Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    TJ - how are you?

    Funky - I don't usually count my cleaning, but I think it is okay.

    Peachy honey - how are you?

    Funky - I count cleaning simply because it gets my heartrate up, and sometimes I have muscle soreness the next day from bending and stretching in ways I don't normally do. It also requires alot of walking I wouldn't normally do. This weekend I am organizing a friends house and getting stuff ready for a garage sale - totally counting most of what I will be doing. Spring cleaning is a great time to get some extra cardio in while making your house seem fresh and new again.
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    I want to throw this out to everyone I know we are not at the end of our week just the middle but I want to nominate SaraAlexandre for MVP for next week because she has done so much for our team by posting our new challenges for each week, doing the totals to send in and I have seen some weeks she has hit over 700 in cardio :flowerforyou: She is a great leader to us.

    i 100% agree!!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    Coruscate- I totally think you can rock the week in 4 days! Plus we will always back you up if you fall a bit shy!

    Sara- ANOTHER TWD CHALLENGE?!?!?! Sign me up!!

    Thank you! THANK YOU AALLLL for pushing me for next week already and helping me out if i cant make it!

    and YES YES YES to another challenge!!! i was JUST telling someone last night how awesome this challenge is because its all workout/min based. it is really really nice to not have to stress about a weigh in.

    so if someone is starting another one.. count me in!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    I am desperately trying to find time to get my workouts in. We haven't been doing all the outdoor stuff I'd thought we would. So, this morning, my kids were begnning me to read another chapter of Harry Potter to them. So, while they ate breakfast, I propped my iPad on the island in the kitchen and marched, moved, leg-lifted, toe-pointed and walked in place for FIFTY minutes while I read aloud to them. Anything to get my cardio time in!!

    this is impressive! WAY TO GO! love the creativity!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Mid-week check in

    250 Cardio, 65 strength. No punishment done yet and no combat training. I will work on those tonight.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hello everyone, well I'm having a much better day, I did some cleaning and went thought my closet and got rid of all my old clothes or ones that are to big on me a lot of jeans one pair I didn't even take tags off of lol but I feel good about this. in a bit I am going to do some walking and zumba tonight, my goal is to get 10-15K in steps tonight.

    I want to throw this out to everyone I know we are not at the end of our week just the middle but I want to nominate SaraAlexandre for MVP for next week because she has done so much for our team by posting our new challenges for each week, doing the totals to send in and I have seen some weeks she has hit over 700 in cardio :flowerforyou: She is a great leader to us.

    Congrats on the closet clean out and getting rid of your old clothes. I did that as well and I remember how I felt, I felt exhilarated!!! This is a huge step in your journey and you should be very proud of yourself. I see Lara and Coruscate are also cleaning out closets.(I agree that it is most definitely extra cardio cause it's not an every day thing. A fit bit would agree) This must be spring cleaning time! First day of spring today and I know it makes me very happy!!!

    Thanks so much for mentioning to nominate me for MVP and Kim is right, I would never nominate myself! LOL! It feels really good to be appreciated and I thank you guys for that. I'm exempting myself because I'm the captain and I get enough inspiration from all of you anyway! This team ROCKS and I'm not exaggerating. I have captained and been a part of many challenges and this has been the most dedicated and determined team I have ever been on. You all should be very proud of that and hold it as a huge honor. I would be more than happy to captain you all again because you push me to do my best! Cindy, TJ and I are on board for next seasons WD.

    It looks like Coruscate, Bebubble and Hajenkatt may need some extra numbers this week and I'm sure this team can carry you. Do your best and make sure to check in with me early if your out of town. I can count you if you have any kind of check in on the board for the week. Just try and average your food goals and that's the only one I'm not certain of if you fail to check with me. If you honestly think you will be ok with your average then you will get a 3.

    I still need to do my punishment too TJ! I think a mini challenge is in order for the next few days. Instead of 3 60 min planks, we do 10. You in?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I still need to do my punishment too TJ! I think a mini challenge is in order for the next few days. Instead of 3 60 min planks, we do 10. You in?

