Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey all,

    did anyone besides me go for a 9:30 cupcake run last night? No? Just me. Your loss! The DH and I split one. I had a craving and was hungry. The occasional splurge!

    Today's been spent picking berries and making two batches of jam with a friend of mine. I'm spent now. Totally wiped out.

    Have a good day! Hope the vacation was good, Meg!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok - back to try and catch up a bit.

    Trip was good - started out/ended not so great, but the middle was awesome! We left for Montana on Wednesday and were greeted with 45 degree weather and pouring rain. We opted for a cheap hotel for the night which was definitely the right decision! We woke up and drove up to Glacier National Park only to find out the road that runs through the park was mostly closed due to high amounts of snow... such a bummer. What we did see what amazing though and I can't wait to go back and see the whole thing.

    The next few days were spent camping right on the shores of a beautiful lake. Hubs Dad and Sister (from Eastern Montana) drove over on Friday and met us and camped with us until Sunday when we left. The pup got to be off-leash all weekend and had a great time. He's spent the last two days sleeping/recovering as have I :laugh: Drove home on Sunday and got delayed in Idaho due to some police activity on the highway which resulted in a two hour detour... and let me tell ya there is nothing of interest in Northern Idaho... Dropped my hubby off at Spokane Airport (he needed to fly out for golf tournament for work) which is about a 5 hour drive from Seattle. I'm pretty much the nicest wife ever letting him do that ha ha. So took off from Spokane, heading home... the drive from Spokane to Seattle is just really boring and ugly. I was spacing out and driving way too fast and got pulled over going 84 in a 70, oops. Anyway cop was nice enough to only ticket me for going 75 over after I explained I was coming from Montana, had been in the car for 8 hours at that point and still had 3 to go. Sigh - so stupid. First speeding ticket EVER!!!!!!!!!! :sad:

    Anywho - got back Sunday and had yesterday off, which was much needed. Somehow I survived sleeping on the ground for 3 nights! Did some errands yesterday and incline walked about 3 miles on the mill yesterday while watching the new Season of Orange is the New Black so that was good!

    Blue - I can't believe you're doing the program again! Good for you! I'm going to have to come up with a new regimen once I finish...

    Clam - Excited to have you back! Glad you got your weights moved and good luck with restarting. You'll kill it!

    Jen - Damn it on the chairs, silly kitty! A cupcake binge sounds amazing and so does jam making!

    My goals for this week are just to start back with healthy food choices and being active 4-5 times/week. I need to get 2 lifts in (starting Stage 6 on Wednesday). I'm still not logging because I'm loving the new freedom, however stepping on the scale was a bit, uh alarming this morning. I'm officially up 9.5 pounds and am .5 lbs away from 160, YIKES. I know I need to gain, and that I will gain, the numbers just don't get any easier to see.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I can't find my book :sad: :sad: :sad:

    just wanted to whine....
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I can't find my book :sad: :sad: :sad:

    just wanted to whine....

    I printed off the exercise pages and have the exercises attached for reference. I can scan them to you if you want? Meg, I can send you my modified workout as well if you want? It's basically the same but a consistent 3 sets of 8. Message me your emails if you want them. I'll try to remember to bring them with me to work tomorrow to scan them.

    Sounds like an enjoyable trip - even with the speeding ticket! I've only ever gotten a photo radar ticket but that was nearly 20 years ago. I think I'd start to panic and cry if I was ever pulled over :laugh: Good on you for sleeping on the ground in your condition. Heck I won't even do that and I don't have a pregnancy to fall back on as an excuse LOL I'm a princess - that's my excuse :bigsmile: Roughing it for me is sleeping in my trailer LOL

    Jen, that cupcake sounds divine! My hubby doesn't like sweets at all so anything like that is mine, all mine :bigsmile: Not a great thing when you're on a diet :wink: That's where moderation comes in, right? I'm just not so great at that practice yet :smile:

    So I sucked it up and did my second last workout this morning!! Friday will be the last day! Can't believe I finished it - looking forward to making some more strengh gains in my modified program!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yay Blue!!! Good for you. I'm starting stage 6 today and am all ready laughing at myself doing a negative chin-up ha ha.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I can't find my book :sad: :sad: :sad:

    just wanted to whine....

