Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hello, skbarton!

    I've never seen that spreadsheet before--it's pretty impressive. I've just been using the one folks talk about here--Maggie Chang, I think the author's name is? It's set up for the calculations in the NROLW book. I'm two pounds from my initial goal, the weight at which point my BMI goes from "overweight" to "normal." I don't put a lot of faith into BMI, but it seemed a good place to cut off and was an even 20 lbs from where I started. So I'm close.

    I have no idea as to what my body comp is. I've run some of the calculators using measurements and they seem all over the place. And the TDEE calcs I've used tend to have huge differences between them. So if I remember correctly I split the difference between them and subtracted 15% or something. I'll give the spreadsheet a whirl when I get home and have access to my measuring tape.

    Thanks, Ramalem!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Jen, here's the link to my question. I believe you can lurk without joining. Some good info in there.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    omg, 130 protein. i'm lucky if i get 70 in an average day! Bread, on the other hand, I get enough of :)
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 302 Member
    Sorry for highjacking this...
    I am in stage 1, but started about a month ago. I am also getting suggestion from the ETP group and noticed you in both places so thought of chiming in.

    In which stage are you in? I am curious to know if you have lost anything since you started NROLFW. I am set to by Sara and Steel @ 1400 120C 50F 115P. I started about a month ago (both lifting heavy and this suggestion)

    While I am losing inches a little, my weight has only gone up a bit and no losses. :(
    Oh I am 5' 4" and 130 -133 wanting to be 123
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sorry for highjacking this...
    No worries! We're always happy to chat with new people :smile:

    I just started Stage 6 - I will be doing my first workout B tomorrow. I haven't really lost any weight as I seem to hover in the low 150s. I've definitely lost some inches tho going by the fit of my clothes. I have about 12lbs to go to get to my goal although I'd give my right arm to finally break 150 (that would do it:smile: )

    I'm not sure how I'm going to get that extra protein in. I already do shakes and bars. I have seen some milk with extra protein - I'll see if I can find it.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So this morning I measured me in order to fill out that spreadsheet skbarton linked to. My measurements haven't really budged in months, it turns out. Things are fitting well (or huge) so I'm not sure what that's about, by my calves have actually gotten bigger! They don't look bigger--I think they're less fatty, which is probably why--but still, twas a bit of a stunner.

    According to the spreadsheet (did you guys look at it? it's massive) my body fat % is likely somewhere around 28%; one has it in the low 30s, the other in the mid-20s, so that's the average. It also recommended I drop my calorie intake by about 100 from where I am now and/or go back to calorie cycling--eating near 1800 on lift days, and (hahahahah) 1280 on non-lift days.

    Yeaaaaaah, I don't think I can do 1280. But I was a little frustrated with the measurements this morning. I also feel like I'm stuck in my stage 1 lifts--I can't seem to crack 60 on the forward row (I could probably do 65, but we don't have five pound increments). I tweaked that bicep-to-shoulder connector on the damn thing last time (which I think was my own fault rather than an age-induced beastie).

    Sorry to gripe. Here, I'll change my tune. Good morning! Blue, are you free of snow today? Welcome, mnsmov15! How's the morning sickness, Ram? BTW, I was thinking the other day how funny it is that we chat here most every day and I think I'm the only one whose first name is known. What are yours?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Morning Jen :laugh: Sherri is my real name but you can call me Blue :smile: It's easier to remember! OH and snow is all gone but it's raining cats and dogs today. We should be nice and green when its done!

    Feel free to gripe away. I know no one else in my real world understands what's going on - at least here you guys are going thru something similar.

    I haven't actually tried that spreadsheet. I always seem to be on a computer at work or on my ipad. I'll have to make a point of checking it out when I'm on the computer at home. I keep my own running spreadsheet but it doesn't sound near as complicated. I'm going to try and average my cals over the week and not worry about workout days. I know my weekdays are really low and my weekeneds are really high - I figure if I can average it out and still hit macros by the end of the week I should be good.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    I am not usually close to macros. typically i'm over on carbs. not stunning :)

    I edited my goals to reflect some of the spreadsheet's goals--I dropped my calories by 45 to an even 1600 and moved around the macros. We'll see if I can hit them.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Megan is my real name, I can't believe we haven't had this conversation already :smile: My maiden name was Ramaley, so I usually just use Ramalem for all my usernames because it's just easier for me to remember that way ha ha, then of course people always default to Ram.

