Where is everyone?? Ghost Town Group...



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Just finished up burn circuit 2, I forgot that I really dislike that one. It makes my back hurt, and my triceps are just sooooo weak :(

    Clearly I don't do the dead lifts right, need to work on that.

    I have tap class this evening, so didn't add any cardio to the end of my workout, I believe I have turbofire 45 tomorrow though :heart:

    Everyone seems to be doing great, so let's keep it up ladies!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Just finished up burn circuit 2, I forgot that I really dislike that one. It makes my back hurt, and my triceps are just sooooo weak :(

    Clearly I don't do the dead lifts right, need to work on that.

    I have tap class this evening, so didn't add any cardio to the end of my workout, I believe I have turbofire 45 tomorrow though :heart:

    Everyone seems to be doing great, so let's keep it up ladies!

    I love the deadlifting but man when you add the rowing it really makes it hard. I always have sad back after that one also.
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    I agree that deadlift with the row is a Killer! Today was BC2 for me and a run tonight.
    Stephie turbo 45 is one of my favorites.
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    Ruby how far along are in the push Phase? You are doing Awesome!
    Awesome Job Everyone! :drinker: :drinker:

    I am not doing any of the turbo workouts but would love to hear more about peoples experiences with them.

    When I started Push I felt the same way about not working as hard due to not having the compound moves but once you get going you will notice you are working just as hard if not harder. It took me a little bit to make sure I was using heavy enough weight to fail within the reps. My arms burn for hours after I am done so I know it is working. I have hit 30 lbs weights on lower exercises (I never thought I would use 30lb dumbbells :noway: )

    I have heard when we get into the Lean stage we will do some compound moves again so I am looking forward to it.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    I think I am going to do a CLX/TurboFire Hybrid with weekend runs. I did Fire 55 EZ yesterday and LOVED (HATED) it. My abs are so SOOOOOOORRRRREEEE, so that tells me that it is exactly what I need, lol. I'd LOVE to drop the belly flab and have abs again!

    Not sure if I like the official hybrid - has anyone created one that they love? I'm a little clutzy, so I have to learn a new dance move slowly.

    CLX is not an issue; LOVE that program and do a workout from it here and there when I just feel like lifting. Just got my Chalean Extreme shirt in the mail from when I did the whole program at the end of last year! It's pretty awesome!

    Thinking about officially starting Monday - anyone starting a hybrid then? Feel free to add me, fitness support is always welcome!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think there are different TF/CHX hybrids out there. You just need to do what works for you.

    I think the one I had was 2 months of TF/CHX and then a month of mostly TF and then add back in the last month. I just did the 3/2.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    So it was 4 months long? Do you have a link to that hybrid? I'd like to check it out.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Bad eating day today and no workout either. I walked up some sand dunes so maybe that counts as something but the eating surely overcompensated for that :O(. Good news is my butt is sore from yesterday's workout. Always like to know I worked something in a workout!

    Back at it again tomorrow!
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    Today was BC3. I was suppose to do Friday but instead did a wine walk and drank lots of different wines and ate lots of unhealthy foods. Now today when I did BC3 It was so much harder to get through after eating all that junk. Anyone else notice this?
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    You may find something you like at this site.
    What I follow is the 3 CLX strength workout then add 2 runs or a Fire workout from TF. I plan on adding in the TF HIIT workout soon.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    You may find something you like at this site.
    What I follow is the 3 CLX strength workout then add 2 runs or a Fire workout from TF. I plan on adding in the TF HIIT workout soon.


    It was the "Janelle" Hybrid. schedule.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hello. I wanted to join the conversation. I'm starting the Lean Phase tomorrow, and have been doing the other 2 phases over the past 13-14 weeks. (About 2 sessions/week instead of 3, due to my schedule.) I like to alternate the days with cardio, and like Pipsg1rl, I'm doing some running now too for cardio, and I see some others do too.

