May Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Reba, if you go to Goals under your Home, it will tell you the grams, but it doesn't graph it. If you go to Reports, you can run a graph for each category, but not percentages, in grams. There is a smart phone app that shows a pie chart for the percentages, but I don't think that is what you mean. If you go to Goals and hit "Change Goals" you will see the percentages.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Charlie, how do you calculate all that you do?
    Thanks, Claudine
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    Sometimes I use several different apps and equipment. I always wear a pedometer so that gives me my total steps and miles for the day. It will also give me cardio steps and speed, but, it must be 10 minutes without stopping. That is great for indoors, but not so good for outside walks with crossing streets, etc.

    So for outside I usually use MapMyWalk. I like it because it figures hills with the calorie burn, time, mph, and will pause when I do. It gives me distance and calories, but not steps, so I run another app on my phone called Walking Mate to get those steps at the same time.

    Finally, if I take more than one inside walk and one outside walk, I might again use Walking Mate if I'm inside and jot down the starting calories already on it and the number of steps. I will then use it with a stopwatch on my phone to get the time. I know distance because I will count my laps. So I figure how fast I went that way. If I'm outside I use MapMyWalk again.

    I am a statistics fanatic and try to be very exact. I never count the calories for my regular walking like at work or any walking that does not raise my heart rate. Those are incorporated in my TDEE with my activity level.

    I probably go overboard in calculating, especially since I try not to eat them back. But, I like to know where I stand and it is my way of challenging myself. It is just so good to feel good after feeling bad for so long!

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    Those are good ideas for Apps. Thank you for letting me know. Also your idea of walking indoors is so cool. No bumps or cracks, no traffic lights, great things to consider. We don't have an indoor track but I guess I could walk around the inside of the mall.

    I broke my ankle while we were hiking in Sedona, AZ. I know I'll have to get back on the 'horse' so to speak, but I admit I'm a little apprehensive about it. I always loved walking, I still have a long time before I can do that again but I am worried about walking outdoors.

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    May challenges

    Better my 5K time from 37 mins to below 35 mins - think I'm on the way, definitely running a bit faster, but won't time it until the end of the month.
    Lose a few more pounds - yes it is still going in the right direction. I've altered my stats to correct the blip when my scales went funny, so it looks like I've put weight on, but the general trend is downward.

    Do 10 pressups by end of month - not sure about this one - can do 8 now but they are not the best!

    Regardless of the challenges, I feel so much better about myself than I did 4 months ago - I have no choice but to keep going.

    Hope everyone else is doing OK.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    I know its mid month but I would like to join the challenge - you guys are so great. Ready - wait for it - Challenge (Goal) - exercise a minimum of 30 min each day but will aim for more (haven't moved off the couch in a year until I joined MFP 10 days ago) and to have lost 8lbs by the end of May!!!


    Well blew the goal of 30 min of exercise every day - missed 2 - one on purpose - gathered vitamin D and the other -livng got in the way- a day trip with friends-had a blast!
    On the plus-well actually minus-I lost 2lbs - so 2 more to reach my goal on that for this month of May

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    Mall walking is really big around here. There are whole mall walking groups. One of my MFP friends walks up and down the aisles of her supermarket and home improvement center. One day, I wanted some more steps, so thinking of her, I walked up and down the aisles at the library.

    It is easier to walk inside, especially on the track. So when you see those 4 mph, I guarantee it was inside. Today at lunch, I did hit all the lights right so I did do 3.5, but outside that is unusual.

    First you have to heal. You are doing great walking with crutches.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Hello Everyone! Just reporting that DH has had me out walking this weekend in the hopes I may be successful and meet my May goal of 15 walks this month! As of today, I have completed 13 walks at slow pace (to qualify each walk had to be a minimum of 20 minutes). I must admit that it was a bit of a challenge to make the 20 minute minimum at the beginning of the month, but it feels a little easier towards the end of the month. Congrats to all you gazelles :drinker: but I am trying to carry the banner for the 'Sloth Brigade":blushing:

    Cris, how is my other member doing :ohwell: as I recall you had a slight injury set back? Hope you are doing better? Cheers, Marian
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Charlie,

    Sorry, I didn't see this till now. I did find out we have a track here at the Y. But it's pricey and several miles away. I'm not apt to go in that direction so probably not worth the money for me. I do however, also walk up and down the aisles of the bigger stores, find it helps a lot. Someone told me that walking the aisles in Costco or around their building is a mile!

    If and when I ever go hiking again, I will wear my boots and not just sneakers, I don't care how flat or easy the trail is.

    Hi Marian,

    You're doing just fine. You don't have to over walk. You want to build up your stamina and so on. It's a healthy and nice thing to do for yourself.

    Happy Trails,

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Marian, you are really close to your goal! I consider a cardio walk only 10 minutes, so 20 is a really good walk! Nice that your DH is so supportive.

    Claudine, too bad about the Y (I know they are really expensive here, too), but Costco sounds like a good alternative. My Community Center is really fairly reasonable and has everything I would want.

    It is almost the end of the month.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Goodness - the end of May already - it has been an incredible month for me - turned 60, had great fun times with my daughters, good friends and hubby, met my goal of losing 8lbs but most of all I made some great friends here on MFP. I went on and on today with my dd while she was driving me to get new footwear to workout in, about all you guys and how supportive, motivating and crazy you were and how you have all helped me and kept me motivated and smiling.

    On to June it will be another great month - well except for those pesky June Bugs::ohwell: :ohwell:

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    wow - it IS time to report our May struggles and success... already?!?!?!? :huh:

    Reached my weight loss goal of 6 pounds (actually lost 9). Did really well much of the time on my walking goal, but not so much this week. My ankle has decided to let it's presence be known again. Hopefully I can get to the doc so he can get me on a round of treatment before I fly off to Wisconsin on Thursday...

    Somebody needs to start a June challenge thread (while I figure out what i'm going to challenge myself to..)
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone. Good job working on your May challenges. I didn't make my goal to loose 5 lbs. but I am down 4 so I am happy with that. :smile: I wasn't feeling well yesterday :sick: so I didn't get much exercise but I hope to make up for it today. Thanks for all your support & encouragement; it really helps and is appreciated. Alex
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I only missed a couple of days at over 10,000 steps and got up in the teens and once over 20,000 so happy with that!

    Didn't run as much as last month but that was due to on the whole very happy with my May Challenge Results

    Onward and Juneward!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    1. Reach 185 poundsby May 31 -- BMI below 35 (disqualify myself for bariatric surgery).
    2. Walk 100 miles for the month.
    3. Walk 40 cardio miles for the month.
    4. Lunchtime walks at least twice a week.

    Above were my goals that I set when I came back from vacation on Mother's Day. Here's how I did:

    1. Well, I sure didn't make the 185. I saw 187 last Wednesday and Friday morning I was at 193.5! :noway: I was at 190 this a.m. I'm assuming it is due to increases in working out and muscles pulling water in to help heal. Otherwise, who knows!
    2. I actually walked over 218 miles in May. (I didn't log two days either). I had well over 400,000 steps.
    3. I walked almost 93 cardio miles for the month.
    4. I walked more than twice a week at lunchtime and added a short resistance band workout this past week.

    I have had a lot of fun pushing myself with this challenge, getting to make some new friends, and getting all your support! You have all done so well and I look forward to this month!

    Holly, You didn't even mention that you have started walking! :happy:

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Congrats Everyone: just finished reading all your great posts and it made me so happy to see everyone succeed! Yep, even if we didn't all make our exact goal, everyone improved! Without joining in, I believe we might have not all seen such a positive May, yippee for us all :drinker: Hey, if we don't pat our great Group on the back who will? :love:

    My goal was to walk 15 times in the month of May (each walk had to be a minimum of 20 minutes). Well your resident Sloth started slow in the early part of the month, and needed a kick start from Jean and Ker (TK U buddies!) but had a total of 16 (yes, this is not a typo). 16 walks! My DH has to also be thanked because he also encouraged me and came along and slowed down to my blistering pace, MFP classifies it as slow, but to a Sloth, it was a blistering pace for sure! I got many words of encouragement from many of you (too many to name), so thank you so much! :heart:

    Well, off to the June challenge now, man not much time to celebrate our successes is there? :huh: Cheers, Marian
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    I'm a bit late here.
    Well done all who met their challenges or even went halfway to meeting them. Something is better than nothing.

    Managed mine(just) - my 5k time is just under 35 mins, can do 10 press ups barely and lost a few pounds. I'm now back down to what I thought I was at the beginning of May when my scales had a blip! So really don't feel like I have lost anything........

    On to the June challenge!
