November check-in and chat



  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    and you will be able to pull from the floor when you have the equivalent of one 'big' (20kg/44lb) plate per side. Although with octagonal plates, I don't envy you. My last gym at the almost-but-not-quite-round plates and they were ghastly. One tip is to put a couple of mats under them so that when you put the bar down it doesn't roll away from you. Or reset between each lift.

    I guess I'm a bit confused. Your DL video is of you lifting 50kgs, right? But, if the plates are 20kgs each, what about the weight of the bar? Do you not include that in your total?

    Thanks for the compliment on my hair. I haven't had it this short since middle school and that was a looooong time ago. :happy:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I love Rippetoe's videos…I rewatch them on occasion and follow his tips to be sure I'm not losing form. This video really taught me how to deadlift, it all made sense after watching!

    Yesterday's workout:

    Squats 130x6 140x4 145x3
    OHP 67.5x6 70x4 72.5x3 Was soooo close to 4! I'm just excited to be making progress.
    Deadlifts 185x3 That was a tough weight (Kira, Tree…how on earth do you pull the numbers you do?!).

    And of course I did my planks (just for you Lydia!). The only other exercise I add in is calf raises (on the stair edge) mostly cause that's one muscle that burns going up mountain passes and doing them on the stair edge really seems to help my stabilizer muscles in my ankles. Wouldn't want an ankle to turn on some eroded trail and wind up a statistic!

    cruisin…love the hair too. I can't seem to get away from pony-tailable hair. I'm way too lazy to actually do something with my hair before work (and I work in scrubs, not like I need to look pretty!).

    Edited for typos….
  • TeamAwesomeDanger
    Started SL a few weeks ago and just hit my first failure- on the OHP at 25kg (55lb). Was able to do 2 sets of 5, then one of 4, then 2 of 3. I'm excited to know I have hit my limit so when I am able to push past it, it'll feel all that much better. Who would have though failure would feel so sweet?
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    OK, so I have questions and I'm not sure how to ask, so that they make sense. Here goes:

    I'm at 95lbs on DL. Obviously, the weights are too small for me to pull from the floor, so I use the lowest hooks on the front of the power rack to hold the bar. My gym has the stupid octagonal weights, so between the hassle of stacking weights to the proper height and not always being able to put the weights down in the proper position, it's just easier to use the hooks. At what weight will I be able to have them at a proper height to pull from the floor? And, does it really matter? I just want to do them the "right" way.

    I just a mini step. Once I hit the 35lb plates (I took and break and I'm working back up) I was able to comfortably do it without the mini step to prop the bar up. I've used the hooks before too, it is a hassle.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    In for ALL of the adorable pixie haircuts! So cute.

    I am going to try and get an A workout at our company's gym before Thanksgiving travel madness sets in. BUT I have to post my latest "duh" moment: helps to have long hair in a bun when doing back squats so that the hair does not get stuck underneath the bun.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    and you will be able to pull from the floor when you have the equivalent of one 'big' (20kg/44lb) plate per side. Although with octagonal plates, I don't envy you. My last gym at the almost-but-not-quite-round plates and they were ghastly. One tip is to put a couple of mats under them so that when you put the bar down it doesn't roll away from you. Or reset between each lift.

    I guess I'm a bit confused. Your DL video is of you lifting 50kgs, right? But, if the plates are 20kgs each, what about the weight of the bar? Do you not include that in your total?

    Thanks for the compliment on my hair. I haven't had it this short since middle school and that was a looooong time ago. :happy:

    I deleted your double post :)

    My gym has bumper plates, which are all the 'correct' diameter - even the 5kg silly bendy ones. So those were two 15kg plates, not two 20kg ones. I think it goes.. 5kg grey, 10kg green, 15kg yellow, 20kg blue, 25kg red. just looked it up and this is international standard. So I guess it makes for quick calculations looking at someone!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies I see you have all been busy since Friday wow.

    I was stupid again this weekend and paying for it.....I told my husband no more going out for me...DOMS from Dancing...:grumble:

    So taking the required breaks from squats and rows today (leg is feeling a bit better...but still popping)

    So benching only today for me.

    I am up to 105lbs

    1x2 (this last set my husband made me do the last 3 with help) from him.

    He said on Friday if I am still strugglinig on the last two sets that I go back down to 100lbs and do more reps.

    Which I might do instead of getting fractionals right now. (May ask for them for Christmas)

    I mean don't get me wrong I love SL but I do find the 5lb increase way too much now for the upper body workouts.

