Starting Nov 1



  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Hey I rolled us LOl
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yay, part 3.

    It was a workout. I'm beat, and there are still more tiles to go--another day! Initially I was worried about what might be behind the tiles--it's an older house, so in the asbestos window, but it seems they were attached with spackle and re-attached from time to time with glue. WTF. They're coming off pretty fast. I can't remember if I told you the plan for later--to cover the residual plaster/spackle with breadboard and just paint the top of the room. Sounds easy, right? Kind of like your projects, Christina--numerous and endless! I tend to bounce from one to another as they wear me out :)

    I actually made dinner, though, which is kind of a novelty this week. Somehow I still have 640 calories left. My burrito's a guesstimate, but still!

    I found a dead wasp under the fan in the bedroom today. Keeping an eye on the cats to make sure no one is puffing from a sting--I assume they're the ones who put it out of its misery.

    Reminds me, I really need to spray the wasp nest by the LR windows. That's usually not my job, alas.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Ugh tiles... We bought this house from a builder who took it over from foreclosure... Cheapest **** you can imagine it from the carpet to the paint so I am slowly going room by room... Have been doing my living room for almost 3 months lol Next is the office area... Add me on facebook Jen and you can see the pics ... Its a big house and will take me some time :)

    Good luck with tiling... I dread when it comes time for the kitchen (last) as I have to install my own backsplash :|
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    We did our kitchen backsplash. My husband tiled; I mixed thin set and cut the tiles for weird spots. It looks lovely.

    We painted the cabinets, took down old wallpaper, painted the room, changed the hardware, changed the counters (well, I hired someone to do that) and tore out all the old stuff (sink, counters, etc). Took us nearly 2 years, start to finish. What a job that was.

    The tiles I"m removing are thin metal, ca. 1953. Going to just adhere bead board to the whole thing once they're down, and tile the floor.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    You DIYers are making me want to go build another house lol!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Come work on mine instead! I'm tired!

    Lift this morning was tough. I upped my FSPP to 40 and couldn't do it. Couldn't flip it to my shoulder, couldn't push it up. 35 is easy peasy, but 40's impossible. Alas!

    I only slept until 445 this morning (whyyyyy whyyyyyyy??) so I think that's related, as is the fact that it was a morning lift on just a bowl of cereal for fuel. I felt tired, groggy, a little peaked, but pushed through.

    Now I wait for the plumber, who should be here around 2. When I called last week I said "I have a little list of small projects." Now I have a longer list featuring bigger projects. oops.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    You guys are moving quick for a Monday :) I had a pretty laid back weekend, but I also ate a lot. I tried not logging for two weeks and um, I'm kind of ashamed to admit how much weight I gained during that window (5 lbs... but who's counting) sigh. :grumble: My hubbie says I'm just making up for lost time as I didn't gain much in the 1st trimester, but uh 2.5 lbs a week!? WTF. I'm going to jump back on the logging train today and attempt to get my first workout of stage 7 in during lunch. Still trying to decide what to do after the program...

    Oh DIY - I'm still needing to work on our trim, my goal is the get the first two floors completely done by the end of August, and then the 3rd floor in September (which also includes painting the babies room). DIY is never done. Instead of actually painting this weekend, we deep cleaned and spruced up our patio since summer seems to be here for good (mostly). :laugh:

    Good work Jen and Christina on your projects and Blue sorry about your weather. I agree with Jen, don't build a new house, just come help us with ours!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So the plumber came and fixed all kinds of things, taking out the toilet and sink so I can continue my path of destruction. He also adjusted the pressure in our boiler which is now acting wonky. So he'll be back in an hour. Poor guy--long day!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Chiropractor today... Really hope he has an answer for the headaches :(

    Power rack got here yesterday and now to put it together tonight lol so I will be starting tomorrow if I can get it together LOL
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Lucky you, Chris (power rack, not headaches). Good luck with the chiro.

    The scale dropped this morning and I'm down an even 20 pounds since this time last year. Woohoo! It even flashed a half pound lower than that but then changed it's mind. It's TOM week, so I'm beyond surprised. A few of my measurements have moved, too, though I wrote down a much larger number for my neck than before. lol, either it's grown tremendously or I measured oddly before. Either way, according to the calculations in the spreadsheet Sue posted my body fat's down to about 24.5%. Give or take who knows how much, but still. Amazing. I :heart: lifting.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Lucky you, Chris (power rack, not headaches). Good luck with the chiro.

    The scale dropped this morning and I'm down an even 20 pounds since this time last year. Woohoo! It even flashed a half pound lower than that but then changed it's mind. It's TOM week, so I'm beyond surprised. A few of my measurements have moved, too, though I wrote down a much larger number for my neck than before. lol, either it's grown tremendously or I measured oddly before. Either way, according to the calculations in the spreadsheet Sue posted my body fat's down to about 24.5%. Give or take who knows how much, but still. Amazing. I :heart: lifting.

