General chit chat part 2



  • hollyla9905
    Crystal: wtg on the raise and promotion, it pays to speak up for yourself! I am glad you are finding your self confidence.

    Etherlilly: your location sounds ideal for someone trying to handle their mental health! I work in an addiction and co-occurring mental health residential treatment center so I am a big fan of community is method.
    A great way to lift your mood is go take it out on the treadmill exercise is a great way to life your mood or beat out your frustrations!

    Pixy: I have a Lego lover too in my house oh my if the little ones ever got into the Lego.....

    Paula: sounds like an emotional day! It's amazing how some animals show such fearless commitment... People should learn from that! And it was very kind of you to move the bird!

    Today my step daughter is having a minor surgery (adenoids removal) and my mom is having a minor procedure (a lump is being cut out of her forehead) so we split in different directions cause my mom is not ok with needles and stitches and will be a pain later to take care of! My husband took his daughter and I get my mom! And than My step-son is coming over for the night and my other son is going to his dads for the night and my oldest daughter is going to her friends out of town for the weekend! It's going to be so busy tonight!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks Everyone!

    Holly - you sound very busy, hopefully it settles and your mom and stepdaughter do well with these surgeries. Your stepdaughter is probably older than my baby girl, but my daughter had to have tubes put in her ears at 12 months. When she came out of surgery it was like she was a lovable drunk. Funniest thing to watch her smile and hug everyone. The nurses said babies normally come out of surgery extra cranky and scared.

    Tonight I'm taking my husband to the Brew-Ha-Ha. It's a bunch of Michigan breweries bringing their wares in to the civic center for sampling and 3-4 comedians entertaining. I've never gone, so this should be an interesting evening! My hubs loves craft beer. I'm going to stick to water :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Clemcnett: Good plan to stick to water. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun.

    Holly: It is a good place. We live in a neighborhood with a bunch of college kids so it tends to be entertaining in warmer months to watch them party on their roof tops.

    Paula: I'm sorry to hear that it was that kind of day for you. Seeing the birds like that would have broken my heart as well. I found an injured bird once and called for assistance and was told since it was just a standard city bird I should just snap its neck. If it had been something "special" they would have done something for it. I sat with it until it could take off in flight again. I didn't know what else to do but just be there.

    Pixy: After Christmas I can't imagine what would happen to my apartment if I gave her free reign of things. She scared me when she was trying to play with my weights directly above her head. I hid them in the cabinet to keep her from getting to them. She and her younger sister were adorable to watch though even though every time I turned around the eldest was spilling soda or juice! The oldest is five and the youngest is 18 months (16 months adjusted age as she was a premie).

    Still feeling down. I've been exercising, but it is not shaking the down feeling. I know it is due to the depression I've been dealing with the last couple of months but some days it seems heavier than others. I do take my victories where I get them though. I ended up with another victory today as I found I have graduated from monthly to quarterly inspections. I won't have another inspection until April! Next step is to be allowed to hold my own medications followed by going to transitional support putting me one step closer to actually being in the independent program with the rest of those in the building.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Etherlily, Even though you're feeling down ... good job on keeping an eye on your goals! Sometimes that's what keeps us moving in the right direction. :happy:
    Holly, I hope your SD and Mom's surgeries went ok. Gotta love it when schedules go crazy.
    Crystal, I hope you're having a great time tonight. It sound like fun. :drinker:

    I'm feeling a bit down, my exercise and food is good, so I'm not sure what is up with me. Maybe still the work thing. Anyway still got a case of the blahs! Normally I would drown this feeling with a bag of potato chips. Darn that sodium challenge today.:grumble: Anyway off to get ready for work.
    Everyone enjoy your weekend!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Went to see "Frozen" tonight with my sister-in-law. When the promo for "The Lego Movie" came on, she whispered that she knew a couple nephews who were going to be thrilled. Sounds like some of your kids feel the same way. :)
  • hollyla9905
    Oh my son wants to see the Lego movie!

    My Cassie's surgery went well and My moms procedure went well though she is not tolerating the pain at all because she is a suck!

    At the end of the day yesterday I ended up buying myself subway and locking myself in my room and watching netflix! This last week just kicked my *kitten* I really needed a time out! (That's how I blew my sodium) i followed my sub with a bag of microwave popcorn! The good news is I picked a lot wiser than my initial reaction which was to get fat greasy burgers and fries and lock myself away with that! The subway and popcorn was still under calorie goal -barely but I was!

