Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    No more snow! That's it! Enough!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your knee. Mine was pinchy when it was bent w/ pressure, like going up the stairs, doing a squat, etc. It'd pinch around the kneecap.

    Evidently the remedy is to build those adductors and strengthen your hips and glutes.

    I do the side plank clams pictured here as well as single leg bridges:

    the bird dip pictured here (also, I have the same shorts, lol):

    lunges and step ups, too, with very careful focus on form.

    and squeezing a pillow or ball between your knees to build adductors.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Just doing a quick check in. I've been feeling like crap the past few days and actually ended up staying home from work yesterday to try and get some sleep. I've been managing to get some walks in aside from yesterday so at least it was something? My eating has been less than stellar... yesterday I ate macaroni and cheese, ice cream and pizza. Sigh. I guess I feel lucky I didn't start feeling sick until later in the first trimester... only 3 more weeks to go!

    Jen - I hate that too busy to go to the gym feeling, but honestly, sometimes it just happens!

    Blue - sorry about the snow... that really sucks. We are back to our typical rain pattern now for the next week or so. Oh well. Fun while it lasted! Also sucky about the knee!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did NROLW today and it went pretty well. I also wore a slinky dress afterward, one that hasn't come out of my closet in a loooong time. Then I climbed up into my window at work to close it (it's a seriously weatherstripped window and hard to move) and my knee twinged. First time in ages! Alas! Pesky knees, unite!

    I'm sorry you've been unwell, ramelem, but do envy your food options. Mmmmmmmm.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Ouch Jen! Hopefully it won't slow us down too much! Good for you - rockin' that dress!

    Rama, everything in moderation right? Or maybe slightly more than in your case :laugh:

    This dang weather has me feeling under the weather! This morning either my HRM was acting up again (which wouldn't be a surprise these days) or my body is trying to tell me something. Usually by the time I do my stretching my HR goes under 100 - it took well over 5 minutes after I was finished stretching to get down there. I plan on hibernating and sleeping tomorrow :smile:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Stupid snow! 2" overnight and it's coming down really hard! Probably another 4" expected. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow - we might float away with all the melting!

    Oh well, good day to curl up with a good book!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I don't know how you're staying so calm. I'd be having a meltdown. Snow in late April is not ok.

    I'm giving a nod to my aging self today and using the day off to go get resized for bras (last time I did this was when I lost all this weight originally, back in 2008, and these bras are likely nearly as old) and to go get a much more serious wash/moisturizer than what I have now. My face is getting these patchy dry spots and (gasp) at least one little dark spot, too. My moisturizers aren't cutting it, so I"m guessing I'll have to forego the natural route (I use an avalon organics heavy moisturizer that ends up greasy in some areas and dry in others an hour later) and get something expensive and serious like Clinique. Alas.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen - so sorry about your knee... ugh frustrating BUT yay for slinky dresses!

    Blue - I really don't envy your weather...

    So happy today is Friday! It's sunny here, at least for now, so I plan on going for another lunch time walk. I just can't face the gym this week... really hoping I can get back into it next week. Not sure I will really even stick to NROL... although I know it's good for me. I might just skip stage 6 (by the time I get there, there is NO way I will be able to do pull ups, etc).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Rama, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to do a pull-up either:bigsmile: I'm pretty sure I won't be taking 20 sec to lower myself from a chin-up either. I'm going to drop like a stone :laugh:

    Good luck shopping Jen. I don't envy either one of what you're shopping for. I've been pretty lucky with good skin and can buy regular brand items. I use Garnier facial scrub and Nivea Aqua moisturizer. Both less than $10 but then again I've never been one for makeup or spending a lot of money on those kinds of things. As for bra shopping - ugh! Hate it!

    It finally stopped snowing!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Bra shopping is the freaking worst and yay for no more snow!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I at least feel that I'm at the age where I'm not embarrassed by bra shopping. This poor kid who was also in the shop was clearly mortified by the whole process. I let the lady measure me, bring me stuff, mock the bra I was wearing ("It's like you're not wearing any bra at all!") and walked out with two that fit well and lift my chest rather than just hold it sort of in place.

    And I went over to the Body Shop, where they were having a 40% off sale, and got a bunch of stuff. We'll see if it works. I have a new day moisturizer, face wash, and night serum. Now I just have to do it. I've been terrible about doing PT lately and have been so crazed in the morning I've left twice without brushing my teeth, so I really need to get my act together!

    Knee's fine thankfully :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    How's the weekend, everybody?

    I realized yesterday that I only exercised 2x last week. That's pretty unusual! Here's hoping Easter Sunday kicks off a better week this week. I'll go do some raking out back this morning and get into the gym tomorrow.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Major sugar cravings this weekend - which I gave into - but the scale ended up down 2.4 lbs this morning! According to my fitbit burns I ate over 2000 calories extra this weekend. WTF?? It's supposed to be simple math right? Cals in vs Cals out??? Not it my world it ain't! Not that I'm complaining about a drop - I just wish I could understand! It'll probably slam me with a big increase later in the week!

    Started stage 6 this morning - right on schedule! Oh boy - I think I'm going to be a hurtin' puppy tomorrow! Very short but the exercises are tough! The first one is from chin-up position - you're supposed to lower yourself but take 20 seconds to do it. HA HA HA not fricken likely! I could barely hold the chin up for 2 seconds before dropping like a stone.:bigsmile: So my goal by the end is to at least be able to lower myself instead of dropping.

    The barbell split squat was pretty tough too - it's more like a stationary lunge with the barbell on your back. I found it pretty hard to keep my balance with 47lbs on my back. I'm pretty sure I could do more weight but I just wasn't sure where to start and that was loaded on the bar already :smile:

    On a more pleasant note, all the snow has melted and it's supposed to hit 14c today (60f I think?) :happy:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Weekend went way too quickly for me. I semi behaved myself around the chocolate but definitely allowed myself to indulge. Only ate two meals yesterday (brunch and early dinner) so my calories didn't end up being too bad!

    I had a pretty bad week last week eating and workout wise. I just couldn't fathom going to the gym and only managed to walk a few days. My eating was also TERRIBLE, but I can attribute that to morning sickness. I'm finally starting to feel better and am determined to get back in the gym this week and start eating more sensibly.

    Blue - a loss is a loss, good work! Stage 6 is haaaaaaaard. I tried it last summer before my wedding to try and get my back/arms into shape and ended up hurting myself hahaha. So sad.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    How did you injure yourself? That's not good :cry: That is my biggest fear in this whole thing as it will take me forever to heal! The knee felt fine this morning - no twinges at all in either the squat or riding the bike. :smile:

    I ate a half pound bag of mini-rolos in one sitting yesterday :embarassed: After a 'bowl' of popcorn and a small easter bunny! That's why I can't believe the scale went down like it did! I can do that everyday if that's what it takes :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ha ha seriously!

    I just was stupid and did too much too fast :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    There are those who say to eat more to lose more :) Lucky you, Blue!

    I had two glasses of wine on Friday and two more on Sunday so I don't expect the scale to move anytime soon. I don't know if it's a metabolism thing or what, but it tends to happen from time to time.

    I hope everyone's injuries are minor. No need to join the two-months-off club! I should be more diligent about my PT and avoid that club myself.

    I lifted today--up to 60 for squats. I'm close to where I was when I went on to stage two. Yesterday I raked for an hour to get all the dead leaves and grass out of the backyard and burned a whopping 565 calories. I was a machine! I'm still eating at TDEE, though, so I was pretty much done after Easter lunch :) The scale's hovered between 129 and 130 for the last couple of weeks; I'm assuming it's partly from lifting again (we all know how that goes) and partly from the occasional alcohol calories. I'm hoping it drops in the nearish future. Once I hit 127 I'm going back to NROLW calculations--so much food! nom nom nom.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sadly I dont' think so - the last time I tried the eat more I put on 9lbs!

    Are either of you in the Eat, Train, Progress group? I've asked for some advice on calorie intake over there. They seem to be pretty knowledgable. We'll see what they say.

    According to my fitbit, I burn about 1800 a day on average. Having my cals set at 1/2 lb week loss (1450 cals) and eating back exercise cals I eat about that much on average. Anal accountant that I am, I keep a running spreadsheet :laugh: I had my RMR tested two years ago and it was 1411. So either MFP is wrong or my fitbit burns are wrong. I'm so confused!! Someone's math just doesn't add up!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Geez, so even with the devices it's confusing? Errrrrrrgh.

    I haven't looked at that group--do you have to be a member to prowl around? Can you post a link?

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ya know, devices are great, but honestly how much can we actually rely on them? Sigh, technology :laugh:

    Blue I think I've looked at that group but haven't stayed around long enough to learn anything. I'm in two active groups and I find that's almost too much to keep up with ha ha.

    Jen nice job on the squat weight! And yay for all the food!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Sadly I dont' think so - the last time I tried the eat more I put on 9lbs!

    Are either of you in the Eat, Train, Progress group? I've asked for some advice on calorie intake over there. They seem to be pretty knowledgable. We'll see what they say.

    According to my fitbit, I burn about 1800 a day on average. Having my cals set at 1/2 lb week loss (1450 cals) and eating back exercise cals I eat about that much on average. Anal accountant that I am, I keep a running spreadsheet :laugh: I had my RMR tested two years ago and it was 1411. So either MFP is wrong or my fitbit burns are wrong. I'm so confused!! Someone's math just doesn't add up!

    Have you heard about Heybales' spreadsheet? You can plug in your measurements, etc... to get a more personalized idea of how much to eat. It is a google spreadsheet that you can copy into your own google or download it in excel format. He has a link to it on his MFP page. He created the spreadsheet to pull together several resources into one place.

    How close are you to goal? If you are burning 1800 a day, the 1450 is a 20% deficit and it could be a tad too much. The Eat More to Weight Less group advocates 15% unless you have a lot to lose and dropping to 10% when you have just a few pounds left.

    I know my fitbit isn't accurate. Problem wtih Fitbit is it doesn't take body fat into consideration. I had to get shorter to get mine closer to actual burn rate.