General chit chat part 2



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    It feels almost caught up at work; which is to say the special extra stuff is done. Just need to catch up on the regular workload which piled up the last two weeks. But at least it's getting manageable.
    Boy, that was premature! Leanna & Crystal, sounds like you're hustling too.

    Holly, So glad you got some sleep and feel better. Extremely tough couple of weeks for you...

    P1xy - Can you ask your box why that's what it costs to get a new person to work there; and not what it costs to keep an experienced person? Can you quit and let him pay you that to be hired back? So wrong!

    Etherlily - Fabulous running accomplishment
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Paula, I'll give him the time he says he needs to make it right... if he doesn't I might do that. OR just get a new job. This might be life telling me it's time to make a change. I just didn't want to do that until my littlest is in full day school. :tongue: But he'll do something... he's not a complete twit... he know I'm upset and he doesn't want to lose me. I've got crazy experience and prefer to work shifts others just don't want.
    Crystal, that's crazy! But if they need it done... that's business. If you don't mind me asking what type of business do you work for?
    Leanna, did you do your penance? :laugh: Sounds like everyone is crazy busy at work right now!

    I'm working on my son's rainbow birthday cake today. Each layer inside the cake is going to be a different color. I'll start to decorate it today. His party is on Saturday and I have 15 6yr olds coming to my house. :noway: He's so excited! His birthday is during Christmas holidays but we always hold the party in January so we can get some kids to show up. I'm going to house cleaning and decorating and going crazy for the next couple of days. The thing about this age is all the kids still come with parents!!! Yikes!!
  • hollyla9905
    I feel like I have so much to say but the brain to type function seems dead!

    I will check in tomorrow when I have a clear thought
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    P1xy - a roommate said he wanted a white cake. So his girlfriend (an artist) gave him a white frosted angel food cake (on the outside).

    It turned out she had separated the batter into four-or-so bowls and added probably half a bottle/each of food coloring to each bowl; and ended up with red, yellow, blue & green. Then she poured them into the mold a bit at a time, so that they were in layers and swirls but the colors didn't mix with each other.

    The result was a cake so intensely colorful inside, that everything that went through my stomach came out dark green for days!:laugh:
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Pixy, I did not do my penance. :(
    We had a shift change at work and now I'm even busier...but that just sounds like an excuse, which it is. Thank you for asking me about this though....I love the accountability and I WILL pick the pace back up on my workouts.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I just wanted to sneak in and say 'hi' to everyone! I hope all is well :-)
  • hollyla9905
    Good morning/ afternoon :)

    I can't believe how cold it got again here! I hate the cold weather and I am ready for some warmer weather! We don't expect any though! I don't want to live somewhere hot year round just getting tired of waking up to see -35 on the weather!

    Does everyone have a busy weekend planned?

    I am doing laundry and housework today and than tomorrow I have to work in the morning and go to a cheer competition in the afternoon! It's not so fun but I am hoping it turns out good!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hi Jess!
  • hollyla9905
    Sitting at the cheer competition... It's crazy how this girls can move! I think I might be the only cheer mom on the board but if you have ever seen the cheer movies or that tv show it's pretty much just like that! Crazy stuff!

    So because I am here all day I had some extra snacking, but I also climbed 3 flights of stairs without having to stop and catch my breath!

    Hope everyone else has a great Sunday
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi Paula! I hope you are well :-)

    Holly, I hope you're enjoying yourself at the competition. WTG on the stairs! That is awesome! It sounds like you've had a busy weekend, I hope this evening you get a chance to relax and have some down time.

    I spent Friday and Saturday at a high school debate tournament (I'm a judge). It was a lot of fun, but they're always exhausting. The fact that my hip popped out of place and kept me awake all Friday night and I got less than 2 hours of sleep sure didn't help, LOL.

    Today is homework, and it's also a good friend's birthday so we're going out to dinner this evening to celebrate!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    This weekend has been crazy busy. We had my 6yr old's party on Saturday. 15 kids in my house, 7 extra adults accompanying. The cake, decorating, cleaning, running the party and monitoring the kids. My house looks like it exploded! Sheesh! I loved it... they are so cute and young. The girls so vocal and bossy, the boys so sweet and active (positively vibrating!). I think I love this age. It went great! Doodle is soooo happy, he's still smiling! Then I had my nieces over for a sleepover. They got to watch a movie and have popcorn. The three older ones fell asleep but my daughter and youngest niece were up to almost eleven. lol! Playing hide and seek in my closet. I worked today and got out on time... first time in about 7 months. January is the slowest time of the year for us.

