Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Last night I didn't log dinner. I went out with some friends and undoubtedly overdid it, as we had cocktails and tapas. And I'm trying to not feel guilty about not logging. I always feel a bit like I failed if I don't have that honest accounting of what I ate, but if someone else said that to me about themselves I'd encourage them to seek distance from an emotional attachment to the logging, as it's not a space for guilt. It's hard to take my own advice :)

    I did 2A again yesterday with only a ten or so minute HIIT at the end, as I had a tight schedule. The workshops are finally over. Today all I have is a short meeting. Hoping to finish the shelf painting over the course of the day.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm at the airport waiting to board so I thought I'd check in and let you know I'm still alive. What a week I've had! If I wasn't in training then I was in meetings. Wednesday was our day at Ronald McDonald house. We met to get the groceries at 7:15 am and I didn't make it home until 7:30 that night. I had over 15,000 steps on my fitbit! I was so tired I missed my last B workout yesterday. I didn't log at all yesterday either and today I'm officially on vacation :drinker:

    Jen, I know exactly how you feel about logging . I'm the same way - I feel guilty when I don't log. Your week sounded like mine. I'm just glad it's over!

    Great job on the chin-ups Terrie! I still can't even do the chin down without resting my feet. I like your BWM plan! No promises but I'm going to try and do it while I'm gone too! Maybe :ohwell: or not lol :flowerforyou:

    Megan just getting thru a BWM in your condition is quite the accomplishment! My very first one was 5:55 and I didn't have pregnancy to use as an excuse :laugh: keep up the good work!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I ended up doing a log of it tonight. I'm such a goofball. I did leave out the truffle sauce, though. Probably should add that if I'm going to be so particular!

    Today's a carb-heavy day; I've been trying to pay a little more attention to my macros but I'm a noodle and bread kind of gal :)

    Have an awesome trip, Blue!

    I've never even tried a chin-up---way to go, Terrie!

    Maybe 2B tomorrow--I might take an additional recovery day, as I've had some pretty strong DOMs this week. I did finish painting 2 coats on the built-in bookshelf today; tomorrow I'll touch it up and hopefully that'll be it. We have books stacked all over the floor--I'm looking forward to seeing them go onto the shelves.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Where is everyone? I mean, I know Blue's on vacation, but the rest of y'all are around, aren't you?

    Busy weekend. I had plans to lift yesterday but drove to another state to pick up Grandma's car as she can't drive it anymore. It hadn't been started in some time and was dead, so AAA came to get it rolling. by the time I got home it was after 4 and I was starving, since gram and I didn't have lunch as planned what with the dead car. So gym was out for me. Going to go in this morning before another long meeting.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Well! I had a rough lift today. A little tightness in my hamstring turned into a full-on problem. I"m not sure why. I forgot to stretch that part (it's that weird outer hamstring), which might have something to do with it; I've been lax about my PT (had a little knee pain, too), but still! I rolled it out and will roll it out again later and maybe ask my DH to massage it. What a bummer, though, after so many days away (3).
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    I actually logged my whole weekend for once, which is not normal for me. I didn't get a workout in on Friday, it ended up being a totally crazy day at work and I couldn't get out. I ended up a bit above my calorie goal for the week, but I'm ok with that as most of what I've been eating has been relatively healthy, especially during the week. I finished up Stage 5 B1 yesterday, and I plan on getting at least two more lifts in this week, if not 3. Does anyone have a good sub for the YTWL's? My boobs just hurt too much to keep doing those and my growing belly won't really allow me to do them much longer either :noway:

    Jen - I LOVE carbs which is pretty evident by the two bagels I had yesterday oops. Sorry about the rough lift, so frustrating when old things start to flare up again.

    My weekend was pretty low key and didn't have much going on which is nice. Hit up the driving range with the DH, watched some movies and met our friends week old baby. I should probably be using this downtime to start to get things ready, but honestly, November seems so far away ha ha.

    Blue I hope you had a lovely trip! Have a great day ladies!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Mmm, bagels. Sounds like a good weekend, Meg!

    Today's our wedding anniversary so we're going out for a fancy dinner and I'm not going to worry about calories. The hamstring's still tight but feels worse from the foam roller--it had these spikes that dug in and ultimately I ended up bruising myself! I think I overdid it :)

    I've got some work to do this morning but am pretty excited that it's going to be 75 and sunny all day. Woohoo!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    It was definitely a good weekend :) It's supposed to be the same weather here, and I couldn't be more excited!

    Seriously though, where the H is everyone!?
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    It was a long weekend for us here in Canada :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ohhhh well us in the States have ours next weekend! Hope you enjoyed!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I hope your long weekend was snow-free, Terrie!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Unless you count hail as snow.. it was snow-free. We have a theory here that it always is bad weather for May Long (May 2-4, Victoria Day Long Weekend...). Just some rain and thunder showers this year. It is normally the first of the year everyone gets out camping. What is the weekend in the US for?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's Memorial Day here. It usually rains where I am too over that holiday weekend and is also the first "unofficial" weekend of camping/outdoor activities :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I ate all the food this evening. I think I'll skip logging and just assume it was very, very high :) But delicious and lovely and anniversary-filled, so I"ll take it.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yay Jen sounds like a lovely evening!

    My week has been pretty good so far, danced for my cardio on Monday and went to yoga yesterday. I am planning on lifting/incline walking today at lunch. Tomorrow will likely be an off day and I plan on walking and lifting on Friday. I've been at or just above calories this week too, but I am going out with a girlfriend for a late dinner tonight so that may not totally hold :laugh:

    Jen what are you doing for the long weekend? I have a four day weekend and am really looking forward to it, although I don't have any plans!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    No plans! My cousin invited us to a party at his place but it's 2 hours away, so I kinda doubt we'll go. We've got ribs out on the smoker right now, mmmmmm. What'll you do with your four days?

    My knee's definitely feeling tweaky. Lousy stage 2! lol. I think I'm going to pick back up on doing my PT (I've caused my own problem, I realize) and take some advil before lifting tomorrow. I don't think the twinginess is a sign of anything but the usual and I'd like to keep forging forward. Gave my stupid hamstring a second rest day today and was able to do a couple of body squats without any tightness.

    We were going to take a walk this afternoon but getting the smoker going has thwarted that plan. Alas! I really need that lift tomorrow!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    No plans on long weekends is kind of an awesome thing :)

    I have been trying to motivate myself to start painting the trim inside our house for oh about 3 months now... the trim is wood and I would really just like it to be white. If I don't start it now, it will never get done, so I need to hop to it, suck it up and get it over with. Other than that just kinda being lazy I think. I might go for a hike, but other than that just planning on sticking around town!

    Sorry about your knee. I can see how stage 2 would definitely aggravate it with all those lunges and such. Smoked ribs, yummmmmmmmy!

    I got a lift in today and man that BWM I tell ya. Shaved about 15 seconds off my time, but I doubt if I'll make it under 5 minutes again.Today was also the first day that I found it uncomfortable to lie on my stomach - just felt weird with the "hardness" of my tummy... so I'm going to have to find some modifications for things soon!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    that's exciting! I mean, it sounds uncomfortable but means growing bebe!

    i hear you re: painting trim. I finished painting our bookcases--all those shelves and side trim; next up is a piano bench I sanded partway ten years ago and have just been using like that ever since. I joke that it's shabby chic but it's really just me=lazy. Tomorrow I'll sand and prime it and pick up paint; then I'll paint it yellow. Next are the chairs in need of refinishing. I sanded, primed and painted with oil about 10+ years ago and I'm sick of looking at them now. They need a little sanding and priming and I'm hoping latex will stick over it at least a few years. One also needs rehabbing--I am going to try and take it at least partly apart, maybe attempt to cut corner brackets and then reassemble. Or call dad, who is good at that kind of thing. Then, I'm hoping to paint the bedroom but that entails taking painted wallpaper off the walls. I did a different room two years ago and man, it was a job. No need for cardio or lifting in that process--it's exhausting for all muscles!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Did another 2A today and my knee was definitely tweaky. It started ok, picked up a bit during the FSPP, and then was painful for the first couple of static lunges until I got my position sorted and then it was fine. I've decided not to be blue about it. The rest of the workout went fine, I've started doing PT again, and I'll take a little advil (Iforgot to take it ahead of time) and move on.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ugh sorry to hear that Jen! As much of a pain PT is, probably worth it to stick to it. Boo.

    Today is a rest day for me, hizzah! I have book club tonight so hopefully I can keep snacking at a minimum :)