Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    i guess its really this weeks "punishment" and then the "group exercise" that are frustrating me... I am not one to give up too easily... so i have been doing all of these lunge based exercises as punishments.. (im not really supposed to do lunges and squats at all bc of my knee).. I just keep pushing.. my knee hurts all the time... And now this week.. this inchworm thing... yeah... im too freakin fat to do that. There is no way in Hades I can reach the floor let alone heft my weight across...

    yeah.. just ignore me I guess.... Im fat, Im angry, and Im demotivated.. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    I'm very sorry you feel this way I will help you out with this and do them all for you. I understand how it is with your knees, my left one just kills me all the time because of how much weight I am. but we are here for you as a team to help you. Just think about how far you have gotten, and how much you have done over the last few weeks. your doing amazing, everyone is and I keep coming back to this group because everyone is so friendly and supportive.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    i guess its really this weeks "punishment" and then the "group exercise" that are frustrating me... I am not one to give up too easily... so i have been doing all of these lunge based exercises as punishments.. (im not really supposed to do lunges and squats at all bc of my knee).. I just keep pushing.. my knee hurts all the time... And now this week.. this inchworm thing... yeah... im too freakin fat to do that. There is no way in Hades I can reach the floor let alone heft my weight across...

    yeah.. just ignore me I guess.... Im fat, Im angry, and Im demotivated.. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    I can understand not being able to do an exercise. Thats why if there is an exercise that has to be done, but you can't physically do it, find a modification or choose a different exercise of similar difficulty. We dont want anyone getting hurt doing something they shouldn't.

    My first challenge was last year this time, I was 130lbs bigger than I am now and you can bet your *kitten* I did alot of modifications and substitutions. Everyone of the crunches and situps I did were on my ab pro machine cause getting on the ground hurt, all my pushups were girlie (still are most of the time) Heck, I still have to do modifications on a few things so don't get discouraged.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    TJ I think it's amazing that you have lost 130 pounds in a year!!! That is amazing! I have been here 665 days and I have lost 4 pounds. I can't get my act together. I can't get out of my own way. It is no ones fault but my own, that I have been so unsuccessful. I should be able to do these exercises. But alas I am still the same weight that I was almost two years ago..

    I need an intervention. I need to spbe sent to a fat camp. Maybe I need to have my mouth wired shut. Believe me, all of those things have crossed my mind.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    @ TJ - Way to go! That is awesome progress. Your pics look wonderful - may we all be so healthy a year from now.

    @Funky - It is hard to learn to eat differently. Emotional eating seems to be especially hard to deal with. I don't know what you have tried already, but I would be consulting a doctor, a therapist and a nutritionist if I couldn't lose weight after six months. That just doesn't seem fair and it makes me wonder if there is another issue that you needs to be addressed that will make the weight loss get kickstarted.

    I need to look up this new challenge exercise as I have never heard of it before. I've never done the inchworm before, but that sounds straight forward in concept. However, it may not be so easy to do in reality.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hey guys, I thought we were going to be the winners this week and quite honestly, Kim is right. With our large group number it seems to be nearly impossible to get the number one spot. We kind of knew going in to this being on team Carol that we might not even be a part of the season and just hung on to hope that we would be. We did however do the best we could possibly do and like Carol, we are often overlooked for the many things we do. So, I'm giving you guys a break and changing the rules a bit since you have done so exceedingly well. Instead of coming up with a group exercise you can trade in your punishment this week for an exercise of your choice. You all are winners and deserve a break.

    Now since I know this team likes to push themselves, I challenge you to do the punishment plus a exercise of your choice. You are only required to do one. With that being said, let me know what exercise you will be choosing.

    For me, I will go ahead and try the punishment and add the curtsy lunge(cause I kind of like them and they are easier on the knees).
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Howdy everyone!

    Sara - thank you for choosing me for MVP, and I am tickled that we share that role this week :drinker:

    I thought we would have won, boo hoo! :sad:

    I don't mind the punishment, It is doing the full push up, I still do "girly push ups," but I will try.

    I have to look up a curtsy lunge?

    Funky - sorry you are having a rough time. We are here for support. Do modifications to exercises!! Even when you are taking an aerobics class, or working with a training they modify it to meet your needs. :smile:

    TJ - congratulations!!!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 1 Monday 3/24/14, check in:

    Cardio: 100/250 (Aiming for the 600 club!)
    Strength: 15/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 45/135
    Average calorie intake: 1/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9#
    Punishment (current) = 0/5 (inch worm)
    Challenge (curtsy lunge) = /5
    Exercise of choice = /5
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hey, you guys are tricksters! I didn't know you voted for me for MVP too! Thanks so much. :blushing:

    I just did 20 curtsy lunges now I will attempt the inch worm thing. I feel polite when I curtsy.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Team Carol may not be able to be a week winner because we have too many people. But look how awesome we are and now much we support each other. Forget getting to choose a punishment challenge. That's lame, we are so much better than that! We win more! Only 190 posts to Team Carol part 3!!

