May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    You know it's been a killer workout when you collapse to the floor at the end and don't get up for about 5 minutes xD (I did do some stretching after a while though lol)

    Power cleans emotm 3 times 85x2
    then 5 mins 95x2

    Push jerk

    superset with Pendlay rows
    100x5 (was supposed to be 6, and I did do it, but the form was so terrible I can't count it xD I might've gone a bit too heavy on these)

    I then realized the workout called for 2 sets of 1-2 at the end and not 3 sets of 3 for push jerks, so I tacked on 105 and did 2 reps

    Then the Cardio circuit I went all wrong about. 3 rounds
    - Prowler 60m with 25lbs on (2nd round dropped to 15, finally caved in and did 40x10m shuttle sprints on the last)
    - 10 burpees
    - 30 KB american swings @ 30lbs
    - 120 single rope jumps

    I had to hold back a bit on the running cuz I couldn't even get through the burpees haha. Took 19:45 out of a 20min time cap. Hit some sort of a high before the last set of burpees and I kinda flew through them.

    All in all lotsa fun, but now it's time for a deload week. After I try out the BW gauntlet tomorrow AM ^^

    And I hear ya'll on the slow loss. I was focused on cutting hard around the holidays and all my lifts stalled and regressed. And I hated it. It led me to regain almost everything I had lost once I got off the challenge. Take it slow guys, it's better than burning out and falling off. (But hey, if my fat% isn't too wrong I've put on like 5lbs of muscle since january, hehe)
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    To everyone: you are all such awesome women. I'm so thankful that this group exists and that we can all be so supportive of each other. The journey might have to be slow, but at least the company is great! Here's to us and our goals, and may we reach them without going nuts! :drinker:

    Focused on squats today. Holy mackerel. That was intense. I plan to begin Wendler's 5/3/1 next month, so I'm nailing down form on all my lifts. Hip drive seems to actually "engage" consistently now that my feet are in a good position for me!
    Not including warm up weights, I did...

    Squats: 125lbs 5x5, 140LBS 3x5, 155lbs 1x5 (high insane volume, I know)

    And threw in
    OHP: 55lbs 2x5 (just because)
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Happy Thursday ladies! (OMG it's Thursday already??)

    @wolfsbayne, thanks :) I get super cranky when I miss lifts lol.
    @stef, I loved your pep talk so much that I started a new thread to get some feedback :)

    I did squats last night, my 3 week of 5/3/1

    5 x 80 pounds
    5 x 95 pounds
    3 x 115 pounds
    3 x 135 pounds
    3 x 155 pounds
    3 x 175 pounds-I only got 2 here, last month I got all 3 :grumble:

    Assistance Work:
    Chinups-AMRAP, I got 1 again, almost got 2 (knuckle level), then did negatives and repeated 3 times
    Back Extensions-3 x 12 @ 35 pounds, I got 8, 8, 8
    Split Squat-3 x 15 @ 65 pounds, someone was using the rack so I did this with 30 pound (each hand) dumbbells, got 3 x 10
    8 round of 10 box jumps with 10 sec rest in between. I got all of them!

    I posted a new thread (didn't want to hijack this one), maybe you ladies could take a look if you have a chance?
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Cardio day! Just got in a 3.2 mile run on my lunch break at work.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Today is supposed to be a cardio day, but I have zero energy.

    Yesterday: Workout A:

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x5x125, 5x5x160
    Bench Press: 2x5x45, 1x5x65, 4x5x85, 1x4x85
    Bent over Row: 2x5x45, 3x5x80
    Chin Up: 3x10x-54
    Leg raises: 3x12
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Squats today 205 3x5. These felt really good but, uh, heavy. We will be moving our weights upstairs tomorrow where the new power cage is.... Thank god. Doing these without a safety bar is just dumb.

    OHP @90lbs 5,5,4,3,2. Haha. Should hav gone up with the fractionals.

    Deadlift - still at a Deload because of lingering back pain. 245 1x5

    I got a massage yesterday - first one ever. I think it really did help with the back an shoulder pain.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Run today. Ended up driving into the city to enjoy some new paths. Getting really tired of the road out of town I usually run on. It was nice, I was going to go for a long run but ended up doing intervals and then walking back to my car. It was nice but challenging to deal with some hills.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I was way too exhausted to post yesterday, lol. I went to the gym at 6:30am, went to work for 3.5 hours, then taught swim lessons from 12:15-5:45. Some of that was driving time, but spent like 2 hours 45 mins total in the water. Today was 3 hours 15 mins in the water. Next week is similar, but the week after that I jump up to 7 hours of actual pool time. I have stayed at 2k calories like my trainer suggested, but that 7 hours a day session is going to see at least 500 extra calories a day.

    Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I am too tired to think straight. I can tell I'm physically exhausted because I begin to stutter slightly. So obnoxious.

    Yesterday I did:
    Squats: warmup, then 5x5 @95
    Bench: warmup, then 5x5 @70
    Row: no warmup for this, straight to 5x5 @90, I have a feeling I will fail next weight increase, we'll see!

    I purchased the warmup addition to the SL 5x5 program and I like it so far. Wait, I think I already told you guys that...anyway...

    ETA: Oh God, I forgot to say, after my workout I did some box jumps and some farmer walks. Well, as I was grabbing the 25 pound dumbbell, it kind of slipped weird and I smushed the tip of my pinky under the weight into the rack. It's black on the bottom and I'm pretty sure I have a hairline fracture or something. Idk. It doesn't hurt bad or anything, but definitely still a little tender.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Squat 75kg 5x5 (moving up next week... woa)
    Bench 42.5kg 5x5 (I've been struggling with this weight forever, now I can get 5x5 nice reps without a spotter so I guess it's progress. Time to move up)
    Barbell row 40kg 5x5 (42.5kg refused to go up)

    Upright barbell row 30kg 3x8 (time to add weight here too)
    Dumbbell side lateral raise 4kg 3x8 (5kg dumbbells are always MIA, damn)
    Glute bridge with 15kg fixed barbell 3x8 (easy)

    Quick cooldown run on treadmill
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Last night:

    Squats 5x5 @ 85
    OHP 5x5 @ 40
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 85, 1x5 @ 100

    After looking at what others are doing on deadlift, I thought I'd try a heavier weight because the 5 lb. increase at a time has felt so light. The 100 lb. was harder but not impossible. I left the gym on a high because while these weights are nothing compared to what some people lift, if you'd have told me a couple of months ago that I'd be doing squats with 85 lb., I'd have laughed at you.

    Today, I'm going to get out for a run. We have beautiful weather today, not too hot, and I have no meetings this morning so it's easy for me to sneak out!
  • Katterin227
    Katterin227 Posts: 105 Member
    Last night was exhausting. Also, crowded...every time I have to wait for the squat rack to start my workout, I end up browsing Craigslist. As soon as I find a really good deal on equipment I'm moving to the home gym.

    Squats 5x5 @ 55 pounds - spending extra time at 50 working on form really paid off as moving up to 55 was a breeze.

    OHP 5/5/5/4/4 @ 55 pounds - I commented last time that I needed to get fractional plates, as adding a full 5 pounds from 50 seemed like a lot. I ordered the plates but haven't gotten them yet, so I went ahead last night at 55 and didn't quite pull it off. The reps I did complete, I had a hard time lifting the bar evenly - my dominant hand lagged lower because it was doing more of the work, I guess. I really worked on using both arms as evenly as possible, which made the whole thing harder because I was limited by the weaker side and really had to focus to engage it. Those last reps on the last two sets, I started the lift and then just couldn't lift it all the way up. Next time!

    Deadlift 1x5 @ 115 - I had to go back to the locker room after my OHP to take care of some female business before my deadlift, so I had rested for a bit before I started the set. The deadlift was exhausting, though. Like someone else said, you know it's a good workout when you just collapse for a few minutes when it's over, because you don't have the energy left to just get up and leave. I completed it and it felt good, especially after struggling with OHP, but my whole body was just exhausted for the rest of the evening.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @rsp, my understanding was that DL's are supposed to be increased by 10 lbs each time if you follow the program (which I don't entirely)

    My son woke up early this morning, which in turn woke up my daughter, who was tired and cranky and arggggggg. So I ended up really taking my time to get through the workout, it was frustrating but I got it done.

    Squat 3x5 150lbs
    OHP 3x5 51lbs
    DL 1x4 170 lbs

    SLDL 3x8 120lbs these were really difficult after my traditional DL's
    Glute bridge 3x8 70 lbs even with a cut up yoga mat velcro'ed to my barbell these still hurt my hip bones
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    You ladies are so inspiring! I'm glad I joined this group.

    Yesterday was a B workout:

    Squat 5x5 70lb
    OHP 4x5 40lbs (I'm going to need to those large washers eventually...)
    DL 1x5 85lbs (Can't wait to get to the point that I don't have to create a platform for my bar/weights)

    I believe I will start doing accessory work soon. I just want to feel more comfortable in the gym. And I HATE that we don't have a rack, only a smith machine. I'm hoping to get a home power rack for my 40th birthday in August and I'm dreading the deload that I know will come with it. But hey, some progress is better than none!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Today was my first failed rep! On, you guessed it, OHP.

