What I did right today



  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    @seamoth - may be just a walk for some, but you have made it a beautiful & rewarding adventure. Thank you for sharing & taking me, at least in my own mind, on the walk with you.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    seamoth, that walk sounds beautiful. I so wish I could take one like that. I am going to be happy just to hopefully get back to my mile once the hip heals and I am able to walk again.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I am doing right:

    - After adjusting my goal (TDEE-20%) I am staying under goal almost daily which is good. I have not been doing any exercise in this awful weather we are having. There was a 104 car crash near downtown Denver on I 25, the black ice caused it and one lady was even killed in that mess. It is truly awful around here lately.

    - Have cooked up some grab it, its good for you foods for my next round of 12.5 hr work shifts that start tomorrow.

    - Listened to my motivational CD as I fell asleep last night, they do help me stay on track I should listen to one every night.

    - Started taking my fishoil and other supplements again.

    Seamoth, The 3.5 mile walk sounded lovely, if a tad cold. Must be very different than your walks in So. Africa.

    Crisbtrue: I bet you burned a few cals. dancing at the Eagles concert :)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    LOL, re the Eagles concert... you're right, I did burn a few calories. And even though I splurged on a tiny dessert with the dinner,
    I was very good with the rest of the meal.

    Today it's warm; I did 25 minutes on the stationary bike this am and took a nice stroll outside this afternoon..



  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    I decided not to weigh myself this morning! This was The Right Thing To Do. For me. I felt good when I woke up, had slept well for the first time for ages, the weather looked OK for another walk later on. I knew if I weighed myself and hadn't lost at least a pound since last weigh in, I would feel sad and start beating myself up. So here I am......ignorant but happy. I'll weigh in tomorrow????
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    For the first time, I actually came very close to my calorie intake goal., but didn't eat the exercise calories back. I was raised on the concept of to lose weight you had to starve yourself, but after reading so many articles on here, realized that I just had to get the calories up, especially if I'm actually going to add exercise to my routine. It's HARD to find healthy things to eat to fill out the missing 300 calories a day that don't blow the carbs or fat out of the water, but I'm trying.

    Pre change of eating lifestyle, I was a sweets and chips snacker, emphasis on chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. Daily. Have now gone almost a week with no candy/cheetos/pastries etc. May not seem like much, but for me that's huge LOL
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Seamoth...your writing is beautiful.......as id your environment...... lovely to read:flowerforyou:

    I have a bit of a sniffle at the moment so just did my basic walk and no run today....but a nice afternoon out in the countryside with a little extra walk .... hot chocolate with marshmallow and cream was delightful, if rather extravagant caloriewise...... a beautiful day again here in the North of England

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member

    Pre change of eating lifestyle, I was a sweets and chips snacker, emphasis on chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. Daily. Have now gone almost a week with no candy/cheetos/pastries etc. May not seem like much, but for me that's huge LOL

    I feel your pain re: chocolate. I am a chocoholic. :sad:
    There was a time years ago, when my children were small, when it was a PHYSICAL craving... it was so painful that like some sort of illegal substance abuser, I hid stashes of chocolate and panicked if I ran out.

    Then I read an article about taking magnesium to help curb and STOP the craving for sweets--especially chocolate.
    Apparently chocolate contains beneficial minerals ( ! oh joy) but if you're lacking the minerals in your diet...you crave chocolate in the worst way. (Oddly, I have never met anyone who craves things like.. celery, beets, kale or other nutritious foods) :laugh:
    Well. I was desperate. So. I bought magnesium tablets. Plain magnesium, not the Calcium/ Magnesium ones. And I started taking several a day; like one with every meal.

    Guess what. It was like MAGIC. The urgent cravings stopped.

    Now, I'm not a doctor, and you might want to check with your doctor before you do this. But I'm saying that it worked for me (this was over 30 years ago) and I still take it. And when, for some reason I realize that I'm starting to eye that unopened bag of chocolate chips with lustful yearnings.... I up my magnesium dosage for a few days.

    Yeah, I still love chocolate. But the desperate, urgent, painful cravings are gone.

    They say it takes only a few days to develop a bad habit, longer to break a bad habit... but 2 weeks to develop a good habit.
    So. Stick with it. One day at a time.

    I'm still working on it.

    Hang in there; you can do it.
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    What I did right today. Well. I plucked up the courage to weigh myself and got a lovely shock. 2.5lbs loss in seven days! It must be all the walking because I've been over my 1200 cal goal nearly every day, though not TOO far over.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    I have been taking magnesium for a while but I have a can of chocolate salted caramel macadamia clusters on the shelf that I keep eyeing, and I don’t think the magnesium is helping me there. But then, maybe it is since I haven’t succumbed to them.