    So my week is crazy because it's spring break, kids are home and we're traveling! Yayy! So I'll exercise but it'll be fun exercise.

    Monday- rollerskating(90), pilates(45)
    Tuesday- Bike ride(45)
    Wednesday- off...unless going through the airport with a 100lb kid that can go dead weight any minute counts ;-)
    Thursday- Swim(120)
    Friday-Swim (60)
    Saturday- What does 2 hrs of chasing kids through an obstacle course count as? Either way I'll be exhausted and sore!

    Looks like I'll be 500 for Cardio but only 45 on Strength...I'll try and squeeze in some strength tomorrow, but I have some cardio I can trade out if someone loves Strength.

    I'll do inchworms and curtsy squats. And maybe planks and burpees....5 minutes a day for 5 days would be 25 more minutes of strength, hmmm.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I figured out what happened to Beth! She was kidnapped and taken to The Following! Hopefully she fairs better on our season finale than she did on that show.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    TJ I think it's amazing that you have lost 130 pounds in a year!!! That is amazing! I have been here 665 days and I have lost 4 pounds. I can't get my act together. I can't get out of my own way. It is no ones fault but my own, that I have been so unsuccessful. I should be able to do these exercises. But alas I am still the same weight that I was almost two years ago..

    I need an intervention. I need to spbe sent to a fat camp. Maybe I need to have my mouth wired shut. Believe me, all of those things have crossed my mind.

    I do work hard, I join every challenge I can because I know that I lack individual willpower. I also have food issues that I have a hard time overcoming. I didn't do this all on my own though. I have a wonderful weight loss center that continues to support me after my surgery and they provide support groups and advocates to help me whenever I am having issues. I have met alot of people here on MFP that kick me in the *kitten* when Im slacking off because they know I need it. :heart: SARA:heart:

    We all have good and bad days - I just try really hard when I have a bad day to do better the next day and not beat myself up, because I know that doesn't help me. You will find a way that works for you, I have no doubt about that.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I figured out what happened to Beth! She was kidnapped and taken to The Following! Hopefully she fairs better on our season finale than she did on that show.

    WHAT!!! I havent watched this weeks episode of The Following, but clearly now I have to - curiosity is KILLING ME!!!!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Sara - Im doing both the inchworm (which just looks funny) and 100 curtsy lunges (I seriously love those things)

    Thats my goal for the week - oh and to get back into the 400 Club. 500 seems to be my white whale, I might have to try for it again the last week.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I did those inchworms and boy did my family laugh at me! It's nearly a walk down push up only instead of walking back up, you walk your feet up. It's strange but fun and I don't mind doing them.

    Tinker, sounds like your enjoying the great outdoors with rollerskating and bike riding. Love it! Poor Beth! Where the heck is she? Someone from Terminus grab her? Maybe the leader of Terminus is looking for a queen?
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I am realizing that there are many things that demotivate us - sometimes those people are friends or family members. So I made an award to give out to them. I thought I would share it with all of you as some of you might need to borrow it. :laugh:


    Edit: To make the image smaller so it wouldn't cut off.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    I :heart: THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 2 Tuesday 3/25/14, check in:

    Cardio: 185/250 (Aiming for the 600 club!)
    Strength: 55/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 90/135
    Average calorie intake: 2/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9#
    Punishment (current) = 1/5 (inch worm)
    Challenge (curtsy lunge) = 1/5
    Exercise of choice = 1/5 (Tues = plank)

    Have a good night everyone!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Kawookie- love the meme!

    Sorry I've been a bit quiet. Work is really stressful this week and being on overnights isnt helping anything. I have confidence that I will get in the minimums but I dont see me getting much extra in.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I got to tag along to the aquarium this afternoon and walked after kids for three hours!! My kids are off of school this week, but I'm still getting some walk time in. Yay me!! LOL
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    We are at mid week already! How are you guys holding up? I see Kim is releaving some stress Buffy style, lol!

    Lara, sometimes maintenance is just fine and well deserved for you. Janice, you look like your doing awesome as usual and Hajen sounds like fun getting all that walking in.

    I'm going to be transitioning into my new job starting next week. Yesterday we made some pasta samples for approval to one of the local farmers markets. We should hear today. I didn't realize how hard it would be to get into a Farmers market. LOL! We made nettle ravioli with a lemoncello filling. We also made fresh basil and toasted walnut pesto. Let's just say, it was divine.

    I will work my clinic job just here and there next week and starting tues it will be all about the pasta. Not sure what hours I will be doing since we are renting a kitchen, we want to try to find a good time to not be interrupted by the other renters. It may be 5 AM. LOL! If so, my time here may be a bit limited but I will do my best to balance it.