April Challenge



  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Week 2 successfully completed! RAWR!!
  • Nancy33333
    Nancy33333 Posts: 32 Member
    Week 2 successfully accomplished. RAWR!!!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Week 2 Complete, it was close for a while :) Yay!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Week 2 complete!
    more than 30 active minutes every day but Saturday (yesterday) and more than 12K steps every day with more than 20k steps on Friday.
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    All done except yesterday, too much cooking and entertaining family to fit it in:(
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sorry I haven't updated sooner...

    4/14 - Squat 45#, barbell row 55#, bench 45#. 50 additional weight free squats, 51 sec plank, 4 min 25 sec wall sit, 2@ leg raises, and 8 45 degree push-ups. Alternated between squat and barbell row. Had to do bench all together.

    4/15 - 50 squats, 4 min 45 sec wall sit, 40 bicep curls w/ 10 lb weights, 51 sec plank, 9 push ups, 20 tricep dips, 50 standing calf raises, and 47 minute walk.

    4/16 - Squat 45#, OHP 45#, dead lift 2 @ 65#, 2 @ 85#, 2 @ 95 lbs, 51 sec plank, 25 leg raises, and 10 incline push-ups, 40 bicep curls 20#,

    4/17 - 80 min walk @ 3.5 mph, 61 sec plank, 5 min 5 sec wall sit, 10 push ups, 27 leg raises and 20 bicep curls 16#.

    4/18 - Squat 55#, Bench Press 50#, Barbell Row 70#. Also did Warm Up Reps Squats - 4x5 @ 45#, BP 5x5@ 45#, Row 3x5 @ 45#/1x2 @ 60#. 71 sec plank, 11 push ups, 30 leg raises, 30 bicep curls @ 20#.

    4/19 - 14,025 steps. 9,000 of them since 7 pm. My legs are gonna kill me tomorrow. Also 5 min 25 sec wall sit.

    4/20 - 92 minute walk @ 3.5 mph, 5 min 45 second wall sit, 35 leg raises, 12 incline push ups, 71 second plank.

    4/21 - Bicep curls 20# 4x10. Squat 45# 4x5, 60# 5x5. OHP 45# 4x5, 50# 5x5. DL 45# 2x5, 60# 1x3, 85# 1x2, 100# 1x5. 7 minute walk. 81 second plank. 37 leg raises. 12 incline push ups.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Made it, just under the wire, and only because my run(s) yesterday took so long that I didn't have time to eat more (also they managed to kill my appetite).

    Goal: Under 12000 (exclusive of long run fuel)
    Reality: 11794 (exclusive of long run fuel)

    I consumed 330 calories for my long run (1 gel, 20 oz Powerade, EAS light protein recovery drink)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I completed my 3 lifting sessions for the week. Feeling stronger. Also discovered that one of the bars I was using weighs almost 10 pounds more than I was allowing for, so my lifts have also been heavier than I thought. Made me feel a little less wimpy ;)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I completed my 3 lifting sessions for the week. Feeling stronger. Also discovered that one of the bars I was using weighs almost 10 pounds more than I was allowing for, so my lifts have also been heavier than I thought. Made me feel a little less wimpy ;)

    Woo hoo!

    Great job everybody!

    I met my goal too.

    As a reminder, I'm leaving on vacation next Saturday, so I'll post our update tomorrow morning, but it'll be two weeks before the next total.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Have a great Vacation!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Made it! :-)

    The long run is a hero. it is helping me to both goals. My run on Saturday burned 1400+ calories. And thanks to that same run, I need all the stretching and rolling I can get, which helps me to goal number two!
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    Made my walking goals.... barely!
    What a crazy week of vacation. It was hard to fit it all in. Glad to be back to routine.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    We came in at 94% for week 1. I have three people missing so far this week.

    I think I'm going to do an extra credit challenge next week to ensure that the group as a whole will meet our cumulative goal.
  • kekeleeks
    kekeleeks Posts: 74 Member
    I met the challenge:

    Mon: 13,004
    Tues: 6,175
    Weds: 10, 991
    Thurs: 14, 552
    Fri: 12, 901
    Sat: 19.459
    Sun: 5, 889

    Total: 82, 971!!

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I met the challenge:

    Mon: 13,004
    Tues: 6,175
    Weds: 10, 991
    Thurs: 14, 552
    Fri: 12, 901
    Sat: 19.459
    Sun: 5, 889

    Total: 82, 971!!


    Woo hoo!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I met the challenge:

    Mon: 13,004
    Tues: 6,175
    Weds: 10, 991
    Thurs: 14, 552
    Fri: 12, 901
    Sat: 19.459
    Sun: 5, 889

    Total: 82, 971!!


    Woo hoo!

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    4/22 - 12 incline push ups, 40 leg raises, 61 min walk @ 3.5

    4/23 - Squat 45# 4x5, 65# 5x5, BP 35# 4x5, 45# 5x5, Row 35# 2x5, 45# 1x3, 55# 1x2, 65# 5x5. 91 second plank. 3 min 45 sec wall sit.
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Just wanted to check in and that I'm still on board. My week in the field was very challenging at times, but wonderful overall. I'm struggling to meet my goals this week due to lingering exhaustion and extra long work hours trying to deal with crises that occurred while I was out (9 am to 11 pm yesterday, woohoo!). Still, I'm getting there. Kudos to all of you out there kicking butt!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Extra Credit Challenge: Monday, April 28 - Sunday, May 4

    If you do a cumulative total of 100 burpees -or- 5 minutes of stretching for each of 5 days, you will earn one extra credit point for the group.

    We are at about 93% and need to bump up our score by a few points to meet goal. Who can dig a little deeper and get the group where it needs to be?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    4.24 - 11,800 steps

    4/25 - Squat 3x5 45#, 1x3 45#, 1x2 55#, 5x5 70#, OHP 4x5 45#, 3x5 55#, 1x2 50#, Deadlift 2x5 45#, 1x3 65#, 1x2 90#, 1x5 110#

    No burpees for me, but I should be able to do some stretching.