    Congratulations on the weight loss. I find it more difficult to lose when I am not exercising. I know that you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound, but I think exercising regularly gives you more discipline to avoid the extra food calories.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member

    I have been taking magnesium for a while but I have a can of chocolate salted caramel macadamia clusters on the shelf that I keep eyeing, and I don’t think the magnesium is helping me there. But then, maybe it is since I haven’t succumbed to them.


    I consider any temptation you've passed up or postponed.. a BIG victory. Maybe you should just open the can, put the clusters in individual sealed baggies and have ONE a week as a treat/ reward for yourself. I totally believe in rewards. :flowerforyou:

    I did a whole half hour on my stationary bike today which is a big WHOOP for me; I usually give out after 20 minutes or less.

  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member

    Congratulations on the weight loss. I find it more difficult to lose when I am not exercising. I know that you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound, but I think exercising regularly gives you more discipline to avoid the extra food calories.

    Chuck, thanks! Its a long and uphill battle we are fighting, is it not? Onwards, however, we go! Laughing and screaming ????
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I will confess to doing NO exercise today.

    I guess if I really WANT to, I could make up for it tonight, but it's not likely. It's a kind of lazy lazy day for me and I'm taking a break.

    Do you ever have a day where you just "feel" skinnier? You've been eating veggies for days, avoiding chocolate, ignoring bread..
    the scale shows NO change, but you just feel... lighter and you can detect cheekbones and your wrists feel more slender?

    Ok ok. I am pathetic.

    I'm going to make dinner now... :flowerforyou:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Do you ever have a day where you just "feel" skinnier? :

    Unfortunately no.
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    I will confess to doing NO exercise today.

    I guess if I really WANT to, I could make up for it tonight, but it's not likely. It's a kind of lazy lazy day for me and I'm taking a break.

    Do you ever have a day where you just "feel" skinnier? You've been eating veggies for days, avoiding chocolate, ignoring bread..
    the scale shows NO change, but you just feel... lighter and you can detect cheekbones and your wrists feel more slender?

    Ok ok. I am pathetic.

    I'm going to make dinner now... :flowerforyou:

    No, you are not pathetic! I often feel that way despite what the scale may be telling me. Of course, it sometimes works the reverse way too....ie, I feel fatter and bloated than I did yesterday even though the scale tells me I have stayed the same, or even lost. Its very much all in the mind at times. ????
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Do you ever have a day where you just "feel" skinnier? :

    Unfortunately no.

    Well, I'm no more slender today and having only lost 3 pounds total, I can say that I was obviously delusional.
    Or maybe just hungry.
    Last night I dreamed I was eating a whole bag of potato chips. To my credit, I DID feel guilty about it.

  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    The thing I did right, or, actually, am doing right, today is not feeling guilty that I decided not to do my normal 3.5 mile walk. I woke up thinking I was going to do it, got suitably kitted out, went out the front door. And stopped. Suddenly I just didn't want to do this, not this morning. i have walked this walk each day for the last week. Normally, such a failure would result in lots of me-bashing, you know how it goes......what a wimp, you stupid woman, no will power, what a waste of space you are, etc etc etc. And then I would have felt so miserable I would have turned to junk food for instant gratification, read comfort, with the resulting weight gain. The old slippery slope again. A gain.
    SO, today I am feeling fine about my decision not to walk. I will make sure I do not exceed my calorie limit, maybe try for a little less even. And I will go to sleep tonight with a smile on my face. Tomorrow is another day ????
  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    What wonderful insight into your own emotional response to guilt. There is no rule that you have to walk today. You know the right choices for your body. Food is a false comfort that lasts briefly and brings more guilt. Thank you again friend for reminding me of my own freedom of choice.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I think sometimes, you just need a "break" in order to get your enthusiasm back for exercising.

    It's hard enough for me to work it up anyway, ha.

    I DID do my 30 minutes today *yay me* and I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday.
    I think crummy, overcast, cold, rainy days make my blood sugars go up.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :bigsmile:
  • dcnpaul
    dcnpaul Posts: 21 Member
    Today I created a new recipe to celebrate a long awaited weight loss. I had gone over 3 weeks without loosing any weight at all. I felt that I had to try something to get back on track and so I started to learn about macros, how protein impacts with weight loss, and micro nutrients. The short of the story is that I am back to loosing weight - not much today but almost a half a pound - I was really happy. Any way I created a recipe for Telapia fish cakes that really were great. Tasted great, only 100 calories each, and lots of protein. I fried them today but next time I will bake them and they will be even better.

    I have so much to learn, but it sure feels good to be back on track again with more knowledge, better health, and friends that really can help me live a better, smarter, leaner life!

    Thanks my friends,