    I didn't even bother to look at that spreadsheet, but talk to me again in 10 months when I'm desperately trying to lose the massive amount of weight I will have put on :laugh:

    Jen- gripe away. It is indeed what we are here for! Morning sickness is ok, it seems to come and go in waves. I'm hoping I'm at the end of it, last week was just awful. There is NO WAY in hell I could stick to 1280 on non lifting days. Not worth losing any amount of weight to me ha ha.

    Sherri- It's been pouring here, but that's nothing new for us. We are headed to the coast this weekend where it's likely to be raining much harder and be much colder.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks for the welcome blue and Jen!
    My real name is Manasa - I was nicknamed mns @ collage, so I kinda stuck with that ;)

    I found the spreadsheet easier to plug in my details and keep track of my lean mass and bf with measurements. have been following it since I started in March.

    Agree with ya ladies, its a small little world here where we understand our frustration of not being able to increase weights with lifts, feeling accomplished with higher weights, talking about weight loss... and some friends in the same boat understanding letting us vent :)

    I always go over on weekends and try to manage it with week days. Hoping it will avg out. I could not make myself eat v less on non workout days and eat way more on lifting days. An even same thing everyday works best for me!!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I fell off the wagon, apparently 3 page of convo worth :)

    Just got back to stage 3 after a 2 week break. I have been doing real well lately though. This week I have done:
    -Run on Monday - awesome day to have a stat holiday with the sun shinning
    -3A WO Monday - still only 1 BWM and feeling it today still
    -Throwing the ball around and batting Tuesday
    -Early morning swim today and softball practice this PM

    With games starting next week I feel like the gym will be difficult to get to so I told myself Fridays and Mondays (maybe only every second one since I get that day off).

    Everyone is progressing great though!!

    My fiance and I are having a weight loss challenge, which has him watching calories and swimming 3 days a week (from being a couch potato). I'm just watching calories, dunno how it will go with the weights so I figures about 1200 when I'm lazy and 1500 when I'm not. I am going to try real hard this year to watch them because I hardly eat, am super active and gain weight over summer (thinking I don't eat enough to keel up).
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    So this morning I measured me in order to fill out that spreadsheet skbarton linked to. My measurements haven't really budged in months, it turns out. Things are fitting well (or huge) so I'm not sure what that's about, by my calves have actually gotten bigger! They don't look bigger--I think they're less fatty, which is probably why--but still, twas a bit of a stunner.

    Hi Jen, I'm Susan... Mine haven't either, but... keep tracking it as I have seen changes in lean mass and fat mass. And keep in mind that as you burn fat off, the muscles become more evident and you will be fitter and feel better. This journey we are on has so many different facets - weights and inches are just a small portion.
    According to the spreadsheet (did you guys look at it? it's massive) my body fat % is likely somewhere around 28%; one has it in the low 30s, the other in the mid-20s, so that's the average. It also recommended I drop my calorie intake by about 100 from where I am now and/or go back to calorie cycling--eating near 1800 on lift days, and (hahahahah) 1280 on non-lift days.

    The first 2 pages are the most important - the others are optional for tweaking our programs/routines/diet... Heybales has a few threads out there explaining the SS in detail. One thread is in the Eat More to Weight Less group and the other is in the In Place of a Roadmap group. I'm sure there are more out there.
    Yeaaaaaah, I don't think I can do 1280. But I was a little frustrated with the measurements this morning. I also feel like I'm stuck in my stage 1 lifts--I can't seem to crack 60 on the forward row (I could probably do 65, but we don't have five pound increments). I tweaked that bicep-to-shoulder connector on the damn thing last time (which I think was my own fault rather than an age-induced beastie).

    1280 seems low - what did your BMR and TDEE come up to? I hear ya on the weights. The gym I am going to was 10 pound increments up to 60 and then it jumps to 15 pound increments. However, a trainer that works out of there told me there are 5 pound weights that can be slipped into the stacks so you don't have to take such large increments. On one hand I wish I had known that last week but now I am getting better on the 75 pounds than I thought I would....
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Welcome back, Terrie! (we knew your name all along, too :) ) And now we have everyone's names!

    Thanks for the feedback, skbarton. My calves actually do look way better at the larger size, because they have less fat--I can start to see the muscle there. And 28% isn't too shabby; I'm not complaining! I was just a tad surprised that my waistline hadn't changed. some days it looks slim, others, blubbery, but I am thinking it's largely in the eye of the beholder.

