General chit chat part 2



  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    What does it like to have a high sodium intake? I've seen logs with +250mg... I don't track the salt I use, still I really use very little
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    What does it like to have a high sodium intake? I've seen logs with +250mg... I don't track the salt I use, still I really use very little

    Ignaura, you may be surprised. Unless you are using all fresh fruits and veggies and fresh cut meat products without poultry being infused with saline, there will be processing salt added. Sometimes a LOT of salt added.

    Start tracking it in MFP. You may be surprised. I have to be really careful not to go over 2500mg per day. If I eat a bit more processed food it will be possibly way over!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Ignaura, I don't track my sodium either. I'm trying to be a little more sparing with it though. The main thing (if you don't have any medical conditions) is it seems to cause retaining of water weight. You'll feel bloated and sometimes your hands and feet can swell a little. I'll probably start to pay more attention to it if I stall out. It is in almost every processed. I have never been in the green for sodium. :P
    Holly, that is incredibly brave. I have no desire to quit my Diet addiction... though I know it is lurking in the distance. Did you know that I quit for every one of my pregnancies. It would cause me to get sick. Though as soon as they were over. :blushing: Back I would go. I think part of the reason is that is very few low calorie options when you are going out and I don't process sugar well. Sugar makes me sleepy. Great job increasing water intake!!! I find that hard... I'm now up to 3 glasses a day. :smile:
    Etherlily, the Koffee Klutch sounds like a really fun group. What a great social activity.
    Clmcnett, It might take a little bit, but I'm sure you'll manage to find a treatment plan that'll balance things out. There are others on here with PCOS that are losing. Slowly but surely. :) And exercise is a great endorphin high! Good luck w/ the specialist!

    So cuddling w/ the hooligans did calm me down yesterday. Now I need to vent. I was working yesterday and someone was complaining in the kitchen that she was the lowest paid worker in the prep hall. I said probably not.. it was probably me. She said do you make less than $$$ and I said yes. She didn't say another word. Now I'm mad, I've been the second most senior person in prep hall and I'm the least paid. I was already mad because they brought foreign workers in that get paid more than me due to their contracts, but really? They can't keep local staff because the work and hours can be brutal hard sometimes. But would you stay if you were started lower than everyone else? Don't take me wrong, I love my coworkers (well most of!) and I actually love my job, but why am I getting less? I've asked my boss if my work was good and he said they were happy with it. I'm going to have to talk to him because I'm getting resentful. (I'm a slow burn and then I blow. :ohwell: )
    I'm going to talk to him tonight... if he's there. YUCK! :tongue:
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Clmcnet - I understand completely. They told me with my Latuda (my anti-psychotic) I should not really expect any weight loss or very little. I know it's an uphill battle, but I've got to take it on. I do better when I exercise as well. It helps to shake the cobwebs out of my head and allow my own thoughts to come through. I struggle with the usual arguments over exercising or not exercising on a daily basis, but more often than not I get into it, even if it takes me a couple of hours later than I intended. I've been dealing with depression since the start of psychotic episode back in August/September. I have my days when all I want to do is stay snuggled up with my cat in the bed and forget about the rest of the world. Some days it is as if I am in a dark, cold well clutching to the sides of the well with my fingers dug in so deep... For PCOS and metabolic syndrome I have been placed on a diabetic medication it has helped with the PCOS as I haven't had a cyst now in years. I'm lucky the rest of my numbers are alright for the most part. My triglycerides are high but as long as I'm on my anti-psychotic that is going to be the case.

    I am doing alright over all. I considered not exercising today as my legs are still so very sore from last week, quads and inner thighs. I worked out anyways. It helped to ease up the stiffness in the muscles to get them going again. Mental health wise I am still struggling with the voices, but the visual stuff has tapered off a little bit. I have been trying some Jedi Mind Tricks on myself to keep focused on my goals by repeating them while I'm meditating after exercise. So far, everything seems to be working.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Etherlilly, I think that is so cool that your apartment residents are so connected. And how supportive that you have that at home. I applaud you for taking control of your problems and finding a way to live your life in a healthy, stable manner. I have some family members with mental health issues and know from their struggles, that it's so important to to accept and work with the situation you're in rather than getting frustrated that it isn't everything you might want it to be.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Clmcnett, I understand the soda/pop thing...I was that way with coffee. I've got myself down to one or two cups in the morning, but I still have nights when I want to make a pot and just get all wired so I can sleep. Which means I stay up and I don't do it.

