Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I"m so anal retentive about these things.

    Ha ha Jen - me too!! :drinker:

    Cardio this morning and although my HR came down at the normal rate it stayed high thru my bike ride. And a higher burn than normal too. Very weird. Or my HRM is acting up again. Or I'm imagining things LOL

    Good work on your AMRAP Susan. Impressive numbers.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Just wanted to do a quick check in before I dive into work for the day.

    Blue - So weird about your HRM. I've never used mine consistently enough to know if something like that has happened to me or not.

    Jen - I've never been called to jury duty *knocks on wood* but that + TOM sounds like a bummer of a combo. Glad you didn't get chosen. Way to still get your workout in though! Sometimes you just need that beer and nachos :laugh:

    Susan - Great work! On to stage 2!

    My week has been pretty good. I've had a super intense craving for a particular type of Popsicle (they are called Big Sticks) and I have been searching for them since Monday. FINALLY found them last night, bought two boxes and ate two within 3 hours ha ha. I have yoga today and plan on lifting tomorrow. Next week is my last week of stage 5 yay! I also am getting in a long walk with a girlfriend and her new baby tomorrow too.

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday (and weekend) - I'm off tomorrow so I probably won't be checking back in until Monday.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You know, I had one day a couple of weeks ago where it seemed my HRM was under-counting. I was huffing and puffing as I walked and could barely get it into the 65-85% zone I usually reach (I was even climbing hills!). The next time it seemed fine. No idea what the issue was.

    I had lunch with a few friends today; I ordered the eggplant rollatini app as my lunch not realizing the rolls would be deep fried. I think I only ate one but it might have been two--the mozz on top made it hard to tell. I can't find a consistent match on the database, but have found one I'm deeming good enough. Then I ate a cupcake. Oh, TOM, you make me eat so many crazy things.

    I'm just under calories today and haven't exercised a lick (poured all morning--I was priming chairs in the garage, then off to the chiropractor). Back to it tomorrow.

    Lucky you, Meg, to not have jury duty! I mean, I believe in it in principle but never actually want to serve :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've never been called to jury duty either. My sister has (and was chosen) but I don't know anyone else who was even called. I'm sure the processes in the two countries are pretty similar?

    I am officially DONE the program!! I did my last workout of Stage 7 this morning! But I will repeat this stage again starting on Monday - six workouts will bring me to a June 20 completion date. 7-1/2 months for the whole program consistently 3x a week. Unfortunately I was a little pressed for time and only got 3 reps in instead of 4 but I made sure they counted LOL

    May was not a good month for me - the average scale weight went up instead of down - not by a lot but it was still an increase. I'm sure my (all you can eat and drink) vacation didn't help :wink: I have to get my diet under control! No doubt about it. I'm really good and consistent about the exercise part but man, oh man, I like my food!

    I feel for you Jen - I know TOM makes me eat crazy things too! Like 3/4 large bag of jalapeno kettle chips - followed, of course, by a chocolate chaser! It's no wonder the scale doesn't drop like it should. We're being sabotaged LOL

    Have a great weekend ladies - we're heading off to the trailer to build the rest of the deck for the weekend. Not sure how much time I'll have for checking in!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Way to go, Blue, and have a great weekend!

    I did two rounds of BWM. Holy cow. I was exhausted and starving by the time I finished :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You got thru two Jen - you're my hero!! The only way I ever got thru two was when I did them on different days :wink:

    Finished off our deck at the trailer on Friday. I was a drilling machine - so much so it gave me blisters from the vibrations! I guess I just wasn't cut out for blue collar work LOL

    Started round 2 of Stage 7 this morning. I thought I might be able to hit 20 reps this time - uh uh! It's tough because you don't want to drop the weights too much but you still want to get all the reps in. At 8 you're thinking - this isn't so bad. But by 12 you're starting to hurt, thinking you'll never make it to 15. At 15 it's like - I'm glad THAT's over cuz I'd never make it to 20!! I'm certainly not getting the DOMS I got during the first go-around so I guess that's a good thing. I'm feeling it but not as much as before.

