November check-in and chat



  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    ok, so I started SL 5x5 on November 8 and I really, really like the simplicity of it. I also like the feeling of lifting weights (wow, I never thought I'd say that). I've always loved cardio, but hated weight training. I guess because I didn't really have a clear path on what I should do for the weights, reps, etc. Anyway, this is where I'm at:

    Squat: 70lbs.
    OHP: 50 lbs
    Deadlift: 135 lbs.
    BP: 70lbs.
    Row: 65 lbs.

    I feel like that I could probably squat more and most likely deadlift more, but I don't want to over do it and injure myself.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Lydia planks, front planks, side planks and any other planks you can think of, also crunches on a swiss ball are killer. Pike or captains chair leg lifts are good too. Supermans, spider plank crunches

    I would be tempted to maybe look at some of Brett Conteras stuff too, he talks a lot about getting the right tilt on your pelvis can make a big difference to squats and deads. It's in my strong lifts book, quite wordy but I could run off a photocopy and post it if it might help (the relevant section not the whole book lol) Maybe throw in some glute bridges so you get your glutes working more to help keep the pelvis where it should be. - No expert but I have been feeling a difference with them.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Just trawling through some stuff and found this article
    which links to another discussing anterior pelvic tilt and this one
    may help too
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    thank you will check it out! mwah! x
    and if you hadn't guessed I hate core work almost more than I hate cardio.. *sigh*
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Still on my weight lifting break while I get over this extreme exhaustion.
    Did yoga and bench dips today.

    Great Job, everyone!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...

    Interesting Lydia I have heard from a lot of people that is why belts are used sometimes...core strenght issues.

    But yes planks, planks and more planks, old fashionded situps, crunches etc.

    So I am on workout A today
    Still no squats...not sure how much longer this will take but I hope not too long I am finding it hurts a lot lately until it pops then it's good..mind that pop still brings me down. Trying to do stretches and heating it but going on almost 14 days with no relieft in sight.

    So benching 100lbs today 5x5 seems no problem at all...

    Benching failed last time at 110 so staying there.but I have to say I hate these rows which surprises me cause when I was lifting before I loved rows...(dumb bell ones anyway)

    So I managed 2x5
    Then failed set 3 last rep..
    Managed to get all 1x5 on set 4 (increased rest by 30secs)
    Set 5....3 1/2 min rest and I failed last rep...blah..

    So still at 110 for rows and up to 105 for benches next...
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    60# squats ~ ugh my lower back, SLOW DOWN

    45# OHP wider grip space less strain on shoulder helps that popping feeling?

    105# Deadlifts did 5x5 because I love them and at this weight I still can :)
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @lwoodroff: Definitely planks, any and all variations. I'm doing them on an exercise ball--per my Physical Therapist. My core is not where I want it to be at all. Also, leg rotations, bridge, hanging or lying leg raises... I am actively seeking out workouts on this and I came across this article at Scroll to the where the first guy starts talking about the workouts. (#3) He's wordy, but thorough. :)

    @Stef: 100lb bench is awesome! I love bent over DB rows, but I don't care for the Pendlay ones at all.

    Today's workout was decent.
    Squat 95 (only 3x5 at 95 after an ominous sounding POP from my knee Monday night--no problem today, though)
    OHP 2x5 w/dumbbells 3x5 with oly bar only (working on my balance)
    DL 110 (Still light/can't wait to work my way back up, but being patient...kinda)

    My warm-up, static stretches, and PT stuff take longer than my actual workout. Hoping to move stuff around a bit so I'm not in the garage for an hour.

    Cheryl :flowerforyou:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Lydia - I'm confused - so he doesn't want you to squat all the way to parallel? Or not below parallel? What about the huge body of research showing that not hitting parallel puts undue pressure on the knees? I'm just curious what his rationale was behind 'functional'?

    And, woodchoppers are my favorite core work. :smile:

    Stef - way to go on your bench! I found that beyond 95 I stopped enjoying rows. I subbed them for one armed dumbell rows and am much happier.

