Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Jen, I know how much you love the BWM!! :bigsmile: You have to admit, it is effective!

    I did my 4th A workout today - it's feeling really long! I think it's because they are the same exercises as stage 7 so I haven't had any variety for awhile. My next vacation/rest break starts Aug 8 - not enough time to start a new program and too much time for this one. I suppose I could take a longer break inbetween and just do cardio on the days leading up to my vacation. I'll figure it out!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Omg, five is a beast. I did four sets of everything since each set gas only the 4 reps, and I cut the rest time in half lest I be in the gym for three hours. I upped the weights for most from where I left off at 3 xnd by the time I was done I was DONE. I forgot to time my BWM but it was fast and brutal!

    I can see why you're bored; you can skyways shorten the number of workouts to move it along. It's your second go, after all.

    It's gorgeous here today. I made the mistake of flopping onto the bed and the cat gas snuggled up to me, so housework will have to wait!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    so housework will have to wait!

    So many other priorities :bigsmile: Snuggling with Nyxon is always one of mine!

    Great workout! Funny I don't remember 4 sets of 4 LOL I think I didn't have enough time in the morning so I did 2 8s instead.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    My chart says 3-4 sets, 4 reps. maybe I should check it to the book.

    Poor Jane (cat)--she was all snuggled in when I discovered my pottery barn order was delivered yesterday; I promptly got up to find where UPS had hidden it :) Priorities, indeed!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think you're right - it was 3-4 sets of 4. I remember it taking a long time so I cut it down.

    I think Nyxon would be sacrificed as well if there was a shopping order ready for me too :bigsmile:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I think you would like stronglifts Sherri.... quick, easy, simple.... 5 exercises, 5 sets, 5 reps lol I don't mind not having "variety"... I prefer the quickness ... I got done yesterday and my husband was like "what that's it.. really???" lol

    Tomorrow I will do the B workout... squats, OHP and deadlift :) still not straining myself and making sure I am doing what is comfortable... :)

    can't way to be fully "normal".. if I ever was lol My cousin is making me an awesome tattoo that she will do when we go home to Cali to visit in August ... :) if I keep losing weight like I am right now, I will be down a couple of sizes lol I haven't been watching my diet (obviously) so it was really surprising to me this morning!

    Love you girls... watching Pitch Perfect with my little one .... :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Aww, and we love you. I thought Pitch Perfect was hilarious.

    So what's the new tattoo going to be? Have you given her ideas or just letting her run?

    I weighed in this morning--all the salt of eating takeout for the past few days (we kept having events from 5-9p and at 9p, no one wants to cook dinner) meant the scale read 129.5 lbs. I gave it the finger and moved on.

    Off to the vets for the cats' first annual appointment as they're now 1 and need to check back in. Last time we were there was a year ago when Charlie--then a tiny, tiny baby, so small we figured he was the runt (he's HUGE now)--had contracted a respiratory infection from the shelter and was coughing and sneezing all the time; he began to sneeze blood and his eyes got all gross and off we went. Right now he's chatting up a bird in the window.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    can't way to be fully "normal".. if I ever was lol

    Knowing what I know about you now, I'm pretty sure your definition of normal is a little skewed :wink: :heart: Any residual headaches or anything? Maybe you'll be lucky and never get another headache! LOL

    Hope your kitties have a good check up, Jen! Nyxon hasn't been for awhile. We've had her 10 years and they figured she was about 3 when we got her from the humane society. She's strictly an indoor cat and we've been very lucky with her. No issues at all although she does like to pee on bath mats! At least they can be tossed into the washer!

    Fair day today. :bigsmile: Trying to decide what cardio to do this morning - maybe I slept funny but my back doesn't feel 100% so I'm thinking bike! Can't wait to see all the food :smile: Cuz, you know, it's all about the food (which is why we're here lol)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    All what food? I mean, yum, but I think I missed something.