    Have a great week ladies! Happy lifting! :flowerforyou:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey, thanks! I don't think they were pretty--they certainly weren't deep lunges or squats by the second round, or hell, during the first. But I did it! I just motored through and stopped as little as possible as the temptation to just mutter "eff it" and walk away was great :)

    Congrats on the deck! I learned this weekend that I should have gotten a tinted primer for the chairs I'm refinishing--took 3 bloody coats of paint and a round of touch ups this morning. Good god. I put one coat on the second pair of chairs today and will do round two this afternoon; could do round three tonight, but may leave it for tomorrow.

    I'm planning on 2B today having taken the weekend off.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Just a quick check-in, work is crazy today! I hope you all had a good weekend. Instead of going to the gym, I did a bunch of stuff around the house. I'm realizing that while baby isn't due for another 6 months, I still have so much I want to do and such limited time to get it done and I'm starting to feel a bit pinched for time which is crazy. Anyway, enough with the excuses, I'm going to finish up Stage 5 this week if it kills me (3 more to go), take a rest week the following week as we're going on vacation and then start up with Stage 6.

    @blue - good work on the deck and finishing yay! Hopefully we can all still chat on this thread even when we're done. I'd miss you guys!

    @Jen - BOTH BWM's!? You are also my hero, good work! Good luck with those chairs, DIY always seems like a good idea...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    DIY always seems like a good idea...

    LOL especially at the time :laugh:

    I think we can still chat here - the daily chat thread has too many people to try to keep up to LOL I like our little group :heart: Besides, I will want baby updates :smile: That time is going to fly right by!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Me too. I haven't gone over there in ages. This can just be our designated chat thread where we can talk about whatever you pick up next. For Meg, it'll be a tiny child. :) Your weights will steadily increase that way.

    BTW, I grabbed Supercharged for cheap off Amazon--haven't opened it yet, but it's what I'm thinking of doing next.

    Is the nesting instinct kicking in, Meg?

    I did 3B today--went much faster, including the HIIT at the end. Need to eat more food to compensate...
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think nesting is totally setting in! I had it real bad when I first found out, and now it kinda comes and goes in waves. I actually kinda popped over the weekend and people are definitely starting to notice. I feel like it happened really early and now I'm all nervous there is like a surprise twin in there or something ha ha.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You popped but has it done anything to the scale yet? A surprise twin? Or two? LOL

    I want to be an honorary aunt :love:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Aunt Berry? :) Would you know already if there were twins, Meg? I assume they're both on an ultrasound pretty early.

    Terrible insomnia last night! should be a long day. Today I have to talk to two groups of incoming first-year students and their parents at orientation, the first two of eight sessions that are scheduled throughout the month. Then I have a wake to attend, and then we have free passes for a preview screening of 22 Jump St. we'll see if I stay awake that long.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I can be auntie Sherriberry :laugh:

    Sounds like a long day Jen, but nothing too strenuous at least! Insomnia is the worst! We have a golf tournament this afternoon. One that I usually plan but I backed out this year. Good thing too - it's supposed to rain :bigsmile: I'll go for dinner seeing as I wouldn't be able to sit on the patio like I usually do. I don't golf. I'm a much better patio sitter with a drink in my hand :drinker:

    Let us know how the movie was - I'm looking forward to Jersey Boys. It's out next week. I've seen the play twice - once when it came thru town and saw it again in Vegas last year. I just love that era of music. The movie is never usually as good but I'll give it a chance!

    Hubby's out of town again this week (and next - but he'll be home for the weekend). I never seem to eat as well when he's gone. I should say I never seem to eat as healthy when he's gone - I tend to eat very well LOL

    Hope you guys have a great day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Awww auntie Sherriberry love it!

    Yes I theoretically should know if twins are in there (and there aren't) but one gal in my yoga class went in for her gender ultrasound (usually done at 20 weeks) and low and behold there were twins... one was just hiding! I took a belly pic last night and really it doesn't look as big as I think it does in real life. I think some of the maternity clothes I have make it look MUCH bigger than it is. I am up 6 lbs in 17 weeks which, my Dr. didn't seem too concerned with. My pants still fit on my legs, belly not much :laugh: so I'm hopeful my weight hasn't decided to evenly distribute itself. When I did the math, if I do continue to grow a lb. a week I would be just shy of a 30 lb weight gain which is right in the middle of where I need to be. We'll see though!

    Jen - Good luck today! I'm curious how that movie is, I never saw the first one.

    Blue - My hub is out of town until Friday and I am planning on having pizza and watching reality TV tonight ha ha. Have fun at dinner!

    I'm going to try and post my "belly" pic - I always fail at pictures! (edited to say sorry it's so big!)

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    AWWWEE you look so cute! :happy: I love progress pics!

    I get lots of PVRd shows watched when hubby's gone. Not so much reality TV - soaps are my thing. Plus I have about half the season of Hawaii 5-0 that I have to catch up on. All the regular shows are finished now and I only watch one or two of the summer series so it's the perfect time to get caught up. I just have to stay away from the chips and chocolate in the pantry. I'm usually pretty good at not snacking after dinner - good thing TOMs not visiting for awhile LOL

    Have you guys ever tried Moose Munch from Harry and David's? Chocolate covered caramel popcorn - it's to die for! Hubby brought me back 4 bags of it last week when he was out of town - I have to put my earplugs in as I'm sure it will be calling my name :laugh: Have to resist ... have to resist...
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I freaking LOVE that stuff blue!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    That sounds delicious, Sherrie.

    You look great, Meg!

    So yesterday's wake was for someone about my age; I've never attended a wake for a non-elderly person before. It was pretty rough. My diary reflects that (plus how hungry I was yesterday--I ended up eating a Twix bar mid-afternoon! I couldn't tell you the last time I had one of those).

    I think I might take a "me" day today. I'll go to the gym (the bummer about free gym is that it means I go to work on non-work days--sometimes I wonder if it'd be better for my brain if I paid to go elsewhere), put a last frickin' coat of paint on the last two of the chairs I'm refinishing (how's that trim coming, Meg?), work on the quilt I'm starting, and generally chill. We'll disassemble our couch this afternoon and put it in the garage before the new one comes tomorrow. Our house has this teeny tiny entryway and it's very hard to get furniture in--thus our beloved old couch didn't make it in when we moved here and we have been using a shoddy Ikea couch ever since. But now a) available couches are coming smaller (overstuffed is just out of the question) AND b) we have new windows that are wide and pop out. Tomorrow the new sectional arrives!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    It was delicious - so much so I ate 3/4 of a bag! :noway: Dang stuff is just so good! I'll likely finish the bag tonight LOL Log it and move on! Did you at least enjoy the Twix bar? WE gotta do that sometimes.

    It's really sad when we have to attend funeral/wakes for young people. I have a cousin who is the same age as me who passed away last year from pancreatic cancer :sad: It would have been her 49th birthday next week. She left behind 3 kids - 2 girls in their mid teens (talk about a tough time to lose your Mom!) and her son was 18. We just have to count our blessings on a daily basis and realize however bad we think we've got it, there's someone out there who's got it worse! I'm still not very good at it but I'm trying :smile:

    I just love new furniture and buy it way more often than I need to. If only I would stop moving I wouldn't have to LOL Jen, are they bringing the couch thru the windows?? Enjoy your day off putzing around the house!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yeah, this guy was 39; he's got 9 and 7 year old kids. He too had cancer. Awful, awful. And you're quite right about the lesson to take from it--a friend was saying yesterday that this family crammed in as much living as they could in the four years since the dad was diagnosed, and I'm really impressed by that.

    As for the couch! We don't get new furniture very often. We were talking about getting new dining room chairs and since I'm painting our old ones, you see how that ended :) We're quite frugal about some things--furniture is definitely on that list--but make up for eat with our routine dining out. The couch should, once the feet are off, come through the door. Should. The windows are option B if necessary. I'm pretty excited about it. The ikea couch, while comfortable, makes me feel like I'm in a post-college apartment--you know the kind, filled with whatever hand-me-downs you could scrounge :)

    Have a good one! And yes, I did indeed enjoy the Twix. Yum.