General chit chat part 2



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly and Dward, I hope you're both feeling better!!!

    I'm usually sick this time of year and it lasts off and on to almost March. I'm hoping the lifestyle change will keep the worst of it away. I had strept A throat infections thrice last year. Kept going to the doctor and they would say "you can't get it again that quickly" Do a swab and we'll call you if its positive. Meanwhile, I can't talk, eat, work and trying to take care of 3 kids. Then they call and say get in here as fast as possible. @$%!!#$ lol! I'm allergic to penicillin, so sometimes the medications aren't as effective. :( Regular nasty colds, I use Tylenol daytime/nightime. IT's pretty good.

    So I crunched my car on Thursday! I was driving through an alley, to go pick up my kid, and came out the other side. I tried to stop and there was a car coming. Van wouldn't stop... van wouldn't turn. Unfortunately her van wouldn't stop or turn. We slid right into each other. The roads are so bad right now that I've almost been hit 4 times this weekend and people are driving crazy. Doesn't help on Saturday night it rained!!!! I was at the mall, came out and people were chiseling their doors open to get in their cars. We got pretty lucky but the roads were skating rinks. Drove home on the freeway 15km an hour. My mom got stuck on the other freeway. There is a hill on it after the bridge, nobody could get traction and were pushing their cars up it. Took her an hour and a half to get home.
  • hollyla9905
    I swear I posted yesterday!!!

    Pixy I'm sorry about your car... At least your okay and I hope your insurance will cover the damage!

    I am feeling a little better... I am medication free so far today but I just feel so slow and sluggish with I went shopping last night and it was awful and slow for me! I think I'm going to take some medication before the Christmas concert so I don't feel too badly! Anyways it's not really break time so I better get a move on my work!
  • hollyla9905
    I realized this morning that I had sort of slipped up the past few days and I was making excuses to myself for a little extra time with my fridge!! I didn't even realize it till I stepped on my scale and seen my number up .2!!! Really I know that it is not a lot but It made me think about the past week and some slip ups including logging properly! Yikes!!!

    So I reset my mind, put some joint and muscle cream on my shopping list and am going to work harder... Next weigh in I won't be home so it will be late but December is almost over and I have some lbs to loose :)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hi'all, Hi Holly,

    I've been having problems lately too. It was just so easy after the surgery to not even think about food, but that's changing. I'm hoping going lo-carb will help the temptations go away.

    You know that niggling whisper that goes "I'm under my calorie limit, so it won't hurt to have (oatmeal & sugar...)." But it's not the number of calories that are the problem. It's that they're carb calories. It is absolutely an addiction. Fighting now will make it unnecessary to fight later.

    I have 200 calories left today and hope they stay there. Thanks to all for keeping me honest.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I just noticed this thread and wanted to drop in and say hi. I'm new here and would like to get to know y'all rather than just popping in to post on the results page.
    A little about me...I'm 51 years old, I am a full time RVer who currently is managing an RV resort in Arizona where the snowbirds come and graze on too many planned food events over the winter. The Man and I have been together 15 fun-filled years and i've had this job for 4 seasons. Mark (The Man) is the original "I can eat anything and not gain an ounce" kinda guy. I smell food and gain weight.
    Over the course of our relationship and this job I've gained 100 pounds...most of them over since taking this job. Every day it seems like there is an eating event or someone brings a treat to the office. I love my life, but I was eating myself to death. I'm doing good with the changes I've made so far (though the next couple weeks terrify me).
    Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all and your stories. :)
  • hollyla9905
    Hi Leanna it was nice of you to pop in and say hi!! :)
    I have to admit I am a bit jealous it's very cold here right now and I would love to be somewhere warm!
    I hope you pop by often... This thread is just for anything and anyone!!

    Paula: carbs is a major addiction our bodies crave it and we need to learn to beat it down! That's what I find so funny about my job... I work in addictions where we say to people change is the only certainty.. Basically addiction is a behaviour choice if you don't like it change it... Yet I find myself at a restaurant double stuffing the fries after a fight with my husband last week... Really I know better! So yes the fight is now and change will happen but unlike most substances food of some kind is a necessity so we have to face our addiction head on many times a day.. It's like harm reduction instead of a cure...

    In saying that I have to admit it was way easier to give up drinking my doctor said no more booze or you will be dead in a few years I quit that day... My doctor tells me now no more sugar your killing yourself and I go eat a cake!!! What's up with that lol!