    Cats are good! Charlie is overweight, though--looks like I've been overfeeding. Oops.
    Our last cat, Tuesday, we had from ages 3-13; he ended up with a terrible invasive cancer that ultimately did him in a year ago April. These are our new buddies. Needless to say, they're spoiled rotten.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    So sorry to hear about your kitty - we've been thru that 3 times already :sad: What I do know for sure is that they had a good life - just like Nyxon :laugh: She tries to convince everyone she's so abused and neglected :wink: All kitties and puppies should be so 'abused' The world would be a much better place lol.

    Did you miss the fair day part? :laugh: All that food to choose from! None of it good for you lol Close to an hour of cardio this morning should help that along.

    A little birdie (actually Facebook) told me it's Meg's birthday today! The big 3-0!! Happy birthday Meg - we miss you! Can't wait to hear what you did to celebrate!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I must have missed that!! And I'm sorry about your cats, too. A pity their lives aren't nearly as long as we'd like, but it justifies the spoiling in the meantime.

    So my plan today was vet-->finish the housecleaning I did most of yesterday (serious brownie points for what I got done)-->some exercise-->some fun.

    Instead it went like so: vet-->playing with cats-->go to winery for lovely picnic with spouse, tasting but so tired it knocks me on my rear after 1.5 glasses-->ice cream cones-->two episodes of dr. who. Oops.

    Good fun, though!

    And yes, happy birthday, Meg!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Still sounds like a perfect day!

    My day was really disappointing. We haven't been to the exhibition in many years - boy has it changed!! We were done in 2 hours and that included lunch and 1/2 hour in the beer garden. We're not big on rides but even if we were it might have added another hour. It's so much smaller than it used to be. But I still managed over 10k steps on my fitbit!

    I did ok food wise - it was the drinks that put me over. :drinker: I did get my mini donuts - the best part of the day :laugh: I tell ya, they will deep fry anything on the midway!

    Got home about 20 min ago and hubby's already fast asleep on the couch :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    My DH LOVES those mini donuts. A fair's a success if we find some of those :) But yeah, I hear what you mean--I've been to some that I've paid a fortune to enter and it's really just meh.

    So poor Charlie, after we got home from the winery, came out of the bedroom and barfed up a hairball and a dead leaf he managed to scarf down yesterday in the breezeway. He's a sleepy crabby patty now. I expect it's just lethargy from the shots at the vet and the barfing--it's his first hairball--but I'll feel better once he's moving around more.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I feel like I'm in a rut, guys. My eating intake has been higher than it should more days than usual, and I'm not on vacation! My desire to do any exercise on non-lifting days, despite the lovely weather, is low. Enh! Rut!

    Today we have a birthday party for a tiny tyke; I'll skip the cake, perhaps, since I had a slim but tall slice of blue velvet cake last night (mmmmmmmm--six layers of awesomeness!). I was all prepared to make dinner but the mister was feeling stuck; I offered to buy him a beer and get him out of the house (we didn't want to eat out as we have so many days last week--bad for waists and wallets!) and inevitably we got hungry there and ate apps and desserts. Oops. I mean, it's ok, but it's become a pattern lately. Thus perhaps skipping the cake today.

    Hope your weekends are swell!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I hear ya Jen - I feel like I'm in a massive pot hole size rut too! And it doesn't matter what I do I can't seem to dig myself out! I think these stupid weight fluctuations are getting to me. I was so close to a scale victory - next morning, up 2 lbs! ARGGGGHHH! Then it takes so long to come back down. .2 here .4 there. If I could only understand them - I probably have 10-14 glasses of water daily so I can't imagine it would be sodium. Lifting was supposed to make the weight and inches melt off - at least that's what they say on the forums LOL Not so much for me :cry: I don't think my expectations were too high - I just expected more than 1/2 lb month loss. Or at least more inches while building muscle. Nuthin', nada, zilcho! I don't think my BF% has changed either. That's what makes this so depressing - it feels like you work your butt of for nothing!