    The weather has been crazy warm for the last 2 weeks. Most of the snow has melted and the roads are clear and the alleys a slushy mess. Got my car stuck twice in it. It was +7 yesterday. Tonight it's supposed to drop back dow to -24. LOL! I can't really complain because that's where the weather is normally at this time of year.

    Holly, that cheer competition sounds interesting! I saw the movies... if its like that-> it must be so much fun to watch. Those girls (and boys) are true athletes! Great job on the stairs.
    Hi Jess! That's pretty neat, how do you become a judge at a debate tournament? Have a great time tonight!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Wow! It sounds like everyone's weekend has been a bit hectic. It sounds like your little one had a fantastic birthday, I'm glad to hear that! Six is such an awesome age. I'm glad you got out of work on time today at least :-)

    My best friend did debate back when she was in high school, and transitioned to a judge after she graduated. Now, she's an assistant coach for one of the local teams, and last year she got me into judging, also. I absolutely love it! I never realized how many different styles and forms of debate there are, and I love getting to learn different events and how to judge them.
  • hollyla9905
    Okay I am done being cold, I am done with my knee aching so bad I can't even go down the stairs and I am done having cold feet! I want to live someplace warm! All I want to do at the end of the day is warm up this is has been the coldest winter I remember in a really long time :(
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    I hear you! I'm sure it is worse for me having lost so much weight. I used to sweat all the time regardless of the weather. This year I freeze. On the other hand, the office heating system is broken so I get colder as the day goes on and set the heater to 78 degrees in the car on the commute home. Brrrr. Thank heavens I don't live somewhere really cold!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I'm and oddball. I've considered, seriously considered, moving to Alaska. I can't really stand too much heat. I've barely turned my heat on this winter despite subzero temps. I just like it better cooler as it makes being snuggled into the bed that much more enjoyable at night. Of course, I also have a little black cat that curls up on my shoulder by my ear to help keep some warmth in.

    E. Maelyn
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    I come home and turn the heat on. Then my husband gets up from his nap and turns it off. A few minutes of cozy, maybe half an hour.

    Not bad in California though. I really should't whine. :ohwell:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Crap I was just looking out the window and its snowing hard! :tongue: I have to drive my daughter to the other side of town this morning for our dance lesson. Better get a move on there's a layer of ice under that fine layer of snow. SO MUCH FUN! :sick:

    I find that the more I lose the colder I feel. I used to boil under the covers at night. Now its getting better. Except now I have to layer more to go outside.
  • hollyla9905
    I understand that there has been below season so I can imagine I'm not the only one feeling it!

    Pixy I don't want it to snow there... Mostly because that means it will come here

    This week slipped a little bit but I think I am staying strong! I went to the store and got more fruits and yogurts and I am really drinking lots more water now! I hope that me and my scale can be friends after this weeks weigh in!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly I'm more than happy to share, I'm scheduled for off and on snow all week. lol! I'm ok with it since the temp isn't bad at -14. This is almost unheard of in January and February. Didn't go to dance class... baby woke up fussy and I think she's come down with something. She took a nap all by herself and that girl has a phobia about napping... didn't eat much lunch either. :( Fingers crossed that it is a fast one.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Oh no Pixy! I hope your little one is feeling better.

    The snow is blowing all over here in Michigan, plows cant keep the back roads clear because of the farm fields. Schools keep closing.

    My mom is supposed to be coming from Ontario this weekend, she is snowed in, and the roads are closed between her house and the 401. She's stuck in her house right now, she's remodeling this 150y/o home in the middle of nowhere and her husband is stuck at the old house still working and trying to sell it. I would not want to be my mom right now, alone in what I call the 'haunted mansion' Her new house gives me the creeps - but it is beautiful :blushing:

    I just hope she makes it this weekend, I bought my mom and grandma, Kenny Rogers concert tickets for Christmas and we are going on a girls night out!
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