    I gave up soda so long ago that I really can't remember when it was! I imagine I've had less than a half dozen sodas in the past 10 years. As with the caffeine in my coffee, I had headaches the first 2 or 3 days, but they weren't debilitating and they passed.

    If you don't mind a recommendation; make a deal with yourself that you will drink an even number of ounces of water immediately following each pop. It helped me slow down the amount I was drinking, helped keep my system flushed, and it wasn't long before I started to realize that the water taster better and made me feel more refreshed than the soda did.

    Also, remember that giving up soda is not a punishment. It's a choice that you are making that empowers you and is done as a kindness to yourself.

    Good luck.
  • hollyla9905
    Etherlily: I like the sounds of your coffee club, and dinner once a week! It's amazing how those costs can add up when cooking for others! We are surviving with cheap foods like pasta but it's hard! Your a very open person, I like that! It helps other people open up and than more support comes out! :) I have my sister (the one I'm currently feeding) who has major mental health issues, she is bi-polar with a depressive disorder so I can relate but I don't know how that must feel on the inside! Your awesome for coming here and opening up about it to us!

    : I love fountain pop more than the canned stuff, but I have to give it up! I am worried about the side effects of leaving my pop behind but I lived through getting rid of alcohol (clean almost 4 years) smokes (this I have had a few relapses lol) and now my beloved pop! I have high blood pressure and diabetes so I have to give it up. The headaches will pass clmcnett if you ever take that plunge! The problem is I hate water I have to train myself

    Pixy; it's amazing what we will do for pregnancy and than pop goes the baby and we go back to our bad habits!!!! But we are now feeding their little minds and being healthy is still very important!
    I can't imagine your frustration over making less than the others especially if you have seniority that's bull, I hope you fight for yourself! If you start to resent your work it will bring you down! Don't let them walk all over you!

    Leeanna: the deal with the pop is a good idea to throw out there! It's actually what I do! I put a can of diet Pepsi on my desk at work and I can't drink it till I drink my water... Most days I don't get the Pepsi!

    Today I am so tired my Niece screamed often yesterday we don't let our kids scream like that cause I am a mean mommy so it's hard for our house... My little guy is very routine and he is just off his schedule which is making everyone off schedule! I'm
    So tired I need a nap... To bad my work frowns upon napping
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Today turned out to be a rough day for me. I think it is a side effect from last night. I went to sleep thinking I had taken my meds but I hadn't. I am feeling pretty bummed out and the depression is wining. I keep telling myself I'll be in bed soon meaning it'll be a new day tomorrow. I made some poor food choices, but it could have been worse. I got my schedule all messed and that little bit of disorder brought my day down pretty quickly. But in the words of Winston Churchill, "If you find you're going through Hell, keep going."

    I hope everyone is doing alright. No secret clubbing of the walls with ten-day-old fish or having a staring contest with the spiderwebs!

    Night, everyone.
  • hollyla9905
    I hope this morning was better and you got back on track! It's great that you recognize those signs!

    I'm half way through my week of company, I need some sleep almost wish I was back in the truck with my husband!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Etherlily! I hope today has left you in a more positive frame of mind.

    I'm so tired... trying to do the Shred w/ my husband around our opposite schedules, has me staying up even later or getting up earlier. Normally I take a mid morning nap, while my 3yr old watches Dora but today I had parent and tot dance class. SOOOO TIRED! lol! Might have to take an siesta this afternoon, I work tonight till midnight. blah!!! Didn't get to confront my boss because he wasn't there. I've had to cool my jets till today. Hopefully I don't chicken out... I've had too much time to fret! I invited all the kids of my son's kindergarten class to his home party. I must be crazy. It's so cute though... he wants a rainbow party. Now if only half can't come. lol!
  • hollyla9905
    Pixy you make me glad my full time kids are older... Though I miss the cute toddler stuff! Your a very busy momma :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Holly: I don't blame you. I am still amazed at your strength to get through this week.

    Pixy: He does sound cute. I have a one-year-old niece. She's not very talkative yet unless she is trying to get my cat's attention. Then she just keeps saying, "Hi. Hi. Hi..."

    Today I am doing better. I slept in this morning, not too much, but a little bit. With the sleeping in I adjusted my meal times to match. I am baking some bananas with a tbsp of "fudge" sauce in the middle, sprinkled with coconut (found the recipe in a book). I have to make my own dinner for the get-together as the option was a cheese and pepperoni loaded personal pizza. I got a perfect score on my housekeeping inspection. 3 more perfects and I go to quarterly inspections. Now, to get my toning in I'm logging out for a bit.

    Take care everyone. We are all powerful individuals. We've got this.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Etherlily glad to hear you are doing better this morning. great job on the housekeeping inspections!

