/week I won't finish until I'm 26 weeks along... so I might try and start doing some weeks 3 times some 2. I wish I could have gone back to bed this AM soooo sleepy!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was having a weird dream when I woke up this morning that I was a nanny for Harrison Ford. WTF.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Was he one of 'those' employers, Jen? LOL In my dreams he would have been :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hahahaha!! No, actually, not at all. I was confused during the whole dream as to how the hell I ended up in a job where I had to take care of kids and why on earth anyone would hire me to do so. Nothing scandalous outside of child negligence on his part.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Too bad :laugh: Dreams can be so weird sometimes! I would wonder, too, why someone would think I was cabable of taking care of children LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Friday :drinker:

    First time ever I was able to do all the pushups as described in the program! And it only took to the second last workout to do it :bigsmile: I'm pretty sure my form wasn't as good as it should have been but I didn't have to drop to my knees once! I was able to do all 4 reps of 15!. The pushups are after 20 of each leg raised foot lunges where I was holding 20lbs in each hand. You wouldn't think your arms would get tired but they do - makes it hard to hold the pushup position. Tough, tough workout! But I got thru it YAHOO!!

    Any big plans for the weekend? We're just heading out to the trailer for some R&R. Deck is done so there's nothing to do out there but relax! I'm going to catch up on some reading - taking my other NROL books with me to see if I can figure out what I want to do next!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Way to go!! A good way to start your Friday.

    I went out around 11 to run errands and go to the gym. By the time I finished the errands I was so hungry I skipped the gym and came home :) There's an off chance I'll go this afternoon but we have to attend a posh gala tonight, so probably not. I"ll go tomorrow. I've missed walking on the off days as I've either been crazy busy or it's been raining. Today it's the latter. Rainy rain rain.

    Tomorrow the inlaws come over and Sunday I go to my folks'. Have a good weekend! Enjoy that deck!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies, quick check in before the weekend!

    Work is super busy today, so I might have to make that gym trip tomorrow instead. Blue, have a great time at the trailer. Jen it's raining here too, but I'm actually ok with it (must be the Seattle in me).

    I don't have much going on this weekend so I might tackle more trim work! Have a lovely weekend gals.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    The food at the fancy gala was insane, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Back on the wagon-ish today, though we had lunch out w/ the in-laws and then ice cream--I tried to say no but didn't put up a fight (generally not worth it).

    The weather is beautiful this weekend, making up for all that rain!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Monday :drinker:

    We had a nice weekend too! Lots of relax time out in the sun reading my book :smile: It was really nice - not too hot but hot enough to get a little red :blushing: The breeze kept me cool so I didn't realize how warm it actually was. I'm a little tender today LOL So much so I skipped working out this morning. I also have a twinge in my hip - I must have been sitting funny in my chair. It's been a long time since I was able to just sit and read - my old bod isn't used to it :laugh:

    Did everyone enjoy Father's day? Nyxon always does something special for her 'mom' and 'dad' - she said we could go out for sushi last night. She (me!) thought father's day wasn't until next week so 'dad' gets to buy himself something when he's in Madison, WI this week (traveling again!) That and we got the best news ever - we're going to be grandparents!! Although we never had kids, we billeted hockey players about 10 years ago. They are fondly referred to as 'my three sons' :bigsmile: and we have stayed close to all of them over the years. Our first son (Aaron) just made the announcement yesterday - baby due in January! Our second son (Greg) already has a little boy with another on the way in October. Aaron's sister (who we still consider family) is due with her second boy any day. And with Meg expecting in Nov, there's going to be babies everywhere :love: Somebody better give me a girl to shop for!! There's so much more adorable stuff for little girs :smile:
    but I can do equal damage for little boys :smile: Now we just have to get Jeffy (Aaron's brother) married off so there can be even more! I just wish they lived closer - maybe it's a good thing they don't - I'd be totally broke LOL I just love babies - as long as they belong to someone else - I'm the world's greatest auntie/'grandma' :heart:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Aww, how exciting! You'll have so much fun with them. My niece and nephew are coming down later today for an overnight. They're not babies at all anymore (12 and nearly 8) but now they're fun to talk to. We're going to see Dr. Who on a big theater screen.

