Starting Nov 1



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Crowds of drunks aren't my forte, either. No thanks!

    I like things covered in bacon and cheese and unusual international stuff. I'll pretty much eat it all :)

    Enjoy the walk tonight. The humidity is returning today (still, this has been one of the nicest Julys I can remember) so I just took my walk now before it gets too swampy.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Oooook i'm back for real! I spent all day yesterday catching up from a week out, and now finally feel like I can waste time on the internet again, yay!

    My belly is getting big guys - like I'm really concerned I'm going to look like I have 18 basketballs stuffed under my shirt by the time this thing is ready to go. I honestly feel like I look more like I'm 8 months pregnant, not 6! I haven't weighed myself in over 2 weeks, so I told myself I will get on the scale tomorrow after I've gotten in a lot of water and a few walks. I mostly just don't want to be surprised at my Dr. appointment next Monday. :laugh:

    Vacation was great. We went to the Oregon Coast with my parents and just had a laid back, relaxing time. It was 85+ degrees in Seattle with almost 90% humidity while we were gone, so really we picked a great time to be on the beach with 65 degree weather ha ha. We just hung out, crabbed, ate a lot of seafood and played on the beach. I'm bummed to be back at work this week!

    Blue - So sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer sucks. It certainly does put things into perspective that's for sure. I definitely agree that it's not worth it to eat healthy 100% of the time and really how boring you'd be if you did. Kudos to those who can, but I am definitely not one of them. I'm getting to be on a first name basis with the gal at the cupcake shop in my neighborhood! Cupcakes are my new wine! :drinker:

    Jen - I also enjoy things covered in bacon and cheese but like you, I pretty much enjoy everything else too. I'm a very equal opportunity eater ha ha. So sorry you're dealing with humidity. Heat I can handle, humidity not so much. You'd think it'd be the opposite coming from Seattle where it's humid pretty much all the time, but give me a dry 95 degrees over a humid 85 any day.

    My goals this week are just to get back into logging and get at least 4 workouts in. I walked for almost an hour yesterday and I hope to get outside and maybe do some circuits at lunch. I would love love LOVE to get in 2 lifts this week so I can finish the program by next week, but not sure I can make that happen. I'm hosting a bachelorette party for a gal who's wedding I'm in in a few weeks this weekend and it's taking up more time prepping than I thought.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Welcome back, Meg! I'm glad you had such a great time. Sounds wonderful! I love lazy beach vacations. We periodically will join my inlays at the condo they rent in Maine during the summer, but they like to go go go and then park it in front of the TV at night. Me, I love the beach in the morning and the evening in particular rather than when it's packed and super sunny and hot. But really, I'll sit there all day. and I love cake almost as much as wine, so I do understand what you mean there, Meg!

    I think I took too many days off from doing work-related work. I can barely dedicate myself to it for more than twenty minutes now :) I'm so lazy, esp now that it's warmed back up a bit.

    So yesterday I had a meeting after my lift and so I just walked to it from the gym, forgetting to put my book in the car. Oh, the questions. One woman I work with looked at me like I'd grown another head. "So you lift, lift?" Yes. Even though she didn't say it, her tone was dripping with "Why would you *do* that?" the whole time. A good friend of mine asked what stage included dragging trucks. I said planes were next week :)

    Today, as you might have seen, I attempted to take our bathroom faucet out and put the new one in but got nowhere. It seems everything is at least currently installed more or less correctly but just stuck as hell. Other parts of our house, less so. like the plywood stapled over two layers of linoleum in our other bathroom/front hall. Genius. Love me some house projects... :grumble:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Good morning!! :flowerforyou:

    It was a beautiful morning - no excuse not to get up and go for a run! So I did. Somehow, I'm not sure how (maybe my watch is broken) I managed to cut 2 minutes off my 4k time!! That's huge - which is why I question it. I was 37 sec faster at the one mile mark and 30 sec faster at the 2 mile mark. I must have sprinted the last 1/2 mile to knock the other minute off :bigsmile: I did feel good out there - no issues with the new runners, no back twinges! YAY! Those intervals on the treadmill must be paying off! I did the BWM when I got home. Will try it again tomorrow if it's not raining. I think I'm still going to hold off on lifting until I get back from my vacation.

    You need to post more pictures Meg and let us decide how many basketballs are in there :wink: You've been more diligent than most so it's probably not as bad as you think. I'm glad you had a nice relaxing vacation - it's always so tough getting back to work.

    Jen, was Ben able to get things moving in the bathroom (that sounded really weird! LOL) I'm assuming Ben = hubby? Jen and Ben - I bet you don't get too many comments on that, do you? :bigsmile: Do your friends call you Bennifer? OK I'll stop now LOL

    Christina I hope your headaches go away soon. It sounds like your body is finally reacting to all that trauma and doing wonky things to you. I think the hardest think to practice is patience but it will pay off in spades in the long run. Did you get little G off to camp? How long is she gone for?

    Really, really, REALLY bored at work this week - ARRGHHH! I rather be crazy busy the whole day - makes the time go by so much faster.

    Happy Hump Day - have a good one ladies!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I wish I could say our morning here was as beautiful as yours sounds... it's supposed to rain an inch today. Hopefully I don't float away somewhere :grumble: Great work on cutting down your time Blue and yay for no twinges!

    Jen - I love when people look at my funny when I lift. It makes me laugh. Also, how frustrating about your house! Good luck with all your projects.

    Clam - crossing my fingers your headaches go away soon.

    I will try and post more pictures, I just haven't taken many. I plan on taking another one tomorrow (I'm trying to take them every two weeks). The annoying part is, is that the pictures actually make it look smaller (in my opinion) than it is. Here is a picture from two weeks ago, it's much bigger now:


    I'm having a bit of a dilemma about weighing myself through this whole process. I stepped on the scale this AM and I've gained another 5 lbs in 2 weeks. My total isn't bad (17lbs up at 23 weeks), but if I keep gaining 2.5 lbs/week I think I might freak out. Do you guys think it's better to just stop weighing myself and just figure it out after I give birth or is it better to be aware? I'm just not sure what to do. I know I should clean up my eating and I need to be active at least 5 days/week which I haven't been doing, but 5lbs!? In 2 weeks!? For the second time!? Sigh... I just don't know.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Yeah, that's only 1/2 a basketball :laugh:

    I know it's easy for me to say, cuz lord knows, I don't practice it myself, but I would stop weighing. You probably still have the same issues as the rest of us - sodium bloats etc. that are affecting that number. I would wait until Baby makes an appearance and then start again. Just keep doing what you're doing - exercising and watching (for the most part) what you're eating. I'd be willing to bet you'll be more ahead of the game at the end than most :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm going to take your advice and the scale is getting put away when I get home today. As long as my Dr. says I'm ok, I'm just gonna roll with it :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yes, I agree with Sherrie's advice--you look fabulous, are taking care of yourself, and if your Dr isn't worried, why should you be? It's doing more harm than good to keep getting on that thing. I made the mistake of hopping on mine today during a) week three of cycle, when I always bloat and weigh more b) a week when I ate Chipotle, salty deliciousness! and c) a 12 hour window of having a beer. It read close to 130. I just put it away!

    Your comment about the bathroom made me laugh, Sherrie--we haven't fiddled with the fixtures since. Too hot. Instead he put up our new hook rack (our coat rack, about 13 years old, fell apart a few weeks ago). I love the new one! Since it's on the wall it takes up far less space.

    90 and humid here today-- going to sit still and not melt :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Ok here is my morning post lol

    It's thunderstorming... who woulda thunk - Virginia... Down 2lbs this morning.. I will take it lol One more week and I can go back to work!! Finally...

    I have woken up with headaches all this week but that is period related which sucks... I haven't worked out this week because of them and truth be told- it makes me paranoid to workout when I am not feeling "up to it". Now, I just don't lol I know myself enough to know that I will end up pushing the weights before I should so I just do it every now and then.

    My follow up appt with Neuro is July 29th so I will confirm with him then that its ok to proceed knowing it won't take me very long to squat 90 or dead 150+. I think its the blood pressure rise you get from lifting that I have to watch for but all of the ones they found have been coiled/clamped so I don't know what the odds are of it happening again :\

    Stil trying to quit smoking - which will make me a psycho for a few days lol I know I will eventually but KNOWING I have to is a different ball game...

    blah blah bah... lol My days have consisted of watching TV shows on Netflix lol

    Meg.... get off the scale.. you're pregnant lol Let it be until you are done :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Morning ladies :flowerforyou:

    I too woke up with a headache - I think mine are hormone related. I used to get them all the time when I was on the pill. I was 'fixed' when I was 30 and they went away. Now that I'm reaching 'that age' they seem to be coming back. I'm keeping a diary for the doc. I don't really want any medication - I just want them to go away!! No exercise for me this morning either :cry:

    2 lbs Christina - that's awesome! How much in total so far this month? Good luck on quitting smoking - obviously cold turkey didn't work :wink: Are you able to do body weight squats and pushups etc? Or you just don't feel like that either? Would that raise the BP as much? I'd be terrified, too, of it happending again.

    We have beautiful blue skies this morning but it's a bit windy. Unfortunately the clouds are going to move in and it's supposed to rain for the next two days :sad:
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Part 3!? I have lots of catching up to do!
    With ball 4 nights a week, wedding dedication on weekends, I have not seen the gym in months (and MFP wasn't working on the work computers either). I'm looking forward to restarting where I left off in September. I had to stop because my dress really was starting to get tight in the butt and at this point, there was no room for alterations :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Terrie! Welcome back! When's the big day--next week? Woohoo!

    Chris, I'd sit tight until you get the all clear; I know you're antsy, but if I were you, I'd take no chances :) I'm sorry you still have headaches (and that you do, too, Sherrie!). I had a nagging little one earlier this week but mercifully it's gone now. I'm in week 3 of my cycle--even though I'm on the pill, week three is always unpleasant--bloating, headaches, crankiness. There's no fooling my system, I guess.

    Did 5B round 2 today. My heart wasn't really in it but it went pretty well.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Clam/Blue sorry about your heads. I have been waking up with headaches every morning for the past few months - totally normal according to my Dr. Awesome, not! I don't blame you Clam for not wanting to move forward without talking to your doctor. I think that's a smart move. Blue - sorry about your rain. We're moving from rain to sun this weekend.

    Terrie! Welcome back. Happy almost wedding :)

    I lifted yesterday and it felt super good. I really don't like the odd workouts in stage 7 though. Push-ups with 17lbs of added weight is no joke! I'm hoping to get workout 4 done tomorrow or Saturday/Sunday AM. I did ten minutes on the stair stepper too, but noticed the need to slow down about half way through. I'm just gonna keep on keepin on until I can't go anymore :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Push-ups with 17lbs of added weight is no joke!

    And where the weight is centered doesn't make it any easier either :laugh: I always found my arms were so tired from holding the weights during the lunges that I had no strength to do any pushups! Let alone 15-20 of them!

    Welcome back Terrie - wedding day is just around the corner! Can't wait to see the pictures :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Push ups with what, now? I can barely push myself up, let alone me and a mid-sized toddler sitting on my back.

    I was definitely feeling the strains of my last lift today despite taking two days off. My right side was a little pull-y feeling. I did manage 65lbs doing the barbell deadlift/row combo and 85 on the lat pulldown, but I couldn't pull it down much beyond my mid-face. lol. Enh! My right bicep's twinging a bit now and i suspect it's from the lat machine.

    I did happen to look at the mirror briefly while doing the YTWL (Ys are easy, Ts are easy, Ws are harder, and man, those Ls are a beast!) and could see my deltoid muscle at work. Cooooool.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Push ups with what, now? I can barely push myself up, let alone me and a mid-sized toddler sitting on my back.

    Ha ha just the extra weight I've gained. It's crazy how just 17 lbs which doesn't see like a HUGE amount can have such an impact on even little daily things. I move WAY slower than I used to, my feet hurt after a workday (which has never been the case) and I lose my breath way easier. Remind me of this when I need more motivation to lose the baby weight!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    the YTWL (Ys are easy, Ts are easy, Ws are harder, and man, those Ls are a beast!)

    How do you do the Ls? I was never quite sure so I'd do two - one with left arm up by my ear, right arm out to the side and vice versa - right arm up, left arm out.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Ls I do like the latter part of the Cuban snatch--as best I can, out to the side, swing arms up. It's usually pretty weak :)

    I always wonder how, if 20lbs feels so heavy, I didn't notice carrying 20lbs more weight! Like you're saying, you're more tired-but I hardly feel more lively without it! lol.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nasty, nasty day here today. Heavy rainfall warning and wind gusts up to 50mph :cry: Good day to hibernate! I'll get caught up on some pvr'd shows and maybe some reading. It's so gloomy I even have to have the lights on in the house.

    Got in some treadmill time this morning too! Too ugly to do anything outside.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    gloomy indeed! what are you watching on your pvr?

    lovely weather here today. went into another state for our niece's birthday party. she's 8 and requested our presence. who could say no?

    i got a shorter walk in today, mostly because i was too lazy to do it earlier. my eating was kind of a mess--calories good, quality bad. that's ok! tomorrow's another day!