    Well I made it through the first of 2 birthday meals today we went to this cafe and I had chicken fingers and fries and took half my food home and then just had a cup of soup!!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Paula: I've always wondered how you control the appetite after surgery, when your body isn't fighting it anymore. Which type did you have?
    I find if I eat almost anything with processed sugar during the day, I can count the day as a write off. I just want more. The cravings are bad. Low carb is helpful. I did it for 2 years. But the cravings come back quickly if you slip too much. It always seems to come down to willpower. :(
    Leanna, hi! What a great way to spend your life and time. It sounds amazing. My dad's in Arizona right now. lol! The canadian migratory pattern. lol!

    Hollyla, How was the christmas concert? I love those things.... so sweet! :) Mine was last week too! I know what you mean about the addicting nature of food. It would be easier on us if we could give up food, but instead we have to be conscious all the time. Are you feeling better?

    So my food has been all over the place and my exercising has been almost nonexistant right now. I'm still losing (slowly) but I'm not very focused right now. Too much to do and too little time... and soooo tired. lol! I get to sleep in tomorrow, but I work to 1 tonight. :P
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hi, Holly and p1xyn2xy (what a cool nickname, by the way).
    I also started THIS weight loss journey when my doctor said I could lose the weight or start on the diabetes medications. I chose the weight loss. But I've needed to for a 51 I should not have osteoarthritis and a fatty liver and blahdy blahdy blah blah. ;)

    I completely understand about the cravings...sugar and carbs both. And I have no doubt that I was addicted to food. It seemed all my plans revolved around what I would eat when I went somewhere. I was even training those around me to feed me as a way of showing affection. Boy!! Let me tell ya...we are all relieved that I finally got my head out of my patooty and started showing some responsibility.

    But it's true that cutting out the processed sugar, and following a balanced diet with plenty of water and very little processed foods makes my cravings easier to manage. I'm at that phase now where my mind is trying to trick me with making "deals". I have been so good, I can do this or that, and I'm reigning it in. But the new has worn off and now I'm trying to get used to the idea that this is not a temporary fix but a change for life.

    I am so thankful for a group where I can find others who can relate to me because we face the same struggles.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hi all, Hope your colds have run their course and you're feeling better.

    P1xy - I had the sleeve. They don't know why the hunger goes away - but it comes back. I'm going to have to control it like before. If I eat a lot of protein and less processed carbs, my cravings diminish significantly. My doctor says proteins stick around longer - do you think that might help. The small stomach helps stop me before eating too much. It's really nice.

    Leanna - my mind does that thing with "deals" too. I made cookies for work and wanted to "see how they turned out" - right? You can guess what happened. Loaded up on protein today - trying to stave off the cravings before they get a foothold.

    But I feel so stupid. I knew better - why did I give in? It's like you said Holly, you can hear one thing the doctor says, but not the one about sugar. It's so strange.

    Thank you all! And strength to us all!
  • hollyla9905
    Hi all!! I am feeling a lot better... Tonight I made it through my husband coming home after 12 days gone and his work Christmas party!! I think there is some long lasting changes going on here and I am so happy, the meal at the party was controlled it was a dinner theatre thing so I ate their portions and enjoyed it! Then I split my desert with my husband and I drank a full glass of water too!!
    This is my second fave thread! I think I am so glad to have people to share and understand!

    Christmas is so close only 3 more dinners for me to make it past lol!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    This is my second fave thread! I think I am so glad to have people to share and understand!
    Which is your first, Holly?
  • hollyla9905
    My first fave is The non scale victories it's so inspiring to hear the little things that make us feel better... Like sitting in booths again... Yay :)

    So I survived my Christmas dinner yesterday it was Chinese food and a lot of junk food! Not one bite there was healthy so I tried my best picking rice over breaded and deep fried food.... Funny thing is both my husbands dad and his brother in law are diabetic too and Canadian Chinese food is bad for diabetes for the most part all those sauces and deep frying... The only dish that had veggies also had mushroom and some nasty sauce I tried to eat it but in the end I just ate my rice and moved on lol

    I however only had 1 cookie the whole time as well.... I find they don't appeal to me the same way! I have had baking in my fridge since Friday and I have had since Friday 1 half peanut butter square, some cracker brittle and one cherry cheesecake ball! Also my husband and I opened a bag of chips this weekend and between the two of us we still have chips in the bag!

    So we are now on the road to go to see my other mother for Christmas... (My real mom lives with me but my other mom is where my heart is home)... The road brings some new challenges though... Healthy food and the road trip junk food syndrome! I hope I do well so far this morning I had a cheddar cheese bagel :)
  • hollyla9905
    So we are heading home from our family Christmas and I am a little disappointed in myself because I did have extra sweets and more food then I needed but I am paying the price so I won't beat myself up much more after this... I can't believe how easy it was to slip back into that... And I didn't even drink on bottle of water over 3 days lol! So I am heading home and I only have one more Christmas dinner to make it through and I am cooking it so I have all the control which I prefer!
    I am learning quickly that I have trained my body to not eat at night and now when I do I get sick it's not fun :( hopefully I can learn from the last few days now though! I seen a picture of me from 2009 when I was 70 lbs lighter and I look at me now and think wtf happened to me... But I'm on that road back and I can't wait to get there!!! This past week was serious motivation!

    So I hope the rest of you survived your dinners and are ready to rock and roll!! 2014 is right by around the corner :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!!! If eating got a little rough... just remember we're human and let's get back to it!!

    So the Christmas holidays is over. It was a fun Christmas. My kids adorably spoiled and deliriously happy! Only a few tantrums from my youngest... amazing! A lot of my family went away to Mexico for Christmas, so it was delightfully uneventful with just my family and Mom over the holidays! Wow! did that take a lot of the stress off. We still have leftovers, but most of that can be used in moderation ( I'm already making turkey stock!). I made it through with a modicum of self-control and if I have a gain this week.... so be it. I have other plans for next week! :D Next week I have my brother's 40th birthday party on New Year's eve. I'll have to watch that... liquid calories oh my! Should be a blast though, my SIL went all out. I'm working today, but not really looking forward to it. Boxing Day at the Mall... busiest day of the year! OMG.... well I'll be burning calories tonight. lol!

    Paula, a lot of people of the website say to increase protein... it takes longer to digest and hence allows you to feel full longer. It can't hurt to try it!!! I was going to get the sleeve, but there is a lot of hoops in Canada that you have to go through if you want healthcare to pay for it. I'm on a list, but by the time I get in... it might be pointless. I'm doing pretty well this way!
    Hollyla, chin up... only one more dinner to go! :) Remember Christmas only comes once a year... we just have to minimize the damage. Get into January, we're in the clear!!!!

  • hollyla9905
    I'm glad your Christmas was fun Pixy!!!!!

    I got a gel filled pillow for Christmas I slept great last night hopefully I can tonight too!!

    So on Sunday after work I am leaving to go with my husband for a week in his truck! I am looking forward to getting away for a week but I am scared of not having any meal control at all!!

    I will update as often as possible!!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly, have a great time w/ your hubby. It must be nice to get the one to one time. Enjoy it and don't worry too much! :D We'll all be here to cheer you on when you get back! :)

    I'm baking cakes today for my brother's 40th birthday party. I'm making it 2 tier, white on the bottom and chocolate on the top. It'll be decorated in fondant in a poker game theme. Also making about 40 cupcakes. I had fun there: orange cupcakes, raspberry lemonade, rum and eggnog, goldschlager and chocolate and orange chocolate ones. I'm baking today, prepping tonight and I'll hammer out the decorating tomorrow. So much fun!
  • hollyla9905
    Little stop in while my husband loads his next load... It's been a long trip the food choices are awful the truck stops have fruit and veggies salads and what not but they don't look appealing or safe lol I am choosingn to avoid deep fried foods as often as possible and try to not get in his way... We were set to bring in the new year at a truck stop but he caught a load going to northern British Columbia and that sounds exciting for me lol! I hope it's beautiful up there!!

    I miss my check ins hope all is well and everyone enjoys there evening!!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    We were set to bring in the new year at a truck stop but he caught a load going to northern British Columbia and that sounds exciting for me lol! I hope it's beautiful up there!!
    Holly, This is fun, travelling with you!
  • hollyla9905
    I am currently sitting in a sort of truck stop in this northern alberta town called Rycroft. It's crazy we have not even gotten to the mountains and we went up so many hills, tomorrow we get into some mountain stuff, I know we have a few Canadians so you may sort of know what I'm up against lol! I am not sure my tummy will agree to this!!! We did find some better places to eat and I have had chicken, turkey, Caesar salad and some other better for me choices! I am very much a step on the scale every day type and it's making me crazy to not know!!! I have not been able to take my mess properly due to lack of bathrooms and meal choices but so far so good... This is not the life for me but I think I would try and catch another trip with him in the summer to hopefully the east coast :)

    Anyways time to get some sleep with any luck we should be in BC tomorrow morning and I won't have to try mountain roads at night in this thing lol!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    This isn't our best season for travelling Holly! Which way are you going through the mountains? JAsper, Banff or Crowsnest pass? Crowsnest has the craziest turns but its all beautiful country. Have fun. Truckstop eating is tasty but not very kind. Good job being so conscious of it. :)

    Happy New Years!
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