    Cheryl - glad the knee pop turned out to be nothing.

    BJC - yes, I prefer a wider stance on my OHP. I also suggest that you warm up your shoulders well and do some good stretching.

    3fold - I hope you start to feel better soon!

    Cruisin - Rest is absolutely essential. It's when you get stronger, and without it you won't have fun! Hopefully everybody here is taking a week off of lifting every 4-6 weeks.

    Wendler, Week 3
    1x5 @ 180
    1x3 @ 200
    1x3 @ 225
    And, like an idjut, I left my chalk in the trunk of the car. I probably had 2 more in me, but everything was getting too slippery. Regardless - 4 wheels on the bus! Booyah!

    3x10 @ 120 sumo deadlifts

    And then I got distracted trying to talk a lady who I've seen training really hard on the leg press and other assisted machines to try some bar work, to no avail. Ah well, maybe next time! Then I went on with my day and proceeded to eat all the foods.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Oh god Lydia I keep thinking of that meme with the guy squatting on the stability ball. *sing song* Front squats help with core strength. la la la la la. Oh yeah and planks which aren't nearly as fun as squatting. Happy you aren't broken.

    Stef you are a strong *kitten* bencher! Way to go!

    BJC you crack me up! Deadlift a ton while you can :drinker: :drinker:

    So I was feeling a bit overtrained on Monday as I was eating at a deficit so I had several over eating/maintenance days and time off from gym. Today I felt way better and fully recovered and ready to hit it hard. So I went and did front squats 145 2x5, OHP 97x5, DL 320x3 then I thought I might throw up. If I were at my normal gym I would have just gone for it, but I was at the Y and I figured they'd frown on that. So I took a rest and did 320x2 after that. Then I did some curls and pull ups. And now I want nap and food. Not sure in what order.

    ETA: Kira we are posting twins!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    We may be posting twins, but your deadlift blows mine out of the water!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    We may be posting twins, but your deadlift blows mine out of the water!

    I've been using chalk for way longer!
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    320# deadlifts???? That's crazy awesome!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ooh yeah front squats i have been eyeing up to help rack position for power cleans. And woodchoppers. Crazy but fun.. looking forward to trying these out! Think I will include a note when I drop the book back noting all the functional times I get into the squat position... Toilet, sofa etc.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    hey guys great numbers :drinker:

    with regards to Lydia's physio, you have to take advice with a pinch of salt... my dr said I ate too many eggs and it would affect my cholesterol, he checked it and LDL is low and HDL is perfect??

    for the balance thing is use a couple of these:

    do warm up BW squats and 1 leg balance to help ankle and knee strength for football

    Tree I love the fact that you busted out 3x320 felt sick and then busted out 2 more! that's what I would have done too :drinker:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    so...Physio evaluation tomorrow....

    My friend said it's not my quad as he first thought...

    I have probably injured the tendon of one of the four primary adductor muscles: the gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, or adductor magnus...whatever those are...all I know is I want this taken care of...

    Even during my rows yesterday it was off...
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Stef that is not good. Hope you have a fast recovery
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member
    @Stef - How did you hurt it? I think I joined after everyone had their injuries so I don't know the history of anyone's stuff.

  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey guys. I just wanted to know if anyone had these pains after your first couple sessions and what helps to alleviate it. I finished workout A Tuesday and am doing workout B tonight if my thighs let me squat. They are killing me and have been the last couple of days. I can deal with the pain walking around because I'm used to it from playing tournaments. But I'm hoping I'll be able to power through and get thru this workout tonight, especially since I have a free PT session tonight and want the guy to assist me with my form. Do you guys use anything after your workouts to help with pain in your thighs? I would like to continue my running on opposite days but am not sure I'll be able to if this keeps up. Also, did anyone have pain behind their neck when they first started from where the bar sits? Thanks!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    The bar shouldn't be on your neck. Google low bar positioning for tips.