    I printed off the exercise pages and have the exercises attached for reference. I can scan them to you if you want? Meg, I can send you my modified workout as well if you want? It's basically the same but a consistent 3 sets of 8. Message me your emails if you want them. I'll try to remember to bring them with me to work tomorrow to scan them.

    haha no need :) Good to have your husband as the merchandise manager @ Barnes & Noble LOL he is bringing me another one home today :bigsmile:

    But I send you my email anyway ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm planning on starting stage 4 today. Unfortunately, my good night's sleep beforehand was disrupted violently by an alarm clock that decided to begin croaking--blared 3 times at 3 am. My adrenaline was pumping after that! Today I've got orientation with the kids at 1, then again at 245, and after that my intention is to go to the gym.

    I've never gotten a speeding ticket :) I got my first parking ticket a few weeks ago. And Meg, kudos to you for your ground sleeping--y'all know how I feel about camping. Yeah, no.

    Way to be, Blue! Finish the damn thing already.

    Off to scavenge some lunch.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    haha no need :) Good to have your husband as the merchandise manager @ Barnes & Noble LOL he is bringing me another one home today :bigsmile:

    But I send you my email anyway ;)

    and I replied to your message before seeing this :laugh: That is handy! He should bring you the other books too!

    Oh Jen, that is a rude awakening! Were you able to go back to sleep? I've had that happen in hotels before - people must think it's funny to set alarms to go off in the middle of the night :mad: Unless they actually have to get up at that time but then they should at least turn it off! I've gotten into the habit of checking now - there's nothing worse than those rude awakenings when you're not expecting it!

    How did those chin-ups go Meg? Were you able to last 20 seconds?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I haven't made it to the gym today sadly - It might have to get pushed till tomorrow. I could go after work but certainly there would be a ton of people there and I'm even more self conscious with a belly...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I don't have my stage 2 sheets on me to remember what I last lifted for these stage 4 things--the FSPP in particular. Time to go home! lol.

    I started to fall back asleep after about an hour and then the cat started to cough; then i started to fall back asleep and the neighbor's sprinkler kicked on. I finally fell asleep until cat rumpus began at 630. Going to bed at 6p tonight, I think :) Like Meg, I'm living the bachelorette lifestyle starting today while the DH is away.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Like Meg, I'm living the bachelorette lifestyle starting today while the DH is away.

    And mine is finally home this week :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did 4A! I like how you can choose how many sets to do. I did three sets of the FSPP and then two of everything else. Did the intervals at the end, ran two of the minutes, and was out in just under an hour. It went better than I remember 2 going, despite the increasingly cramped conditions in my gym.

    I've eaten two takeout meals today after finally restoring my cooking groove in the last several days. Back on the wagon tomorrow? It's in the 80s and really humid today--first time all summer, really. Toasty!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Got my book - hubby rocks LOL Dinner was AWESOME... nothing better than a burger :bigsmile:

    I found a full power rack from Titan Distributors - free shipping cost me $299... I snagged it up and it will be here Monday :drinker: I also treated myself to some sport bras, shorts/capris, and some KICK *kitten* knee high socks... :glasses:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I have a friend who wears those when she lifts (the socks). My gym's about 72* right now--I'm wearing as little as possible in there. Shorts, bra, tank, tiny socks.

    The gym at work got a new power rack--it's HUGE. It has this enormous platform with our mascot on it. Prob is, no one can use it--they haven't added the new plates for some reason (the ones that are plastic/vinyl covered) and the rack has signs all over it that you can't use the old iron plates on it. I've seen the new ones in the lobby so I've no idea why they aren't up yet. I'm grateful I don't need it yet--I use an ez curl bar for the FSPPs--but will be nagging the hell out of the director as I get to the end of the program and need to do back squats again.

    They also added a HUGE back extension machine--handy, right after I finished stage 3! lol. it'll be good for five. But the gym seriously has no room for it. There were three of us using the weights yesterday and we were crammed.

    Ladies from work are coming over for lunch today. I still don't know what do make. Should probably figure that out since they'll be here in four hours.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I haven't made it to the gym today sadly - It might have to get pushed till tomorrow. I could go after work but certainly there would be a ton of people there and I'm even more self conscious with a belly...