    You're challenging me because of the chocolate arent you...mean. But totally doable. I have nothing to do tonight besides get my strength and punishment done. The rest of the week will be bonus everything!!!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    ill join the 10 plank challenge. dont know why... but itll be worth it. :D

    also... combat. what do i do for combat. i looked on fitness blender and found nothing... unless i searched wrong... but how do i get in 60 min? and what do i do?!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm in for more planking

    What else are lunch breaks for? Its not like I get a lot of food anymore :laugh:
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    ill join the 10 plank challenge. dont know why... but itll be worth it. :D

    also... combat. what do i do for combat. i looked on fitness blender and found nothing... unless i searched wrong... but how do i get in 60 min? and what do i do?!

    I do the youtube boxing workouts. There's several to choose from. Or do the boxing on my wii....
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    I just found this work out on youtube it was 10 mins but it said to do it 3 times so i did and boy am i sweating lol, I think I'm going to do this more because I enjoyed it and I think I may try a couple other of her videos.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    10 planks?! Ughhh count me in too. Gotta feel the burn right?

    I havent totaled my numbers for the week yet but I am done with cardio and strength. I need to get my combat in and half of the required punishment done.

    Happy Spring everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    How do you had a graphic on here?

    also just got back from one of my classes and we did 3 min planks 3 times:grumble: lets just say I thought I was gonna die haha but I am up to 13 planks is anyone needs any take them haha I'll be doing a few more tomorrow

    Everyone enjoy there night, and happy spring Strive and everyone else
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 4 Thursday 3/20/14:

    Cardio: 595/250 (Aiming for the 600 club!)
    Strength: 110/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 230/135
    Average calorie intake: 4/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9# --> no change this last week, frustrated but not giving up
    Punishment (current) = 11/4 (60 sec plank)

    Have a great night :yawn:
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member

    Cardio: 22 (15 elliptical/7 rowing hiit) = 111/250
    Strength: 125/100
    Calories: 4/6
    Punishment: 2 today. = 6/10
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Um, folks, can I count Sunday for food and omit today? I kinda had a big food failure today. We were celebrating and I lost my common sense. Bad kawookie! Normally I am pretty good about eating within my calories but not today.

    On the bright side, I am pushing 7 miles walked on the day :drinker: and dinner was fantastic. I came home and did 60 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of strength. I have one plank done, but my overfull tummy is not impressed with any of the core exercise I did tonight. :laugh:
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    ill join the 10 plank challenge. dont know why... but itll be worth it. :D

    also... combat. what do i do for combat. i looked on fitness blender and found nothing... unless i searched wrong... but how do i get in 60 min? and what do i do?!

    I agree with the other girls and fitnessblender has a few kickboxing ones. There is a Jillian Michaels one too on you tube. You can just squat and throw punches for an hour. LOL!

    Kim, you can trade a day for sure with food. Just need 6 day average. We have only 2 days left to get in our numbers. I hope everyone is doing great. Have a great friday!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    Please forgive me team! I have let packing and preping for my trip take over my nights and its been keeping me up FAR too late, which makes my AM workouts really hard, and, basically, nill.

    I am short on everything right now (except the 'official planks') I need to get in the 60 of combat, which i can spread between cardio and strength, and that will give my my minimums. If you think i can get away with squat punching kicking for an hour... ill see what i can to between today and tomorrow. might be a good little workout when i take little potty breaks.

    Sara... if by some messed up chance you dont hear from me tomorrow these will be my totals.... but i will do everything i can to get in that last hour!!!

    challenge: 250 cardio (60 req combat) / 100 strength / 4 x 60sec plank

    Sun: 30 min row (30c)
    Mon: 30 min swim (30c)
    Tues: Tabata (60c)
    Wed: lift (70st) + swim (30c)
    Thurs: Tabata (65c)

    complete: 215c / 70st
    Planks: 6/10
    challenge: 0/60 combat
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 5 Friday 3/21/14:

    Cardio: 655/250 (Aiming for the 600 club!)
    Strength: 115/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 250/135
    Average calorie intake: 5/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9# --> no change this last week, frustrated but not giving up
    Punishment (current) = 12/4 (60 sec plank)

    Couruscate/Sara - I think I have you covered, if you fall short. Is that okay, Sara?

    I still will be checking in on Saturday, so I will have more to add in.

  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Dang Janice! Screw the 600 club... at the rate you are going you'll probably hit 800! You rock!