Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Nice job, ladies.

    Blue, how do you do step ups with a cable?

    I had a great workout today. Felt pretty good, cramps went away, I was happy. I picked up two novels at the library and am all set for July 4 Rainout 2014! Yay.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Sounds effective - no wonder it's so quick!

    Jen, I attach the D thingies to each side on the bottom and keep my arms rigid as I'm stepping up. I find it's easier to grip than the dumbells and I get more resistance. I didn't have many heavy dumbells when I started so that's what I went with. It's quite effective!

    Too bad your July 4th is going to be rained out :cry: Our Canada Day on July 1st was absolutely perfect weather. Fireworks were past my bedtime so we didn't partake :wink: I hate mid-week celebrations - 5:30 am comes much too early!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Do you mean you have the cable thing at the floor and attach a d thingy to it? And then pull it as you step? Is your setup like this?

    mine's not. I have one cable and 8' away, another one. alas!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I can't link from work so I'm not sure what that looks like. There's a picture of my equipment in one of my profile photos. But, yes, from your description that's exactly what I do. My functional trainer opening is about 4ft wide maybe - it's the perfect size to be able to hold both attachments and step up. I use a rubbermaid step stool to step on. I really need to get something higher although the extra resistence is quite effective too.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I bought an aerobic step for my PT on overstock--it has the little risers to make it a bit taller, too. It works. It's what I use at the gym, as well.

    So I forgot to tell you that i think the workout went better because I ate so much last night; the last NROLW I did, I was a little lightheaded between sets or when I'd stand up after sitting to do something or rest. I was lifting on cereal, coffee, and blueberries. Today I had those things plus last night's tastiness. I guess I need to make a point of eating more before my workout to get the most out of them! I even did an extra round during HIIT and ran 3 of the 4 fast minutes.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I just got an email from Christina - she had her headaches diagnosed - in the worst possible way :cry: It seems she had an anuerism (sp) and a couple of small strokes. She had emergecy surgery last night but everything seems to be OK and the docs don't think there will be any permanent damage. OMG!! She had posted something on her facebook page last night about needing thoughts and prayers - I thought it was because of the hurricane! I read some more updates this morning and I'm just floored by what happened! She's one tough cookie! I told her she'll be back as Hurricane Christina in no time :wink:

    I know it sounds kind of lame now, but I hope you guys have a happy 4th!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    omg! how scary. i'm glad she's going to be ok. how the hell does that happen? I'm so glad she didn't push things by lifting. holy smokes.

    she mentioned becoming fb friends a few days ago and i completely forgot--thanks for sending this along!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Christine as in clambert? Oh, my!! Hope she feels better soon!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Christine as in clambert? Oh, my!! Hope she feels better soon!

    The one and only :laugh:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Any word? I saw her status here this morning--looks like she's going to be there a while. Scary stuff.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I stole this from her Facebook page - it was written by her husband:

    As if Christina's legend and mythical status needed anything else....less than 48 hours after life saving brain surgery, they say she doesn't need to be in ICU anymore and they are moving her to a normal room!! Are you effing kidding me? Next time I hear someone say they "can't" do something, I'm gonna jump up a kick them in the throat!

    Reading his posts about her, I gotta say - I love that man! Christina you are a lucky girl to have a man who adores you as it's so obvious that he does. :heart:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Wow, fabulous news (and such a relief). I'm so glad you caught it, Chris, before it got any worse.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Workout B of my modified version this morning. All I can say is that my abs hurt from the prone jackknife from Thursday. I didn't notice they were hurting until I was trying to turn over in bed last night lol

    I had a bit of a headache this morning. I think it's my sinuses because it felt like I was running under water when I was on the treadmill. I didn't dare stop for fear of Christina's husband, Mike coming to kick my butt :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    lol, I bet he would :) I haven't done a jackknife since the first week I started the program--hard on my wrists, where I once had a nasty bout of tendonitis. So enjoy them for me!

    Round 3 of 4B today. Went well! I got there later than planned (painting the second coat) and thought I might be crazy hungry through it, but the omelette I made for breakfast held me over. Grabbed some beef and broccoli on my way home. Now I'm debating on starting to paint the gutted bathroom (the upper walls) or just loafing.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    So which one won out? Painting or loafing? :laugh:

    I bought some new runners yesterday and I was going to test them out this morning but this stupid headache still hasn't gone away! It's just a dull ache between my eyes - not really painful, it's just really annoying! Sorry, Mike, I just can't do it today - but bring Christina with you when you kick my butt :bigsmile: after what she's been thru I feel like such a schmuck for complaining! I promise to try again tomorrow!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I loafed! I did paint coat 2 on the halls and take all the tape down, so that counted. I painted the bathroom this morning. I, too, have a little headache. Weird. But not complaining! Nosiree! How's the patient?

    DH is back and getting us some pizza. Yaaaaay to having someone else run errands :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Mmmm pizza :laugh: I was wondering if your hubby was still away.

    Patient is going stir crazy - no surprise there lol. I think she must only have her phone as she's able to comment on her feed but that's it. I will forward you her email so you can look for her on Facebook - I'm sure she won't mind :smile: That woman is well loved :heart:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    This week I wrap up stage 4. I"m thinking that since I have a 1030 chiro and then massage appt that probably tomorrow is a better lift day, tho I"m due to do it today. So Perhaps a T Th lift to wrap out the stage and then a new tattoo + touch up the old one on Friday. I need to let it heal about a week w/o dramatic exercise, so that would be about the time. Then onto stage 5.

    I took down the tape in the little bathroom last night to find that I didn't do a great job with my second coat and need to go back in there today and re-do a couple of walls. :grumble: But no complaints, because it absolutely pales to Chris's situation.

    Going to be hot this week! I heard Seattle is supposed to be beautiful from my Washington state FB friends, so Meg'll be the big winner weatherwise. Have a good Monday!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That sounds like the perfect plan Jen - what's your new tat going to be? I wonder if your headache is paint fumes? I have no idea what mine is - doesn't seem like sinuses after all. It's still there but I rode the bike this morning instead of running on the treadmill. I figure there's no need to aggrivate it by the pounding of running. I'll test my new runners tomorrow if it finally goes away. If not, I'll jump back on the bike.

    We're having awesome weather here this week too! Hi 70s - mid 80s - perfect! Not too hot that we're not able to sleep at night alhtough I will never buy another house that doesn't have a ceiling fan in it! It's just right for this type of weather.

    I told my hubby Christina's story and now he wants to spot me during my workouts LOL I think I'm OK although I do notice the bar is getting pretty heavy during the back squats! My plan is to up it by 5lbs every second workout. Or not if it gets too uncomfortable. I will play it by ear and see how it goes.

    Have a great week ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    ACtually, I think it was a hunger headache! Plus fumes. I was starving and lo, ate lunch, much better.

    What does C's story have to do with back squats? i feel like I"m missing something.

    My new tattoo will be an old-timey spool of thread.