    Squats/DL's I am good with...

    On a side note I see (sorry can't scroll back to find poster) glute bridges were "ow"...interesting, as I have been thinking about adding those in.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Thanks, Lydia! Sorry I didn't catch the double post. The internet at work is being wonky today!

    Bumper plates explains it! I did wonder about it, since the plates were yellow. :smile: I wish my gym had them. I've actually never asked, but then I've never seen any around or being used. I guess I'll just have to be patient for a bit longer.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yeah my old gym didn't have them, if I ever get to grips with power cleans they will be helpful.

    And it was me with the glute bridges. Maybe I'm thin skinned but the bar across the hips was not my favourite sensation ever!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Started Wendler 5/3/1 today. I've been doing SL since April (break in the middle due to injury) and I'm ready for a change. I think this program might be just the thing to get my shoulder/neck/motivation built up again.

    Did the military press today (OHP) using 55lbs as my max weight to be safe. The assistance work is challenging. I did DB OHPs 5x10 (didn't get all the reps in-boo) and negative chin-ups.
    I'm flipping weak on neg chin-ups. Weak.
    I was starting to get really discouraged when I realized that sucking this bad at something now is only going to make it that much sweeter when I finally succeed. Plus it's showing me how bad my left side is. Info I need to have if I'm going to get stronger.
    So, all in all, a good day. :)

    Lydia: Even though I know what you meant, my weird mind pictured you doing bridges with a flute. :laugh: I do glute bridges nearly every workout. I fold up a towel to put between my body and the bar. It helps some.


    (Edited because my tablet keeps "correcting" me.)
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Short but sweet update. MY hand felt much better (I burned it for those that aren't on my friends list) and I drove to the gym after work after testing the pressure on my hand.

    Squat 85lbs
    OHP 50lbs
    Deadlift 65lbs.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    ^^ vendygirl, ouch, sorry about your hand but I am glad it is better.

    I finally started. I didn't have a bench and my husband brought me home one Saturday. Then he set everything up in the garage. It's cold out there! I have an olymipic bar and a regular 10lb bar. I didn't used the olympic (although I did do some warm ups with it while testing it before getting the bench) because it was too heavy and I felt unstable after a few squats. Plus I don't have enough weights for it yet. So with my 10 lb bar I did:

    squats: 27.6 lbs
    bench: 38.6 lbs
    rows: 56.2 lbs

    I was able to do all for the full 5x5, but the rows started getting pretty heavy by the end. I could feel a pulling going down my neck/shoulder. I hope that doesn't turn into anything because I have neck issues as it is.

    What kind of stretches do you do after?

    Also, I have a hard time keeping my heels on the ground for squats. I find if I put my feet slightly out more I can keep them down (sometimes my left heel still is up a bit). My husband watched and said I looked OK, but he was going by the video he doesn't lift himself.

    All in all I feel good about it. I felt a bit like a wimp and I wanted to add more weights to some but my husband was so worried I will hurt myself. I will be able to do workout B Wednesday, but I leave for the US to visit my family for Thanksgiving Thursday and won't be back for a few days.
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all you badasses ????
    Just wanted to check in ! Sunday was my final workout in week 2 ???? I was feeling a bit down because I'm feeling like the squats are already super tough and I hope I can progress :/ reminding myself that this isn't a race, progress is wayyyy better when you struggle and I just plain LOVE lifting! So if it's getting my butt to be consistent in working out then it's doing it's job ???? Keep up all the hard work
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @Care: Why did you start rows at that particular weight? I'm curious. Could it be too heavy for you right now? With neck issues (I've got them, too) I think I'd start at a lower weight and see how you feel.
    Also, you could try some trap stretches before lifting. I have a 8-10 minute warm up and over half of it is shoulder/neck stretching.

    Hope your neck and shoulder feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Hey ladies

    Brandi, remember you don't have to increase your weight every time. Try adding more reps at the same weight as either way you will be getting stronger. And give yourself some nice breaks between sets - I was up to 2 minutes when I was doing 40kg squats and by the standards set by the ladies here that is by no means heavy!

    Care, ditto on the heavy row, that is twice what you are squatting. Remember ladies are not built the same as men, we are generally stronger at squats than rows.

    Vendygirl, good news about your hand and great numbers (how long have you been doing this now?)

    Cpiton, I am uneven too, finding dumbell work (much as I hate loathe and despise it) is helping a lot with it. If for nothing other than that I can see it so obviously!

