May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @dennie24: I do 3x5 and it works well for me. I'm doing TDEE-20%, sometimes my deficit is larger than that. The weight is taxing, but the time in and out is great and I'm still doing pretty good on my lifts. I'm in the same camp as Katerina...if you're getting in there and lifting heavy things and it's not easy for you, then you'll do fine. That's the way I look at it for myself. With struggle comes change.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Took a yoga class last night for the first time. I'm hoping to increase my flexibility so my squat form improves. :) Today, I fell sore in places I didn't know I had. Tonite will be SL workout A. I hope my legs hold out.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout A today:
    Squats 5x5 125
    Bench 5x4 80, I deloaded to 65 and did 1x5 to get my 25 reps in
    Barbell Row 5x5 80

    I seem to have pulled a muscle or something in my right elbow/forearm, so might only be doing squats for the next couple of lifting days. :sad:

    On a more positive note, I ran 7+ miles yesterday morning and knocked 21 sec/mile off my time. Training for the Bix 7 in July.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Krok, I didn't hurt myself so I can't join in on the Tuesday club from last week :D

    That was only 2 days ago! I wouldn't actually wish for anyone to hurt themselves!

    Really? Wow...maybe I'm still sick, I'm getting my weeks mixed up. Oh boy! Anyway, I thought you'd like to know I'm still being careful with the box jumps, like you told me to!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    @dennie24-I haven't done the Ice Cream one (looks interesting though) but I went down to 3 x 5 on a cut as well, and when I stalled out on that, I switched to Wendlers because I couldn't handle squatting 3 times a week.

    Happy Friday ladies!

    I did bench press last night, my 5 week of 5/3/1

    Bench Press:
    5 x 45 pounds
    5 x 60 pounds
    3 x 70 pounds
    5 x 75 pounds
    5 x 90 pounds
    5 x 100 pounds-Got them all, new rep PR for me!

    Assistance Work:
    Incline Dumbbell Flyes-3 x 12 @ 15 pounds in each hand, I got 12, 10, 10
    Assisted Pullups-3 x 10 @ 45 pounds supported, I got 4, 5, 4
    Unassisted Dips- AMRAP, I got 3 x 5

    I also decided to run stairs last night, and I figured out really quickly I shouldn't do this after squat day. I can barely walk today lol.

    ETA: I'm still having trouble unracking the weight when I hit 95 pounds or higher on my bench press. I end up sliding up the bench further to get the leverage I need, and I think that might be affecting my form. Any tips?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Really? Wow...maybe I'm still sick, I'm getting my weeks mixed up. Oh boy! Anyway, I thought you'd like to know I'm still being careful with the box jumps, like you told me to!

    Good, good! I think I might wear my soccer shin pads the next time I do box jumps. Even if it's just for the psychological edge xD Although, they didn't protect me from a swift kick to the shin back when I played soccer that actually led to a worse bruise than this, somehow.
    ETA: I'm still having trouble unracking the weight when I hit 95 pounds or higher on my bench press. I end up sliding up the bench further to get the leverage I need, and I think that might be affecting my form. Any tips?

    Does your upright have multiple height levels? Any chance you could set up in a power rack instead where you could be a little closer to the bar from the bench? My guess is you would get better leverage if the bar was just an inch lower, and thus you wouldn't have to scoot up to unrack it safely.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    I trained yesterday but was too busy to post.

    I had to do my squats last because the rack was occupied the whole time - first time ever and I hate that. It was really hard for me with the squats, I feel like I am not really increasing anymore since I went lower with the weight due to form issues.

    Squats, 5x5 @ 121 lbs (55kg)
    Bench, 4x5 @ 77 lbs (35kg) and 1x5 82 lbs (37,5kg)
    Rows, 5x5 @ 66 lbs (30kg) had to decrease because of the not- free- rack.

    At home I did some barbell complexes with my brand new bar :-D (weights are coming monday, I guess 170kg should be enough for a couple of month :laugh: )
  • Katterin227
    Katterin227 Posts: 105 Member
    Two workouts to report - Workout A on Wednesday evening, and workout B this morning. Second time through for each.


    Squat 5x5 @ 50
    Bench 5x5 @ 50
    Row 5x5 @ 70

    Bench was fine. I had concerns about my form on squats and I know I wasn't getting the full range of motion on my rows, so I'm not ready to increase weight on either. Need to focus on full-out reps with good form even if that means I don't get all 5 reps in a set.