    And it would be so much easier if there were no social situations to deal with - of course, they all revolve around food! Tonight we're going to the Taste of Edmonton - it's part of our fair where about 40 restaurants set up in the park and offer two or three samples of their food. Great variety of choice - all with 100s of calories. Three or four choices is enough to fill you up but with so much to choose from, you want to try them all :laugh: Pretty tough to log too. 2000 quick add calories ought to do it :bigsmile:

    To top it off I think I need to stop lifting for a bit. I did my B workout this morning - the one with the deadlifts and shoulder presses. I knew my back wasn't feeling 100% so I dropped 25lbs off the dead and lowered the weight on the SP - didn't help :sad: I could still really feel it in my back. So I think I need to give it a rest. I'll do light cardio until my vacation and then pick up the weights again when I get back.

    Now that I've brought you all down with my woes - Happy Monday! :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! Quick check-in as I need to get to work this AM :)

    I was on the Oregon Coast last week for vacation, but back now! I didn't do any type of workouts at all last week, so it's time to kick it back into high gear and at least get in 4 days this week. I've got 4 workouts left in stage 7 (and Blue - I'm definitely not maxing any weights, which is actually making me insanely frustrated. I'm not allowing myself to lift anymore than the bar which for me, is 45lbs, for any of my workouts, so I'm just humming along).

    I'll pop back on later, but just wanted to say hi and see how you all were! So glad you're back Clam :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Vacation! Lucky gal! I hope it went well.

    I'm sorry you're in a rough patch, Blue. You must be stronger, so at least there's that; my weight also fluctuates like crazy lately, so I've stopped getting on the scale. I like lifting--it's one of the few exercise programs I've ever actually stuck with--so when I had to stop b/c of my knee (much like your back) it sucked. Hopefully you heal up quickly.

    Today I"m already running low on calories and it's only 1p. I had a meeting after my lift and I was hungry so I ate three of the little donut holes available; turns out those are 230 calories, which I learned after I splurged on a 700 calorie lunch. I have 382 left for the day and no fat! Alas! Guess I'll likely be going over again today.

    BTW, yesterday, I ate the cake :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    BTW, yesterday, I ate the cake :)

    Atta girl!!

    I'm feeling much better about things this afternoon - even tho we got some bad news about a friend. Cancer got another one :cry: I'm counting my blessings - you're right Jen, I am stronger so I'm going to take that and run with it :smile: And sample all the food I want tonight - as long as I'm not doing that every day (or even weekly) I'll be OK. We can't stop living and eating 100% healthy all the time - at least I can't! But if I can do it 75-80% of the time - I can live with that. Maybe the scale won't move as much as I want it to but at least I'm not huring anything (except maybe my back :wink: ) if I continue doing what i'm doing!

    Welcome back Meg! How was the vacation? I saw earlier you were going to Oregon but I figured it was only for the weekend :laugh:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Atta girl back at you! I'm glad to see your perspective shift. If I wanted to be a pro bodybuilder, I'd change my ways, but I'm not interested in that. I'd like to keep living, thanks :)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's never easy to get that kind of news.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks Jen - I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself. I've been in this battle over 3 years and I don't seem to be winning! A good swift kick of reality brought me right back :smile:

    The more I venture out from my regular places the more I realize how OLD I'm getting :bigsmile: The Taste was OK - much more of an international flair than there's ever been. I'm discovering I'm very much a traditionalist when it comes to food. I don't want anything exoctic - just give me pub food. Cover it in bacon and cheese and now we're talkin' :laugh: And the crowds - I HATE CROWDS!! What is it about these types of events that bring out the idiots and the drunks?? :grumble: Great for people watching but not so comfortable when they park themselves right next to you and think you're their best friend LOL I really didn't eat much but the slushberry lemonade was really good :drinker: No calories there LOL

    We didn't get home until close to 11 so I slept in this morning. I'll go for a walk this evening. It's supposed to be a nice day :smile: