Starting Nov 1



  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Hi ladies, just checking in, i finished stage 1, skipped the amrp workouts and rest week and jumped right into stage 2. i never thought i'd say this, but i kinda loved it. doms today and in so many different places, i did something right i guess lol.

    im planning on riding a bycicle soon also, and omg, im already scared lol. lets see how it goes for me...

    hope you are all having a wonderful weekend :)

    So glad I'm not the only one loving stage 2. I'm sorta obsessed with the program now. Like everyday I'm thinking to myself either "Man I wish today was a lifting day" or "WOOOOOOO Lifting today!"
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Monday ladies :flowerforyou:

    I'm happy to report that even tho I didn't eat so well this weekend my weight has pretty much stayed the same.

    Busy catch up day at work so maybe you'll hear more from me later this evening :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning Ladies, happy Monday!

    I didn't really end up logging everything this weekend, but I think i'll try and go back fill. I was in CA over the weekend and it was super hot which definitely makes me eat less. We walked a lot so I think that helped too. No weight gain this weekend either!

    Hoping to get in a DVD workout today after work and get back in the gym two days this week.

    Terrie - GORGEOUS dress!

    Maya - stage 2 definitely made me feel it for sure.

    Jen - I am dying for my neighbor to cut down her trees, but I don't think that'll ever happen. They totally block our sun, but they also give us privacy...

    Blue - yay for no weight gain!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Softball cancelled tonight due to snow, or rain.. I don't really know. Anyways, now I will get at least one lift in this week (Yah!).

    Yah no weight gains ladies, wish I could say the same. The man and I started a challenge two weeks ago, week 1 he won, week two, we both gained back so now getting a little more serious since it creeps back up so fast.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So what exactly is your challenge, Terrie?

    Welcome to our little corner, lipstickly!

    Welcome back from your weekends away, Ram and Blue!

    I did an 8th round of Stage 1A today. Funny story--I totally spaced and was thinking of the Oly bar as 15 lbs like the ez curl--loaded it up to reach 65, which was actually 95. Put it on my shoulders and my back was quite surprised. Thankfully I caught it before I got into a squat and couldn't get out! I think I'll do Stage 1B on Wednesday and perhaps on Friday or Saturday start 2. Perhaps. Having not loved 2, I'm again wondering if I should go there :)

    Had a reception post-lift at work today and learned a valuable lesson--2 glasses of wine after lifting and an early lunch is a tough sell. Must. Eat. Food!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    LOVE the dress Terrie! I saw how much snow you guys got! ARGH! No wonder your ball was cancelled!

    It was snowing when I landed coming from Vancouver too. It didn't accumulate but enough already! It was snowing again this morning. It's not sticking around but it can stop anytime! No outside runs for this girl this week. 10 more sleeps till Palm Springs! I cannot wait! It was so nice in Vancouver the one day I got a sunburn!

    Did my 5th 6A yesterday and I'm feeling it below my shoulder blades again! I tried lowering myself even slower but I guess the rest this weekend was just a bit too long LOL I did do my little hotel routine one day (out of 3).

    For those of you starting stage 2 (it seems so far away to me!) Good Job! If I remember correctly that was the one with all the lunges using steps. I think I liked Stage 3 better with all the squats. Stage 6 has lunges but not from steps thankfully :smile:
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Jen -The challenge was just a weight loss one, I was actually looking at calories that week. I mostly did it because he needed motivation, I knew with lifting I probably wasn't losing much (or anything). He lost almost 3% in the first week, I'm lucky to get 1%.

    Blue - I think you would be proud that I finally did 2 BWM!!! I had to break them up and do one for the WO "warmup" and one after but I finally got two in a day (my legs feel it today).

    Although I am still in stage 3, I def miss the back squat. I think that it my favourite. No missing DL though.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I forgot to welcome you Lipsticky in my previous post, but welcome!

    I can't believe it's still snowing ANYWHERE in N. America right now... WTF. It's May people. I really disliked stage 2, which means I'm currently struggling with stage 4 because I freaking hate lunges. I will say though, that I always get DOMS when doing them and really feel like they are doing something so I guess there is a consolation. My goals this week include lifting 2x so that should take me almost to the end of stage 4 (only 1 more to go!) Perhaps I might try and squeeze all three in depending on time/how I feel. I did a prenatal DVD last night and man these pregnant women are tough! If I keep up with that, yoga, and lifting I think I'll be in good shape.

    Jen - I've done that before... definitely learned MUST EAT FOOD :laugh:

    Blue - Can't believe how far in the program you are!

    Terrie - Impressive with the 2 BWM. I don't think I'll ever get two in.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good work Terrie - I was never able to do 2 BWM where they were scheduled. I could only ever get thru one. Then I got smart and added them to my cardio day and 2 was no problem. Unfortunately it took me almost to the end of the second stage they were in to figure that one out :laugh: I'm not sure if the back squat is in Stage 7 but Stage 6 has stationary lunges with the barbell on your back. I find it really hard keeping my balance. I kinda liked the back squat too :smile:

    Megan, you are going to be one fit pregnant woman :smile: How's the eating coming along? Are you finding it tough to fight the cravings or are you just giving in?

