Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    don't forget that lobster is usually dipped in butter! OMG I'm so hungry right now LOL

    Good job on the lifts! I'm still no expert on pushups either and there's lots of them coming up in stage 6. They want me to raise my feet off the floor while still getting my nose to the ground. Are they kidding?? :noway: I can barely get 10 in as it is!! I guess consistency is key! The more you do the better you get!

    Rama how was your lifting today? I can imagine how tender you must be - around TOM I get really sore boobs too! I try to stay off the treadmill during that time as the bouncing really doesn't help - and I'm not considered large by any stretch of the imagination!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen, congrats on the lift today! I suck at push-ups did knee ones today in fact!

    My lifting went good! I am starting to come down in weights a little bit so hopefully not going all out will help. Yeah the running today was a little brutal at first, but get's better as the time goes on. Finding myself getting winded much quicker than usual. I'm told the second trimester gets much better :)
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    hi ladies,checking in again.
    @jen, yumm yummy, your dinner=my dream dinner right about now lol
    @blue, i dont know or why, but im getting good at push ups, lol. maybe u can try that insanity max plyo workout, killer
    @rama, so happy that u went back to working out.
    i'm copying from my other post at the other forum thread, just in case, so u can see how im progressing :)

    squats -Goblets squats with 35lbs barbell- only coz i couldnt find the 45lbs preloaded one, they were playing some kind of game
    with it, i cant even understand the exercise the guys were doing, something like putting it in their shoulders then
    bending their body forward and back... didnt make much sense to me. my challenge tho will be lifting the 45lbs bar
    over my head to my shoulders, i measured and is too short to load on the squat rack and the olympic bar seems to
    always have huge scary big plates that im scared of even taking off the bar.
    push ups- BW 3 sets of 12 - blame insanity for my newly found "love for push ups"
    seated row-55lbs -i did try upping from my last time to 75lbs but i failed at 8, so went back and did 2 sets of 55lbs
    step up- 10lbs dumbells on each hand- still hella weak left leg :( so annoying
    prone jacknife i changed to incline crunches with a 25lbs plate. i should try to up it next time.
    barbell bridge (from strong curves)- 25lbs barbells x 20reps and then changed to 35lbs plate x20reps too. i will try upping next time

    (already feeling sore)

    my last workout B3

    deadlifts -45lbs (im always think i can do more and that im not doing them properly) very confusing
    dumbell shoulder press-10lbs in each hand, thanks twinmom for the reassuring words, i thought i had some kind of abnormal weak
    shoulders, i dont see me upping those 10lbs any time soon. i even tried sitting down, same result. i have to do it
    super duper slow, coz my left hand tends to turn, switch in some weird way and end up all over the place. those
    shoulder press dont look pretty lol
    lat pulldown-55lbs
    lunge- 10lbs each hand and i do them back (reverse) as twinmom suggested, bid difference.
    replaced swissball crunch with incline crunch- 25lbs plate
    barbell glute bridge- 45lbs. loved it!

    all im all i got 4 conclusions.
    1- thanks @twinmom, u give really amazing advice and i look forward to getting more.
    2- i like more workouts A (but since im sore already i think i might (dis)like them both equally now) lol
    3. i know im getting stronger, i just wish i was concistently upping my weights all over the exercises, but all muscle groups r not the same and sometimes is just as important to just keep the form as upping the weights.
    4. i loooooove lifting, i love getting stronger, i love that the workouts r so short and sometimes i do wish i could lift some more only coz i dont feel the soreness/exhausted at the same degree as cardio but damn those doms r killer next day (workout B!)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You know, I would have been right around goal last night were it not for the wine I drank at last night's fancy dinner. I was nervous, so I had 2.5 glasses. I managed to only laugh inappropriately once, so um, that's something.

    Back on the horse today, I suppose, though this week is so nuts takeout seems to be our primary food source. It's the damn car sharing making things extra difficult.

    Gotta get dressed, go to work, and keep reading papers. Have a good day!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Social situations can be so akward sometimes! I hate my my hubby's parties because I only see these people once a year and I can never remember them! Even tho some of them I see year after year LOL Actually, the parties are fun - it's the social akwardness that I hate :wink:

    Wine isn't terribly high in calories is it? I don't drink it much so I'm never sure. What I've learned on this getting healthy journey is nothing ever goes as planned so you have to go with the flow, enjoy it and try again the next day (or week or month) Just don't every stop trying. That's when you fail!

    Good job on your lifts May - you will find the program gets a little longer in the next stages so you might need to plan accordingly. My stage 3&5 As would last well over an hour. They say Stage 6 is quite a bit shorter - and lots of arms! Looking forward to that!

    Seems like one night a week is a sleepless night for me - last night was it. So I slept in and will plan an additional A tomorrow when I have lots of time to get it done.