    Squat 5/5/2/5/3 @ 50
    OH Press 5x5 @ 50
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 105

    Repeating squats at 50, but focusing on form and getting below parallel on every rep. This meant there were a couple of sets where I got down low and couldn't get back up again, so I dumped the bar in the rack. That's okay - improving my form is still progress, so I'll repeat on Monday and try to hit every one.

    OH Press - I hit all my reps here and I think my form was fine, but it was tough. I'm going to have to get some fractional plates because the idea of adding another 5 pounds next time is daunting.

    Deadlift was fine, although I was tired from the first two exercises.

    Today was also a bit different because I was working out in the morning, instead of late afternoon/early evening. So instead of having already had a significant number of calories during the day, the only thing I had had to eat was the protein smoothie that I usually have after a workout. (I knew I wouldn't be able to make it after my workout as I had to head in straight to work, so I wouldn't have access to my blender.) I think it definitely made a difference in my energy levels. Those of you who work out in the morning, what do you eat beforehand?

    Edit: I made a separate thread for the question about food, so please feel free to reply there instead of crowding up this thread. :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today was also a bit different because I was working out in the morning, instead of late afternoon/early evening. So instead of having already had a significant number of calories during the day, the only thing I had had to eat was the protein smoothie that I usually have after a workout. (I knew I wouldn't be able to make it after my workout as I had to head in straight to work, so I wouldn't have access to my blender.) I think it definitely made a difference in my energy levels. Those of you who work out in the morning, what do you eat beforehand?

    A whole load of... nothing! Haha. I can't eat anything substancial before a workout, else I get cramps. If I'm really starving I'll have a toast with some honey, jelly, or PB on it. I've been working out on an emtpy stomach for months now and I like it better that way. I feel sluggish when I've had food. I do try to have a bit of a higher carb dinner the night before and always workout in the AM barring extreme circumstances, tho.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you're doing well!

    I had to skip my Wednesday workout because I fell and bruised my shoulder and back. I was able to get a lighter workout in today, though, so I'm feeling happy :smile:.

    Squats: warm up, 3x5@75, 2x5@80
    BP: 3x5@45, 2x5@50
    BR: 2x5@45, 2x5@50, 1x5@55
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    @dennie 24 - why squats bad? what do you think the problem is? Do you just feel off or uncomfortable? About the deficit and SL What are you doing for calories are you doing TDEE method or MFP eat back calories? I found it difficult to eat back calories when I started this because I dont know how much I am burning lifting....I was always hungry. I switched it up and started TDEE method and that has really helped. I never feel hungry like I did with MFP calculations.

    @llamapants- ROTFL about you running in circles around your daughter. Soooo funny!!! :laugh: :laugh: Do what you gatta do and dont worry about anyone else! WTG for still getting some activity in...

    @aabru Welcome back!

    @Suremeansyes YES!!! :tongue: Best GF ever! Looking skinny is a great compliment..then you get the added nice booty comment. Shes a keeper!!!

    @dldoddy-Yay for Yoga! I get 1 workout of yoga in a week I wish I could do more...with only 24 hours in a day I just dont have enough time

    OK- So Stronglifts this week have kicked my butt today is a rest day for me but I figured I would check in. I have been keeping up with SL just not having a whole lot of extra time to come and log it all. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend :bigsmile:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Really? Wow...maybe I'm still sick, I'm getting my weeks mixed up. Oh boy! Anyway, I thought you'd like to know I'm still being careful with the box jumps, like you told me to!

    Good, good! I think I might wear my soccer shin pads the next time I do box jumps. Even if it's just for the psychological edge xD Although, they didn't protect me from a swift kick to the shin back when I played soccer that actually led to a worse bruise than this, somehow.
    ETA: I'm still having trouble unracking the weight when I hit 95 pounds or higher on my bench press. I end up sliding up the bench further to get the leverage I need, and I think that might be affecting my form. Any tips?

    Does your upright have multiple height levels? Any chance you could set up in a power rack instead where you could be a little closer to the bar from the bench? My guess is you would get better leverage if the bar was just an inch lower, and thus you wouldn't have to scoot up to unrack it safely.

    Thanks Krok! I was wondering the same thing about shinpads, except I was thinking of using them for deadlifts lol. My shins get bruised up every.single.time and it's finally shorts weather here and I have more bruises than when I was playing rugby!

    I was thinking the same thing, I just need the rack to be an inch lower. The upright does have multiple height levels, I found a picture of a similar bench:


    The lower level is just a bit too low though, I can't get leverage there either. At the coed gym they do have power cages, so I'll give that a shot and hope that no one yells at me for benching in the squat rack :tongue:
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Today was Workout A for me.

    Squats: warmup, 5x5@45
    Bench Press: warmup, 5x5@65
    Rows: warmup, 5x5@60

    I deloaded all the way on squats because I think my form has been off the whole time, but I only noticed when I hit 60-65. Per a suggestion in another thread I put some weights under my heels today, which helped a lot and confirmed that I really need to work on ankle mobility. Also I finally found out what "buttwink" means and I definitely have it. So I'll be staying at 45 while I work on mobility and core strength. It feels like two steps forward and one step back, but I'm glad I caught myself before anything went seriously wrong.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    ETA: I'm still having trouble unracking the weight when I hit 95 pounds or higher on my bench press. I end up sliding up the bench further to get the leverage I need, and I think that might be affecting my form. Any tips?

    Man I get busy for a couple days and the thread is blowing up!

    I noticed this though and are you saying you have to slide up toward the head of the bench? If I'm not misunderstanding this you could just start further up the bench to begin with. Before I arch my head, neck and part of my shoulders are hanging off the top of the bench.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input. :smile: I have been averaging 1580 calories a day ( everything is weighed except for liquids that are measured) for the past 6 weeks and have lost 4.2 pounds so, if I am doing the math right, that puts me around TDEE-18%. With 35-40 pounds still left to lose, fat loss is definitely my priority. I'm not sure what the problem is for me with squats. They are my favorite of all the moves but they just feel really hard and my form completely breaks down by the last set. I am going to try out 3x5 tomorrow and then try out the ICF program using 3x5 and just see how it goes. I purchased the 5/3/1 book yesterday and am pretty sure that's what I will be working toward because I think I would perform a lot better on squats if I wasn't doing them everytime. Thank you all again.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    ETA: I'm still having trouble unracking the weight when I hit 95 pounds or higher on my bench press. I end up sliding up the bench further to get the leverage I need, and I think that might be affecting my form. Any tips?

    Man I get busy for a couple days and the thread is blowing up!

    I noticed this though and are you saying you have to slide up toward the head of the bench? If I'm not misunderstanding this you could just start further up the bench to begin with. Before I arch my head, neck and part of my shoulders are hanging off the top of the bench.

    Hi Fittree! Yep, that's what I have to do, but I could be doing it wrong, it's highly likely :) Hmm, maybe it's time for a form check video, I haven't done one for bench yet.

    I watched Rippetoe's video:

    and he said when you look up your eyeballs should be on the side of the bar closer to the foot of the bench, so that's what I've been trying to do, but it's very possible I've slid too far down the bench to compensate when I'm trying that cue.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies...workout B for me today...Yah Deadlifts...

    @dennie24..I have recently switched to 3x5 for time only but I did do 5x5 through out my entire deficit period however I did find I did stall out sometimes or my form would be way's really a choice. I am liking 3x5 for the time...

    My sister is joining me again...hmm trend maybe...*ah she didn't show...oh well...not a problem for me my workout is going a bit that sounds selfish...:bigsmile:

    Squats @ 150 (normal warmup)staying here for form...gonna stay tight should be able to move past this after today 5x5 on those and yes moving up

    OHP @ 90lbs (normal warmup) due to failure last time (crosses fingers) 5,5,4 :sad: not sure if it's cause my son was "chatty cathy" today or what oh more time next week should nail it.

    DL @ 200lbs (gonna move up) 1x5 on those...that was deload weight..gonna stay there cause rep 2,3 were iffy on form...

    Have a good weekend ladies.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Workout A

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x95, 1x5x125, 5x5x155
    Bench: 2x5x45, 1x5x65, 2x5x85, 3x5x80
    Rows: 2x5x45, 5x5x75
    Chinups: 3x10x-54
    Leg Raises: 3x10 (woot)
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I gave myself an extra day to recover from the stomach bug and did my Tuesday workout on Wednesday and pushed my workout yesterday to today. That still gives me a day tomorrow in between starting week 4 on Sunday.

    Wednesday's workout was:
    Squats@80 lbs.
    OHP@55 lbs. (couldn't do the full reps so will stay at that weight next time)
    Deadlift @80

    Today's workout was:
    Barbell Rows @70
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @Suremeansyes YES!!! :tongue: Best GF ever! Looking skinny is a great compliment..then you get the added nice booty comment. Shes a keeper!!!

    @Kita328 I agree, she is! ;)
    @sbarella Unfortunately my boobs are smaller now, but that's alright, they were too big to begin with. :p lol