General chit chat part 2



  • hollyla9905
    We were in pine pass, it's up north starting in Dawson Creek (mile 0 of the Alaska highway)

    I couldn't handle it, I cried I was so scared for part of it... I am not cut to be a truck driver... I toyed with getting my license just so I could have it, but after this trip I know I couldn't do it. :( truck drivers don't cry when the roads are bad... It took is so long to come back out of the mountains that we got stuck missing our load today and now we can't get it till Monday! Monday is going to be an awful day for my husband as he has to drive for 13 hours straight I am already missing another day of work! We planned this so carefully but there have been so many weather systems that we just couldn't push it... In our last 2 hours on the road there was about 40 cars in the ditch!

    I am glad we are just late and not wrecked!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is having a good start to their new year.

    Holly when do you get back? Hope you're having a good trip. If you can't keep your husband home, it seems nice that you can go with him and at least see what he's going through. Will help you have that in common too. Do you sleep in the truck? When I travel, I take a bag of protein powder (and almond milk, that can sit out) and turkey jerky. Good handy proteins.

    My weight this morning was 201. I was hoping never to see a 2xx again after hitting 199.5 last week. But lately it seems I bounce around a couple of pounds for a week or three (stall?) and then drop a few. Still believing this is just temporary and that I'll be comfortably ensconced in Onederland in the next month or so.

    Physics dictates if you eat under 800 calories a day, you must fade away. So physics gives me faith. (Don't tell that to the clergy though - LOL!)

    I used to lose a bit of a pound every day. That's why it was so fun to weigh daily. It never stopped amazing me, seemed like it should be unrealistic. But despite the disbelief, I was spoiled and got used to it. But it's okay.

    Looking forward to hearing what you all are going through.

    I'm back to work tomorrow. Won't be able to spend as much time at MFP. See you later. :wink:

  • hollyla9905
    I am finally home :) We did sleep in the truck and unfortunately are in the truck!!! I had to go a whole 10 days without my scale... As soon as I got home I ran to my scale... I can't be sure but I think I didn't wreck myself completely lol!!! I of course won't record till Thursday!

    I am so tired I can't wait to go to bed!!!

    :) enjoy being back to work Paula!!! I go back tomorrow too
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly welcome back!
    I had a post but I accidently deleted it, I'll try again later. :tongue:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    P1xy & Holly, We're the only three posting here for the last couple weeks - our own private post hehe.

    Holly welcome home, hope you're rejuvenated.

    I saw a flock of peacock (peahens actually, all female, no big tails) - about a dozen of them grazing on the side of the highway. It's ranch area, lots of cattle and horses (and foxes and coyotes and bobcats...); and obviously they are not native, so maybe somebody's pets survived and are breeding.

    I went back thinking they might be wild turkey (which are native). But yep, peacocks. So I stopped to take their picture, but every time I took a step, they took two back into the brush and clucked at me. They blend well into the woods, so the pictures turned out pretty abstract, not very recognizable. Still cool though.

  • hollyla9905
    I think it's great when people stop by here say hi, vent, or talk about something great, even if it's only a few of us who do it often :)

    I find everything about my day effects the bottomline and my intake and scale so I might as well lay it all out!

    Paula how was your return to work?? the peacocks sound amazing to look at, we have some up here the wonder around our zoo freely and they are so neat to watch, I don't know much about them but they must be able to survive a lot of different conditions to live in manitoba!

    Today was my first real weigh in since like the 27th and I was pleased to see I had not gained weight on my trip... Even though I was eating not so great foods I was eating less and apparently those cold runs from the trucks to the bathrooms made a difference... Worst part was the cold bathroom trips...

    So January had officially kicked off for me and I am going to make it a great month!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Paula and Holly! and everyone else! lol!!! Come on folks, tell us how your doing! :happy:

    I used to see Peacocks wander around when I lived in Vancouver. I used to drive 0 rd to work (runs paralllel to the states) and I would watch chickens and peacocks run back and forth over the border. Not as well patrolled as you would think w/ all that illegal crossing. lol! Why did the chicken cross the road? Border Shopping! (I think I'm over tired.) The peacocks were gorgeous (these were the males) but made such a mess of traffic.

    I've been doing the Shred with the hubby ( his idea to work off some christmas cookies) and Zumba during the day to get the extra calorie burn. With that the kids, activities and work... I'm so tired.
    Anyway ttyl!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member

    I've been so out of MFP, but still keeping my healthy habits. My trainer set me up for a challenge that will require full track of my meals... so, here I am!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    And we are glad to see you back Ignaura! Glad to hear you have been doing well!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Ignaura! I've missed seeing your posts! Welcome back!
  • hollyla9905
    Hi Ignaura it's always great to see you :)

    I'm super stressed out... I kept messing up stuff at work and I don't have time to mess it up because I'm so far behind from my extended vacation!
    But I am taking a break so I thought I would check in, say I think my life is about to get tipped upside down and I hope my newly ingrained healthy values are strong enough! I survived the truck now if I can survive the sister :)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I'm super stressed out... I kept messing up stuff at work and I don't have time to mess it up because I'm so far behind from my extended vacation!
    But I am taking a break so I thought I would check in, say I think my life is about to get tipped upside down and I hope my newly ingrained healthy values are strong enough! I survived the truck now if I can survive the sister :)

    Think about it this way. Will eating poorly make you feel better? Really feel better? Probably not, but continuing your good habits will give you something to focus on to be proud of and if you really focus on it, may help relieve some of the stress.