    I really want to give the Lean Phase my all, and aim for 3 sessions a week, instead of 2. I love the muscle I've built, but despite hearing the Chalene's encouraging words each week, I still need to get my eating in shape.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    You may find something you like at this site.
    What I follow is the 3 CLX strength workout then add 2 runs or a Fire workout from TF. I plan on adding in the TF HIIT workout soon.


    It was the "Janelle" Hybrid. schedule.

    THANKS, I'll check it out!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hello. I wanted to join the conversation. I'm starting the Lean Phase tomorrow, and have been doing the other 2 phases over the past 13-14 weeks. (About 2 sessions/week instead of 3, due to my schedule.) I like to alternate the days with cardio, and like Pipsg1rl, I'm doing some running now too for cardio, and I see some others do too.

    I really want to give the Lean Phase my all, and aim for 3 sessions a week, instead of 2. I love the muscle I've built, but despite hearing the Chalene's encouraging words each week, I still need to get my eating in shape.

    You are about to be starving...LOL! I don't remember how long the sessions are, maybe 45m?

    I keep coming back to this program over and over.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Ruby how far along are in the push Phase? You are doing Awesome!

    I just started my week 4 of the push phase, I had one bad week in between so I had to restart.... I should be starting the lean phase this week but that is how it goes.

    I am feeling a little burned out on the cardio workouts too I will take suggestions from the group and maybe do some of my own cardio days on those days (running sounds like a treat) the weather is getting nicer here and I think that would make it more enjoyable. Still not really losing any weight but I think it is due to not being strict enough on my diet. :blushing: I am seeing very good toning results even without the scale going down much. I stopped weighing for now because I don't want to get discouraged.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    I just started my week 4 of the push phase, I had one bad week in between so I had to restart.... I should be starting the lean phase this week but that is how it goes.

    I am feeling a little burned out on the cardio workouts too I will take suggestions from the group and maybe do some of my own cardio days on those days (running sounds like a treat) the weather is getting nicer here and I think that would make it more enjoyable. Still not really losing any weight but I think it is due to not being strict enough on my diet. :blushing: I am seeing very good toning results even without the scale going down much. I stopped weighing for now because I don't want to get discouraged.

    I'm not losing. I thought I was but then this weekend I partied :( Yesterday was the 2nd Push 1 so I'm wondering if it's that "new program body rebellion" phase.

    can't wait for lean!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi ladies - I was off work last week studying, so I forgot to check in!

    Did pretty well - only missed one workout, which I didn't think was too bad considering it was exam week!

    Have had to go low carb (suspected PCOS diagnosis), so am laying off the workouts this week to let my body get used to the fewer carbs it now has (and the lots of fat :love: )

    Will try and get some yoga in, as well as the miles of walking I do daily, but don't want to push CLX too hard and burn out.

    Hopefully will be feeling energetic next week and be able to pick up the big girl weights again :laugh:
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    I am going to be starting my 4th round of CLX on Monday. I would love to post here for accountability with you guys. This is such an amazing program. I have tried others but keep coming back to this one. I have since gained back all the weight I lost so I am basically starting over, but I know I will get great results again from this program!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    You are about to be starving...LOL! I don't remember how long the sessions are, maybe 45m?
    Thanks for the warning. That's a bit of a bummer. I love the short sessions. I plan on starting it this afternoon.

    Tracylee... Fourth round! That's impressive! The results ARE pretty amazing.
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey guys!
    I started Push phase this week. The burn phase was amazing for me! After doing Jillian Micheals body revolution and narrowing my waist line, I want it to focus more on my legs. CLX is doing the job. I can see a difference in my legs. They are getting more lean. And my butt is looking good too :) thank you squat and lunges. And one of the amazing part, finally got under 147 lbs, after years! My weight went up and down but never got under 147. And now it is. I couldn't be happier. I just have to stay on track. I will perhaps at the end of the program get under 140. who knows :)