    I would be in total awe if I saw a pregnant lady lifting at the gym! But I know exactly how you feel - when you're feeling self conscious I don't think your workout is quite as effective. Again, this is why I work out at home :smile:

    Good job on the workout Jen - I liked that FSPP. So tell me, what's the significance of high socks for workouts? Is there some benefit or is it more of a personal preference? I've never been a fan of high socks but maybe I've never been educated on them?

    After getting our functional trainer I was kind of wishing we got a power rack with a cable instead - they seemed to take up about the same space. Oh well. I do like it, even though I'm already lifting the max!

    Last day of work for me before an extra long weekend!! WHOO HOOO :drinker: I'm going to finish off the program tomorrow (yes, I am - no more procrastinating!!) and then we're heading out to the trailer for the next 5 days! I finished reading 4Life so this weekend I plan on reading Supercharged. Then I'll see what I want to do after my modified version of the program.

    Have a great day ladies :drinker: Enjoy your lunch Jen - let us know what you decided to make :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    So I did Stage 6 A1 yesterday. All of the chin up bars were taken, so I ended up doing assisted chin ups (with 120lbs). I did 3 sets of 8 so I figured that was good enough. After reading the whole stage 6 workout through, I'm not entirely sure it's something I will actually be able to do as it's entirely built on strength building which isn't something I can/should be doing right now. I can't really up my weight (although I want to), I can't do any types of crunches and I'm having to modify A LOT so I'm contemplating just throwing in the towel on Stage 6 and moving on to stage 7. What do you guys think?

    Clam I LOVE knee length socks, but haven't worn them since I actively played sports. Perhaps I should get back into that habit. They have some seriously fun ones. I've had my eye on a pair with the Seattle skyline on them. I love new workout goodies, enjoy!

    Jen, yes let us know what you made for lunch. I feel like I'm in a cooking rut these days and need some new ideas/inspiration. Great job on your workout.

    Blue, I'm sure people also look at me in total confusion ha ha. I think I might need to order some new clothes. I just don't feel cute in my old ones as most of my pants now cut into my stomach effectively giving me like 12 muffin tops in 12 different directions. Sigh... Have a great time at the trailer this weekend!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I ended up tossing hot pasta with a combination of tomatoes, olive oil, basil, garlic and salt that I'd let sit out an hour or so; to that I added fresh mozzarella. Yum!

    I'll need to find something with more protein and fiber for dinner, tho :)

    Weather's iffy today--it might rain (or might not) and the humidity's dropping. I'll have to dig deep to find the motivation for a walk since what I'd really like is a nap on the couch!

    Meg, I think you might be better off skipping 6--given all your reasons, I don't know what you'd have left to do, you know? Move on, and come back to it post-baby. That's what I'd be inclined to do.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen, that sounds delicious. Let me know if you end up walking, perhaps it will give me the motivation to go as well! I think I will skip Stage 6... just doesn't seem like the right fit for now.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You did 3 sets of 8 chinups with 120lbs? Holy Crap! I'm impressed. I couldn't hold it and/or lower for 20 seconds without resting my feet on something. I'm not able to lift myself up either - you are superwoman!!

    Jen your lunch sounds yummy - pasta's good on an iffy day! It's nice and warm here - not hot yet - but we brought in an ice cream cake anyway :laugh: When people asked why - we said it's Thursday :bigsmile: Good enough for me - even tho it puts me way over for the day - oops! (or not LOL)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Lunch was tasty--you can add whatever veg you'd like in addition; I've had it with corn, and I bet asparagus or spinach would be good.

    I spent the last hour or so laying out the pieces I cut for the new quilt. I'm not feeling it. It looks disturbingly like the last one I made. I think this is what happens when you use your stash for things--the same colors I like turn up over and over and over rather than look like something different and new. If I hadn't already spent $45 on new fabric, I'd chuck it into the closet and start again. Hmph.

    Needless to say, still not walking. I'd emailed a friend to see if she wanted to come, but no response. I know that if I get moving I'll feel better, but can't seem to find the motivation to move. Ennnnhhh.

    As an extrovert who has not lived alone (and then just in my own dorm room) since early 2000, this whole living alone thing is always so weird to get used to. I forgot to thaw out chicken for dinner, too. I'm going out with some friends tomorrow night so I guess I"ll find something tonight and save the chicken for the weekend. Oops. Maybe I'll just get ice cream cake like you, Blue :)