    I was planning on doing my last 3A today as I'll have the kids tomorrow but I've sacrificed my workout time to putting up this godforsaken wall sconce. I've done the wiring and initial mounting but cannot get the goddamn thing to attach to the bracket. There has been a lot of swearing and my arms are now like jello--hardly good for a workout--from holding it up and trying to mount it over and over. I can't tell what's keeping it from getting on it correctly. I've cut the wires back, tried to tuck everything to the side. grr. Part of it may be the wires still, s once the walls are old plaster and don't have outlet box things to tuck wiring into. I'm tired and angry and sad not to finish A until Wednesday, but that's ok.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Phew what a freaking busy workday! Glad it's calming down so I can watch the US v. Ghana match and finish stuff up. We are headed to Montana on Wednesday so I'll be out Wednesday through the following Monday so trying to get everything done before I leave, yay vacation!

    Blue - Father's Day was good, pretty uneventful. Hubbie went golfing and I took the pup to the dog park, then we just hung out and went to dinner with my parents. Glad you had a good weekend! So many babies! That's great news, how exciting! So fun to have other people's babies to shop for - I've been spoiling my besties baby for the past 6 months :)

    Jen - Ugh stupid DIY's... I was supposed to paint again this weekend but I've been dog tired and just can't manage to do it :/ Good luck with the sconce and have so much fun with the kiddos tonight!

    I seemed to have done something to my shoulder (I injured my rotatorcuff in HS, never had surgery) working out last week and it's not really getting any better... I'm trying to stretch but I think having this week off from weights will be a good thing. A little worried to go into stage 6 with an injured shoulder so hopefully it get's better. Stage 5 is in the books - phew. I didn't log at all Fri-Sun and I have to admit, it was really nice. I've decided I'm going to take this week off logging since I'll be on vacation and see what happens... I didn't have any weight gain when I weighed in this AM... I think I will have a heart attack when I see 160 on the scale (only 4 pounds away...) I know I'm supposed to gain weight but it doesn't make seeing that scary number any easier :noway:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Meg, who won the game? I gotta say soccer just doesn't interest me at all! Now if it was a hockey game with Team Canada - I'm in :smile: Enjoy the vacation in Montana! I tend not to log when I'm away from home like that - it's just too hard trying to find items in the database that match. Just be mindful of what you're eating and you'll do fine. At least you're not able to drink the calories away like I am (and would!) :wink: Good job finishing up stage 5! Stage 6 is going to be so much fun :laugh:

    How was the movie Jen? Did the kids enjoy it? It sounds like a few calories were burned dealing with that sconce! It was probably a workout in itself. Especially on your arms - I hate arm workouts but they're oh, so effective!

    I ran this morning - more like run a mile, walk a mile, run home LOL I just didn't have the wind to continue running. I try to alternate bike/treadmill but I've been on the bike mostly the last little while. Guess I will be running tomorrow before my workout :laugh: I'll stick with the treadmill until the end of next week at least. July 1 is Canada Day and the office is giving us June 30 off. Plus I don't normally work Fridays so next weekend I'm going to have a nice long one - can't wait :drinker: I'm going to add two more workouts to Stage 7 to finish up next Thursday and then start something new (not sure what yet) July 2. I'm almost done reading NROL4Life but I find it quite confusing! I guess I just have to get into it and it'll sort itself out.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    US won... somehow... pretty exciting match though! I'm also a HUGE hockey fan and am patiently waiting NHL to come to Seattle. In the meantime I'm a Canucks fan through and through :)

    Well I'm off in a few hours for the next few days, so I'll check back in with you ladies next Tuesday! Have a great week/weekend!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Awhile back the Oilers ownership group caused a ruckus by visiting Seattle! We were trying to get the city to build us a new building and the fans saw the visit as a threat they were going to move the team LOL Our new building is to be done for the 2016-2017 season :smile: I guess it worked LOL

    I love my Oilers but I can remember back to the glory days! I used to skip school to watch them practice at West Edmonton Mall. I knew every stat of every player - obsessed much? LOL There wasn't much trivia you could get by me in those days - nowadays? Not so much :laugh: