May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    @Fittreelol Nice example, lol.

    @rugbyplayer 85 Thank you for the video! I've noticed when I video myself that I butt wink at the very bottom of my squats on some reps but it's not causing me any lower back pain and it happens very quickly so I am guessing it's probably okay.

    Last night was workout B for me
    Squats 115 5,4,5,5,5 I probably could have gotten that last rep on the second set but I have been working really hard on not leaning forward and I had a pretty sloppy fourth rep so I got kind of pissy about it. I would have repeated 115 next time even if I had done that last rep.
    Overhead press: 65 4,4,3,3,3 I was so bummed that these didn't work out for me because the last time I did workout B I had a few sets where I got 5 reps in. Deloading to 55 since it was my third fail.
    Deadlift: 145 1x5 I was only going to do 140 because I don't really feel like I can go up by 10 pounds on deadlifts so I was just going up in 5 pound increments. Dh told me to just try 145 though and so I did. I got through them and he said he didn't see any back rounding but I didn't feel super confident with them so I am going to repeat 145. I'm just going to stick with going up by 5.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'm a little embarrassed about my low weights but I'm new to SL and a bit of a little weakling but here goes:
    Squat-warm up, bar only. 5x5 @ 55 lbs
    Bench press: warm up, bar only. 5x5 @ 55 lbs
    BB row: warm up, bar only. 2x5 @ 50, 3x5 @ 55, 2x4 @55.

    Can't wait to DL on Monday.

    We all started with the empty bar or less! :smile: If you were already strong, you wouldn't need SL. Welcome!! :flowerforyou: :wink:

    @krok: so far, so good. I've read that it can be hard on your shoulder joint, so I've been adding weight slowly and using a shoulder-width grip. We'll see. Accessory work is really helping my OHP :wink:
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x5x115, 5x5x145

    OHP: 5x5x50 (I have to figure out a way to do this on the squat rack. Squat rack + sitting is not working so well)

    Deadlifts: 2x5x45, 1x5x75, 1x5x95

    Chest dips: 3x8x-54 (machine)

    Hip raises: 3x15
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    At the ladies who do upright rows: does it not bother your shoulders/forearms/wrists? I have done a total of 2 sets of those with a straight bar, 1 with an EZ bar and a few with dumbbells and they all caused varying degrees of crazy burning sensations in my entire arms. To a point where I just entirely gave it up for the most part now because every time I decide to do them I regret it. Just checking if that's just me, I guess?

    Are you squeezing your traps together? I will either use the ez curl bar or even a 45 plate with a good lip or handle. Let the back do a lot of the lifting with the shoulders supporting.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Ehhhh, not my best today. I didn't realize just how much a workout relies on your mental state until today! Just wasn't feeling it.

    Squats - 5 @ 150lbs, didn't feel right so went back to 145lbs, which I've done 5x5 at and felt decent, but today I could only crank out 4,5,3!
    OHP - 3x5 @ 65lbs. This wasn't bad at all, but I think a 5lbs increase would be too much right away. Need fractional plates!
    Upright rows - 5x5 @ 50lbs - I could probably do 55lbs no problem. Will go up next time!
    Split squats - 3x10 @ body weight
    Stiff leg deadlifts - 3x10 @ 45lbs
    Hip thrusts - 3x10 @ 45lbs - that bar is a pincher!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Happy friday!!!!!!!

    So today I did 531 Deads+531 OHP

    45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 210x5, 245x5, 275x8

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 87.5x9

    135 3x10

    Paused deads (pause a couple inches below knee)- lats are burning from these. I will probably hate my life tomorrow.
    135 3x5

    Single leg SLDL
    40# 3x5(per leg)

    Supersets x3
    Assisted pullups (smaller band woot woot) x3
    Hanging knee raise x4

    Squishy med ball pushups x8 (for Krok)

    ETA: I would like to give shouts out for all the deadlift PRs. Hells yeah!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Back on the SL schedule

    Squats - warmups galore. I do think sumo air squats are helping me with The Weird Pain. So I did a bunch of those then 45 2x5, 95 1x5, 135 2x5 and then 165 3x5. These are feeling easy I have stayed here so long. But I am going to stay for another week or two to make sure I won't just re-injure myself at 175. I feel like switching to 3x5 was a great decision.

    OHP - 82.5 5x5 YAY!!! I was determined to hit every single one of these and took 5 minute breaks. I would say my 4th set was my best. So grateful for fractionals.

    Deadlift - 135 1x5 then 235 1x5.

    I just bought a couple 45 pound bumper plates to add to the steel pair - so I have to say my DL bar looked pretty nuts. Can't believe I can pull that up 5 times!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    what is this pushup challenge Krok? I wanna play! For people who do pushups on an incline at home: what do you use?
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Week 1 done. Did Day 3 on Thursday. Workout A.

    Day 1 of week 2 is Sunday. My son asked me if I wanted breakfast in bed and I told him that he could make me breakfast, but it would have to be after I get back from the gym. :smile:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Wow, two weeks of eating 15-20% deficit, plus allergies, and I was totally wiped this morning.

    Squats: 5, 3, 5 @ 145lbs

    Rows: 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 75lbs

    Bench: 3, 2, 4, 3, 4 @ 64lbs

    I gave it the good ol' college try at bench today, but NOPE.


    Katerina is taking a refeed day to reboost her tired *kitten*. :sad:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    My son asked me if I wanted breakfast in bed and I told him that he could make me breakfast, but it would have to be after I get back from the gym. :smile:
    Badass mom is badass. :tongue:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Nice lifting and PRs everyone!

    Got in A yesterday after work. Just like on Wednesday it was hot as balls in there with all those dudes. I enjoy how cool the gym is at 6am instead.

    Squats: 125lbs 3x5. 130 next week! (I up by each week rather than each session since I've been here before. I think the highest I got last fall was 140lbs)
    Bench: 68.5 3x5
    Rows 68.5 3x5. I think my grip and using Liquid Grip has helped a lot with these. Although this was getting heavy so we'll see how I do next time..

    Yay its the weekend!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    what is this pushup challenge Krok? I wanna play! For people who do pushups on an incline at home: what do you use?

    I posted a status 3 days ago saying everyone that liked it would do 1 sets of push-ups every day for 1 week while in return I do 1 set of at least 10 per like for a week. We're into day 3 now and I'm regretting it a bit lol. 8 sets is a lot for someone who's not used to doing so much volume xD You can join in if you'd like but I'm not adding anything else to my days!

    And if I do them on an incline it's usually my kitchen counter or the side of the bathtub. Or a chair propped up against the wall but i rarely get to that point. I started with the kitchen counter. I still do those sometimes when doing the dishes or cooking lol.

    Today was the start of week 2! I gotta say, not a huge fan of 2 days on, 1 off, 2 on , 2 off setup. I'm gonna switch over to splitting the last 2 days of the week up instead. I get restless otherwise. Haha.

    EMOTM x6 of Power Snatch x2 @ 55lbs (so glad my gym has 35lbs bars so I could use 10lbs bumper plates for this).

    barbell squat 5x5 @ 145
    superset with dips (assisted) submax (so keeping at least 1 rep in).

    Then power metcon circuit, for time, of
    -15/10/5 OH Squats (1 round @ 45, rest at 55)
    -20/16/10 Db 1 arm power snatch (1st round 20, rest at 25)
    -25/20/15 push-ups

    total time: 11:05
    I had to break down the push-ups quite a bit at the end, so I only got 3 viable sets for my challenge (12/13/10).

    Gonna rest a little more, pop an allergy pill then go back out for a 45 minutes run. It's not a Saturday until I get a sweat on!
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member

    1 hour yoga at lunch (love my Friday yoga great way to end week)
    1 hour kettlebell class
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Krok you are so damn amazing. :love:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    This week was crazy in my house and ended up skipping Wednesday workout . Beside my full time job,cooking, cleaning, laundry , I had to take the kids to 2 soccer practice, a scouting meeting, a dance recital, and an indoor hockey practice an Saturday language school. Because of these I ended up skipping Wednesday workout, but yesterday workout was amazing. I felt strong and didn't failed on anything.
    Squat:45x10,75x5,95x5, Set:110x5x5
    Bench: 45x10,65x5, Set: 85x5x5
    Row:45x10, set:100x5x5
    Pull-up :3x8 with 90 lb assistance
    Plank:4x35 second

    I think I am officially going to change my schedule to do StrongLifts on every 3rd day. This means 7 workouts in 3 weeks , instead of 9 , but I think on overall I will progress just as well or potentially even better than the normal 3 times a week schedule.
    I am thinking to add a 20 minutes HIIT on the day after my stronglift day. All my cardio is steady low or medium- low intensity like biking and walking, and I am plateauing . Maybe the high intensity will make a difference.

    Your ladies are amazing and such an inspiration to me!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Today was workout A for me.
    Squats 115 4,5,5,3,5 I don't know what my problem was. They weren't feeling too difficult but on the last rep on my first set and my 4th rep on the 4th set I got stuck at the bottom. I am going to go at this for a little while longer and then probably switch to 3x5. 5x5 feels like too much on these sometimes.
    Bench press 85 5,5,5,5,4 I was so excited because I decided to widen my grip just a little bit where my pinkies were lines up with the groves on the bar and they felt so much better. I was struggling on that very last rep but I was still pushing up and I think I probably could have gotten it but dh thought I was in trouble so he lifted the bar up for me. I am so grateful to have him to work out with but grrrr. I'm supposed to deload now but I am thinking that maybe I should try 85 one more time before I do.
    Barbell row 85 5,4,5,4,4 I just really hate these.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Well, Saturday is usually my off day, but after sitting in the house for a few hours and seeing Krok and some of my other FL people talking about running, I decided what the heck and figured I would go for a run. Normally I run about 2 miles on the treadmill. If I run at home, I usually go down to the end of the road that leads to my house and back, which is about 2 miles and is a dirt road. Well, this time I was like, well, I have the time and I'm feeling like a run so.......I'll run out to the main road 2.5 miles out so 5 mile round trip.....yeah, lucky for me, I thought better of that and just went out to a bridge about half mile short of the main road. So four miles and 46 min later, I got home, hot, sweaty, and tired. Now I'm just hopeful that I can walk tomorrow and that my calves don't cramp up. Oh, and did I mention that there is no flat part of road around me? :laugh:

    I may treat myself to a hard cider tonight :drinker:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I just had the twerking session to rival a strippers. :laugh:
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Nice run @jstout, foam roll maybe? :)

    Foam roll AND hard cider. ;)