May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Thanks, everyone. It's nice to know I'm not alone! Not in a schadenfreude way, but in that sometimes it's tough to go at this stuff alone and get lost. Spinning my wheels makes me crazy and I want to know why things aren't perfect right away, lol. :grumble:

    @Llama and Neon, I guess it's trial and error and eventually we'll figure what works for us. It's just... so... frustrating...

    @Rugby: thanks for the link! I had seen that calculator a few months back; couldn't remember the site. And Krok, it does sound like a good plan. An all or nothing approach maybe isn't the answer for me right now.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Oh, you say Schadenfreude? Funny to see German words used :-) I knew about kindertgarten, rucksack and some others already.

    Jepp, it's super frustrating. When I started this almost three month ago I thought by now I would be at least one size smaller... Maybe a bit too optimistic :-D

    Just hang on, we will make it somehow
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Jepp, it's super frustrating. When I started this almost three month ago I thought by now I would be at least one size smaller... Maybe a bit too optimistic :-D

    Since January 1...

    I've gone from the base starting place for SL to lifting things I've never done before (like doing 160 for my squats).

    I'm walking and running at least 60 miles a week. Often 80.

    According to my Fitbit, my average TDEE is about 2700. My average food intake per day is 2050. I weigh and log everything.

    And I'm down a whopping 15 pounds over 5 full months and still wearing the same jeans I was Jan. 1. Yes, they are looser. But not so loose I feel the need to pull out the next size down (which is hanging in my closet). I've never once lost more than a half pound in one day -- the "swoosh" is a completely alien phenomenon. I was thrilled at how well "follow the Fitbit" was working in May...until this past weekend, when my weight went up 2 pounds and hasn't gone back down.

    Let's just say every time someone posts a "Look how I've completely remade my body in 6 weeks!" thread I feel stabby... But the alternative would be...I dunno, giving up? So I'm keepin' on what I'm doing.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @Diane I know the feeling but maybe try the next size down, I find that I don't need to have the size up to be completely too big before the size down fits. When I was waiting for that to happen I always felt frumpy and then end up skipping a size.

    Run day today. 4.9 k total of 400 meters running 100 walking. I was so done by the end lol. I came home and did a bunch of mobility work but I'm still pretty stiff.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I decided to go ahead and switch over to the beginner suggestion for 5/3/1 to get my squats a bit higher before starting the original 5/3/1. I really think that my squats will be much better if I am not doing them every time. I need to work on figuring out accessory lifts to do. Today I did

    Squats 2x5x45; 5x60; 3x70; 2x85; 5x95; 3x110; 5x120. I could have done more than 5 of the 120 but I wasn't sure if I started leaning forward on my last rep so I stopped. My video looked fine so I'm kinda bummed I didn't keep going.
    Bench press 2x5x45; 5x50; 5x60; 5x65
    Barbell rows 3x8x70
    Pushups 3x8
  • Katterin227
    Katterin227 Posts: 105 Member
    Workout A today on three full days' rest, since I didn't work out over the holiday weekend and was pretty lazy in general.

    Squats: 5x5@50. Repeating the weight that I've been struggling with - completed once but needed work on form, missed reps the second time but good form on the ones I did. This time I got all the reps with no particular struggle, but I did feel a bit of a tugging sort of pain near the inside of my hip joint at first. It felt more like a flexibility issue than anything, and it got better as I went on, so I think something there just needed to stretch a bit.

    Bench: 5x5@55. Again, no real issues.

    Rows: 5/4/4/5/3 @ 75. This was the real bugaboo of the workout, obviously. I meant to repeat the weight from last time, but I messed that up somehow and realized halfway through that I had gone up instead. Last time at 70 I knew I wasn't getting the full range of motion, so I was going to repeat to work on form. This time, both before and after I realized the mistake with the weight, I really worked on getting the bar all the way up to my chest. I just couldn't do it on the last one or two of some of the sets. I'll probably stay at 75 rather than go back to 70 next time, since I'm already close, but we'll see - I feel more iffy on my form for rows than any of the other lifts, so I may go back down and really work on it.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I went to the gym yesterday thinking it would be deserted since it was a holiday. Not so! The weight room was the busiest I've ever seen it, I think. I had to use the squat machine instead of the rack because I didn't have enough time to wait for the 3 guys on the rack and then I ended up getting frustrated and not doing the rows. I decided to go back tonight and finish up.

    Squat, on machine: 2x5 @ 90, 1x5 @ 100, 2x5 @ 120
    Bench 2x5 @ 60, 1x3 @ 60, 2x5 @ 55
    Rows, none

    Squat on rack: 5x5 @ 80
    Bench 3x5 @ 60, 1x3 @ 60, 1x5 @ 55
    Rows, 2x5 @ 55 (quit early because I felt like my form was awful)

    I had been running on off days from lifting but then let that slide a bit. I found out that what I thought was just congestion in my one ear was actually a sudden hearing loss that will be permanent so I've felt a little skittish since I can't hear anyone approaching me from behind. My husband convinced me that I'm most likely perfectly safe in this area, especially since I run during the day, so I'm back to it. I've also decided to walk on days that I lift so I do something every day. The scale hasn't moved since I got home from the hospital with the new baby 10 weeks ago and while I take into account a lot of things, it's still hard to get on the scale and see a weight that's 40 lb. higher than usual. I'm seeing some changes, like fitting into smaller pants and I'm happy about that. I just want to fit into my really small pants again.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Yay for rolling!
    I skipped a Monday because of a mini-holiday and came back fully restored and carb-loaded.

    Squat 75kg 5x5 (same as last time but it felt easier)
    Overhead Press 30kg 5x5 (damn! I thought I had got past the dreaded plateau... damn you, OHP)
    Deadlift 67.5kg 1x5

    Upright barbell row 30kg 3x8
    Glute bridge 12.5kg fixed barbell 3x8
    Plank 60sec
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Happy hump day!

    I did bench press last night, my 3 week of 5/3/1

    Bench Press:
    5 x 45 pounds
    5 x 60 pounds
    3 x 70 pounds
    3 x 80 pounds
    3 x 95 pounds
    3 x 105 pounds- I got 1 rep and then did the roll of shame :grumble:

    I tried experimenting with foot placement, and I think my biggest problem with unracking was that I wasn't arching my back enough, but last night seemed to work a bit better once I placed my feet further back toward the head of the bench.

    Assistance Work:
    Incline Dumbbell Flyes-3 x 15 @ 15 pounds in each hand, I got 8, 7, 7
    Assisted Pullups-3 x 10 @ 45 pounds, I got 5, 5, 5
    Unassisted Dips-AMRAP, I got 4, 5, 4

    I also did a 6.6 km run afterwards, which ended up being my second fastest time.

    I've forced myself to keep in my calorie deficit this week, and holy crap, it's affecting my lifts like crazy!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @rps congrats on the little one (and the commitment to working out so soon, I used my daughter as an excuse to not hit the gym for like half a year.)

    Workout a for me. Not that great, my lower back was stiff and a little sore from dl's on Monday. Really felt it on my rows.

    Squat 3x5 145 lbs
    Bench 5/4 /4 86 lbs
    Rows 5/4/3 70 lbs I deloaded and still didn't do well.

    Bb front raises 3x9 30lbs
    One arm db rows 3x8 26lbs
    Flies 3x9 15lbs
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Wall of quotes cuz I'm late to the party!
    It's not really hunger that's bothering me; I feel listless, but chubby. I might go back to -10%. That's where I started to stall on my lifts, and just plateaued on my weight loss. So I dropped the calories to -20%, saw some progress, then BAM. Had to start dropping reps in the weight room and the weight stayed the same.

    Sorry, I'm totally whining and confused by my body right now. :sad:
    I keep going back and forth on how much to eat, too much and all my fat stays, too little and my gym time isn't happy time any more. So frustrating...
    Jepp, it's super frustrating. When I started this almost three month ago I thought by now I would be at least one size smaller... Maybe a bit too optimistic :-D

    Just hang on, we will make it somehow

    I am in the same boat; I am losing patience. What's stupid is that I KNOW I need to be patient and I've told others here on the forum to be patient. Practice what you preach! I've been actively trying to lose weight since February and of course the first month, I had a big loss, then since March I feel like I'm stuck. I've tried playing with my calories (10%, 15% and 20% deficits), changing my TDEE goal on FitBit (2500 to 2700 to 2600), etc. The days that I weigh myself and I'm up 4lbs end up being the days that I feel like I look the best, but that darn scale never gives me the results I want when I want them! lol

    Workout A will be tonight.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @rps: My gym was the same way on Monday, too. I thought for sure I'd have the weight room to myself, but there were more people in there than at my usual time.

    @rugby: It's frustrating being in a deficit and not being able to lift the weight you want to lift. I feel ya.

    I guess I've inadvertently switched my lifts because on Monday, I did Squats, bench and deadlift and today I did Squats, OHP, and rows. :ohwell:


    Squats: 3x5 160 lbs
    Bench: 3x5 105 lbs WOO HOO!
    Deadlift: 1x5 225 lbs. I know this isn't my max, but the bench took so much out of me!


    Squats: 3x5 165 lbs. Struggled some.
    OHP: 3-4-4 80 lbs.
    Rows: 3x5 105 lbs. I've deloaded some to try to get more strength to pull all the way up to my chest.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Ditto to everyone who's frustrated at slow results. I feel like I've been working out for ages (not just the month or so I've been doing Stronglifts) without seeing much improvement in the looks department. Hopefully I can stay patient and the newbie water weight period is almost over :)

    Workout A today

    Squats 5x5 50 lbs. lots of improvement form-wise today. I've nearly got my butt-tucking under control when I go past parallel. Going to stay here next time just to be sure

    Bench: 3/4/4/4/4 70 lbs. I finally found my first failure weight on this lift! Definitely had to do the roll of shame on the first set. Luckily nobody can see me in my basement :P

    Row: 4/5/5 65 lbs.... then I ran out of time and had to stop :(

    Even though I didn't quite get all my sets in, I know I pushed myself really hard on what I did (especially bench!) because I have been starving all day afterwards!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I should do because I've been so bummed about my squats. Well, now I am having pain behind my left knee so I think that I need to lay off the squats all together for awhile. I'm guessing it's from how far I squat down. Hopefully some rest will take care of it. I'm thinking I should just stick with 5x5 for deadlifts, bench press, ohp, and rows, but should I be doing anything else while I am not doing squats?
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I never really thought I was making progress with looks when I started lifting until I looked at my monthly measurements. So everybody take measurements!!

    On another note, today was my last day of work before my new job starts Monday. My manager took me out for lunch, so that pizza filled lunch definitely fueled my workout!

    Squats: 135lbs 3x5.
    OHP: 55.5lbs 3x5 -Some dude noticed my fractionals and liked them. ha.
    Deadlifts: 170lbs 3x5 - I hit bodyweight ya'll! So excited to hit this milestone. One pro of not eating a cut (I track everything, just not good with controlling my intake).

    Also never had so many dudes ask to see how much I had left in the rack. I got called MA'AM. I'm 24 and a few years (at most) older than these guys because its a university gym. Oh well, killed it today on what will probably be my last day in this gym. With the new job means I have to pay for a 3rd party gym. Hopefully the one my bf found is as great as it sounds (4 squat racks, they supposedly host powerlifting comps too).

    Now on to my "4 day" weekend :happy:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies it's hump day...

    Surgery went well...8 hours...bleck..he is in recovery hoping he gets home on Saturday but he is older and we are a bit worried he isn't recovering as fast but it will come.

    Workout B for me today ...Yah DL

    Squat@155 3x5, stayed here for my leaning...getting atg is good but I find on my way up at least once a set I lean too's when I go down "too fast"...

    OHP...@90 3x5...broke that Yah...but staying here as the last reps on the sets were ugly....

    DL @ 200 I know rep 3 was awful...was getting a better grip and lost concentration.

    got a new bench today with fly attachment and some pulley thing...:laugh: so looking forward to using that on Friday...

    As for the weigh on the bar vs the weigh on the scale...coming from someone who was TDEE-15% the entire time I stalled quite a bit on my upper body lifts...I would deload, get past it stall again...rinse repeat...

    I get you trust primary goal here was to lose the I stuck with TDEE-15% (on average) the entire time until I was really close to be frank I am glad I did....remember you are only competeing with yourself here...and as long as you are getting under that bar and lifting (doesn't matter the weight, sets or reps) you are further ahead than you were when you weren't.../pep talk

    In the words of SideSteel...pick your priority...

    *I know this probably sounds easy for me to say as I am at goal (for now) and I am increasing my food and my weight....after 9 long months...I wont tell you how many deloads I had esp on upper body or how many times it just got too heavy for my form to be good...frustrated I understand...chin up ladies...:drinker:
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    @Stef- thanks for the encouraging words. I've been lifting only about a month and my weights are nothing compared to some of you ladies but I'm really excited about it. Congatulations on reaching your goal weight.

    My workout today was: squat 5x5 @ 60. OHP 5x5 @ 30. DL 1x5 @ 95. Threw in 2 sets of assisted chin ups for fun.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    today's workout was so-so for me, but it's ok :)

    Squats: warm up, 4x5285, 1x5@90
    BP: 3x5@45, 2x5@50
    BR: 2x5@45, 2x5@55, 1x5@60
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Last night was a get in, get done and get out. No accesory lifts and no core.

    1x55, 1x65, 3x5x95, 1x105

    Arnold Presses
    1x5x10, 1x5x12, 5x5x17.5

    1x8xbar, 1x8x55, 3x8x65
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I get you trust primary goal here was to lose the I stuck with TDEE-15% (on average) the entire time until I was really close to be frank I am glad I did....remember you are only competeing with yourself here...and as long as you are getting under that bar and lifting (doesn't matter the weight, sets or reps) you are further ahead than you were when you weren't.../pep talk

    That actually makes me feel a little bit better - thanks Stef!

    I did not get to do Workout A last night. Not only were all adjustable benches and bench presses taken by bros, but my BFF/workout buddy wanted to go with me and I just can't concentrate on my form with heavy lifts when she's there so I did some random circuit "mash up" of semi-heavy lifts and whatnot. Spent about 35 minutes on the circuit (minimal rests) then walked the indoor track for 20 minutes. Not my ideal workout, but still a workout nonetheless!

    Squat pyramid 7 @ 95lbs, 6 @ 105lbs, 5 @ 115lbs, 6 @ 105lbs, 7 @ 115lbs
    Hanging knee raises 3x8
    Supersets of upright rows & reverse lunges 4x5 @ 55lbs
    Cable chest flies on bosu 3x8 @35lbs
    Preacher curl pyramid (I think the curl bar is 20 lbs) 5x @ 20lbs, 30lbs, 35lbs, 30lbs, 20lbs
    Lat pulldown rack run 5x each weight 100lbs, 95lbs, 90lbs, 85lbs
    Marching bench dips 3x12