    YAY Jen!!! I had a couple of NSV"s this morning so I am more than happy at the moment. Jen, the power rack I got was only $299 with free delivery lol It will do what we need, I don't think I will ever surpass its max weight limit lol I will measure tomorrow morning for my "beginning" .... I will let you guys know how it goes at the chiro lol
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    YAY for the NSV's and SV's! You guys are rock stars I on the other hand need to stop looking at said scale. I apparently gained another 1/2 lb between yesterday and today! WTF!? :grumble: I'll be curious what the Dr. has to say tomorrow. Good luck at the chiro Clam - hopefully you can get some relief.

    I finished the first workout in stage 7 yesterday, man those are tough. Blue, you kick *kitten* for doing it twice, I will be stopping after I make it through the first round... DAMN LUNGES! My body just isn't cooperating like it used to and I'm noticing that I'm getting tired more quickly and it's taking me longer to do things. I'm hoping it's because I took a week off working out for vacation and that once I ramp back up i'll be back to normal. I'm going to be gone again for almost a full week in 2 weeks so I need to make a strategy to at least walk or something...

    I am planning on going to yoga tonight and then getting my second lift in tomorrow. I have Thurs/Fri off for the holiday so hoping to get outside and walk or hit up the gym once. We have our 20 week Ultra Sound on Thursday and I'm pretty excited, even though we aren't finding out the sex. I can't wait to see how much it's grown, it should look like a tiny person and not just a blob now!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Well, it becoming a tiny person is why you're putting on a half-pound a day! At some point, Meg, you'll just have to accept it comes with the territory. :flowerforyou: You're growing a whole person in there!

    Today I tore out the last of the tiles and the floor. The floor was 85% loose but for one area where it was glued like hell. I had just the wallpaper remover blade thing and brute force (am so glad, again, for weight training!). I had to cut the floor out as I just kept sliding across the vinyl as I pushed (it's hot--I was sweaty), lol. Now all I have left in there is the damn trim. I'm trying to pull the molding off when I find the bottom layer of tiles is a double layer--they laid the course of blue tiles and then a layer of black tiles on top (why, whyyyy?). And these are sunk about a half an inch or so INTO some plaster-type stuff, all around the room. No idea how to get them out, or what to do once they are out and the entire last half-inch of perimeter is an open space. A colleague suggests using a pry bar to get at least the vinyl off, and then seeing about the tiles, and then filling in that weird perimeter with plaster. Why they didn't just put subfloor all the way to the edge of the room, I do not know.

    So I got my workout in, that's for sure.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Well, it becoming a tiny person is why you're putting on a half-pound a day! At some point, Meg, you'll just have to accept it comes with the territory. :flowerforyou: You're growing a whole person in there!

    Today I tore out the last of the tiles and the floor. The floor was 85% loose but for one area where it was glued like hell. I had just the wallpaper remover blade thing and brute force (am so glad, again, for weight training!). I had to cut the floor out as I just kept sliding across the vinyl as I pushed (it's hot--I was sweaty), lol. Now all I have left in there is the damn trim. I'm trying to pull the molding off when I find the bottom layer of tiles is a double layer--they laid the course of blue tiles and then a layer of black tiles on top (why, whyyyy?). And these are sunk about a half an inch or so INTO some plaster-type stuff, all around the room. No idea how to get them out, or what to do once they are out and the entire last half-inch of perimeter is an open space. A colleague suggests using a pry bar to get at least the vinyl off, and then seeing about the tiles, and then filling in that weird perimeter with plaster. Why they didn't just put subfloor all the way to the edge of the room, I do not know.

    So I got my workout in, that's for sure.

    That is called sledgehammer then hang drywall .... it can be fun to demo with a sledgehammer :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    lol, it's a half-inch of floor--not going to bash out walls for that :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    lol I should learn to read better LOL I thought it was on the walls :P you could just lay subfloor on top of it but then you might not get it level ....

    Chiro went good.... as I thought my neck is twisted awkwardly so will be working on that.... did some alignment today and tried to get my muscles to relax... headache is still there but not near as bad... :) he did pop my back which was heavenly since I haven't been able to pop it myself in over 13 years ...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Well, that all sounds promising!

    I think what I'll do is just get the tile out w/ hammer and chisel if necessary and then just fill the space in with plaster. If we tile we'll be putting down backer board which should cover all. And if necessary we can put down some floor leveler.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Well, that all sounds promising!

    I think what I'll do is just get the tile out w/ hammer and chisel if necessary and then just fill the space in with plaster. If we tile we'll be putting down backer board which should cover all. And if necessary we can put down some floor leveler.

    sledgehammer still sounds more fun :bigsmile: and today I woke up with no pain and no headache... :drinker: now I can get back to working out... finally..

    Didn't get the rack together last night so will do that tonight after my first workout. Since I am only using bar weight today - it won't matter if I have it... so here is to lots of muscle pain tomorrow LOL
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    a new perspective for today.... I have no words to even post to this woman but what an incredible journey...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    holy guacamole. that woman has been through hell.

    no gym for me today--i forgot to wash my gym clothes and this time of year wearing them twice isn't an option. Ew.

    It's going to be 90+ and sticky here today. I might just run errands and read all day. I have some painting I'd like to do, but then I'd have to open the windows to the heat...two tiny rooms, so at l wouldn't be at it long.