From splasher to swimstar...I hope!



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Well, I swam my mile again and was really disappointed. Instead of lowering my time I was almost back where I started. I felt like crying but didn't. Having depression issues again but I don't think it's that. I have been eating too many sweets which is probably the culprit. So slow Holly has to do better.:sad:
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Could also be sleep, hydration, hormones, fighting off a sickness, etc, sometimes your body just wont do something as well as you want it to. Some days I totally kick butt at swimming other days, I struggle to get through the set. On Thursday I had to stop 400 m short because I was getting a cramp. Its upsetting because you can't do what you want to do.

    Try again and keep at it,

    good luck :happy:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    It may just be a matter of needing a session to shake some rust off. I haven't been in the water basically for 2 weeks, I know my first time or 2 back in is going to be rough but then I'll be OK. I'm sure you'll be fine.......
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. Oh, I won't quit. I'm one of those never say die even when I should. 'm on vacation at the beach this week but hope to get to a Y at least 2 times. Swam at a pool where we camp on Friday. Well, the temperature alone was a workout in much cooler water than I'm used to. Figured that was good for conditioning for my OW swim but it was chilly.brrrr
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    From what I've seen, I would say you most definitely won't quit :-)
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Hey Mr. Macstraw,
    How's it going now that you are back at the pool after your hiatus? I hope you weren't sick. I swam my mile again today but didn't time it. Visiting another Y today and the water was sooooo cool. The temp was so much better than my Y at home. I hope you are:wink: getting back in the groove. :wink:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Hey Ms. Holly, all is well here. Not sick, just the time of year where I lose days. I was away a few weekends, had some work pop up, etc. I won't be able to get back to the pool until Friday, next week is gonna be tough to try & get days in & then I move into the summer phase - less time in a shorter outdoor pool (19 yards instead of 25) but I'll be able to get a lot more walking in. Once the summer is over I'll be back to the gym pool full time. The good part is I'll be helping coach a summer swim league team again.....

    I'm glad you got the mile in, how did you feel? I love doing my laps in a cooler pool too, a warmer pool makes me weary so much faster....
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    The pool I swim at is cool. Which is great. The worst part is getting in. Brrr.

    On a side note I am hoping to pick up my wetsuit this weekend and I'll be able to start some open water swim practices. I am a month away from my 2.1k race. I was hoping to attend some clinics held by the organizers but they are 3 hours away and start at 630am. So I will have to practice on my own. I grew up doing OW swimming but this is the first time I will be racing and wearing a wetsuit.

    Went swimming tonight (about 1500-2000m) and it seems every time I go the coach has something else to work on. Today it was gliding underwater, doing some dolphin kicks after a push off. Last week it was more improvements on my front crawl (reaching out more on top of the water with my arms, I was entering them into the water too early).
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    We're not allowed to wear wet suits in the one I'm going to be in. I can just see me in one. All anyone would see would be a round inner tube going through the water. A swimmer's body I don't have. It would give the crowd something to smile about. You sound a much more serious competitor than I am. I wish you well. You can do this. Keep on paddling.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member

    What is the distance that you will be swimming?

    No one looks good in a wetsuit. I like that comparison to an inner tube though, the material is really similar.

    I am actually not much of a competitor, I just love to swim. I could actually do all the practices and training and not compete. LOL. :bigsmile:
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm only doing the mile. They have a 2mile also. I could swim the 2000 m but I don't know about 2 mi. I've never tried that far. I think I could swim that far leisurely. My competitive spirit is to not come in too far last. Last is ok not a half hour last though. The coordinator said the 1 and 2 milers start at the same time so hopefully I won't get lapped by all of the 2 milers.:noway:
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I have 2 questions that maybe someone could help me. Do you have to exhale through your nose? Sometimes it is a combination of nose and mouth. Next: Sometimes I find if I have a strenuous swim workout I get a bad headache in the afternoon. I try to drink more water. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix? Now to brag a little bit. I've been getting 2000M in 60 -65 minutes. So I at least improved my distance.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Good work Holly,

    I usually exhale through my mouth. Not sure if that's correct or not. I have no idea about the headache, best guess is to keep drinking that water.

    I hate getting lapped, I used to be one of the fastest and I am not anymore. Swimming (pool) on Thursday I am pretty sure I got lapped 5 times in one set.

    Update on me: Ive been getting slower. Hopefully that wont last but I did take a week off of swimming.
    I have also bought a wetsuit and even tried it out briefly. The water was very cold, my body felt fine because of the wetsuit but my hands, feet and face were freezing. It is amazing how buoyant it makes you. I am planning on trying it out this weekend if the weather cooperates.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    The only right way to breathe out is the one that works for you. I'm trying to think about it & I'm guessing I'm a combination of both - on my flip turns I put some air in my nose to keep water coming in & when I put a real exertion on I push the air out through my mouth, but under normal conditions I'm just not sure. I'll try to remember to pay attention to it the next time I'm in the water....

    Ashen - being away, even briefly, can definitely slow you down but it's only temporary. You'll shake the rust off & be your old self in no time.....
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    I was amazed at how much I use my nose when I tried a nose clip. I thought I was going to die!
  • Ms_J1
    Ms_J1 Posts: 253 Member
    I generally exhale through my nose. But when sprinting, it's a whole other ball game. Increased exertion dictates how one needs to exhale and I find myself exhaling through both, my mouth and my nose, by the last half of a sprint - to the point that I dread that last flip turn.
  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    Ideally exhale through both, nose and mouth. Main thing is to empty your lungs thoroughly to make room for fresh air. Sometimes people don't exhale enough.
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to swimming for fitness - I had the 'ol heart to heart with myself about weight loss *sigh* and decided that if I had to choose one activity to loose weight that I could live with it would be swimming. I joined my local Y the start of May and I haven't looked back.
    I found out that I Love Swimming. I actually shocked that I look forward to going to the pool and I'm excited to see where it leads me. :-)
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    ProfessorOwl - Right?! I find I also am not a mouth breather but without a nose clip (or mask) I would inhale and drown.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks everyone. I had just read about exhaliing throught the nose and when I'm trying to go faster on my freestyle, it's almost all mouth. I generally don't get a nose full and since I don't do flip turns that's not a problem either. AS for the headache, I guess I need to drink even more.

    Ashen... where do you swim that it is so cold? I'm in central PA and our open water is getting warmer. Just curious.