    Squats: warmup set, then 5x5 @100lbs
    OHP: warmup set, then 5-5-5-4-5 @70lbs. OOOF. I almost had it too.
    DL: no warmup, straight to 145lbs and did 5x5

    So now I'm DL at my body weight, and almost squatting 75% of my weight. I'm at 69% currently.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Friday ladies...Yah...Workout A for me today...get to try out my new bench...maybe the towel I've been using for extra padding can retire....:drinker: And it has extra stuff with it so once i get it all together might add in some accessory work..

    Getting my workout in a bit earlier today as I am working from home and can monitor my emails as I work out...gotta love telecommuting...benefits of working for an ISP I guess...

    I did get a bike ride in last night...almost 10miles in 30mins...was a good ride...looking to do the 20 mile loop soon...(hilly....:sad: )
    Thinking of adding in HIIT sprints soon...just will feel like an idiot doing them on the road so might have to find a path...

    @ Krok I hear you..first time ever after DL I felt so totally wipes I just sank...bleck.
    @ sure ouchie...I've done similar things..including mashing my toe with my DL...
    @ Liza nice lifts

    So as mentioned workout A for me today

    Squats @ 155 (staying here to nail my form)...definate lean forward on first set...the bar rolled up scared the crap outta me...jeez..need to get my head in it...3x5 on those
    Bench @ 127.5 (moving up on those...eek 4,4, new bench will take some getting used to that is for sure..higher requires wider grip...
    Rows @ 115 (I was gonna do 10% but didn't want to unload bar of 25lb plates hehe)(deload as my form is just a mess I know I am using some form of momentum from my upper body to get that bar up so gonna correct that before it becomes habit) 3x5 on thosse no issue only had that feeling of pulling with upper body on one rep in 2nd I am going to stay here next week and get that squashed.

    Have a good weekend ladies...

    ETA: I have to say i have banged my chin doing OHP..but not once until today did a bar land on my chin doing benches...that last rep on my 2nd set I really tried to get it up...and my spotter wasn't quite quick enough...:laugh:
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    @rsp, my understanding was that DL's are supposed to be increased by 10 lbs each time if you follow the program (which I don't entirely)

    Oops!! Thank you for pointing this out to me! I like SL because it's so easy and then I go and muck it up anyway. =)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    I'm glad this group exists, you guys are all so motivating :smile:

    Squats: warmup, 5x5 55 lbs. I could feel my knees caving a little on the last set so I'm going to stay here next time, but my core feels a lot more solid and I'm getting lower.

    OHP: warmup, 5/5/5/5/4 40 lbs

    Deadlift: warmup, 5x5 115 lbs
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

    Workout B for me today:

    Squats: warm up, 5x5@85 (I can't seem to progress from this weight grr)
    OHP: 1x5@45, 2x3@50
    DL: warm up, 1x5@90

    I did the first workout of C25K yesterday, and the combination of doms has my legs feeling like jelly lol :sad:
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I'm glad this group exists, you guys are all so motivating :smile:

    Half the time I'm like, "Can't you guys go lift some pink dumbbells or something? I can't live up to this!" But then I get to the gym and try anyhow. :flowerforyou:

    Workout B

    Squats: warmup, 5x5x160
    OHP: 4x5x55, 1x3x55
    Deadlifts: warmup, 1x5x115

    Bought fractional plates. I'm on to the OHP's wily ways and will not be defeated by it.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Lovely lifting before the end of the month!

    @Diane you'll love your fractionals!

    So I'm at the parents right now as I had thousands of dollars worth of car work to do and we have a guy haha (a/c unit doesn't work right when its around 90+ so had to replace the whole damn thing) :sad:

    But I got to go to the Y with my mom this morning and I have to say that workout whipped my butt!

    Someone was on the one rack they have when we got there so I did:
    Bench 3x5 70lbs (left fractionals at my apt)
    Row 3x5 70lbs

    Then there was pretty much a line of dudes for the rack because a handful came in so I went and did 3x5 assisted pull-ups at 120lbs I believe.

    Then they STILL were all in there so I went to the arc trainer for a mostly steady state cardio session of 20 minutes.

    Finally I got into the rack and of course that first set at 135lbs I felt like I almost failed because of doing cardio first. Phew. But got all 3x5.

    A guy behind me was doing deadlifts and said he was impressed by my squats :bigsmile: He complained about never being able to get his wife to squat with the barbell and he never sees women in general with the big free weights so he was glad I was there doing them. Then we bonded because he does Stronglifts too. hurray!

    Then I had to sit down for a few minutes because I was outright drenched in sweat and exhausted. Happy weekend!