Starting Nov 1



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Love it! I don't know why the don't have a NHL team here, Seattle would eat it up.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Have a good trip, Meg!

    We and the kids loved the movie. It was fun.

    I feel like I haven't exercised in ages but yep, sconce counts and I was in the gym on Saturday. I'm going to go tomorrow before driving to meet a college friend for lunch.

    Going to go watch the season finale of Game of Thrones now. We're a few days behind.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    3A complete! Whoooo! I almost avoided the second BWM, but forged ahead. It might have been a little half-*kitten* but my quads were burning so I guess it was good enough.I had to decrease weight on the bench press for whatever reason--just couldn't get those 20lb weights up like last week. Barbell row, 60 lbs; one-leg dead lift, 20lb dumbbells; 60 lbs on the wood chop. I was pretty happy with those numbers.

    Happy Wednesday! It's going to be in the 80s and humid today. The return of summer! I've put on that cherry dress I showed you guys and am hoping I don't accidentally flash anyone since I'm wearing it braless. I think it'll need a little professional tailoring, ultimately, as my ribcage width seems smaller than it was when I bought it.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    <peeks head in>

    I am alive... just wanted to say Hi :) LOL My weight room is buried in crap :( we have been remodeling so guess where everything got piled *sigh*

    I started back again.. dumbbells it is lol Just wanted to say I missed you guys and I still peek in :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That's a pretty good NSV Jen! I loved that dress - it was very cute on you. Good job on those weights! 60lb barbell row?? I think I'm only at 40 in stage 7 (although that is for 15 reps - of which I can get in 12 before dying LOL) The other numbers seem comparable to what I was doing in 5. You are one strong lady! Enjoy your lunch!

    I think I might be the only person on the planet not watching Game of THrones or Sons of Anarchy. I hear so much about them but I find it very difficult trying to jump in somewhere in the middle so I don't watch. Breaking Bad is another one that was supposed to be really good.

    I think you can call me the queen of self sabatoge! Yesterday I was within .8lbs of my lowest - so what did I have for dinner last night? An entire bag of moose munch!! I couldn't even stop at 3/4 like I did last time :grumble: Had I had the sensible dinner I had planned the scale wouldn't have gone up 1.2 lbs! I blame it being on hubby being out of town - no-one to give me 'the look' LOL We have a catered lunch coming in for a meeting today and them I'm having dinner with my mom tonight. 3 steps forward - 18 steps back LOL It's actually more like 2-3/4 steps back - just think of how much weight I could lose if I didn't like food so much! I could get to my goal weight in no time if I just stayed away from restaurants and snack food :smile: Oh well - life goes on.

    Have a great day ladies! And safe travels to you Meg :flowerforyou:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Look what the cat dragged in :laugh: We're here every day - you need to come back and join us :smile:
    <peeks head in>

    I am alive... just wanted to say Hi :) LOL My weight room is buried in crap :( we have been remodeling so guess where everything got piled *sigh*

    I started back again.. dumbbells it is lol Just wanted to say I missed you guys and I still peek in :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Look what the cat dragged in :laugh: We're here every day - you need to come back and join us :smile:
    <peeks head in>

    I am alive... just wanted to say Hi :) LOL My weight room is buried in crap :( we have been remodeling so guess where everything got piled *sigh*

    I started back again.. dumbbells it is lol Just wanted to say I missed you guys and I still peek in :)

    hush woman :P lol

    It would be wrong of me to slink back in since I am not doing it ATM... but I will again... once the crap gets out of my weight room $@#$@$#% :sad:

    But I still lurk..................................................... :heart:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We've dwindled down to only a few and we've all done some sort of modifications to our programs - but we still check in every day to see what's what! Doesn't matter what program you're doing - you're always welcome!

    I, for one, am not leaving these lovely ladies just because I'm done the program - they're going to suffer right along with me in whatever I choose to do next :laugh: And I with them - right ladies? :drinker:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    good enough.... FINE..... lol

    doing my Chalean Extreme for now... will see how it goes.. it is weights and I use the methodology of progressively upping the weights... so it works lol

    I could still do the push-ups... YES!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've heard alot about that program - are you finding it effective? I was a 30 Day Shred-der before I started lifting and I loved the results it gave me. Lifting is giving me good results too but those seem to be offset by eating entire bags of moose munch :laugh: I wonder why?? :ohwell:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Will have to let you know... let me do the first 30 days and I will let you know my opinion.. you know I will be honest LOL I love Chalene Johnson tho ... My day one was yesterday.. today is rest day... I will be doing it the rest of the week... :)

    I have P90X as well (from a long time ago) and 90 minutes was just TOO DAMN LONG!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Heeeey, welcome back! It's always funny to hear people have lurked with us. I assume it's the few of us alone, but hooray, it's not. You're always welcome, clambert, regardless of your program :) You can suffer with Blue, too!

    Blue, thanks for the kudos! Your night sounds like my week--until today, few veggies and lots of crap :) tasty crap, though, so that's something! Lunch was good--I was starving from the lift and 530 breakfast (effing cats started a brawl at 450 and took it to the bed) so I ate most of an enormous greek salad.

    I found 30 day shred brutal. I also find that after I do a video a few times, I begin to loathe it--turns out I'm better in the gym. I can't tell you how many times I did the old Cindy Crawford workout ca. 1993---hate that cindy Crawford still, hahahah.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Heeeey, welcome back! It's always funny to hear people have lurked with us. I assume it's the few of us alone, but hooray, it's not. You're always welcome, clambert, regardless of your program :) You can suffer with Blue, too!

    Blue, thanks for the kudos! Your night sounds like my week--until today, few veggies and lots of crap :) tasty crap, though, so that's something! Lunch was good--I was starving from the lift and 530 breakfast (effing cats started a brawl at 450 and took it to the bed) so I ate most of an enormous greek salad.

    I found 30 day shred brutal. I also find that after I do a video a few times, I begin to loathe it--turns out I'm better in the gym. I can't tell you how many times I did the old Cindy Crawford workout ca. 1993---hate that cindy Crawford still, hahahah.

    that Ho still looks the same today... have you seen that???????
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey, good for her :) She's got very good genes, I think! Plus god only knows how many lunges and sumo squats she had to do to get there. lol.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    LOL I call shenanigans and surgery :P
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I wonder how many (if any) of them never resorted to surgery? I'd do it in a hearbeat if I had their $$. I'd have them suck that fat right out of my tummy!! I doubt I'd do anything else tho - they all look so phoney.

    This morning was day 3 out of 4 this week I didn't drag my body out of bed to work out. I think it might be time for TOM to visit - hence the weird food choices the last couple of days. BUT on two of those days I did some pushups and squats - does that redeem me? LOL I only have three workouts to being done! What the heck is wrong with me? This is the first time in the entire program I didn't do 3 a week. I've been 'Miss consistent' throughout - very weird! :grumble: I'm not working tomorrow so there is NO EXCUSE! You have permission to kick my *kitten* if I don't do it. :laugh:

    Have a great day!!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I didn't get to do my workout this morning :( Strange things are afoot at the Circle K (please tell me I am not the only one that knows this reference).....

    I woke up like normal at 4:30am to get my coffee and chill before workout at 5. Got my DVD in and did the warmup - all is well. First exercise.. sumo squat with bicep curl... should be nothing for me using 15# dumbbells... I got to 3 squats and all I saw was white, got a HUGE pounding headache that debilatated me and dropped me to the floor where I proceeded to throw up.

    Normally, I am alone in the AM and first thought in my head was "thank god I wasn't squatting the bar with 90# on it" ... I was lucky my husband came down the stairs and found me curled up on the floor writhing in pain.

    It was the strangest thing and never happened before... apparently my migraine just wanted to kick in right at that moment. I am now slowly recovering and still hoping to get my workout in tonight :(
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    OMG Clam that's horrible! Has that happened to you before with headaches? That you get that kind of violent reaction? I'd get thee to a doctor right away! That's scary! My first thought is annuyrism (sp??)

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    OMG Clam that's horrible! Has that happened to you before with headaches? That you get that kind of violent reaction? I'd get thee to a doctor right away! That's scary! My first thought is annuyrism (sp??)

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    I called the nurse this morning.... I have had massive migraines before.. 2 months ago it put me down for a week :\ Thyroid doesn't help with this since some cause of it is the depletion of all my vitamins :(

    I suck.... they are going to refill my migraine meds and gave me a list of stuff to try at home to "control" outbreaks and if I am still waking up with headaches then I have to go in and be evaluated... this blows...