    And for me, first workout of the week today. I am finding I like the A workout of the program best - mainly because it makes me hurt less afterwards. I still had DOMS in my hammies from Friday even yesterday!

    3 supersets of 20 glute bridges. These are unweighted as yet but after next week that will change! And 12kg one arm dumbell rows. These I am feeling now!
    3 supersets of 12 16kg goblet squats and 12 10kg dumbell bench. I was hoping to go for 12kg dumbells but when I picked them up I was struggling to even get them in position to start so went for more reps instead.
    3 sets of dumbell romanian dead lifts with 16kg bells. Still struggling with these managed to up the reps to 12, 15 and 12 but my arms are letting me down with them.
    30 side leg raises
    60s plank and 2 30s side planks

    I am noticing some changes already with this. My bottom muscles are getting bigger at the top and definitely more noticeable. Also when I was squatting today I was right by the mirror, normally I have enough view I can check form but that's about it. Today I could see my line of my quad over my knee and also my hamstrings. And it made me feel like a beast for about 30 seconds :D
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I started there because 65 lbs was recommended and for the weights I had this was close and comfortable for me (except for my neck). My neck hurts after things like push ups, mountain climbers, crunches, etc. Even sometimes things like zumba can aggravate it. The only time it wasn't too bad was when I was pretty much on bed rest for my entire pregnancy and after when I did nothing but walk for almost a year. I'm hoping by going slow it wouldn't bother it. I guess I will drop the weights down for next time and see how it feels.

    I guess I should start lighter for dead lifts then? I was going to start at 80 since I know I can lift that, but maybe I should go lighter?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I started there because 65 lbs was recommended and for the weights I had this was close and comfortable for me (except for my neck). My neck hurts after things like push ups, mountain climbers, crunches, etc. Even sometimes things like zumba can aggravate it. The only time it wasn't too bad was when I was pretty much on bed rest for my entire pregnancy and after when I did nothing but walk for almost a year. I'm hoping by going slow it wouldn't bother it. I guess I will drop the weights down for next time and see how it feels.

    I guess I should start lighter for dead lifts then? I was going to start at 80 since I know I can lift that, but maybe I should go lighter?

    Do you make it a point to keep your neck neutral during those activities? I know I have a tendency to look up, which might cause more pain than not. Also try barefoot/different shoes if you're having trouble with your heels. Sometimes that makes all the difference.

    Also hi everyone! Only doing 2 heavy workouts this week then a week off. Then nervous time. I enjoy reading all this bamfness going on up in here though. :drinker: :drinker:
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    @care - try different shoes. Flat so the feet are in contact with the floor and also try squatting with a chair behind you so that you can see how it feels. You might be pushing forward instead of in the heel. Also everyones feet will be different for how they squat. My toes tend to be out more than most folks consider "correct" form. It depends on the natural flow of your knee joint really.
    Do you have a gym where you can try to have a Personal trainer watch form? And do you have disc issues in your neck?

    @roxy - I have only been doing SL for 3 weeks but I have been working with heavier weights since this summer so that is why my numbers are high for a beginner. I did some program by Nia Shanks (10 commandments or something) where I was squatting plates (holding them in my hands while squatting) and was up to 35lbs, goblet squats (20lbs on that or maybe more I'd have to look at my notebook) on that and using dumbbells going up to 30lbs for presses etc. I also did a lot of TRX stuff as well. Deadlift however is my weakest. I'm scared to go up in weight on that one.

    I have to ask what is this glute bridge I keep seeing?
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Hmm I can't draw a suitable diagram with my keyboard but basically glute bridges and hip thrusts are really good exercises for activating and working your glutes. Either weighted or just bodyweight.
    Basically it looks a bit rude as you are sort of thrusting your hips up from the floor

    A hip thrust
    _/\__o to _/
    \o but basically it is a straight line from knees to shoulders and down again.

    They are a good accessory exercise for sure. And lol, I was the opposite with deads couldn't wait to get weight on there, total wuss with bench pressing though. I spent a long time utterly convinced that if I added weight to the bar I would unrack it be unable to hold it and it would plummet down into my face smashing out my teeth, my nose and causing all sorts of other untold damage. This so far has not happened :D
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Oh they are bridges! Okay. I know what those are I do those all the time. Weighted and unweighted.

    Roxy my fear with the deadlift is my form getting off and throwing my back out, again. I have the back of 75 year old (it gets older every time I use this expression btw). I mean really bad lower back. So this and the pendely rows scare me. I am doing better. Baby steps. :D