    Today is a new day and shopping day so I am going to include a weekly whiteboard to plan meals out and I am going to do so sodium watching as well!

    The best part about a bad day is that a new day is always just around the corner!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Great job Holly. A win is a win, and this one may look small, but it is huge! Learning to modify a knee jerk behavior to a healthier one, even if it isn't what some people call "great" is a powerful step.

    Big pat on the back to you.

    P1xy, the blahs are certainly going around. I'm fighting them right now too. Not fit company, even on the boards. So, I'm going to go log in my "gain" for the week and get away from the computer for most of the weekend. The gain was once again a manifestation of a dying battery in the scale. I went to the doctor Tuesday for meds for this cold that just won't end. I got on their scale: 16 lbs more than I weigh at home. Normally this number is 8 lbs. Went home, changed batteries and sure enough, not only was I up again, I was back over 300 lbs. So this week is kind of a wash as I cover ground that mentally I had already covered. Call a Waaaahhh-mbulance for me. :sad:

    Gonna go check the loss thread. I should get lots more happy stories there to boost my morale. :wink:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    At the end of the day yesterday I ended up buying myself subway and locking myself in my room and watching netflix! i followed my sub with a bag of microwave popcorn! The good news is I picked a lot wiser than my initial reaction which was to get fat greasy burgers and fries and lock myself away with that! The subway and popcorn was still under calorie goal -barely but I was!
    Holly, that is so exciting!

    Learning to eat right (and training ourselves to automatically make those good decisions) may be the most important skill in losing and maintaining a weight loss. And that is precisely what you did.

    Major props to you!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    So this week is kind of a wash as I cover ground that mentally I had already covered. Call a Waaaahhh-mbulance for me. :sad:

    Gonna go check the loss thread. I should get lots more happy stories there to boost my morale. :wink:

    Sorrry the week didn't turn out for you in the way you expected. It could just be caused by water and other things from the cold that's lingering. Our bodies are fickle things in the area of weight. You made it through the week and that is important.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Oh my boys are dying to see that movie especially the eldest. :happy: We'll probably go with my brother and his girls... They want to see it too. :smile: Had my niece over again today and we went to Lego time at the library. They were so funny and cute. They make creations and the library puts them on display till the next Lego time.
    Todays going ok, but I'm about thirty over. Zumba will be taking care of that right quick. lol!
    Holly have fun with the menu planning. It might make your life easier.
    Dan, that's a bummer and seems like dirty poker.:angry: Evil scale.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member

    If you're interested, medical balance beam scales are extremely accurate and don't need batteries. (Like the ones in doctor offices.) Derek and I invested (a couple hundred dollars, but worth it) in one several years ago and I still love it to death. Ours is Detecto, but there are a lot of good ones out there. (My husband doesn't need to lose weight but watches his health and supports me a lot.)
  • hollyla9905
    Dan I'm sorry your week was full of the blahs to! This must be some kind of post New Years thing! I couldn't imagine how I would feel thinking I had done one thing and finding out I didn't! You will get below 300 soon because you have crazy determination! Our bodies trick us when we are sick! This bug going around is a nasty long lasting crazy bug! I know we live far apart but we have had similar stuff!

    Well this craptastic week is over we all got something to look forward to next week!

    You guys and gals are awesome thanks again and again
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I had a couple of call with the automated system through DFS and it seems everything is settled with the assistance I receive. I am incredibly grateful for it as I would not be able to survive without it. When I get to independent status I won't need as much but right now my allowance of 200-dollars simply doesn't go far with co-pays, cat supplies, household supplies, food, transportation, phone, utilities, etc.

    I am feeling better today than the last couple of days. The bug I've been fighting for about a week zapped me hard yesterday. I woke up with pain in my chest every time I drew in a breath and having severe asthma I take respiratory symptoms seriously as I have had to be hospitalized a few times because of it. One time I entered what is determined an unrecoverable asthma attack where there was nothing that seemed to stop it. They hooked me up to a machine to breathe for me and pumped me full of drugs. I was younger when that happened. Long story short: I didn't do anything but gentle Yoga yesterday to keep from stressing out my lungs.