    Don't let the sis get to you (says the man who's family can push his buttons in under five minutes!) We are all pulling for you!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    My sodium counts are getting pretty high. I am worried about water weight, but at least it is just water. I know it is one of the two points in my cycle where I naturally retain more water. My other main worry is how the anti-depressant I was just put on will impact my heart. The most common side effects involve high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. While I am glad it doesn't come with the common side effect of weight gain as my anti-psychotic does I worry about my heart. To date there is nothing to indicate there is anything wrong with my heart, but I don't want that to change. My grandmother had already had her second heart attack at my age (36). My uncle at about this age had to have a bypass done.

    I struggle with my own doubts but as I have schizoaffective bipolar type (a form of schizophrenia with a mood disorder) I have voices in my head that are very rarely nice to me. It seems at times I am being hit by my own "stinkin' thinkin'" and the voices with the two confirming each other. I am doing my best to remember the three C's though: Catch it, Check it, and Change it.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    I've been so out of MFP, but still keeping my healthy habits. My trainer set me up for a challenge that will require full track of my meals... so, here I am!
    Hi Ignaura, Props to your trainer. Tracking is such a great tool!

    It's amazing that peacocks live in Canada, you guys. Even the geese migrate to warmer climates. Ah those feathers must be great insulators.

    Holly, I'm back to work from two weeks off and hustling to dig through the piles. Keep thinking I'm gonna catch up, but it just never happens. Is your sister visiting? Whatever your challenges, I'm thinking strong thoughts for you. Best wishes!

    Glad to hear more voices. Always fun. :smile:

  • hollyla9905
    Dan, I would have said that the food makes me feel better but you really put that into presepctive.. In the long run it will make me feel worse...

    Paula: my sister is staying for a week on a trial separation from her husband. We have a rocky past...and she is best friends with my husbands ex wife... awkward!

    Etherlily: thanks for stopping in and opening up! Sounds like you have some big challenges on a day to day basis! I have a understanding on Mental health disorders and know that you will have to work double hard, but an overall healthy lifestyle can benefit you in so many ways including with your mental health! I hope you find some support here :). I can't imagine the frustration in trying to balance your meds and your body! I understand bring scared to take stuff that effects your heart but all the more reason to take care of yourself and lower your risk of heart disease! If you didn't discuss your weight loss plans with your doctor make sure you do especially while on different meds! Lowering your sodium will significantly lower your risk of high blood pressure!
    I hope you feel like you can stop by often :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Holly: My doctor knows of my weight loss plans. All of my doctors know, but I get a lot of "You need to lose weight" followed quickly by "You can't really expect to lose much weight on your meds" when I mention my struggles. I had been on a blood pressure medication there for a while as it suddenly spiked really high about two years ago. I was taken off the med a few months ago as my pressure started to get too low. It's still something I cautious about. I should return to monitoring my pressure in the morning and the evening. I am trying very hard to watch my sodium. Most days I do fine, but yesterday I finished at around 2,100 mg of sodium. It has started out high this morning. I am being more mindful as the day goes on and adjusting my meals to ensure I come in closer to what I should which I know is essentially a 1:1 ratio of calories:sodium.
    I hope your stress eases up some. If your world does get tipped over we'll be here for you.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly, that sounds like a whole lot of stress coming your way. But Dan's advice sounds better than anything I could think of. Remember if it get rough, you can always vent on here. lol!
    Etherlily, It sounds like you have a good grasp of what's going on. Just remember to follow you own plan. :D
    Paula, the peacocks were only in the Vancouver area. It is the mildest temperature zone in the country, I believe it is the also only temperate rainforest in the North America. It's a nice place to live if you like RAIN!!! lol! I hope you getting caught up at work. :)

    I'm feeling a little curmudgeonly today, I thin I'll go and watch Monster's University with the kids. Should cheer me up!
  • hollyla9905
    So far I am handling my visitors, I worked Saturday so I was out of the House all day and than Sunday was a lot of house work! This week hopefully does not get out of control, I think things are going well! Our meal planning has gone downhill some as I am trying to feed extra people every night and it's cheaper to make extra rice than to make extra meat!!!

    So I started to force myself to drink extra water with nothing added like crystal light and I have finally got myself worked up to 1 water bottle a day (3 cups). It's great, now my plan is to start to add 1 more bottle with crystal light in it just to keep myself hydrated while I break my soda addiction! I Love my sodas (always diet of course) but it's time to love myself more and I just need to break that cycle!

    Thanks for being supportive friends :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Holly: I have weekly gatherings with the Koffee Klutch in my apartment building. We meet every morning for coffee and chit chat with Weds as our dinner nights. We all take turns hosting, but on those nights when a person is hosting it takes more effort definitely to make extra for people without breaking the budget, financial or time. I don't think I could do it for more than two nights in a row though so I applaud you and all of your effort.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    As I read the posts and replies of encourgment, it's like I'm reading a conversation that I started! WOW!

    Etherlily, I struggle with sodium intake. There are days I think I'm doing ok and when I look at the food diary, it's showing something different. It's very frustrating. I'm seeing one doctor after another right now trying to find a 'better' diagnosis. Right now it's treat the PCOS and the Metabolic Syndrome and the rest should fall into place. At the same time the dr is telling me some of my medicines make it next to impossible to lose weight. Depression play's a major role in my life. When I exercise I do and feel great. When I dont, I spiral fast.

    Holly, pop/soda is hard for me to break. But I love to drink water too, it's the fountain pop that gets me. I fear the headache that comes with quitting.

    I go see an endocrine specialist for the Metabolic Syndrome next week. Hopefully I'll have some direction and ideas on how to beat this medical issue.
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