    Jen the middle stages are so short - only 4 of each. Stick with it - you can do it! I found it's over before I really even mastered the moves.

    Welcome Red :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Eating is much better than it had been when I was feeling nauseous. I am actually wanting veggies again and trying to get in a balanced diet. I still struggle with too many carbs but I think as long as I'm working out, I won't worry about it too much!

    If I want something, I'll usually have it, but try and fit it in with my calories. I am having NO problem eating at maintenance and after next week I'll be adding in an additional 200 calories per day. 1,970 seems like a lot, but I have no issue cramming it all in :laugh: Dr. said my weight gain (1.5 lbs) is great, but I should start gaining about .5 pounds/week starting next week. Let the belly grow!!!!!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Are you taking progress pics?

    200 cals would be easy - it's an ice cream cup :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Oh yeah - ice cream every night!

    I don't have progress pics, mostly bc I just feel fat and bloated right now. I took a 2 month pic, so I guess I should take a 3 month one here next week. I think I'll take them more regularly when I have an actual baby bump, not just a food bump :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    It's so nice to have everyone back today! The weekend was quiet. And I agree, Meg--Blue is pretty amazing in her consistent movement through the stages. But you're pretty amazing for sticking with it while preggers. Yay for everybody!

    I had an hourlong massage today. So nice. And kinda painful--my back was tight in some spots from the lifting and stress, so she worked the daylights out of those muscles. Today's the one day I don't have stuff scheduled so I'm kind of enjoying it, even as I can see my grading pile giving me the eye.

    I can feel my TOM's around the corner--hungry and achy. pardon me as I eat all the food and advil :)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Another day of snow and rain = another cancelled ball game. Gives me a chance to do Costco tonight. Totally feeling the DOMS today and I'm thinking the culprit is the BWM. If I wasn't a lazy person, I would try and add it to cardio days like you Blue, but... cardio days don't exist for me :) It is either lift, or nothing. After doing the BWM, I am not looking forward to lunges coming up, I'm more of a squatter I think ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    WTF is with the snow?! I'd lose my damn mind if it snowed again. We're about a day away from having actual leaves on the trees.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I don't know. Snow, rain, snow.. our weather has been awful!

    Major DOMS today, I blame the BWM from Monday.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    That's wretched, Terrie.

    I forgot to tell you guys that I ordered those weight add-on thingies. I used the 2.5 on the cable row the other day and the 5 today on the lat pull down. I was so glad to finally make some progress! They made the exercises tougher but not impossible as the 10lb jump had.

    I feel like I might be having (or have had) one of those fat melts people have mentioned in one or the other of the NROLW threads. Suddenly I can see more muscle. Woot!

    Today the gym had three of us ladies (one about my age, me, and one much younger) heavy lifting. I was pleased with us. The woman who looked to be in her 30s also looked to be doing NROLW--maybe stage 2? Everything looked really familiar, though she was doing more sets than I recall. If she's not doing it outright, she's at least riffing on it.

    My grading mountain is enormous. Tough call--make dinner, or order out? We've had so much takeout lately, but I kinda need the time. I should probably see how long it would take to make dinner first... and get off the computer.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I hear ya on the take-out. Convinced the man that we should have McD's after my ball game because it was McHappy Day (I do think that is a great cause, hopefully the money does go to it). It is probably more used in the US I would think though. My friend up here gets to write off with taxes any appointment travel with her son (she is 1.5 hours from Edmonton and her son has Downs and Dwarfism).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I did McHappy day too :laugh: It was so good LOL Anything for a good cause :wink: I believe the funds raised do go to the local houses. In fact my team at work are doing the 'home for dinner' program at the Edmonton house next week. We buy all the groceries and go in and cook for the families staying at the house. We did it last fall and it was so much fun. We did breakfast and lunch - breakfast was bacon and eggs and pancakes and all the good stuff that goes with it. Lunch was soup and sandwiches. Major steps on the fitbit that day :bigsmile: This time we're doing lunch and dinner using the outside grills to barbeque. Burgers and dogs for lunch and steak and chicken for dinner. It's a really fun day and the families are so appreciative.

    Isn't seeing muscle the greatest feeling, Jen? I actually have a bi-cep! Who knew? LOL And you had a whoosh of fat loss too -that's awesome! I'm still waiting for mine :huh: I haven't been as good at keeping to my calories the last little while but the scale isn't going up so I must be doing something right. Average seems to be going down about .8lb a month since January. Maybe when I get back from vacation things will quiet down a bit. Of course I'll have to start from a higher number again LOL Oh well, it's called life and I can't stop living it, right?

    have you tried the BWM again Terrie? There's your morning routine that will get you into your dress LOL
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    No BWM again yet, my legs are still sore so I think I am finally making a Dr appointment to get a massage. The dog keeps jumping on them at night and it is instant pain!

    Yah Muscles! I haven't seen much, but I think the scale is going down, even with the Mac Attack I ate yesterday (followed by popcorn).

    I didn't know they had those things around here Blue. I wonder if they are for more long-term. My friend is maybe a night or so because her son gets regular sleep testing. That is awesome for all you to go do that though! No one would appreciate my cooking ;)