    The spreadsheet lists my TDEE at 1752 and BMR at 1280. Both of these seem on the low side, given what I've seen using other calculators. Perhaps it's because of the numbers I entered for exercise. i've got six days in there--three hours moderate cardio-type (walking at a good clip, elliptical--I use my HRM for both) on off days, three days lifting.

    Oh, you know what? I only had myself on my feet for fifteen hours/week. I'm lecturing usually about 3-6 hrs; making meals; running from point A to B on campus; puttering about the yard; housework. Probably it's higher, eh?

    I'd asked at the gym about 5 lb increments; nope! I wonder if I can just buy and add my own...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good morning ladies! Jen, Megan, Manasa, Terrie (welcome back!) and Susan!

    I was in a training session the last couple of days so I didn't get to keep up like I normally do at work :laugh:

    I'm officially starting the program Steel recommended for me today! It's too hard to control meals when you're not in your usual routine and I was away from the office for a couple of days. But now I'm back and ready to get started! I'm going to give myself until I leave for vacation on May 16 to see whether or not his advice works. I wil be finishing up Stage 6 at the same time. And then I'll undo it all with drinks while I'm gone :bigsmile: Baileys and coffee, mimosas and drinks by the pool! Can't wait :drinker:

    I'm also going to check out that spreadsheet when I'm at home tomorrow.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning everyone, welcome Manasa and Susan and welcome back Terrie!

    Just doing a quick check in. I still haven't made it to the gym this week, but have a goal to make it back in next week AT LEAST 2 days. I'm still only halfway through stage 4 - but am hoping that I can get through the rest of the program during my second trimester before I get too big :laugh: I have been walking and doing yoga everyday though, so happy I've been able to at least stick with that goal.

    Blue - I am DYING for a mimosa. Alas, only 7.5 months to go!

    Jen - you're number should definitely be higher. And I get frustrated at my gym (LA Fitness) for not having 5lb increments on many machines.

    Terrie - Sounds like you've had a good week! Good work.

    Msn - I also do well during the week and overindulge on the weekends. Never been able to get that one under control!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I have just under 400 calories for the day and no desire to make dinner. I was under my 200+ yesterday so I'm hoping I can make takeout work :)

    Currently I'm having a beer and intermittently working on our bookshelves. They need seam caulking, dusting, priming, and someday, painting. I just sanded the last of the rough spots.

    This morning, 3/4 of the way to work, I realized I left my sneakers at home and was wearing kitten heels--can't swap 'em in as lifting shoes. We turned around and I dropped my hubby off at his job before going back home for sneakers. I ended up being so tight on time I didn't shower, but no one seemed to notice. The lift was ok--everything seemed to feel especially heavy for whatever reason.

    The rest of my day was kind of a nuthouse, as the next several days will be. I'm taking 10 students to Boston on a field trip on Saturday but it's going to rain. Good times. I lived there long enough to know that when it rains, you don't want to be marching around town if you can help it!

    I'll certainly get plenty of exercise, though.

    Happy Thursday!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Friday :drinker:

    I just did my second 6A - I love how short it is. Very effective too!

    I'm going to be away next weekend so to get my three lifts in it will be Sunday Tuesday Thursday and then start again on Monday. I'm quite impressed with myself that I have not missed a week where I haven't lifted 3 times! Yay me lol! I may not have always gotten the other two days of cardio in but I have lifted according to plan :smile:

    We will see how the next three weeks plays out with the diet. Maybe I'll finally break thru 150 and actually stay there!

    Have a great weekend! Have fun in Boston Jen!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good for you, Blue! I ended up making a delicious frittata last night, after I did indeed do some work on the bookshelves. I ended up just in line for calories. Tonight I let my hair down after a long week (and longer still--tomorrow's rainy field trip)--beer, onion rings. Mmmm.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Ugh - we woke up to snow again this morning! I'm so #%^#|<># ready for this winter to be over! It's supposed to warm up by afternoon but come on already! I can't wait to hit the 90 degrees of Palm Springs in 19 more sleeps! It can't come soon enough for me! :drinker:

    Last week w as hubby's bday so we're heading out tonight for dinner in one of the trendy shopping areas of town. I've already planned my dinner :noway: so it's a good thing there's going to be lots of walking before :smile: That and I'm doing my second 6B as soon as I get my butt moving.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    NO!!!!! not more snow! I'd be a total basket case if I saw that now.

    Have fun tonight! It's nice to let go and have a good time now and again. :)