    Today to see if I could I walked a 5K. It took me 76 minutes, but I did it. :happy: Stress has resolved itself. I am back to pestering friends and back to eating normal again. I could only swallow soft stuff yesterday, not a reason I like to have for eating ice cream. :laugh:

    Well, that's enough from me, don't want to bore y'all!

    Happy Sunday everyone! A new week has begun!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Great news Etherlily, I bet that is a load off your mind. Sorry you were feeling rough... it sounds like you're on the men though.:flowerforyou:
    Holly, Its a new week. How are you doing? The houseguests still there?

    I ate really badly yesterday and I have no idea how much. Went to a restaurant chain here... they've been around for over 20 years. Ordered an appy to split with the family, jambalya over rice and 1/2 of an apple tart for dessert. Wasn't actually that bad because I made some good choices but I knew I over ate. Came home to log it all and they don't supply the nutritional data... not here, not when I googled it. It is driving me crazy. I worked crazy hard at Zumba to make up for it but I have no idea. I'm not going to eat there again. I am so mad. :mad:

    Everyone have a great day!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    It feels almost caught up at work; which is to say the special extra stuff is done. Just need to catch up on the regular workload which piled up the last two weeks. But at least it's getting manageable.

    I've dreamed of having workload caught up but in ten years it's never happened. Better than nothing to do though. A loooong time ago a person hired me because it made him feel important to have someone sit outside his office. Boy, was that interminable!

    Have today off. Going walking around Pescadero with a friend. Nice. :happy:

    Happy MLK day!
  • hollyla9905
    Glad to see the new week is starting out better for you Ether! 76 minutes for 5 k is not A bad time!

    Pixy: a few of my fave restaurants also don't post nutritional so I look it up for other places and than pick an a average range! It's not the best but it's a safer than not knowing at all for me!

    My house guests are gone, my husband is back to work (this is wise for him he was a naughty husband and I am really angry at him still) so he is safe for now! By the time he gets home I will have forgiven him totally!
    So I was stressed out mad at my husband and had to deal with a friends death all in one breath! I made it! I am here, I had to much bread today but ate well otherwise, no cardio, I got glass in my foot and can't step down on it and limping is not comfortable!

    I hope everyone has a great week and we all have a loss!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly... wow so much going on! Hope your foot is ok!
    Paula.. it must be great to get through the worst of it! Must be a bit of a weight off your shoulders. (lol! sorry pun unintentional)

    I finally got a chance to talk with my boss. First I told him that I love my job. Then I told him that I felt insulted and hurt and that I didn't appreciate it, especially after I've been there for 5 years. He told me he was working on it and that I was in the top five to get a raise. I told him that that didn't make it ok that I got paid less that someone that just started and that I understood what he was saying. He said they had to offer that to stay competitive. I said that didn't make it right and that he made me feel of no value. (I was not there to ask for a raise... I was trying to get validation for my work). He said he was working on it. We'll see, but I feel better for talking to him. He really is a nice guy... but that doesn't make this ok. :ohwell:
    Maybe now I can get rid of this dumpy mood I've been in. :cry:
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Ouch, Holly! Sounds like you had another Monday! I hope things are better soon.

    Pixy, I did that this evening with Chinese food. It's one of my weaknesses. Plus, I had lots of work and totally blew off my workout. I'm doing two of them tomorrow as penance. ;)

    Way to go, Etherlilly! A 5k in that time sounds pretty good! Heck! A 5k sounds good in any time!
  • hollyla9905
    I thought I posted to this yesterday and apparently not :)

    Pixy: I'm glad you talked to your boss it's very important that we stand up for ourselves! In the end he at least knows your not please with the situation!

    Thanks Leanna they are more better now! I finally got a really good sleep and it helped!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Sounds like everyone is dong well!

    Holly, sleep does amazing things :yawn:

    Pixy, talking with the boss is hard, but it's a great feeling knowing you stood up for what you believe in. I hope he gives you what you deserve!

    Etherlily, a 5K is amazing! Great Job!

    My work has been hectic. It seems like things keep breaking down or shipments are delayed due to weather or customs. This keeps me busy making sure my customers get what they need and production doesn't stop. It cost $1500 to expedite a pail of material from Tennessee to Michigan to keep production rolling. I would've gone to pick up that thing if I could for that payment. I just shake my head at stuff like that. I guess I cant really complain, they allow me to wear jeans and t-shirts to work, only dressing up if I have to go to corporate headquarters.
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