    Pixy, I'm actually headed to my bosses office right now to ask for a raise, I'm scared to death. She sent my evaluation to me earlier this week and it's 'exceptional' so, I hope I can use that as leverage.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Pixy, I'm actually headed to my bosses office right now to ask for a raise, I'm scared to death. She sent my evaluation to me earlier this week and it's 'exceptional' so, I hope I can use that as leverage.

    Good Luck Crystal!
  • hollyla9905
    Etherlilly: I am glad yesterday was better!! I am curious about the inspections? Do you live in supportive housing? You can tell me to mind my own if you want!

    clm: how did the talk with the boss go? Did you manage to negotiate a raise?
    Pixy: have you talked with your boss yet?

    I have 2 days 2 nights than my company goes home! This mornings husband was around to take the kidlet to school so I slept in and enjoyed some peace, and he is doing the laundry so I don't have to :)
    I hope everyone is enjoying their week
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I got a RAISE and PROMOTION!
    Being a part of MFP and this group has helped me gain my self-esteem back while losing :)
    Thanks for your support in this!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I got a RAISE and PROMOTION!
    Being a part of MFP and this group has helped me gain my self-esteem back while losing :)
    Thanks for your support in this!

    That is freaking awesome! I am so happy for you!

    Holly: Yes, I do live in supported community living dedicated to those with mental illness. I have my own little apartment and a fair amount of freedoms. I still have some rules that others struggle with such as no overnight guests without a 72-hour written notice and not for more than three nights a week. I have to sign-in and out when I go somewhere, but I get free rides to the grocery store if I sign up to go. We have a treadmill in the building that I can use as long as the community room is open. There is a computer with Internet access and an exercise bike one of the tenants donated along with TV. Generally, for outings each person pays his/her own way. We have staff here from 8 am to 11 pm on M-F, and 9-8 on Sat/Sun with a dedicated caseworker for the building. We tend to be tight knit because we have all been where the other person is or might be someday. I am in a different program than the rest and have more intensive management, but it doesn't really bother me.

    Today I am starting off kind of low. Or rather I started out alright but got bummed out by the DFS call as my last job is still claiming I work there even though I haven't been there for weeks now meaning I may not get the assistance I need. I am trying very hard not to worry about it using the thought stopping methods, but I am so frustrated. Every month since August it has been something else. It seems the paper work is never going to end. I am just feeling heavy today as if my brain isn't getting enough oxygen to keep my muscles going. I am looking around for something to give me that kick of motivation to get back at things today, after all, tomorrow is my weigh-in day, which I'm kind of excited about. I just need to pull my mood back up.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly, that's great that your hubby is home to take some of the stress off the situation. And to let you get a bit more sleep. Not too much longer and your space will be your own again. Actually I see your point... I don't like it when someone messes with my day to day routine. Holidays are different but everyday.... :noway:

    Crystal, that's Fabulous!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! But then you know you're worth it!:wink:
    Etherlily, Paperwork is horrible and so is government bureaucracy. You'll get through... just sometimes there is so much red tape. :tongue: That sounds like a pretty great community that you live in. I'm glad you found something so supportive and still gives you independence. :) Great job on the inspections! If someone checked my house today, I would fail. :blushing:

    I had my niece over this morning. She's 5 and plays so nicely with my daughter. They're so cute. My house looks rampaged though. I DID say they could play with anything but my eldest's LEGO. lol!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Holly, your rest sounds so very nice. Im so happy your DH is being so sweet!

    P1xy, sounds like you told them the house was fair game :laugh: . Was trying to talk to a friend and her grandkids were squealing in the background, and they sounded just sooo adorable.

    clm - Congratulations!!!

    Etherlilly - I hope you are feeling better. I don't know if this will apply to you, but one of the things that helped me out of a funk, was volunteering to help others. It helped keep my mind off myself and felt wonderful to be able to help people who needed it so badly.

    It's been an odd/sad day today. Will share just one story:

    Driving down main street, saw a dead bird in the road. But what was shocking was realizing the brown clump in the other lane was a live bird. Circled back and sure enough, it was a female starling. As I pulled up at the curb, it fluttered to the sidewalk. It seemed hurt. I decided to move the male bird's body out of the street to keep the female from going back there. As I drove away, another pair of starlings dove through the sky, probably a mating pair. Very sad.

  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I got a RAISE and PROMOTION!
    Being a part of MFP and this group has helped me gain my self-esteem back while losing :)
    Thanks for your support in this!
    Congratulations! Way to be in control!
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