    Great day to all! :flowerforyou:
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    @blue - I'm right there with u on the sleepless nights. oh God, sometimes is a whole week, sometimes is just a night. sometimes is after I workout (too hype sometimes when I workout at night); sometimes im EXHAUSTED after good (not so late) workout and still cant sleep. really annoying, I've only had this problem since I moved to the states over a year ago, yet I had a way more stressful job before moving here. anyways, from my side I've made up my own night routine, might help you out...even if sometimes doesn't work, I keep it the same just so my body gets used to it

    shower after my workouts, as late as possible.
    turn my lights off gradually one by one (while doing some stuff round the house)
    take 1 or 2 melatonin pills (depending on how the night before went, but I avoid it unless I've had a sleepless week)
    set my alarm to 11pm with a message "TIME TO BED"
    I know I wont sleep at 11pm but I get into bed or get ready for bed
    make myself a nice cup of sleepytime tea with honey
    by that time I only have my side lamp on or one of the flameless tea candles.
    and I just set the tv really low (can't sleep without the tv on) or pick up a book or my ipad, and play short funny tv shows till I fall asleep
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm up early to get my workouts in. Alarm goes off at 5:30. As a result I'm usually in bed by 9. 10 at the latest :laugh: I don't have trouble falling asleep it's the waking up in the middle of the night that gets me! I can see the benefit of routine for sure. I do have one - it's just not as detailed as yours :wink:

    I applied for another job within the company today. If I get it, it's going to add another 30 minute commute each way :sad: I'm going to have to be up at 5 to get workouts in. Alternatively I can go back to the little gym I was going to before. Not sure I want to buy a gym membership when I have such an awesome set up at home! Decisions, decisions! :ohwell:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Why would going to that gym be easier ? Good luck with the job !

    Do you all find yourselves eating more at your TOM? I was just starving all day today. Ended up over a bit but unconcerned since I seem to burn more the first couple days of my period, anyway.

    I fall asleep no problem but also can spend lots of time awake during the night. Irritating and exhausting. It usually starts when I have to get up to pee, and then my brain just starts up.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm not entirely sure that it would be easier but it could be done if need be. Even if it saved 15 min of sleep it might be worth it!

    It's the darn brain that keeps me up at night too! Mine plays music - the same song over and over :angry:

    TOM for me means salt - usually potato chips followed by something sweet.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I had a good lifting session yesterday; some minor knee pain but nothing serious. It was in an entirely different spot, too, so perhaps it's just a new fun part of aging :)

    Today's going to be in the 70s!! We're going to go hike around a reservoir in town.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    It snowed overnight :sad: I'm really hoping it doesn't last more than a day!

    I did an extra wo A yesterday and was able to up my weights on most of the exercises. Looking forward to trying new stuff in stage 6!
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Awesome B4 workout today + T25.. oh man, what a killer workout. Oh and the squat rack was empty for the first time and the olympic bar was also empty (no heavy plates), so i just went for it. it was easy, i believe it was 40lbs.. not sure, but i saw they have 2.5lbs and 5lbs plates around, so i guess that's how I'll be upping them. I even had one of the guys (we were like 4 people in the whole gym :) ) coming up to me and suggesting one of the abs machines, it was also a good workout, i guess if the incline bench is taken i can use that machine.

    From next workout A5 will be the 3 sets or 10reps. Oh and i couldnt find the 10lbs dumbbells for the shoulders press and i took the 15lbs then and I DID IT!!!!!!! what a victory, I thought i'd never go over those 10lbs :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good work May! I've been doing 20s for the seated inclined press and every time I get them up I think I'm going to drop them on my face! I can't imagine going up to 25s anytime soon.

    I think the standard Oly bar is 45 lbs so you're doing better than you think!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Holy moly, 15 lb shoulder presses? I've never been able to break 12 lbs and still keep any form. Damn, May! Nice job!

    I just noticed that the exercise counter gave me ample calories rather than the 1 I assigned b/c I use TDEE for cal counts. I drank a glass of wine based on that number, and alas, it looks like I can't have my evening snack. Or I will, and it'll be another day over the count! :grumble:

    There are far worse things, since I walked 3.5+ miles today and did an hour of substantive gardening (moving soil from the beds into pots and from the pots into beds)!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Jen, have the wine :happy: you've earned it with walking and gardening. Me, I've done pretty much nothing all day. It's been great :laugh:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I had the wine AND the popcorn and went to bed happy :)

    Good for you, having a nothing day. We all need those from time to time. Today I need to make up for having a no-work day yesterday. Sure, I walked and gardened and laundered and cleaned, but I didn't grade a stick of paper. Oops.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Do you guys adhere to your macros? I'm never that close to them. Carbs are always a bit high, fats a bit high, protein's low. Short of sitting around guzzling protein shakes or having meat with every meal, I'm not ever that close to that target. I don't worry about it. I know there are those who do, and perhaps I'd have increased lifting results, but meh, I can't be bothered to get really particular about it.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I try to hit my macros. They are 45p 25f 30p. I don't always hit them bang on but if I'm within 5% I'm happy. I try not to let my fat go more than 33% or my protein under 25%. I have a protein bar every day (some of them even taste like chocolate bars!) and I will have a shake after working out.

    I don't know if it really helps or not but I've been trying to lose that last 15lbs for three years now! I don't cut anything out completely but I don't buy bread anymore and have eliminated processed meals (other than the odd can of soup or two). I think my downfall is the amount we eat out. It used to be a heck of a lot more - now it's maybe 3 times a week. It used to be more like 10!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    there seems to be great debate about how much protein a body needs, even when the body is building muscle; I talked to some people who also said too much can be dangerous. I just don't like that much meat and we eat veg at least once or twice a week.

    We also eat out a lot, particularly when we're busy. We have a bit of a Chipotle problem.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I wonder how much protein is too much? At 25% it works out to about 1g per lb LBM. Of course once you add exercise cals that number goes up. There are occasional days that I'm over but it all evens out by the weeks end. I love meat - Beef is my favorite :laugh: