From splasher to swimstar...I hope!



  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I guarantee you that the work you're doing on your own is helping. It's more repetition, which allows you to concentrate on what you're doing (also sometimes easier to do when not being actively coached) & helps you build more strength/endurance. The more relaxed you can stay, the better you will swim - you'll allow the muscles to work properly & you'll keep your form better because you're not so tense. You'll also be more limber, allowing you to move more water with each stroke.......

    Backstroke will also get easier the more you do it, you'll learn to trust what you're doing more & this will allow you to lie back in the proper position which will lead to a longer, more efficient stroke & a better kick.......

    Great job - keep at it, you're doing fantastic!!!!!!!!!!
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks Macstraw - all great advice!

    I managed another couple of practice sessions these last few weeks.
    This Sunday past there were only 3 of us at lessons, which was great.
    We repeated front and back crawl kick again. I'm still struggling with back crawl kick - I think my technique's OK but becasue it's quite slow I get frustrated and then lose form by trying to go faster, The instructor said not to worry too much about beign slow as it's only part of the stroke and will all come together when we add the arms in.

    We practiced breathing drills with the float and he said I did "awesome" - I was delighted. I really feel like the practice is paying off with Front Crawl. I managed a couple of lengths at a time, without getting exhausted, whilst practicing myself in the pool. So I just need to build on that.
    We also practiced adding in backstroke arms and this did make a HUGE difference.

    Nest week is breaststroke - which I my absolute favourite so I'm looking forward to that. I'm pretty confident with breastsroke and my form is OK so it's just improving and building on endurance for that but I'm really excited about it.

    I think we'll even try butterfly in a few weeks too. I've NEVER tried butterfly so can't wait for that!

    I plan on swimming tonight so I'll keep practicing :)
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    You have such enthusiasm. It's uplifting just to hear your excitement about swimming. I, too, love breaststroke. Keep on pulling. Great work.:wink:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    That is great news, I'm glad that you see it all coming together. You did awesome with your breathing because of the work you're putting in - I would bet that it's starting to feel very natural & you don't have to think about it nearly as much. Your backstroke kick will come along much the same way, your instructor is right - concentrate on the form for now, speed will come later. I'm glad you're excited about trying butterfly, it's my favorite stroke. Now that I've been doping some strengthening exercises for my shoulders (I was getting pain when I was doing a lot of fly, freestyle sprints & pull sets I the fall) I've been adding some back into my workouts. Please keep me posted - I love hearing your progress!!!!!!
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Hi All! I am new to swimming. I always enjoyed getting in the water as a kid, but never learn how to swim. I could get around in the pool without fear or drowning. I am 43 years old now and have knees, shoulders and back problems/pains from past injuries. I am overweight and unable to do the cardio I was accustomed to doing (treadmill,elliptical, and walking). After watching a weight loss television show where a participant with similar injuries began exercising in a pool a light blub went off for me! I began looking for a pool in my area. In October 2013 I found a local Aquatic Center that taught Adult swim lessons. What a Joy! After my 8 lessons in October I began to swim laps. I started with 2 laps and I am now swimming 20 laps (50m laps). I love every minute of it. I swim mostly backstroke with an occasional front crawl. I am still working on improving my form and distance with the front crawl. After reading all the Great advice I feel I'm heading in the right direction.
    Happy Swimming To All!
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Fantastic!!!! Welcome to the pool, now we've got you hooked. Swimming exercises every muscle group & it's zero impact on the joints. The more you swim the better your stroke will get, so keep at it!!!! Any questions, please feel free to ask.......
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    . I started with 2 laps and I am now swimming 20 laps (50m laps). I love every minute of it. I swim mostly backstroke with an occasional front crawl. I am still working on improving my form and distance with the front crawl. After reading all the Great advice I feel I'm heading in the right direction.
    Happy Swimming To All!

    Awesome. Before long you will be counting your swim distance in kilometers :)
    I was shaped like a barge when I started swimming again. Like you, I have various joint injuries that take running and other impact aerobic exercise off my list.
    Swimming is the best for me overall.
    Recently I added spinning classes too. I find I can get my heart rate up much higher in spin class. But I hate the sweating part still :) I love that when swimming I don't have to wipe any sweat off.
  • Linda_Jaques
    Linda_Jaques Posts: 13 Member
    I am hoping to complete the Great London Swim in front crawl this year. I have done it in breaststroke on my previous two swims, but I too have envied the seemingly effortless freestyle stroke of some swimmers. I joined a local triathlon group and we are coached in the pool weekly. It has helped me considerably and last Sunday I completed my first mile totally in front crawl. I was chuffed to I just have to work on the stroke as it was far from effortless! LOL
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Efficiency is what will make it seem "effortless" (but that's a misnomer, because it is NOT effortless, those swimmers have just gotten smoothed out) & swimming freestyle is what will let your body learn it's own most efficient way to swim. Keep at it & you'll surprise yourself.........
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Hey Mr. Macstraw,

    2 quick questions for you. I've been working on alternate side breathing because I been told to do that. Why? Is there a preference of how many meters over the mile I should practice in training for this mile OW swim?
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    From what I understand, the prevailing theory is that breathing every 3rd stroke is supposed to be the most efficient thereby requiring the ability to breathe to each side. Not sure what that's based on, I imagine some physical studies must have been done. I have also read (on the USA swimming website - I believe in the shoulder strengthening link that I posted) that it helps balance the muscles used to turn the head to breathe because you're not just working the 1 side which they say can lead to neck/shoulder pain. That said, this old dog breathes to the left & breathes every 4th stroke, although I can breathe to my right side it is not as natural for me & I've never had any issues.......

    As for how much further to train for than the actual swim, that's something that's tough to answer without seeing you swim. Look at it from an endurance point of view - some people find it fairly easy to find their proper pace & can hold it for the distance needed, so they don't need to train too far above the distance they need. Others need more of a cushion. One thing to remember with training in the pool for an OW swim - there are no walls to turn on in the open water & you don't realize how much that extremely short break making the turn helps your ability to swim far in the pool, so that needs to be considered. I think if you train to swim 1 1/4 miles or so in the pool you should be OK in the OW swim, if you have enough time before the event to build the endurance more so much the better. I would get myself to the point of doing the additional distance on a regular basis (whether that's once a week, twice a week - whatever works for you), because doing it only once before the event really doesn't help much. You want it to be comfortable so that you can comfortably overcome not being able to make turns......
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Yes I am Hooked! Today I tried working on efficiency. I counted the number of strokes I needed to go 50 meters doing the backstroke. I only counted the right strokes, I started off with 60 strokes per 50 meters and by lap 23 I had shaved it down to 46 strokes per 50 meters. Everything I have read here has been so helpful and encouraging. Thank You All! I now feel like and athlete again trying to get ready for competition. This group is just what I needed to help me stay motivated. I am eager to learn more from you all.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    That makes sense about the every 3rd stroke breathing. I tend to be faster at every4th. Anyway, I know about the wall business so I don't push off and will try to do some swimming in a nearby lake if winter ever goes away and summer comes. At present I swim 100-200 meters further than the mile but didn't know if I should push that even further. Thanks for your help.:smile:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I would definitely go a little further than the 100-200m - keep in mind that it's not just the pushing off the wall, just slowing/stopping/hitting/holding the wall creates a slight break in the flow & you will feel that when the swim has to be continuous without those little breaks. Each one is not anything significant, but you get one every 25 meters........

    brownmara - That is FANTASTIC!!!! lengthening the stroke just a little bit means you are going just a little further with each stroke, which translates to less strokes overall. Just be careful not to overextend too far on the stroke so that you don't put too much stress on your shoulders. If you start to feel it inside the shoulder (not regular muscle soreness, you'll know what I'm talking about if you feel it) lessen the length of the stroke just a touch. Remember, the kick helps too - the biggest, strongest muscles are in the legs. You can choose to make them help out or you can use your arms & shoulders to drag them through the water. Using them is most definitely more efficient.......
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I have swum in open water before and have gone the mile just not in a race and switched off between breast and freestyle. I guess I need to swim in an oval and not touch the wall at all to practice all freestyle till summertime. Thanx again.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    To brownmara,

    Mr. Macstraw has words of wisdom. Welcome to the chlorine club.:wink:
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Mr. Macstraw, Thank You for all the helpful tips. I do have to work on using my legs more. I find myself trying to use brute strength to pull myself through the water, and after a few laps I find that I ease up some and it is a more enjoyable swim. My mindset is still of a shot putter, the more power and strength you put into the farther it will go. Do you have any good mantras the I can use to help me with this. All advice and tips are greatly appreciated. Happy swimming to All!
    Holly1283 Thank you for the welcome. Everyone here seems so pleasant and helpful. I am enjoying my new found cardio exercise. I can't wait to learn more.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Holly - I think that would help, but it might be easier to train the extra yardage because trying to swim ovals in a pool without touching the wall might be a bit difficult. If you can do it, it would most likely make it much easier swimming distance in a fairly straight line without forcing those turnarounds. I think if you to train to some extra yardage & hit some open water when (if) it ever warms up you should be doing great........

    Ms. Brownmara - the more power & strength thing works well for short sprint swims like 50, maybe 100 yards but longer distances than that you will probably burn yourself out too quickly. The key is to learn to pace yourself, which you will learn naturally the more yardage you get in. The legs are the biggest, strongest muscles in the body, so use them to help power you through. As for mantras I really don't have anything, but I personally use my iPod & get a little lost in my music - not so much that I can't keep track of my yardage though......
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    So another awesome lesson on Sunday. We focused on breaststroke again and just put more emphasis on putting all the elements of the stroke together and getting the timing of the sequence correct.
    I also put in some time myself during the week. I'm focusing on breaststroke for distance/endurance, as it's most likely breaststroke I'll do in the Great Scottish Swim. Then I've been using the last 10 minutes of my swim session for front crawl and back crawl practice. I did 10 lengths front crawl!!! (20m pool) I was so excited!!!! and I didn't feel totally breathless and like I was going to die!
    So back to the lessons - after breaststroke we did some more front/crawl and back crawl practice and finished off with submersion practice.
    I love the random little sessions we do at the end of each lesson. Last week we practiced surface dives - propelling ourselves out of the water, curling up and trying to touch the bottom of the deep end. This week we had to try and lie down on the bottom of the shallow end. I found this quite difficult - I seem to be naturally bouyant! We were told to try and sit on the bottom first - this was ok but when I tried to lie down my legs kept coming up again. We practiced exhaling sharply in order to help ourselves sink. I definitely got better towards the end.
    So apparently it's butterfly next week!!
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Fantastic!!!! I love that you're doing so much work on your own, that's the best thing you can do & that's where your improvements are coming from. The instructor can only show you what to do & help correct your form, only you can put the work in to get better. VERY rare is the case where somebody can be shown how to do a stroke & nail it without doing any additional work. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep at it, I love reading the updates & seeing the progress & I can't wait to see how much you surprise yourself when you do the OW swim.......